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24 Sep 2009

Lyndon B. Johnson and the Model Cities Act: A case study in working Congress

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

Cast into the Presidency on the heels of the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson was affirmed in office in 1964 by a landslide electoral victory. The Vietnam War was not yet the incendiary quagmire it would become later in his term, and Johnson was free to put his energies and his...

16 May 2009

Suitable area for Paris to get a French global city region

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

As Saskia Sassen well defined it, a global city region is a region that “overlaps the global city” . Today, it can be admitted that Paris has a lot features that make this city close to a “global city”, such as the central corporate functions, and the “highly specialized...

16 May 2008

Political Parties, Pressure Groups, and Voting Behavior

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Political science

The National Rifle Association is among both the most effective and most controversial lobbying groups in the United States today. While their initial intention is to preserve people's right to bear arms, they have done so by staunchly opposing any piece of legislation specifically targeting any...

10 Jun 2009

Arkansas state government: Political environment, institutions, and legislation

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

The state of Arkansas' distinct political environment requires a well planned policy initiative in order to drastically change policy, such as to increase the state's income tax. With a number of costly initiatives currently being implemented, particularly in infrastructure and education, an...

20 Oct 2010

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 for African Americans

Thesis - 3 pages - Constitutional law

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped solidify the rights minorities fought for throughout the Civil Rights Movement. The guarantee of equal voting ensures that everyone's vote can be cast without a predisposed bias against it rooted in race. The act encountered controversy at the time of its...

31 Oct 2024

Cooperation and Conflict: Barack Obama's Relationship with Congress

Dissertation - 15 pages - Political science

In our quest to uncover the complex relationship between Barack Obama and Congress, we will find ourselves on a fantastic journey through one of the most dramatic periods in United States political history. Obama's presidency, from 2008 to 2016, is an example of how a leader can overcome...

29 Aug 2008

Broadcasting Board of Governors in 2008

Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The Broadcasting Board of Governors has been in operation for just under a decade. Formerly a Cold War-era media arm of the US government tasked with spreading American media, news, and propaganda messages behind the Iron Curtain, the BBG was repurposed to deal with the new international...

12 Dec 2007

Current Proposals on the Illegal Immigration Problem

Essay - 2 pages - International law

No one knows exactly how many illegal immigrants are in this country. Estimates range from 4 to 12 million people. The largest group of undocumented immigrants is Mexicans. Thousands of Mexicans, some with families, cross the border illegally in search of work. Typically an illegal will stay in...

06 Aug 2008

The Partisan handling of political scandal in the House of Representatives

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

When a political scandal breaks it has a way of dominating the national discourse between the political parties. Seemingly regardless of the nature of the scandalous content, once that label has been affixed within days media news outlets are saturated with condemnations, protests of innocence,...

30 Sep 2008

The German threat to the democracy, the economy and morality of the United States

Essay - 9 pages - Modern history

When the origin of the United States' entrance into World War II is reviewed Pearl Harbor is the event that justified American intervention. Once bombs were dropped in Hawaii the U.S. had no choice but to declare war on Japan. The United States' values and interests were threatened and within...

22 Jul 2009

Immediate needs: A collective analysis of the Violence Against Women Act of 1995

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The broad policy issue that our committee addressed was violence against women. This issue is often assumed to occur in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV ). However, violence against women is best defined as any act of physical force with the intent to harm, subjugate or abuse a woman...

30 Jun 2010

Education: Where the 2008 Presidential candidates stand

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

There are 76.6 million children under the age of 17 currently enrolled in school in the United States. In 2008, education reform ranked as the third most important issue for voters, behind the war in Iraq and the economy. The No Child Left behind Act, passed in 2001 by President Bush, is an...

28 Dec 2010

Why does the U.S. government keep urging China to revalue its currency?

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Finance

On September 23, 2010, President Obama increased pressure on China to immediately revalue its currency, devoting most of a two-hour meeting with China's prime minister Wen Jiabao to the issue and sending the message if 'the Chinese don't take actions, we have other means of protecting US...

04 Jun 2023

The Birth of a Nation: North America

Course material - 5 pages - Pre-modern history

From the period of English colonization to the attainment of independence, various groups of migrants, including the French and Spanish, played significant roles. However, our focus will be on the English migrants who were instrumental in shaping the course of history during this era. The...

01 Nov 2002

Why did not French women obtain the right to vote before 1944?

Thesis - 10 pages - Modern history

France was the first country to establish male universal suffrage but one of the last Western states to institute Universal Suffrage: French women were not granted the right to vote before 1944. Many historians have pointed out this apparent anomaly and have used the idea of “le retard...

