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Theme : Reality

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15 Jan 2007

Theater and audience perception in a postmodern perspective

Essay - 9 pages - Arts and art history

« The genuinely postmodern work forces us to recognise that reality is something other than our formulations of it, and that those formulations are therefore constructs » (Jean-François Lyotard). Investigate and interrogate the urge in performance theatre to radically restructure audience...

11 Jul 2013

Coherence therapy

Case study - 6 pages - Psychology

Coherence Therapy, previously referred to as Depth-Oriented Brief Therapy, was developed by Bruce Ecker and Laurel Hulley during the 1980's and 1990's. As a type of psychotherapy borne out of the constructivist tradition, Coherence Therapy's major tenet revolves around the individual as an...

23 May 2014

Should Television Formats Be Copyright able?

Case study - 9 pages - Civil law

The idea of copyrighting television formats has become a prevalent area of debate in recent years, partly due to the increased global marketing/trade in television today and partly due to the changing nature of our television viewing habits and the types of programs on offer to the public at...

23 Jun 2008

Political Aesthetes: Emily Mann's Execution of Justice and the Identity Crisis of Documentary Theatre

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

The documentary theatre, unlike conventional theatre, defines itself in terms of actuality, authenticity, and verifiability. Reality plays draw their power and identity from their use of “actuals,” authentic materials such as transcripts, interviews, testimonies, published...

09 Jan 2009

Postmodernism and cinema

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

‘It's about flights of fantasy, and the nightmare of reality, terrorist bombings, and late night shopping, true love, and creative plumbing.' (Gilliam; 1985). This tagline for the film Brazil highlights most of the concepts present in postmodernist criticism of cinema and television....

29 Sep 2010

"Flying Carpet", Steven Millhauser - "flying up to the sky"

Book review - 4 pages - Literature

Steven Millhauser is a writer of realist fiction. However, his work cannot be limited by labeling it only realistic. Another dimension is added to his short stories. They are full of interpretations. In Flying Carpet, though the story seems to be quite casual, even banal - a child trying to reach...

08 Mar 2007

"Araby", James Joyce

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

This short story was written by James Joyce who lived from 1882 to 1941; it is an extract from Dubliners, published in 1914. The book is compound with several short stories which take place in Dublin, and deal with the monotone life of some citizens. The text is entitled "Araby" and tells the...

28 Oct 2007

Concise Summary of Descartes' Reasoning in "Meditations on First Philosophy"

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Descartes' Meditation One sets out his purpose of creating a new scientific paradigm to be based on a foundation built above the wreckage of his former opinions. He sought a reason to doubt the entire canon of his opinions so that he might begin “to establish anything firm and lasting in the...

29 Aug 2008

The nature of being and expression in the story of Christ

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

History is a story. A man, a woman is a narrative. With each moment of our beings, we sift through the scattered array of images and experiences woven through our discourse to create the illusion of a coherent, cohesive self. And, despite our attachment to this image, reality remains...

09 Jan 2009

Structure and texture in the "Good Soldier" by Ford Madox Ford

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

The Good Soldier is a novel written in 1914 by Ford Madox Ford and published in March 1915. This novel is considered as the best book of pre-war period. It is also considered as a modernist work, and in fact, many modernist innovations, as well as impressionist ones, are present throughout the...

21 Jan 2009

Fear: The deconstruction of normality

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

In all honesty and truthfulness, post-war, American authors have produced quite a frightening element in this country's literary discourse. Frightening, because they amass self-critical observations that have ultimately led to paranoia regarding the reliability of life's constructs and realities....

05 Mar 2009

Stereotypes are always inaccurate

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

Does a person's view of the qualities that members of particular groups have, reflect the reality of life, or are errors being made when groups and behaviours are observed? A definition of stereotypes with the fewest constraining assumptions is that they are qualities seen to be...

31 May 2009

The anti-apocalyptic Markan community

Dissertation - 7 pages - Philosophy

Apocalyptic literature often is ignored when constructing theology and ethics. Theologians and ethicists ignore scriptural images of otherworldly beasts and supernatural beings. Prophesy of cosmic suffering and references to apocalyptic literature are not calculated in the work of most...

11 Aug 2009

Time passes: Experience and expression in 'The Years' and 'To the Lighthouse'

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

The present unfolds as I trace my way along the thin black lines laid across the page. Woolf writes; I read. We then assemble these fractured signs, these fleeting moments in our conversations to compose a unified “whole.” A scene passes. My eyes discern a pattern and then resume their...

01 Oct 2009

Spectrum of consciousness: Evolution of the spectrum

Thesis - 13 pages - Physics

In this chapter, Wilber explains how the information given in the previous chapters relate to the spectrum model of consciousness. He summarizes the previous chapters and shows how they relate to the creation of the spectrum. Wilber describes the spectrum as an infinitely long continuum in...

