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29 Aug 2007

Sample Resume for a Sales or Managerial Position

Sample resume - 2 pages - Human resources

This resume is a good example for anyone looking for a position in Sales in Managerial Position. Please use this resume as a template and a guideline when your are writing your own. Here is a small excerpt of the experience that the writer had: Developing and maintaining the website for the...

19 Oct 2007

Original Imitation

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

In a modern era of corporate tyranny and the disappearance of an independent creative market, the artistic longing for originality is often forgotten. Radio stations sell out to public opinion, Top-40 hits recycling the last generation of Top-40 hits, and the hand-published pages of timid...

03 Jan 2008

The Obesity Factor

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

As Becky waits for the bus on a chilly Thursday night she paces back and forth in anticipation. Stressing over why the bus is taking so long, she feels a pang of hunger in her stomach and realizing that she hasn't got anything at home to eat, she decides to quickly run across the street and grab...

17 Feb 2008

Romantic Love in the Time of Abelard and Heloise

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

This essay seeks to show the existence of romantic love in the 12th century through various its manifestations in the letters of Peter Abelard and Heloise, as well as show how the idea of romantic idea was different from the ways in which we think of it today. These letters are filled with...

23 May 2008

Rosie the Riveter: Teaching High School Students about Women in World War II

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

As men enlisted in the armed services, and the need for more ships, and guns, and war supplies grew, the government focused on the recruitment of women to fill those jobs left open by men. The War Production Coordinating Committee commissioned artist, J. Howard Miller to create one of many...

23 Jun 2008

A review of the gas station/convenience store industry

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

Consumers who purchase gasoline often choose suppliers based on both location and cost. While this combination ensures that many gas stations/convenience stores remain profitable over the long-term, some organizations operating in this industry have significant difficulty maintaining profit...

26 Jun 2008

Contamination of Groundwater in the Mahoning County by E. Coli Bacteria ( Pictures included )

Case study - 6 pages - Geology

The majority of the Earth's water, specifically 99% of it, makes up oceans, ice caps and glaciers, so only 1% is left for humans to use (What is Surface, 2001). Although we have a limited water supply, this does not stop us from wasting water or contaminating it. It's important to keep the...

25 Sep 2008

Starbucks Corporation

Thesis - 15 pages - Business strategy

Starbucks Corporation is one of the world's fastest growing companies. Originally founded as a single store in Seattle, Washington in 1971, Starbucks now operates more than 15,000 coffee shops across the globe, with an average of 220 locations in each of the 50 U.S. states. Starbucks' goal is...

25 Nov 2008

The Starbucks management

Market study - 5 pages - Business strategy

The Seattle-based coffee company called Starbucks has been dominating the coffee industry all over the world. With its business running for more than a decade now, Starbucks has become a household name through its popularity in its stores worldwide. Starbucks has elevated the standard of coffee...

28 Nov 2008

More than what meets the eye: Frida Kahlo and surrealism

Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history

Frida Kahlo never thought of herself as a surrealist as many people did. In fact, given the context of the historical background of her works, she was regarded as more of a feminist cult figure than anything else. Not even Kahlo herself recognized the surrealist dimensions of her paintings until...

04 Dec 2008

Religious disaffiliation and the transformation of bodily practices

Essay - 15 pages - Educational studies

Students of religion, from a variety of disciplines, have recognized the numerous ways religion is inscribed on the body. Most religious rituals are embodied and they, in turn, embody the sacred. These bodily practices including dress, diet, hairstyle, facial hair, and body modification are...

09 Jan 2009

Postmodernism and cinema

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

‘It's about flights of fantasy, and the nightmare of reality, terrorist bombings, and late night shopping, true love, and creative plumbing.' (Gilliam; 1985). This tagline for the film Brazil highlights most of the concepts present in postmodernist criticism of cinema and television. Indeed,...

12 Jan 2009

Danone global strategy

Thesis - 11 pages - Business strategy

Danone is one of the world leaders in the food industry. The group focuses on three worldwide business lines: Fresh Diary Products, Beverages, and Biscuit & Cereal Products. Its turnover in 2005 was 13.02 billion Euros. We have chosen this group because Danone seems to be a very dynamic firm. In...

12 Jan 2009

Ready meals vs. Pot Noodle

Market study - 13 pages - Services marketing

The aim of this report is to understand and analyze the consumer behaviour towards two products of two major brands which operate in a same sector. First of all, we chose the food industry in the specific market of “ready meals”; we immediately thought about Pot Noodles from Unilever,...

13 Jan 2009

What does 'MNE'S need to be both "global" and "local"?' mean

Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy

Since the rise of liberalisation with the opening of markets in the mid 1980's, the business world has entered the era of globalisation where companies have dramatically expanded their business abroad. Indeed, the abolition of barriers of entry was one of significant opportunities for...

