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Theme : Security

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30 Jun 2011

Exploring the Genesis of the Department of Homeland Security: What Exactly Lies Within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence?

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This report will investigate the root causes for the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). To help explain the genesis of its inception, history of the Bush administration's preoccupation with securing the nation from terrorist threats or attacks will be discussed....

12 Apr 2010

Formal security evaluation of ad hoc routing protocols

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

Research into routing protocol development for mobile ad hoc networks has been a significant undertaking since the late 1990's. Secure routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks provide the necessary functionality for proper network operation. If the underlying routing protocol cannot be...

29 Apr 2010

Analysis of FOSS: An open standard for network security and monitoring

Thesis - 5 pages - Computer science

The aim of the project is to provide a cost effective, secure and easy working environment over a network. This FOSS is very much helpful for educational institutes, non profit organizations and small industries. The GUI provides options to choose from monitoring, blocking, filtering and...

13 Jul 2010

An overview of U.S. social security act, 1935

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

The US Congress passed the landmark Social Security Act on 14 August 1935 as part of the “new Deal” offered by President Roosevelt. This act established a system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, and aid for...

24 Sep 2010

The economic impact of terrorism and the global security structure

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

The beginning of the 21st century was highlighted by the 9/11 incident and it marked the apogee of the era of international terrorism. Since 9/11, terrorism threats are more and more in the center of national and international political decisions. This strong interaction with domestic and foreign...

29 Sep 2010

CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) and Non Proliferation

Essay - 12 pages - European union

Since the end of the Cold War, the nature and origins of threats on Europe have changed. This evolution of repartition of powers in the world led some countries to develop their defence and military capabilities, whether it concerns missiles, biological or chemical weapons, or the ultimate...

29 Sep 2010

Short essay: Security Council Reform In The United Nations and Changing World Politics (Westview Press, 2007), the author argues that "a significant shake-up in the way the UN does business is essential" if the UN is to keep pace with changing world

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

The UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, called in September 2003 for the reform of the UN Security Council (UNSC), in order to make it more effective and more representative, given the changed geopolitical realities. Diverse problems affect both the efficiency and the representative...

25 Mar 2010

David J. Francis, Uniting Africa: Building regional peace and security systems

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

“Africa today is faced with a stark choice, either unite or perish. ” So opens David J. Francis' intriguing study on the state of African nations in relation to one another. Frances spends a great deal of attention outlining the serious social and economic problems facing the African...

13 Apr 2010

Security in image transmission using audio watermarking

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

With the recent burgeoning of networked multimedia systems, techniques are needed to prevent illegal copying / forgery in distributed digital audio/ visual/text document. It may be also desirable to determine where and by how much the multimedia file has been changed from the original due to...

31 Mar 2010

Do online information retrieval systems pose a security threat?

Thesis - 4 pages - Computer science

The search engine's deceptive role of information mining from the crawled web servers has been gravely misunderstood. The general perception of search engine being an information locator is a universal truth. The 24x7 availability of the updated information makes it a potential information search...

29 Sep 2010

Differences and similarities among the contemporary security policies in Nordic countries

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

“Since 1720, all the Nordic countries have remained minor powers on the international stage. As such, the Nordic states have had to adapt to the constraints that are usually beyond their control.” This statement could summarize the geopolitical situation which has shaped the...

29 Sep 2010

The High Representative of Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Essay - 5 pages - European union

This paper will examine the new role of The High Representative of Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (‘High Representative') that came into force in 2009 following the Lisbon Treaty signed in 2007. First, the historical background will be discussed followed by the...

29 Sep 2010

The Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) in the post cold-war Europe

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

The CSCE (Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe) was born with the Helsinki final act in 1975, as the territorial statu quo seemed definitely taken for granted by both the communist block and western countries. On the 1st of August 1975, 35 heads of states from Europe, the US...

29 Sep 2010

UN Security Council Resolution 1559 and US multilateralism

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The United Nations Security Council Resolution of 1559 was adopted by the Security Council on September 2, 2004 by a vote of 9 in favor (Angola, Benin, Chile, France, Germany, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, United States), to none against, with 6 abstentions (Algeria, Brazil,...

29 Sep 2010

National Security as an ambiguous symbol, by Arnold Wolfers

Book review - 2 pages - Political science

In this text written in 1952, Arnold Wolfers tries to point out the scope of the concept of national security, its meaning and its various implications as well as the way the states deal, and should deal, with it. We will first clarify the evolution of the notion of national interest,...

