Do studies of the social ordering of space show that the exclusion from public spaces is always a problem for women?
Thesis - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
It has been unanimously agreed, since Foucault, that power is not an intermittent and isolated force. Rather, the concept manifests itself daily as a continuous network of power struggles exerting on any individual regardless of his status in society, from the great strategy of geo-politics...
Can the European parliament ever break out of the cycle of failing public interests and legitimacy?
Thesis - 5 pages - European union
In one of his speeches, Pat Cox, the President of the European Parliament said Turnout across Europe [in 1999] was higher than in the last US Presidential Elections, and I do not hear people questioning the legitimacy of the presidency of the United States.'. Since 1979, indeed, the...
Communatarism" in Great Britain and the "French Republican model" of integration: With which method should the public policies be controlled while dealing with a multicultural society
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
The issues of national identity, citizenship and multiculturalism are definitely in the middle of nowadays debates. In his work, John Rex develops the approach that the development of multiculturalism policies might diminish tensions between dominant and minority groups within a contemporary...
Disinvestment of equity shares in public sector undertaking
Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general
Public sector undertakings (PSUs) are companies established by the central government under the Companies Act or as statutory corporations under specific statues of parliament. PSUs were established in the early 1950s for rapid industrial and economic growth, to create necessary infrastructure,...
Ethics of public servants
Thesis - 5 pages - Administrative law
Federal elected officials, appointed political officials and civil service officials are held to a separate standard for their behavior. These people are chosen by the American public and by other officials to serve at their behest. What commonly unites elected and non-elected officials is that...
Highway 407: Public to private transition
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Alterations to travel flow resulting from urban decentralization is the effect of the increasing size of the city and its level of urbanization, and it reduces traffic volumes between origins and the central destination thereby raising volumes to other destinations. This lowers radial corridor...
Planning for tomorrow: Provincial policy, regional government and public opinion
Thesis - 4 pages - Government finance
Provincial politics can often be as overstated as it is often outdated. In the case of the former, this is a result of the dependency our provincial governments have on federal funding. As for the latter, consider that provincial policy making is often a tense and contradictory affair whereby...
Courts, unelected tyrants and public forums
Thesis - 7 pages - Administrative law
In 2000, during the American presidential elections, the role of the Supreme Court was highly contested. Indeed, it consists of a majority of judges appointed by republican presidents and it decided to stop counting the voices manually in contested towns in Florida and George Bush won the...
Companies clearing transition from public to private: Confront high degree of risk
Thesis - 7 pages - Business strategy
All companies clearing the transition from private to public confront a high degree of risk. A solid organizational structure, firm transitional leadership, and effective communication play a predominant role in the changeover. Organizational structures today often deal with a drastic and...
To what extent was the air campaign in operation Iraqi freedom a military success but a public relations failure?
Thesis - 15 pages - International relations
The relationship between the US and Iraq in the post-Cold War era has been marked by a shift in US foreign policy, which has culminated in two wars, namely Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate the tactical position of the USA in...
The talk show in relation to the free and democratic debate of the public sphere
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The materialization of mainstream broadcast television in the 1950s and the emergence of omnipresent dissemination of the format in the 1960s arguably blurred the traditional distinction between the personal and political by producing a public sphere in which social questions are understood...
Foster v. British Gas plc: A European mirror of the French Public Service?
Law case - 4 pages - European law
Most of the developed states are aware of what public service is through facts. But only a few of them have come up with a legal definition of what it really is. In French Administrative law, the notion of public service has never been and will never be easily displayed. Major academics are still...
Public health and environment
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Public health and the environment seem related and the search for causes of diseases therefore takes place through the study of the characteristics of geographic settings. Of course, the geography of health has undergone a strong evolution in time. New horizons in the field were in the 1970s....
Dewey is still in the room: A closer look at Lawrence Cremin's "Public education and the education of the public"
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In his speech Public Education and the Education of the Public first published in 1975, Lawrence Cremin questions the polarity between education and society in the John Dewey's progressive theory, saying that it does not sufficiently particularize the educational situation as it...
Public safety versus civil rights
Thesis - 4 pages - Administrative law
When comparing the rights of one's safety to one's right to privacy the welfare most citizens favor public safety. Privacy is an important right that society needs to protect but not at the expense of safety. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept...