21 Jan 2009

House M.D

Essay - 14 pages - Psychology

He's a brilliant doctor. He saves lives. But Gregory House is also selfish, manipulative, exploitative, controlling... and guess what... he regards all the rest of us as selfish, manipulative, exploitative, and controlling. Chapter 1 of this paper selects the dialogues from season 1 of House...

12 Jul 2010

The presidential system of governance in United States

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

According to George Vedel former professor of public law, the presidential system of governance is a system of strict separation of powers. When viewed in this sense, the American political system appears to be the only example of a presidential system in the world. It is based on a strict...

27 Jan 2011

The current political organization of Romania

Essay - 2 pages - Modern history

After fifty years of communist dictatorship in Romania, they had the opportunity to choose democracy and freedom. For fifty years, Nicolae Ceausescu and his party violated the rights of the people of Romania especially those of freedom. The democratization process started after the people...

14 May 2009

Importance and limits of the influence of ethnic lobbies on US Foreign Policy: The case of the Armenian-Americans' impact on US relations with Azerbaijan

Thesis - 16 pages - International relations

The US is a nation of immigrants and the diversity of the constituencies is represented in the functioning of its political institutions. Indeed, not only is it considered legitimate for the interest groups to interfere with the decision making process, but the foreign policy does not constitute...

28 Aug 2007

Tax News 2007

Essay - 3 pages - Accounting

A collection of analysis of recent tax news, here is an excerpt from one of them: There are some US cities and states that already have levied taxes on soft drinks and junk foods. Money is exchanging hands in this "taxing" process, but what is the point? This tax would simply make the government...

17 Nov 2008

Films on the ongoing war in Iraq

Essay - 14 pages - Film studies

Since the start of the U.S. war in Iraq in early 2003, the citizens of the world have been bombarded with news coverage the likes of which has never before been seen in the history of armed conflict. Likewise, the world of cinema has embraced the conflict in Iraq in many varied forms and with...

09 Jan 2009

From toleration to proscription: Christian Emperors' attitude toward Paganism in the Fourth Century

Thesis - 7 pages - Ancient history

Constantine's conversion to Christianity in 312 at the battle of the Milvian Bridge is highly debated among scholars. There is on the other hand no doubt that the Roman population was widely pagan at that time and did not convert to Christianity overnight on October 28, 312. The fourth century AD...

15 Jan 2009

Political governance and corporate governance

Essay - 15 pages - Management

The 20th century was viewed as the age of management; the early 21st century is predicted to be more focused on governance. There is a distinction between politics and governance, where the former is regarded as cooperation between people with different points of view in order to improve the...

24 Feb 2010

Teacher's migration in the Philippines

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The proliferation of skilled persons' migration in recent years has led to liberalized immigration policies vis-à-vis highly skilled professionals from developing countries. However, the resultant effect of this is to trigger an exodus of skilled personnel in developing countries, with the large...

29 Sep 2010

Democracy in the US Constitution: Representation and the Balance of Powers

Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law

Although the US Constitution intended to ensure the principles of equal representation and freedom of political expression, the imperfect process by which the document was created resulted in various undemocratic principles that are contrary to the spirit of the given prompt. The Constitution not...

27 Jan 2011

The Kennedys

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

We primarily think of John F. Kennedy when we talk about the Kennedy dynasty, United States. This is so not only because of his worldwide fame as the president of the United States acquired within a short span of time but also because of his assassination on November 22, 1983 in Dallas under...

08 Apr 2023

How Does the Constitutional Council Carry Out the Constitutional Review Under the Fifth Republic?

Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law

The Constitutional Council is defined by the articles of Title VII of the 1958 Constitution. Its arrival in seventh position in the order is indicative of the lack of importance that the constitution grants it. The introduction of a jurisdiction in charge of priority preliminary rulings was...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy

Course material - 8 pages - Modern history

There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the “American way of life” (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two notions...

19 Nov 2013

UK and French legal system : structural and conception differences

Case study - 6 pages - Civil law

The governing laws and its legal system in France and the United Kingdom have major differences, as each of the legal systems have and are based on various views. France is governed by the Constitution of 1958. All the French laws are based on this text. In the United Kingdom, the laws are based...

29 Jul 2015

Convention and ratification of the Constitution

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

In his book, A Brilliant Solution, Berkin wrote about the American constitutional congress that was challenged by the financial crisis due to repayment burdens on loans incurred during the wartime loans. After the world war in 1784, Congress had no money to fund the Federal treasury. The...