29 Sep 2010

Security and emancipation

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The 20th century has witnessed many struggles for emancipation, and a strong emphasis put on security agenda in many countries. Regarding emancipation, many examples come to our mind like the decolonization era, after World War II, the feminist struggles for equality between genders all...

18 Nov 2010

Is the EU successful in its attempt to create a 'security community' with its neighbors through the elaboration of the European Neighborhood Policy?

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

The aim of this paper is to assess whether or not the EU is efficient in its attempt to build a security community with its neighbors through the implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). In order to do so, I will first demonstrate that the EU and its neighbors share, to a...

12 Jan 2009

How to reform the UN security council and why?

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The Security Council is usually considered as the most important organ of the UNO. Primarily “responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security” , the Security Council has huge responsibilities and thus needs legitimacy to fulfill its mission....

16 Jan 2009

Legitimacy & efficiency inside the security council

Thesis - 17 pages - International law

When the idea of a potential world organization first emerged in 1943, arbitration was soon to be made between maintaining effective power within the scope of a few powers, and the necessity to gain the support from small and medium States. The only possible answer to this dilemma was to initiate...

20 Jan 2009

A Nordic identity in the European security structure?

Essay - 10 pages - European union

The 3rd and 4th December 1998, the President of French Republic Jacques Chirac and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair met in Saint Malo. Both maintained the necessity to give Europe the ability of autonomous action concerning security and defence. This statement comes within the...

16 Apr 2009

Home security and teleguard circuits

Tutorials/exercises - 49 pages - Economy general

In this project, we show how we can use the telephone as an electronics eye. With the help of a landline phone, we check and examine the position of the house automatically. In this logic, we attach some sensors with the telephone and if there is any miss-hap, the telephone is automatically...

21 May 2009

The study on security analysis for selecting the appropriate security through analyzing economy and industry

Tutorials/exercises - 80 pages - Economy general

An investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in anticipation of some positive rate of return in future. Today the spectrum of investment is indeed wide. An investor is confronted with array of investment avenues. Among all investment, investment in equity is best high proportion....

20 Apr 2009

Security analysis and portfolio management in Collabo Interactive Solutions

Case study - 45 pages - Business strategy

Portfolio management is both an art and a science. It is a dynamic decision making process, one that is continuous and systematic but also requires a great deal of judgment. The objective of this project is to blend theory and practice to achieve a consistent portfolio management process. This...

12 Jan 2009

Feminist perspectives : The contribution of Ann Ticker to the revision of the concept of security

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

As a searcher in international relations, Ann Tickner was firstly stroke by the law number of women working in the field. She then realised that not only were women excluded as researchers, but also as subjects of study. That was the first step of her carrier as one of the main feminist authors...

09 Jun 2009

Security challenges in wireless sensor networks

Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are wireless ad hoc networks of tiny sensor nodes. As a result of advances in sensor technology and wireless communication, sensor networks have emerged as an indispensable and important new tool for multiple civilian and military applications, including patient...

07 Jul 2009

Customs and Border Patrol for Homeland Security

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

The Customs and Border Patrol is an integral entity involved in protecting the United States from terrorist activity, illegal immigration, drug smuggling and human trafficking. The Border Patrol has been around officially for many years, starting with 450 agents in 1924 when the agency was...

12 Jan 2009

Community food security in North Minneapolis: Barriers and solutions

Essay - 11 pages - Geography

Despite an overwhelming amount of facts, studies, and annual reports proving the contrary, many people today continue to deny the existence of hunger in the United States. Middle-aged Americans will recall hearing their parents demanding them to “finish your dinner because there are people...

16 Jun 2009

One dimensional cellular automata based security scheme with both authentication and confidentiality

Thesis - 11 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

In the past few years organization have widely adopted local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN) and internet to take advantages of advancement in technology1, 2. As a result of connecting private and internal network to the outside network, exchange of information is greatly facilitated....

16 Jun 2009

Security and advantages of cluster computing over distributed systems

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

A cluster is a parallel or distributed system consisting of independent computers that cooperate as a single system. In the case Server, Cluster consists of two types of participant's dispatchers and servers. The goal of a cluster is to allow distributing of the computing load over the several...

08 Jul 2009

A study of home security system

Thesis - 27 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Home security systems provide security from threats such as intruders or thieves, by sounding a siren to grab the attention of the public. Two sensor pairs are placed in the system. Among them one pair of receiver sensors is connected to the entrance of the house and the transmitter...