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26 May 2021

Marketing Mix - Fitbit

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

Fitbit is an American group founded in 2007 by James Park and Eric Friedman. The company mainly markets products related to the field of fitness, connected watches and other activity trackers. In recent years, the group has shown a significant drop in turnover, the market being dominated by the...

30 Sep 2024

Apple TV Brand Extension from Apple Inc

Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy

Apple Inc. is one of the global companies that has documented great success in competitive markets. Since the company was established, its turnover has increased from 3,2 dollars to one hundred and twenty billion dollars within twenty years (Zhang 2023, p.24). Apple Inc. was established in 1976...

10 Jan 2011

Strategic analysis of Renault

Case study - 20 pages - Business strategy

Renault is a globally renowned automobile group and car maker present in 118 countries with approximately 130,000 employees. The Renault group achieved a turnover of almost 41 million euros in 2007. The Company Renault Freres was created in 1898 by three brothers Louis, Marcel and Fernand. Marcel...

20 Jan 2009

The iPhone

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

Inaugurated at Mac world 2006, the iPhone marks Apple in the smart phone market, following the example of Steve Jobs. It is via its triple function (iPod, telephone, internet) that the firm wishes to anchor the iPhone in the market of mobile telephony, by offering a product which combines the...

29 Sep 2010

The company Renault and the consideration of environmental issues in its production

Case study - 39 pages - Business strategy

Renault was founded by Louis Renault and his brothers in 1898. It is a familial and traditional company that made a name for itself through the years, different periods and centuries. Indeed, Renault's group went thought two wars and an economic crisis, and by always adapting its strategy and its...

12 May 2015

New Social Network App Reviews

Case study - 7 pages - Management

Technology has a far more reaching and fulfilling effect in making life easier for the common person. With the averments in technology, more apps are been created to help with the growing demand of wanting to stay in touch or being on top of things. These apps have created a shortcut for the...

29 Sep 2010

Organizational development final assignment Merger and Acquisitions

Essay - 15 pages - Management

In this assignment, we will study eight different mergers that will help us understand them in the economic and financial context of the companies that are merging. For each merger, we will have to answer the following questions: Did historical results justify the deal? Was the merger...

29 Sep 2010

India, Welcoming Land for the IT Enterpriser

Dissertation - 45 pages - Management

This thesis entitled "India Welcoming Land for IT Enterpriser" has been written with the idea of creating a concrete and practical tool for an entrepreneur who is eager to try the adventure of entering the IT market in India. We will explore various fields like the culture of the country and its...

27 Jan 2011

Case study of the Virgin group

Case study - 45 pages - Services marketing

Today, Virgin is a holding company with much diversified activities, which includes more than 300 companies that are established in over 30 countries, mostly located offshore, and about 50,000 employees. All subsidiaries of the group, although independent of each other, are nonetheless united...

31 Dec 2010

The productive forces of United States of America

Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general

The GNP of United States is the highest in the world, at $10,946 billion in 2004, substantially higher than the EU-25 ($9449 billion, including $1523 billion for France) and two and a half times higher that of Japan ($4390 billion). The GNP per capita remains the fourth highest in the world, with...

13 Oct 2020

SWOT analysis - Haier group

Case study - 9 pages - Business strategy

In the contemporary competitive business environment, the ability of any business to survive and maximize its productivity, is defined by among others; its ability to adopt strategies aimed at maintain competitive advantage. Importantly it's critical for an organisation to ensure the consumers...

16 Jan 2009

Did government policy influence the development of large local firms and/or business groups in South Korea? What have been some of the long run benefits and problematic legacies of such policies?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The South-Korean state's industrialization programs achieved national economic ob-jectives through the use of government economic policies, defined as “measures by which a government attempts to influence the economy” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008). This paper focus on three government...

16 Jan 2009

Marketing to women

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

A few weeks ago, the French brand Celio launched a very original concept aimed at women. Celio is a men apparel brand, but 50% of their customers are women who want to buy clothes as a present. In more and more Celio shops, women can find “The Shoppenboys”. The Shoppenboys are men from...

19 Jan 2009

What are the major opportunities that emerging markets offer to international companies and what are the key considerations that such companies have to take into account when formulating strategies for doing business in emerging markets?

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

The notion of an emerging, or developing, market economy appeared 1981 in a World Bank report. This term was used since emerging countries have embarked on economic development and reform programs, and have begun to open up their markets and "emerge" onto the global scene. Therefore emerging...

29 Jul 2024

Business issues in the US

Course material - 24 pages - Management

In the early 20th century when faced criticisms or a crisis large, corporations started to end their culture of secrecy and to promote the broadcasting of information towards the public. They relied on journalists, or the used posters, publicity bureaus and press agents to become experts in...

