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29 Aug 2013

Case study: Targeting tattoos

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's skin. “[T]he ink is injected into the dermis, which is the second, deeper layer of skin. Dermis cells are very stable, so the tattoo is...

03 Jul 2023

Evaluating revenue optimization for a real estate enterprise using Airbnb in Paris

Thesis - 13 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

BK Realty is an enterprise specialized in high quality property management, whose main field of interest is the operation, sale, renting, control and oversight of real estate. We act as brokers on behalf of our clients, attempting to find the easiest and most efficient solution for their needs....

27 Feb 2015

On Slavery - a history of slavery and antislavery

Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies

Slavery is forced labor. In some quarters, it is considered the biggest tragedy in the history of humankind. Slavery is perceived as degrading and robbing people of their dignity and right to freedom. However, despite the negativity associated with slavery, slavery is not necessarily a bad thing...

21 Aug 2014

Media services: Case study

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Media services come to the market with the aim of reaching a wide range of people since media is largely accessible. Netflix is a company founded with the aim of supplying internet on demands and offering DVDs online at a flat rate. The Company is officially registered as Netflix Company Limited...

06 Sep 2013

Popularity of tattoos growing in American culture

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The word "tattoo" stems from the Tahitian word “tatu”, meaning “to mark or color [the skin]” (Webster, 1913). A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's skin....

08 Oct 2015

The staircase approach at Mckinsey & Company ? To increase competitive advantage

Essay - 2 pages - Management

McKinsey & Company suggest seven staircases that companies use to grow. In athletic management, improvement is constant since individuals usually join the profession with limited resources and experience, but with visions of greatness. The Athletics management firm that I work for was initially...

26 Sep 2011

Subway - UK Operations

Market study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Subway, an American restaurant franchise that primarily sells submarine sandwiches and salads, opened operations in the UK in 1996. In 2001, the company reached the 50th store mark and by 2010 it had become UK's most successful seller overtaking its chief fast food rival McDonalds in the number...

20 Jan 2009

Almasah international real estate: The real estate market in Dubai

Market study - 41 pages - Business strategy

In February, I landed in Dubai for the first time, after having heard so much about it. I was astonished by the number of towers already built at that time but more by the huge amount of cranes and construction sites. Therefore, I decided to do my internship for a real estate broker. I quickly...

29 Sep 2010

Synthèse de 'A General Theory Of Entrepreneurship: The Individual-opportunity Nexus

Book review - 22 pages - Management

L?entrepreneuriat est un point d?ancrage de notre société. De plus en plus de personnes sont engagées dans une activité entrepreneuriale. Mais, malgré le nombre d?études sur ce sujet, aucun savoir cohérent n?émerge. Pourquoi ? Le principal problème est l?absence d?étude globale sur...

29 Sep 2010

Beneteau, an international market leader

Case study - 39 pages - Business strategy

Beneteau, the giant in the nautical industry, was founded by Benjamin Beneteau in 1884, with the creation of a familial shipyard. After the long wars period, the apparition of the polyester had cost the yard to develop itself considerably, by starting a mass production. Thus, Beneteau has really...

27 Jan 2011

Analysis of company: H&M

Case study - 38 pages - Services marketing

Large companies and major groups have a more enhanced transparent business strategy than small and medium sized ones. Some elements are present in our daily life, such as marketing campaigns, communications, advertising etc. They make us dream and we are passionate because they seem out of reach...

16 Feb 2011

Study of the IFRS/IAS standards

Dissertation - 42 pages - Accounting

The chief executive of KPMG, Jean-Luc Decornoy, had announced in June 2006 that the goal of harmonization of financial statements was not reached between accounts and areas between countries. This statement raises many questions about the reasons, and this is an invitation to reflect on the theme...

30 Nov 2010

David Ricardo (1772-1823)

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

David Ricardo was a prominent figure of his time. He participated in the great debates on the currency, the Corn Laws and so on. He associated with Smith and found numerous proposals that needed to be discussed. He published the 'Principles of Political Economy and Taxation' in 1817....

15 Jan 2009

International human resource management

Thesis - 13 pages - Human resources

One of the few certainties in this uncertain world is the growing influence of internationalization on organizations, both large and small. There are increasing numbers of internationally operating organizations and internationally operating employees. The subject of international human resource...

27 Jan 2011

Activity analysis and strategies of the Accor group

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

With nearly 8 billion Euros in sales, Accor is the European leader in hotels and world No. 1 in business services and public institutions. Major player worldwide, the group is present in 140 countries and employs over 168,000 people. The Group operates hotel brands present in all market...