28 Feb 2010

Reading a reader: Deconstruction and the Prophetic imagination

Thesis - 6 pages - Philosophy

A prophet is a voice, a man that becomes a word, whose message has the power to transform, reveal, destroy, and ultimately, re-imagine our perception of just who we are and why we are here. Arnold writes, the prophets were “instruments a revelation through which God discloses his will to the...

16 Aug 2010

Einstein and the evolution of physics

Thesis - 2 pages - Physics

In this paper, we will try to understand in brief the physical concepts by Einstein and the basics of their creation and operation. At the forefront, Einstein dismisses the notion that science and ideas are the perfect reflection of reality. Physical concepts are creations of the human...

15 Jun 2011

Night: An open minded perception

Essay - 5 pages - Literature

Elie Wiesel is a Jewish American author and Holocaust survivor. Wiesel's first book, 'Night', is an account of his experience in the concentration camp Auschwitz. This personal and vivid account launches a stream of consciousness, enlightening the reader to a new perception of various...

05 Jul 2011

The Writer and Nietzsche

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

Throughout both 'The Birth of Tragedy' and 'The Genealogy of Morals', Friedrich Nietzsche explains the role and power of the artist. The artist, in particular, the writer, is a creator of illusions. Due to the increase in electronics and technology in the modern area, illusions...

22 Aug 2012

Film as permission to realize again the fantastic

Case study - 6 pages - Philosophy

The concepts of “fantasy” and “reality” when placed together are often recognized as two parts to a single dichotomy. The separation is easily continued to include such corresponding pairings as childhood-adulthood, idealism-realism, and also genius-science. The total...

04 Dec 2012

Absalom, Absalom by William Faulkner

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Epistemology is the science of how we know. It strives to draw connections in order to clarify abstract concepts such as “meaning” and “reality”. These are broad subjects and each has many of its own sub-divisions. “Meaning” and “reality”,...

20 Jul 2008

Petrarch's rime sparse

Essay - 7 pages - Literature

The reader of Petrarch's Rime Sparse is compelled as early as the first sonnet to impose narrative onto the poems. In Voi ch' ascoltate in rime sparse il suono, a poet-figure emerges and addresses the reader as he reflects on what he calls his primo giovenile errore. Finding herself at such an...

28 Aug 2008

Gandhi and the doctrine of mind only truth and the void of being

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Gandhi's thought follows in the footsteps of a philosophical tradition whose founders examined the nature of reality through the internal realm of the spirit. Their works described a constant and unceasing search for what is real, a journey that questioned the very means by which we...

10 Sep 2008

Anthropological and historical perspectives on the death of Captain Cook

Essay - 7 pages - Journalism

Scientific and philosophical thought have been preoccupied with the problem of an objective, empirical reality whose nature is discoverable and quantifiable at least since Descartes. This theoretical trend continued and culminated in the discoveries and ideas of Isaac Newton. The...

17 Jul 2014

The Truth About Keats' Grecian Urn

Case study - 4 pages - Literature

In Sidney's A Defense on Poesy, poetry is “an art of imitation.” Granted, Sidney's definition does imply poetry serving as a mirror to a reality, and to imitate is to replicate something in closest form, in mimesis. To simply strike the possibility of poetry stemming from any...

31 May 2009

Phallocracy in Alan Moore's "From Hell"

Book review - 8 pages - Literature

Alan Moore offers a diagnosis of reality that portrays misogyny, homophobia, racism, classism, and governmental tyranny as demonic forces. Moore uses the graphic narrative medium as a means to communicate the demonic nature of these systems of power. In Moore's work on Swamp Thing, he...

25 Nov 2008

Heaven and hell: Aldous Huxley opens the doors of perception

Book review - 9 pages - Literature

Unlike any other mammal on earth, man possesses the unique ability to traverse various levels of the mind in order to alter and create his own perceptions of reality. Unlike any author in modern literature, Aldous Huxley charts man's explorations into the realms of the mind in his books...

01 Apr 2010

Storytelling and Hitchcock's Psycho

Essay - 4 pages - Film studies

Alfred Hitchcock's 1960 masterpiece Psycho intricately weaves the seven elements of storytelling in a clever and highly stylized fashion. Hitchcock, known for his meticulous attention to detail, elaborately illustrates his character's traits with the use of mise-en-scene subtle mannerisms. The...

16 Feb 2011

Improving the Tunisian financial market by adopting the international reference frame in terms of reporting with the aid of IAS/IFRS

Dissertation - 45 pages - Finance

The deterioration of the reputation of major players in financial markets (banking, insurance, financial institutions) has created a crisis of confidence without precedent with lasting consequences for all economic actors today and they are difficult to measure. In this context of high...

17 Oct 2014

Plato, Descartes and the Matrix

Case study - 3 pages - Management

The ideas brought forward by Plato, Descartes and the matrix believes that the world is not real, rather it is an illusion. To support their ideas, Plato imagines of a cave where people have been imprisoned till death. The people can only see in front of them where they can see images people,...