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18 Mar 2009

Theory of consumer choice

Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing

The concept of ‘utility' was introduced to social thoughts by Bentham in 1789 and to economic thoughts by Jevons in 1871. The neo-classical economists devised the following system to measure the utility of a commodity. A neo-classical economist, Walras, coined a term ‘util', meaning...

29 Sep 2010

Research methods for managers - published: 29/09/2010

Worksheets - 12 pages - Management

Dr. Don Roberts, a research consultant, has received a government research grant to examine how aspects of a college student's experiences relate to his or her job performance. The research was also interested in the impact of gender on salary and promotions of the employee. This is why...

30 May 2009

Barista Vs Coffee Day

Tutorials/exercises - 73 pages - Services marketing

It all began around 1000 A.D. when Arab traders began to cultivate coffee beans in large plantations. They began to boil the beans creating a drink they called ‘qahwa' which translates to ‘that which prevents sleep'. The Coffee Café industry is currently one of the biggest and fastest...

29 Sep 2009

From Eurodisney to Disneyland Resort Paris

Tutorials/exercises - 24 pages - Business strategy

Walt Disney is a famous world with lots of imagination and lots of dreams. Everybody knows Mickey, and Snow White. Every child can tell the history of Peter Pan or of the Sleeping Beauty. Some of these famous tales were created by Walter Elias Disney the creator of Mickey. The same person had the...

29 Sep 2010

McDonald's: impact of physical evidence and servicescapes on customer perceptions and employees' behaviour

Essay - 7 pages - Human resources

"Explain the impact of physical evidence and servicescapes on customer perceptions and employees' behavior within the service sector. Provide relevant service sector examples." McDonald's is an interpersonal service company, in Bitner's categorization, which highly resorts to physical...

03 Mar 2011

Evolution of the ski market from 2000 to 2006: Industry of winter sports and Alpine skiing

Dissertation - 73 pages - Services marketing

The main objective of this study is to trace all the developments experienced by the alpine ski market between 2000 and 2006. The underlying objectives often are of one general point of view: To present a thorough analysis of the characteristics of the alpine ski market and its trends. Thus,...

21 Feb 2012

Burger King - International Marketing Planning

Thesis - 15 pages - Services marketing

According to Omahe (2005), over the past 20 years, we have been gradually noticing the emergence of a global village. The world is becoming increasingly global: major examples are the trends, the way of thinking and the needs. Nowadays, it is easier to have products and services from other...

17 Jun 2008

How Adult Children can manage care of their aging parents

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Aging is a natural and healthy part of the human life cycle. As the number of aged in the United States begins to rapidly increase—as the baby boomer generation begins to reach age 65—it is reasonable to assume that research and information on the process of aging will increase as well....

20 Jan 2009

The strategy of MC Donald's

Essay - 14 pages - Business strategy

From modest beginnings in 1954, McDonald's experienced a steady growth until the end of 1980, reaching more than 5200 units catering to the United States on 31st December of the same year. This explosive growth was the result of a combination of three ideas which distinguished McDonald's...

31 Dec 2010

The establishment of 'Le Pain Quotidien ' in New York

Thesis - 13 pages - Business strategy

In the late 1980s, Alain Coumont, a Belgian chef, revolutionized the concept of the bakery with ‘Le Pain quotidien'. It is a place where you can find all kinds of organic products including different varieties of bread, which the customer may take away or eat, in a friendly atmosphere around...

28 Jun 2021

PESTEL Analysis - Subway

Case study - 5 pages - Catering marketing

Since its inception in 1989, the Subway company has continued to expand its activities in many countries around the world. Most of its restaurants are located in the United States. In addition, beyond the quality of the products offered by Subway, the popular brand loved by burger fans is known...

20 Jan 2009

Analysis of success strategy of Starbucks

Essay - 12 pages - Business strategy

On 26 January 2004, a true "culture shock" had occurred in avenue de l'Opera in Paris. The American Starbucks Coffee has grappled with the French market with the opening of a shop and a coffee bar, causing controversy in a country with an ancient culture of "little black coffee" at cafes or...

26 Mar 2009

A study into the retail industry of India and China

Tutorials/exercises - 58 pages - Business strategy

Retailing is the final step in the distribution of merchandise - the last link in the Supply Chain - connecting the bulk producers of commodities to the final consumers. Retailing covers diverse products such as foot apparels, consumer goods, financial services and leisure. A retailer,...

18 Dec 2014

Corporate Finance - comparison between "McDonalds" and "Burger King", two leading fast food chains

Case study - 11 pages - Finance

The two companies have been present in the fast food market for a long time and they produce different types of food. The turnover of Burger King amounts to US$2.234 billion and that of McDonald's amounts to US$ 22.79 billion, which reveals that both the companies are very important and powerful...

25 Aug 2009

An examination of a hotel and its various departments

Thesis - 46 pages - Business strategy

Under the British law “a hotel is a place where the bona fide traveler gets shelter and food provided they are in a position to pay for it and are in a fit condition to be received.” Origin: The discovery of wheel brought development to trade and tourism; horse carriages, and caravans...

