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Theme : Recruitment

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10 Jun 2023

The recruitment of the HDC firm

Case study - 2 pages - Human resources

Each document requested by HDC consultants is important because they will make it possible to verify any inconsistencies in the recruitment process, compliance with current standards, the quality of recruitment, the candidate selection process, they will also make it possible to...

21 May 2023

How to Manage Great Resignation - The Economist (2021) - How Firms can Rethink their Recruitment Strategy for Keeping their Workforce in Place and Motivated?

Text commentary - 4 pages - International economy

This article from The Economist was edited approximately one year ago (late November 2021), two years after the pandemic crisis. Economies are impacted in many ways. First of all, human resource managers have to reinvent their job. For two years, the job market has been struggling due to the...

19 Apr 2022

How can the Internet optimize recruitment?

Dissertation - 8 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is something that is expensive for companies, and it was important to find solutions to make it as efficient as possible, allowing them to find the right candidate more quickly. Recruitment methods have changed, and e-recruitment has grown in popularity in the...

27 Dec 2021

The recruitment difficulties within an organization

Presentation - 11 pages - Human resources

The task at hand is: According to the British Chambers of Commerce, "recruitment difficulties and tougher trading conditions face firms amid sluggish UK growth" (BCC, 2018) Discuss the various recruitment difficulties that any organization might experience. Then, by narrowing your...

06 Oct 2020

Recruitment: methods, trends...

Dissertation - 10 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is one of the most essential components of human resource management in any company today. In France where the unemployment rate remains high, and with candidates who are being forced to combine several skills and sometimes even several jobs, it is interesting to explore the...

21 Jun 2018

Considerations when recruiting foreign nurses and the ethics of international recruitment

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

The nursing shortage has always been one of the biggest concerns in the healthcare field. Since nurses make up the majority of the healthcare workforce, many solutions for this problem have been presented: improving recruitment, offering opportunities for advancement, suggesting contracts...

30 Jul 2015

Human resource strategy : recruitment, selection and renumeration

Case study - 3 pages - Human resources

International human resource management is a contentious issue currently, and therefore it is crucial to have the right expatriate. This paper will consider a Human Resource Strategy for an expatriate recruitment, selection and training for companies in the Beverages producing sector....

28 Nov 2012

Google's recruitment and selection practices

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

Google is a rapidly growing organization. The speed at which it is growing is difficult for the HR department for the company keep pace with filling the new vacancies. The company has to fill around two hundred positions every week. It is a tough task alone, but given the company's HR department...

27 Jan 2011

Case Club Med: recruitment

Case study - 8 pages - Human resources

Though Club Med, the inventor of the holiday clubs, remains the leading brand in the world in terms of reputation in the tourism sector, several factors have nevertheless tarnished its image since the late 90s. In 1997, the Trigano family was ousted from the company by shareholders and in 2000,...

27 Jan 2011

The recruitment policy of Michelin

Case study - 3 pages - Human resources

There are four elements that are essential to the Human Resource department, these are acquisition, integration, performance and allocation of human resources. So, any function of this department should fulfill these four factors. In this paper, we will be studying these four dimensions and the...

10 Mar 2011

Human Resource Management: E-Recruitment

Thesis - 12 pages - Human resources

This report offers an overall analysis and evaluation of the current recruitment scenario. It shows the current economic climate, and how it affects E-recruitments a whole. It compares traditional methods of recruitment with that of the fast growing domain of...

27 Jan 2011

Differences between Air France and Emirates with respect to recruitment process or policies

Case study - 5 pages - Management

The airline companies in the West are currently experiencing a mass exodus of their pilots, who have been leaving their national companies or national carriers for other new airlines where the salaries and perks are two to three times higher than their current salary. Most of these new airlines...

27 Jul 2010

Internet and recruitment

Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy

In a global environment where technology is advancing, there are a lot of new players, the ICT (Information Technology and Communication), the intranet companies and the Internet. The evolution of technology has a significant impact on our lives every day. This is particularly true of Internet...

28 Jul 2010

Recruitment, management and stimulation of telemarketers

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

Today, we live in an era of new information technologies and communication. With the advent of internet telephony, the direct communication channels have been expanded. A term much in vogue today is telemarketing. Telemarketing enables creation, consolidation and communication of information...

30 Jul 2010

Recruitment: Practices and issues in France

Thesis - 3 pages - Human resources

The recruitment, which aims to attract candidates with the qualifications and skills to fill available positions and vacancies, are framed by a specific regulation. While free enterprise allows free choice of employees, it remains so unless freedom is limited by hiring certain...