28 Jul 2006

Nokia, its strategies and its wrong Marketing Mix in the case of the N-Gage

Case study - 24 pages - Services marketing

When approaching this assignment, the second topic attracted us given its interest and the challenges it represents. We wanted to study a successful and well known company, constantly looking for new markets and offering new variants of known devices, to find out what a wrong Marketing-mix...

07 May 2009

Marketing strategy of Vodafone in India and the consumer's attitude towards their services

Market study - 50 pages - Services marketing

The de regulation in the INDIAN telecommunication markets since the beginning of the 1997s has brought about significant changes in the communication industry. The mobile telephone market has changed dramatically over the past 5 years in INDIA. Mobiles have become so popular that many people use...

29 Sep 2010

Presentation of the Dell firm

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

Dell Computer Corporation was created in 1984 by Michael Dell, from Austin University in Texas, with an investment of $1000 and the will to suppress intermediaries in the computer industry. In 1985, the company Dell launched its first computer, the Turbo, featuring the Intel 8088 processor. In...

12 Nov 2020

Franchising, a 7-Eleven case study

Case study - 8 pages - Distribution marketing

Franchising is a way of licensing, between two firms in which the parent company (the franchisor) grants (the franchisee) which is a separate and independent entity the permission to do business by selling goods, or services that are provided by, or authorised by the (franchisor). What is a...

21 Jun 2010

The global economic crisis and its impact on economy of Finland: The case of Nokia corporation

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

The global economy is experiencing the impact of an unprecedented economic downturn which began in the United States and spread all over the world. This paper provides an overview of the impact of the global crisis on the economy of Finland in 2008 and 2009. The course work analysis the...

29 Sep 2010

Clear-Wire-IP, a new way of calling

Essay - 13 pages - Services marketing

There are no news in the fact that the ICT sector has been developing at an outrageous pace for the last two or three decades. A great amount of new gadgets appear every day on the market; some useful and others less useful. This also implies that we are working in a relatively risky market where...

15 Sep 2022

Samsung Business Report in UK Market

Case study - 7 pages - ICT marketing

This report, written in the framework of a Marketing module at the University of Warwick, is a market analysis of the famous worldwide company Samsung in the United Kingdom. It is a review of the UK mobile phone industry, a growing industry that is taking more and more space every year. In...

29 Sep 2010

"Global strategy and Globalization in emerging markets"

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Organizational culture, like national culture, is an iceberg, with some elements above water and others submerged. Elements above water are not only more visible, but easier to understand. Elements below water are difficult to observe and are more important for understanding culture because they...

18 Jan 2011

Dell's customer relationship management (CRM) strategy

Thesis - 11 pages - Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most efficient systems which could be implanted in a company for its success. CRM is a process, a data mining, a technology and a philosophy base on the customer which aims to strengthen the relationship between the customers and the company,...

19 Nov 2010

Skype: Company overview, strategy and SWOT analysis

Thesis - 9 pages - Business strategy

In this assignment we are going to make a study of the software application SKYPE and it's services based on VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol). In the first part we will see the company overview including a presentation of the company, the features of the software, some key numbers, and a SWOT...

07 Jul 2015

Enterprise risk management (ERM)

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the modern way of looking at risk management and internal control. According to COSO (2004), ERM is a process adopted by the management, board of directors and other personnel and is used in strategy setting and all the enterprise activities to identify...

27 Jan 2011

The choice of Nissan as a likely partner for Renault

Case study - 4 pages - Business strategy

On March 27th, 1999, an alliance was signed between Nissan and Renault after 10 months of discussions between the two automobile firms. At the turning point of the twenty first century, the automobile market is in an increasingly competing environment with heavier investments to make and more...

03 Mar 2011

Sectoral study of Louis Vuitton

Case study - 50 pages - Services marketing

Leather is a strategic market for the luxury industry. Supported by interest of customers, leather goods are upscale and luxury goods that are experienced as one of the fastest growing sector in recent years while offering high margins. Even today, the leather remains one of the luxury segments...

03 Mar 2011

Comparison between BLU-RAY and HD DVD

Case study - 3 pages - Services marketing

Slowly but surely the video quality available to us is migrating to high definition. HDTV channels are now appearing on the satellite and DTT. TVs are also firmly based in the HD flat screen technology, and the use the European label "HD ready”. Unfortunately, only less than 15 minutes of...

26 Oct 2011

Business Report- How to enter the Asian market with the Dyson Airblade(TM)

Market study - 12 pages - Services marketing

Dyson Ltd. is already exporting its products successfully to 49 countries with an increased turnover of 23% within the last year (The Telegraph, 2010). As a marketing consultancy we would like to present to you possibilities to stretch out to new interesting markets to keep on with this story of...