29 Sep 2010

The International Marketing Strategy Of Mc Donald's

Case study - 17 pages - Services marketing

McDonald's company is a multinational which owns more than 30,000 franchises of fast food restaurants under McDonald's brand, in 121 countries. The company also heads other brands of restaurants, as Aroma Café, Boston Market, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Donatos Pizza and Prêt À Manger. In...

29 Sep 2010

International Marketing McDonald's and its strategy for success

Essay - 20 pages - Services marketing

With more than 30,000 restaurants all around the world, the McDonald's Corporation is definitively considered as the biggest fast-food chain on earth. Created from the imagination of two brothers who wanted to create something new, innovative and attractive, the firm quickly met customer needs...

29 Sep 2010

Panera bread company

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

Founded by Louis Kane and Ron Shaich in 1981, Au Bon Pain Company was the forefather of Panera Bread. After many years of success in St Louis, Missouri, the Company grew up fast and now Panera Bread Company represents 1,027 units in 36 states and is one of the dominant restaurant operators in the...

08 Oct 2015

Composite material failure in aircraft

Essay - 25 pages - Physics

Some composite materials used in construction of aircraft structures started appearing in late 1930s as well as 1940s. Typically, they used to be plasticity impregnated wood materials at that time, with the well know as well as the largest example being Duramold constructing the eight engine...

19 Jul 2021

The Exki company: "natural, fresh and ready"

Case study - 8 pages - International marketing

EXKi declared "company of the year" in 2010, is a concept of fast and healthy catering, straight from Belgium. The new and growing concerns of the population in terms of the environment and health are favourable to it. Indeed, the company markets recipes designed by a chef, respectful of...

23 Nov 2010

How can Unilever adapt its marketing policy to effectively counter price rise?

Thesis - 42 pages - Services marketing

My objective in pursuing a graduate course in a food company was to study the function of trade on a circuit outside home for a period of four months. Keen on studying a company policy different from those I has encountered during my previous experiences in the field of retail, my choice was...

29 Nov 2010

Strategic analysis of the McDonald's company

Thesis - 30 pages - Business strategy

McDonald's represents a turnover of 22 billion Euros, and employs more than 450,000 people worldwide. Founded in 1940, this company has become the symbol of fast food. The brand has over 31 000 restaurants and franchises in 121 countries For years, McDonald's has chosen a business model...

27 Jan 2011

Strategy marketing of the coffee chain Starbucks Coffee

Case study - 35 pages - Services marketing

The Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971 by three friends who were amateur connoisseurs of quality coffees. They opened their first store in the U.S. in the city of Seattle. The shop then sold retail coffee grounds, prepared according to customer's demand. During the first year the...

14 Dec 2010

Burger King

Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy

Burger King is a global chain of fast food restaurants serving hamburgers, with a turnover which amounted to $102.5 billion in 2009 when they sold 524 million units. It owns 12,000 franchisees in 74 countries around the world. Two out of three restaurants are established in the U.S. It has set up...

29 Jun 2010

Waffle factory - Current approach to foreign markets

Thesis - 6 pages - Services marketing

Under the current approach to foreign markets, the mission of an exporting nation is to export a product or service to a country where the product or service does not exist. Various nations have been exporting to France. Countries are exporting and creating original products in France, even...

07 Oct 2013

McDonald's: Corporate reputation after criticism of unhealthy food

Case study - 20 pages - Management

McDonald's is a large fast food chain with an international presence around the world. During the last few years, the company has been criticized by customers for offering unhealthy food causing obesity, and for dodgy corporate ethics. This is why we decided to study the international corporate...

04 Oct 2010

Repositioning McDonald's brand image

Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy

Although it is the world's largest fast food chain , McDonald's currently faces many problems. In particular, its performance in the UK is a troubling, due to a recent “slump in sales” . It is clear that the McDonald's brand needs to be revitalised in order to engage UK consumers...

23 Mar 2011

How companies deal with cultural differences: the example of Disneyland Resort Paris

Case study - 97 pages - Services marketing

"Globalization, understood as the extension of the market economy and capitalism in the world, has accelerated over the last thirty years. " Thus the companies that choose to internationalize are growing. This internationalization promotes contacts between cultures, which play a fundamental role...

16 Jan 2009

McDonald's commitment to their communities

Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy

McDonald's has been for many decades the leading global food service retailer in the world. 30 000 restaurants have been implemented over 119 countries since the creation of the first restaurant in California sixty years ago. McDonald's employees serve about 50 million people per day over the...

30 Jul 2008

Questions: Of God and belief

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Questions, questions… the good disciple is always full of questions. Josef Pieper held that the only true happiness comes from the gradual quenching of the intellect by God's infinitely unwinding mystery. God is somewhat like a riveting, never-ending mystery novel in which the plot keeps...