Comparative analysis of the key success factors in a public relations agency in GB and other countries. (Placement report)
Essay - 15 pages - Management
During June and July, I did my first internship in a public relations company based in London, called Bell Pottinger. I didn't know exactly what the challenges were in this field, so it was a chance to learn many new things. Chime Communications PLC is the holding company of 35 companies...
Threats and opportunities for public relations in online communities
Essay - 5 pages - Journalism
In 1982, the Chicago senior public relations (PR) consultant Philip Lesly wrote: "You won't be able to practice public relations effectively in the last half of the 1980's with just a local phone, a mimeograph machine and postage stamps, as the pioneers of this field did? (Reilly, 1987)....
Effective leadership in public administration: "The great leader is seen as servant first", Robert K. Greenleaf
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
Globalization, decentralization, economic uncertainties, and other contemporary challenges ask for a new kind of governance and a new role for public agents in every country. Governments have to reshape the public sector to cope with this environment that requires civil servants to assume new...
What are the main obstacles to the provision of global public goods?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Global public goods are hard to define. Even though, there is a consensus about the definitions of public goods and collective goods, there exists different approaches. Public goods are supposed to be available for all and they are characterized by two principles: non-rivalry, which means that...
Are traditional boundaries between the public and private sectors now irrelevant?
Essay - 6 pages - Management
Modern ideas about governance in the public sector reflects the fact that the traditional boundaries between the public and private sectors are now irrelevant'. According to Rhodes, the traditional and hierarchical central government is no longer relevant in a context of international and...
Public Relations
Essay - 4 pages - Management
The term 'public relations' is recognized and widely used by many people. However, it is often misused and misunderstood. It is sometimes confused with press release and publicity. A career in public relations is wrongly perceived as the perfect job for people who enjoy parties and...
The public relations department & its functions
Essay - 3 pages - Management
The public relations (PR) department is a unit in the firm that manages items such as publicity and other communications with all of the groups who make contact with the company. Some marketing experts argue that public relations should be part of the marketing department, just as...
Personal and Individual Relationships Between Public and Private Spaces - Students in a Classroom
Creative writing - 3 pages - Literature
This document is a piece of creative writing which contains a dialogue between several characters about personal and individual relationships between public and private spaces. Some people claim to be exactly the same in their public and private interactions, with loved ones or at work for...
Do you personally believe religious instruction and public secondary education are compatible?
Dissertation - 1 pages - Philosophy
Since 1991, the percentage of N.O.N.E.S ("None of the above") has increased by 266%, and this proportion of non-religious American citizens is showing no sign of decline. Therefore, how could one claim that religious instruction is still relevant to public education and should not be seen as...
Execution of a public relation plan for Adidas
Essay - 4 pages - Management
The company, ComCom is an agency of council in communication which was established in 1992 and worked mainly with famous brands of sports. The work consisted of developing the public image of what is being chosen and to create a relationship of trust, of regard and adhesion on the behalf of this...
A critical discussion of the argument for public provision of merit goods
Case study - 3 pages - Economy general
A merit good is a commodity that is considered meritorious enough to be provided by the national budget as it serves the common good of the population. Some economists believe that society should be provided with merit goods through public financing because they are necessity goods and benefit...
How Do Social Media Business Models Affect the Public Sphere?
Essay - 2 pages - Medias&communication marketing
Social media platforms have emerged as the center of the universe for our digital persona, changing how people communicate with each other and profoundly impacting both the economic sector and the public arena. At the core of their influence lies an innovative business model that exploits...
What future does the French public hospital hold?
Essay - 165 pages - Management
Within ten years, the French public hospital system's organization experienced several structural reforms. New managerial concepts coming from the industrial for-profit field spread into the public hospital sector, and outcome-oriented rationales replaced the unconditional answer to the...
Single motherhood and its Impact on the UK public health sector
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
In many western countries, there has been increased pressure to reform the public health system because of increased healthcare needs among citizens (Beaglehole 2004, p. 199). For instance, the US has recently undertaken several legislative changes to its healthcare policies to cater for the...
Public administration defined within the context of its four frames and pros and cons to privatization
Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
How is public administration defined within the context of its four frames? Before answering this question, first think about how public administration is defined in general. Public administration is a system of public servants managing an array of services, programs, and other related actions...