The Quiet Crisis, Conservation and the future - Stewart L. Udall (1963) - Is science the key to a kingdom of conservation? Introduction and detailed plan
Text commentary - 3 pages - Modern history
'The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something' (Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932). This quotation highlights...
New Art and Science of Teaching: More Than Fifty New Instructional Strategies for Academic Success
Internship report - 3 pages - Educational studies
At XYZ Elementary School, during an exciting tenure encompassing kindergarten to fifth-grade students, I was lucky to be part of a lively and inclusive educational community. The school's building, divided into different blocks and floors, contributed to modern features and ample facilities...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory - Bettye L. Holston-Okae and Richard Mushi (2018) - The Impact of Motivation on Employee Turnover in the Hotel Industry
Text commentary - 3 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment
Employee turnover in the hospitality sector is one of the issues influencing the organization's effectiveness and ensuring financial stability. However, the importance of motivation compared to other determinants regarding team member retention becomes more pronounced. A driven workforce...
Frankenstein, Volume III - Mary Shelley (1818); Feminist Criticism of the Social Sciences - Marcia Westcott (1979); The Elephant Man - David Lynch (1980) - The devaluation of women
Artwork commentary - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The widespread silencing of women's voices in the past, often placing them on the periphery of their narratives, provides a context for the analysis of gender representation in cultural narratives. This paper examines the representation and treatment of women in Mary Shelley's...
Philosophy of Science: Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhns Debate
Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy
This essay aims to discuss the contribution of Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhns theories to the philosophy of science and how their debates in their journals contrasted with each other. Kuhn's thought of paradigm and paradigm shift in his normal science. Popper rather went in a...
Entrance exam to Science Po in Strasbourg and ITIRI (Institute of Translator-Interpreter) in the 4th year
Presentation - 2 pages - Educational studies
This is an example of an oral presentation as part of an entrance exam for the 4th year of "Sciences Po Strasbourg" (Master's degree in Global International Relations and Master's degree in European Studies) and ITIRI Strasbourg (Institute of Translator-Interpreter).
Can Marketing Be a Science? - Robert Bartels (1951) ; From Marketing Mix to Relationship Marketing - Christian Grönroos (1997) ; The Marketing Revolution - Robert J. Keith (1960) - Marketing in Retrospective
Text commentary - 2 pages - Marketing theories
The formalization of the concept of marketing takes place after the Second World War with, in particular, the appearance models such as the marketing mix, the 4Ps... From the 1970s, "consumer behavior" strives to appear as a specific field of research. From 1970 to 1980, marketing is accused of...
Introduction to Computer Systems Science
Course material - 23 pages - Computer science
The course aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of computer science, as well as the skills necessary to solve practical programming problems. Students learn the key concepts of computer programming, including data structures, algorithms, modularity,...
Finance: Science, Securities Intermediation, and Secured Lending Efficiency
Essay - 3 pages - Finance
This document encompasses three essays delving into the finance sphere, the efficacy of secured lending, and the practice of securities intermediation.
Blog Posts About Social Media and Women in Science
Creative writing - 2 pages - Everyday's life
This document contains two blog posts: one about social media and the other about women in Science. Excerpt: Hello everyone! I am writing this post to tell you I have made the decision to quit all social media as of today and for at least a month; for a start. To be honest, I don't...
Physical sciences experiments on esters
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Physics
The aim is to produce 6 different esters using ethanoic acid salicylic acid to compare the odors that are produced to their expected odors. An ester formation is a chemical reaction that takes place between carboxylic acid (ethanoic acid and salicylic acid) and alcohols when they are heated over...
What are the impacts of computer sciences on international exchanges?
Essay - 1 pages - International relations
I'm going to deal with the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. To start with, I'd like to define the notion. An exchange is a movement or circulation, which can take several forms: information sharing, cultural, and movements of people. I've chosen to focus particularly on computer...
Idea of progress - What is the purpose of science? Is scientific progress always something positive for humanity?
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
I will talk about the notion of IDEAS OF PROGRESS. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change; it can be a technological, scientific or social advance in order to make the world a better place. It is characterised by a positive and wilful behaviour with a view to...
The Solar system discovery - A Scientific historical advancement and implications in science
Case study - 5 pages - Computer science
Art and science are related fields but have a different view on several phenomena. Scientific arguments are considered to involve more thinking and even research work. Art is considered as not involving much investigation. The science and art are interrelated; hence they are...