12 Jan 2009

Discuss the role of classification, measurement and inscription in techniques of recruitment and selection

Thesis - 4 pages - Management

Recruitment and selection in organizations have not always played a significant role. Indeed, some firms had no Human resources department twenty years ago. This fad for human resources management depends on many factors, either external ones or internal ones. Mr Beaumont in 1993 tried to...

19 Apr 2009

Recruitment and selection in a job placement consultancy

Tutorials/exercises - 43 pages - Human resources

Measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can...

07 Apr 2009

Recruitment and selection process at Siemens BPO Services Pvt Ltd

Dissertation - 42 pages - Human resources

The outsourcing history of India is one of phenomenal growth in a very short span of time. The idea of outsourcing has its roots in the 'competitive advantage' theory propagated by Adam Smith in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' which was published in 1776. Over the years, the...

26 May 2009

Effectiveness of recruitment and selection process in Satyam

Tutorials/exercises - 45 pages - Human resources

Satyam Computers Services Ltd., is a leading global consulting and IT services company that offers a wide array of solutions for a range of key verticals and horizontals. Starting from the strategy consulting right through to implementing IT solutions for clients, Satyam straddles this entire...

28 Oct 2009

Recruitment through psychometric tests and theory of FIRO-B

Thesis - 9 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is the process of discovering potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It is a “linking activity” bringing together those with jobs and seeking jobs. Recruitment is a process to identify the sources of manpower in order to meet...

26 May 2009

A survey on recruitment advertisements

Tutorials/exercises - 35 pages - Human resources

Advertising is a phrase used for the announcements made by the seller to promote the sales of their products. Advertising refers to the mass selling techniques used when direct face to face selling is not possible or is too time consuming and expensive. It is different from propaganda, publicity...

04 Sep 2009

A brief introduction to recruitment and selection process

Thesis - 6 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficient number and with appropriate qualifications and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. In practice, recruitment is often very demanding and seldom so straight forward. Experts believe...

26 May 2009

Process improvement in recruitment, selection and functional design of hiring management system in relevance to IBM

Thesis - 18 pages - Human resources

Process Improvement, a methodology adopted for stabilizing and improving work tasks and systems can result in great benefits in processes in an organization by establishing continuous monitoring and control over those tasks and ensuring predictability of quality and costs. The recruitment...

22 May 2009

A study on the recruitment and selection process in organizations

Tutorials/exercises - 34 pages - Human resources

“Management is the art of getting things done through people” :Mark Parker Follet. The above quote implies management to be a process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling all other organizational resources to achieve the stated organizational goals, which in turn would...

22 Jun 2009

All you wanted to know about recruitment and selection

Case study - 41 pages - Human resources

Recruitment has acquired immense importance in today's organizations. Organizations have realized the value of human capital and its role in their development. Recruitment is the first step in the process of acquiring and retaining human resources for an organization. In today's...

28 May 2009

A study on various recruitment sources and their effectiveness

Thesis - 9 pages - Management

Recruitment is the process of soliciting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm, and therefore the process by which organizations fulfill their human resource requirements. Small and Medium scale industries are relatively small enterprises employing...

17 Mar 2009

Recruitment and selection process in an IT services organization

Thesis - 31 pages - Human resources

The software industry is in the midst of a quiet but dramatic revolution. The implication of this revolution increased innovation, new business models, technological discontinuities, and global capability shifts could be even more profound then the previous industry transaction. The software...

22 Jun 2009

Recruitment in Hyundai India

Dissertation - 36 pages - Human resources

Recruitment is a core of human resource activity carried out in organization of all kinds, whether they are manufacturing, trading, service or not-for-profit organizations. The recruitment activity makes it possible for these organizations to acquire the number and types of...

05 Mar 2009

Recruitment and selection process

Thesis - 15 pages - Human resources

Human resources planning means deciding the number and type of the human resources required for each job, unit and the total capacity for a particular future date in order to carry out organizational activities. Human resources planning as "a process by which an organization should move from its...

13 May 2009

E-Recruitment and the labor market

Thesis - 12 pages - Human resources

E-recruitment could be defined as the use of internet for recruiting. E-recruitment is recent in France. It was created during 2000's and is yet to evolve to become the first media used by French people to their job seek. E-recruitment mainly consists of spreading job offers...