Andrew Jackson's Seventh Annual Message to Congress (1835) - Territorial Expansion
Text commentary - 3 pages - Political science
« Americans are not perfect people but they are called to a perfect mission », such is one of the key visions of the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837, a period in which America had to face many struggles to achieve a real and one federal nation. To that purpose, the...
Lamar Smith and the Civil Rights Movement
Essay - 1 pages - Modern history
During the civil rights movement and the various circumstances that established the foundations for this movement, there were many civil rights leaders with strong beliefs and the willingness to reverse discrimination policies. While many of the movement leaders were extremely prominent and...
The Reconstruction (1865-1877)
Worksheets - 2 pages - Modern history
This document is a worksheet on the American Reconstruction, which happened between 1865 and 1877, after the Civil War.
'Make Jim Crow blush': Black leaders bash draft New York congressional map - Scott Wong and Sahil Kapur (2022) - The American Constitution
Text commentary - 3 pages - Constitutional law
Today I am going to be presenting on a recent article published by NBC News titled "Make Jim Crow blush: Black leaders bash draft New York congressional map." The article discusses a draft map of New York's congressional districts that has sparked controversy among Black leaders, who are...
How did the situation of blacks evolve in the US?
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
When Martin Luther king was young, he had two white friends. They were Martin Luther King's neighbours. One day the mother forbade her boys to play with him. Martin Luther king was sad. Martin Luther King's mother spoke about the civil war to explain herself. It was a war between the...
The Gilded Age (1870-1890s)
Worksheets - 3 pages - Modern history
This document is a concise fact sheet on The Gilded Age, covering such topics as the status of women at the time, political parties and immigration.
Unraveling Urban Transformation in Atlanta's West End - Gentrification, Policy Forces, and Inequities
Case study - 4 pages - Urban planning
The changes in the urban landscape display the complexity of economic, social, and policy factors that play a role in shaping the cities. Such complex interrelations befell the West End in Atlanta, once a lively, predominantly African-American neighborhood. Today, another case of gentrification,...
Bias in Healthcare Industry
Essay - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance
The trouble of bias in healthcare and its effect on the high-quality of care are a tremendous concern that impacts the fundamental ideas of the healthcare system. The iron triangle of healthcare, which accommodates access, price, and best, is regularly challenged by using the presence of implicit...
Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture
Essay - 4 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
'We are living in a modern world where a diverse American society is faced with both the benefits and challenges of diversity. Cultural diversity facilitates recognition of other cultures and frames connections between different cultures. At the same time, cultural diversity leads to...
The racialization of Canadian "Space"
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The social fabric of Canadian culture is an interesting one, it is diverse and progressive, and one that people regard as being largely free from racism. For this reason, it is a surprise to Canadians when acts of blatant racism take place anywhere in the country. For example,...
Is France a racist country? Explain in relation to colonial and post-colonial history
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
Racism is a topic which has influenced world history in immeasurable ways. From apartheid in South Africa to the 2005 Cronulla riots, race and racism affects us all, so it is with little wonder that many have questioned in hindsight, the actions and policies of countries globally....
Philadelphia Quakers as an Anti-Racist Organization
Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
There is no question that Quakers strive for racial justice, for their shared history and social beliefs explicitly call for ongoing anti-racist action. Given Philadelphia Quakers' early influence on U.S. governmental framework and their ongoing reputation for egalitarianism, an investigation...
Race from a multi cultural perspective
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Currently race is an issue that is intertwined with several aspects of society. We are constantly learning what is right and wrong in society through our families, the media, and our educations and often those images are negative and racist. Racism develops and is ingrained in the...
Law and racial inequality
Thesis - 4 pages - Civil law
Since the early 20th century, minorities have been striving for equality in the United States. Much progress has since been made in the form of anti-discrimination laws and desegregation, but while many advances have been made in the civil rights movement, inequality has not been escaped....
Ethnic Studies Race, Identity, and Film
Case study - 3 pages - Film studies
In the application of the term representation in this scenario reflects on the establishment of positions in media studies in which objects of analysis are not selective to some instances of reality, but reflect more on issues regarding racism. These are signifying objects articulated...