Technology As A Function Of Religion And Science
Essay - 2 pages - Educational studies
The rising usage of technology in the society has raised questions about the relevance of religion. Advancement in science has enabled man to play roles akin to those described as being in the exclusive domain of God. For example, cloning and inter-genetic crossbreeding in contemporary...
Bertolt Brecht: Art, science, politics, purpose
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
The first feature validates to watch for Brecht and politics, and also it is the fact that our author does not come from a proletarian environment. Brecht's father worked in the purchasing sector and sale of a paper mill and arrived at some point, to be director of the company; was therefore...
The thought of Claude Levi-Strauss: The Social Science structuralism
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Structuralism is a linguistic method applied to the humanities generally allowed to make huge advances. The very term originates from the structuralism "Course in General Linguistics". In this lecture, Saussure proposed a revolutionary approach to being concerned over not its genesis, as these...
Ethics and science: debate of urgency
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Ethics is a characteristic to every human action, aiming to facilitate the fulfillment of people. The science involves research and search for truth. In science we have an ethical as support for no mistakes, because the responsibility is part of ethics and is essential in the...
In what ways can disagreements aid the pursuit of knowledge in the natural and human sciences?
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
The natural sciences seek to develop our understanding of the universe, and the human sciences to understand ourselves. Our pursuit of these Areas of Knowledge has been aided and hindered in a multitude of ways. Amongst these, the role of disagreements, in its various forms, in...
Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) Software Package and it's Impact on Social Sciences
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
This paper discusses the impacts of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) on social sciences. Social life is full of analytical demands from day to day activities that many of the programs that were initially developed have not been able to meet. The world is in the cusp of...
Crop science project report: Seed Germination
Case study - 7 pages - Biology
Cultivation of many crops required for food production, depends on the germination of seeds, although there are exceptions where vegetative propagation is carried out. The seeds of legumes and cereals are themselves some of our most important food sources, but their importance lies within the...
Behavioral science concepts by two competing brands
Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy
There are multiple factors included in marketing products to consumers. Companies must evaluate several factors including the market size, description of the product, consumer behavior, pricing, distribution, and promotion. This evaluation varies within each company. Companies within the...
How developments in material science have jump started the computer revolution
Case study - 2 pages - Computer science
Material science has made a huge impact on the world we know today. Without such a study we would not have modern day technologies such as smartphones, iPods and computers. However, there are critical components of each material, which without we would never have made such enormous strides...
Galileo and his contribution to science
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. When he turned eleven he was sent to monastery and when he told his father that he was interested to become a monk he was immediately withdrawn and sent to study medicine in the University of Pisa. When he turned twenty he discovered something...
Philological sciences
Tutorials/exercises - 40 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Philological sciences are amongst the oldest academic disciplines. Teaching philological sciences to students aged between 15 and 17 is a real challenge. It's hard for the teacher to motivate children during their middle adolescency. The difficulties come from the fact that the...
Fixation of Prices: Is it an art or a science?
Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy
In a market, each company must adopt a pricing strategy which will enable the company to thrive. For that, it is necessary to determine certain parameters before entering into the pricing strategy technique. These parameters are concerned with determining production costs, evaluation of...
Academic knowledge and power and the social sciences
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Social science knowledge informs the way in which people interpret their experiences, and can be empowering, as in the case of political and feminist discourses. However, knowledge, employed as discourse, can also be employed in ways that disempower, and this is the focus of much of...
Intel corporation in China and contribution of social sciences in the adaptation of the sale of Intel products abroad
Case study - 3 pages - Business strategy
Intel Corporation is a US research center and an industrial manufacturer of integrated circuits. The group was founded in 1968 by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce, and Andrew Grove, three PhDs in physics and chemistry, and specialists in digital electronics. Intel is short for Integrated Electronics....
Social science methodology and ethnicity without the group
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the realm of social science methodology and race studies, there is a short list of concepts that would appear to be as simple, and even as necessary as the idea of a group. The concept of the group is one that has relevance in a multi-disciplinary framework as it is a core concept for...
Growth of distributed systems using grid computing and softer aspects of E science
Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science
Grid computing and eScience are two major areas of growth of distributed systems. The grid concept refers to the virtualization of computing resources in the sense that end-users should have the illusion of using a single source of computing power without knowing the locality of the computation....