15 Jan 2009

Institutional Failures of the Global Environmental Governance

Essay - 42 pages - Ecology & environment

Despite a great awareness of environmental questions from developed and developing countries, there is a degradation of environmental issues and an appearance of new environmental problems. This aggravation of environmental matters is due to the inefficient state of the global environmental...

16 Jan 2009

M&M's, the "funniest" strategy

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

What famous chocolate does a person who likes cinema, NASCAR races and has a fun spirit, buy first? M&M's!! This chocolate brand is known all around the world. This reputation is not the result of the hazard's but the consequence of a historic strategy. Indeed, M&M's is one of the oldest...

16 Jan 2009

International human resources management: A comparison between the USA and China

Case study - 6 pages - Human resources

At times of globalization, organizations have to face a business environment which involves quick responses to change, such as new laws or social trends, in order not to expire (Gibson, 1989). It is evident that only people, and not machines, are able to anticipate these changes and set up an...

16 Jan 2009

The different approaches to develop strategy. Is there evidence in today's business world to suggest there is one best way?

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

For a couple of years, the concept of strategy has become fundamental for any type of business. According to Ansoff (1965), the practice of strategic planning is now widespread among large, medium and small firms. The strategy comes from the Greek word “stractos” which means "armed" and...

19 Jan 2009

Lenôtre in China Beijing: The biggest market for the biggest gastronomical group

Presentation - 135 pages - Services marketing

Strengths: Global fame built on fine upscale products and services, genuine production processes, know-how and licenses (patents), staff (teams, chefs, wine steward...)very well trained, large implantation across the world, profitable company, diversified services (cocktails, buffets, marriages,...

20 Jan 2009

Marketing plan of a Spa hotel

Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing

In the hotel, there are 6 concepts of restaurant : from buffet to cuisine à la carte, Thai cuisine, and a gourmet restaurant on the Yacht. A dancing diner has been proposed. A good wine cellar (with wines) is to come up all over the world. Naantali boasts of a long tradition as a Spa town : the...

20 Feb 2009

Becoming a healthy eater

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Becoming a healthy eater can be hard. It requires you to be both educated and smart about eating healthy. Food smart isn't about calculating the amount of grams or fat but about labels and counting calories. Eating healthy requires you to eat at least 3 healthy meals a day. It's all about...

26 Feb 2009

A discussion concerning 'bullying' in everyday life

Thesis - 8 pages - Psychology

When one hears the term “bully”, one may begin to think of television characters like “Butch” from The Little Rascals, “Mad Dog” or “Sweet Daddy” from Good Times, or Mafia gangsters like “Scarface”. The aforementioned characters are very...

01 Apr 2009

Innovations in the restaurant business

Thesis - 29 pages - Business strategy

The paper deals with the brand related issues in the restaurant industry and is an attempt to highlight the image and identify trends in the restaurants industry. It highlight the various efforts and initiatives taken by restaurants worldwide to improve on their brands to remain competitive....

03 Apr 2009

Advertising - An overview

Thesis - 27 pages - Services marketing

Advertising is one of the largest generators of revenue in the world economy. Yet it remains enigmatic to a large section of people. It is akin to dream selling for some. For others it is a sheer waste of money. Whatever the perception, advertising in India as anywhere else continues to mesmerize...

22 Apr 2009

Coffee in Italy and the United States

Thesis - 9 pages - Journalism

Coffee has been grown, processed, roasted, and brewed for thousands of years. This age-old drink has become increasingly popular within the last decade due to the attractiveness of the modern coffeehouse (Shultz 1999:76-77), along with increased global marketing. Yet this popularity is perceived...

27 Apr 2009

Globalization, food production and links to obesity

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This paper will investigate the links between globalization, food production and consumption, and a marked increase in obesity rates in North America in recent decades. (Shaw, 2004; Young, 2004) Phillips (2006) examines the international production, distribution systems and consumption patterns...

29 Apr 2009

Market research on Britannia

Case study - 44 pages - Services marketing

Britannia was incorporated in 1918 as Britannia Biscuits Co Ltd in Calcutta. In 1924, Pea Frean UK acquired a controlling stake, which later passed on to the Associated Biscuits International (ABI) a UK based company. During the '50s and' 60s, Britannia expanded operations to Mumbai, Delhi and...

07 May 2009

Indian retail: Stepping ahead to create a benchmark

Dissertation - 47 pages - Business strategy

India is standing on the verge of having the pleasure to hold 2010 Olympic Games .Its retail business meter shows only about 4% organized retail in India. It means that a whopping 96% market is yet to be captured by entrepreneurs. Retail will grow more. India will be making waves in trends that...

13 May 2009

The low cost airline market

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Our future business career will conduce us to travel around the world. The way of traveling is a factor which influences international relations. The emergence of the low cost airlines has modified the traditional market. During our 4 years at ESTA, we have been directly touched by the low cost...