The historical specificity and contemporary relevance of the concept of race
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
According to Rousseau, there are two sorts of inequality': one is natural or physical'; the other is between social groups. In order to understand an historical specificity of the concept of race, we will study how the second type of inequality was reduced to the first. In other...
Being black in France and in the United States : a comparison
Essay - 18 pages - Social, moral & civic education
"Penser et agir par nous-mêmes et pour nous-mêmes, en Nègres..., accéder à la modernité sans piétiner notre authenticité". That is how the famous thinker of the "Négritude", Leopold Sendar Senghor, described the challenge that fell on black people in the whole world at the dawn of the 21st...
The "Terms" of Racial Inequality in the United States
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
To engage in a serious discussion of race in America, we must begin not with the problems of black people but with the flaws of American societyflaws rooted in historical inequalities and longstanding cultural stereotypes. (West, p. 6) In the America many people pretend that...
Tropical wasteland: A fort Lauderdale community's battle for justice
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
On the surface, Sunny South Florida may seem like an ideal resort area with abundant affluence and beautiful scenery. Once one heads away from the beach and toward I-95, however, a different story emerges. Densely packed neighborhoods populated mostly by minority citizens are the norm, and it...
Sociological concepts in Forrest Gump
Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies
The movie Forrest Gump tells the story of a man's life, from his childhood days in Alabama to his later years aboard a shrimp boat. This movie has many sociological ties and presents a limited picture of the culture and society from the 1960's up to the present-day. The movie follows Forrest...
Taking the Lid off Jungle Fever: A Content Analysis
Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
There has been a marked increase in the rate of interracial marriages involving Blacks. In fact, from the 1960 to the 1990 Census, black intermarriages have grown four-fold. It has been surmised that this is brought about by the stronger synthesis between races and the gradual decline in racial...
Race and Minorities - Promising Practice
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Urban Enterprise Center was created in 1995 to improve the social relations in Seattle after the celebrations dedicated to Martin Luther King two years prior where the offices of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce were stormed and the local citizens made themselves heard. They made...
Why race matters
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
A great deal of discussion takes place in our society which is centered on race as an important component of social inequality. This essay will examine how race is both a myth and a reality. Why is race part of all our social locations, whether we recognize...
The Attraction of Race, Class, and Poverty for Pro-Business' Choice in Undesirable Land Usage
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The primary focus of the term paper is to explore why communities of color and other related politico-social neighborhoods are seemingly fair game for pro-business usage of these lands as toxic dump sites or for other environmentally harmful industries. While it seems logical that political,...
A different mirror- book review
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
The historical mirror can guide the living, helping them realize their past and present being. The book a different mirror' presents a view of America's many cultures through the eyes of the minority who migrated to America aiming at getting a better life, the immigrants later got short...
An Exploration of Diversity and Self Monitoring
Case study - 4 pages - Psychology
Today we live in a world that undeniably diverse, especially in the United States of America. We strive to have a peaceful coexistence of diverse ethnic groups, as we embrace our similarities yet still hold our differences close. Historically, the United States has had to deal with many issues of...
Questioning Perceptions of Criminality: Confronting Discrimination in Peter Temple's Broken Shore
Case study - 3 pages - Literature
In the anthology Constructing Crime Fiction: Discourse and Cultural Representations of Crime and Deviance,' Christiana Gregoriou makes the observation that the fictionalization of crime has not only become a much-loved pursuit, but also a means of analyzing society, even an excuse to...
Ethnicity, identity, unanimity, and garvey
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
For centuries, people of African descent have faced systems of racial discrimination and stratification that have affected their life chances. Regardless of class, gender, ethnicity, education, or nationality, these systems have mostly effected the socioeconomic position of Blacks in damaging...
Indigenous People in Peru - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 4 pages - Geography
Andean lives, is a pair of autobiographical narratives edited by two young anthropologists in which Gregorio and Asunta, a Peruvian Indian couple, tell their life stories. The story takes place in the highlands of Peru, where millions of indigenous inhabitants who represent the cultural majority,...
Marketing Case Study: United Colors of Benetton
Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing
Advertising is not necessarily ethical. This does not mean that it is an area without scruples, but it's just that the practice is always characterized by exaggeration. Awareness of the product helps increase consumption, and sometimes even creating needs. In a world where principles do not...