03 Aug 2009

East London love story

Thesis - 112 pages - Literature

They were both children of poverty, born into the dark slums of East London. Yet their worlds could hardly have been more different. Eric De Milo blessed with a loving Italian family and an artistic gift that gave him a chance for a better life. On the other hand, Helena Whitman who knew little...

27 Jul 2006

Knowledge, growth without scale effects, and the product life cycle

Dissertation - 260 pages - Economy general

For several reasons, knowledge cannot be treated like any other commodity. One of these reasons is the nonrivalrous nature of knowledge, which means that one person's use of certain knowledge does not diminish another person's use of the same knowledge (at the same time). This important property...

13 Jan 2009

British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority

Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...

10 Jan 2011

Career management: Women and the Glass Ceiling

Thesis - 27 pages - Human resources

There has been an increase in the participation of women in the professional world today. They are becoming increasingly qualified and skilled. However, this increase in opportunity has not led them into illusions and they do not consider themselves lucky. They do not compare their situation to...

21 Dec 2012

Nuts and bolts notebook

Case study - 18 pages - Educational studies

Structure of the Business -Broadway, Off-Broadway, and the bulk of major regional theatres cast out of New York -All pilots will cast in NYC, even if they then fly you elsewhere -More and more movies are filming in NYC -The ability for self-production is thriving and expensive Los Angeles...

01 Feb 2013

Mobilicar case study

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

The American car market accounts for 16, 2% of the world's total car market but has experienced a decline in the total number of sales during year 2009 (Datamonitor, 2009). This means that many Americans have become dependent on public transport or other ways of moving across cities. However,...

15 Jan 2009

The experience of the Indian and Pakistani immigrant communities in Great Britain from 1948 to 1971

Essay - 42 pages - Modern history

The history of Indian and Pakistani presence in Britain is long as it dates back to the seventeenth century. Yet the influence of the South Asian community was almost insignificant at that time, for its size remained very small. Only after the Second World War (1939-1945) did South Asian...

13 Aug 2009

An overview of Netflix

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Reed Hastings founded Netflix in 1997 during the emergent days of Internet retailing, to offer home delivery of DVD rentals through the U.S. Postal Service. The company has grown at a rapid pace since to the point that in 2006, subscribers could use Netflix's website to choose from over 70,000...

25 Aug 2008

The new American musical: How the musical has changed to attract a new audience?

Essay - 6 pages - Film studies

Throughout the greater part of the twentieth century the American musical has entertained audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The musical has become a reflection of American life: sometimes tragic, somewhat unpredictable, but always persevering. The American musical has taken many shapes...

21 Mar 2009

The A to Z of retail trade: Retail management

Thesis - 28 pages - Management

When man started to cultivate and harvest the land, he would occasionally find himself with a surplus of goods. Once the needs of his family and local community were met, he would attempt to trade his goods for different goods produced elsewhere. Thus markets were formed. These early efforts to...

20 Apr 2009

Credit appraisal process and customer satisfaction on home loans with reference to ING Vysya Bank Ltd

Market study - 46 pages - Business strategy

The changes after liberalization and globalization process was initiated in 1991 had a significant impact on the financial sector. In India, housing finance segment has increased in the recent years. Boost to housing can rejuvenate the economy. The success of the housing companies in the market...

27 May 2009

E-banking and Canara Bank

Case study - 56 pages - Finance

The banking sector is the lifeline of any modern economy. It is one of the important financial pillars of the financial system, which plays a vital role in the success/failure of an economy. Banks are one of the oldest financial intermediaries in the financial system. They play an important role...

04 Sep 2009

A 'Realty' Check: The real estate scenario

Thesis - 16 pages - Economy general

We all know how volatile the real estate market is yet we all are lured by the real estate market in some way or the other. Either we enter the real estate market as a buyer or as a seller or may be as an investor and in some cases with the intent of making it big in this sector. However, most of...

29 Sep 2010

Organizational change and leadership

Essay - 6 pages - Management

When spe?king of org?niz?tion?l ch?nge, ?n import?nt tool in m?n?gement th?t ?ims at providing sust?in?ble development ?nd const?nt growth, it is worth mentioning about le?dership which is ? vit?l qu?lity for ? m?n?ger who is e?ger to come out with the best solution ?nd outcome for the pl?nned...

11 Feb 2011

The introduction of Islamic banking in France: A research on the potential market for retail Islamic banking

Dissertation - 37 pages - Finance

This study provides an assessment on the current problems and progresses made in France for the introduction of Islamic banking into its economy and contains an evaluation and an analysis of the potential market for Islamic retail banks in France. The research is divided into two distinct...