The Audi company and its launching of a model of cross-country vehicle
Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing
The Volkswagen Group of France SA is a subsidiary that was created in 1960. Today it is the largest importer of cars in France. This company holds a significant market share in France, and accounts for 10.2% of it. In 2006, it achieved a turnover of 4.5 billion Euros. The group...
Mercedes: Should it introduce a small, 'clean' family car?
Market study - 5 pages - Services marketing
Mercedes Benz is a German automobile brand, distributed worldwide and known for its high-end vehicles. Like all other car manufacturers, it faces a severe economic crisis that has been particularly detrimental to the automotive sector. In this context, car manufacturers must innovate and artfully...
Strategic analysis of Renault
Case study - 20 pages - Business strategy
Renault is a globally renowned automobile group and car maker present in 118 countries with approximately 130,000 employees. The Renault group achieved a turnover of almost 41 million euros in 2007. The Company Renault Freres was created in 1898 by three brothers Louis, Marcel and...
The case of TATA motors: How a multinational corporation resulting from an emergent country managed to compete with the traditional companies of the car market.
Thesis - 26 pages - Business strategy
The Tata conglomerate is now the oldest company in India and represents over 93 companies with more than 289,500 employees worldwide, with a turnover of more than $28 billion and a market capitalization of 77.5 billion dollars (recorded as per January 2008). This group is one of the most...
Study of Renault's strategy
Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy
Renault is a famous car-constructor. It was created in 1899 by the brothers Renault and was considered one of France's flourishing industry throughout the XXth century. But now the firm has adapted itself to a new global and more complex environment. This adapting process was no simple...
The secret behind the success of Michelin Tyres
Case study - 13 pages - Business strategy
Michelin has been the market leader for tyres. Michelin equips vehicles like cars, motorcycles, aircrafts, etc. with tyres. Michelin also brings solutions for each different usage of tyres, which allows the vehicle to give optimum performance. The company constantly innovates in order to...
Analysis of the results of the Volkswagen automobile Company
Case study - 12 pages - Finance
The automaker Volkswagen's range of activities includes the design, manufacturing and marketing of automobiles. This division includes the brands Volkswagen, Bentley, Lamborghini, Scania, Audi, Skoda, Seat and Bugatti. The finance division is a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group and...
International marketing plan for a French car manufacturer "Renault" in the US market
Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy
In this assignment we'll put together an international marketing plan for the launch of an electric car by the French car manufacturer Renault in the US market. I chose Renault because it's the French company which is the most in advance in the field of electric cars. Indeed, Renault has for...
L'Oreal and its conquest of China
Case study - 27 pages - Services marketing
Since its creation almost a century ago by the French chemist Eugene Schueller, L'Oreal has always been at the forefront particularly on the sectors of of dermatology, pharmacology and cosmetics. The group has implemented its know-how and expertise to emerge as the leader in cosmetic...
Chocri chocolates in the Japan market
Market study - 13 pages - Services marketing
The focus point in the following marketing strategy will be the German chocolate company Chocri that was founded in 2008 as a limited company. Based on German law, the company is included in the so called group of corporate enterprises. The main characteristic is...
Cross cultural management (2006)
Thesis - 7 pages - Management
Thanks to the new communication technologies of the 20th century, big firms have moved from local or national market to international markets. Most of the important national firms have perceived foreign markets as new opportunities to increase their turnover. A firm wants to launch its products...
The French motor industry in the world
Essay - 37 pages - Economy general
Since more than half a century, the motor industry has represented, in most of industrialized countries a floret of the industry. In spite of the expansion of the service sector, the French motor industry occupies a very great place in our country. The manpower mass has decreased (in France this...
Peugeot in the United States (2006)
Essay - 10 pages - Services marketing
A MNE (Multi National Enterprise) is a company that has an integrated global philosophy concerning both domestic and overseas operations. It means that these companies have to adapt their strategy and structure according to their different actions, knowing that today's marketplace is very...
Final Communications Audit Report for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Case study - 7 pages - Communication
The Department of Homeland Security was created after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, with the primary aim of securing the U.S. from terrorism and other threats to national security. DHS is a dynamic agency that has expanded to include a variety of tasks, such as border security,...
Organization of Renault's supply chain
Thesis - 13 pages - Business strategy
The objective of this study is to develop the international supply chain of Renault, the French car maker. Nevertheless, the diversity of the information and the great number of firms on the market made it difficult for us not to give examples and arguments based on other car makers. Therefore,...
The future electric car of Renault: 'Renault ZE', 2009
Market study - 25 pages - Services marketing
Renault is one of the major competitors in the automobile industry and its presence is evident in each continent of the world. From 2004-2007 the global automobiles industry has grown each year both in volume and value. However in 2008, because of the world economic recession, the automobile...
The car industry: A move to concentration
Essay - 7 pages - Economy general
The motor industry is over 100 years old and has an interesting history and uncertain future. It provides an interesting example of an industry that had to quickly evaluate due to constant evolution of technologies employed. This evolution was so money-demanding that it caused a typical movement...
The car industry in China (2008)
Thesis - 32 pages - Economy general
In the current context of significant economic growth of China, with 2008 being a year when Beijing hosted the Olympic Games, it seems wise to focus on the country. Indeed, it officially aims to give way to a spirit of conviviality around sports, but does not forget to attract as many people...
The Alliance Theater : A case study
Tutorials/exercises - 54 pages - Business strategy
Team Alliance initial objective is to focus on the key points that would help us gain more knowledge regarding the motivations and decision-making processes of the Alliance Theatre's 18-35 year old target market. Currently, Alliance Theatre's patrons are composed of 35-50 years old, more females...
Analysis of the European automotive industry through the expansion of Japanese cars in order to emphasize the major automotive strategy trends of the future
Market study - 26 pages - Business strategy
Automotive industry has realized that UK is an important location. A number of companies have set up production bases in UK. The Asian, American and European constructors have proved that UK occupies an important place in the automotive industry. However, the Automotive Industry in Eastern...
The automotive market in Russia
Thesis - 20 pages - Economy general
"Russia will become the largest car market in Europe in the next two years, said Carlos Gohsn (2008), CEO of Renault of France and Nissan of Japan. For both its macroeconomic and social policy reasons, Russia is growing. In 2007, all sectors of the Russian economy had seen steady and...
Evaluate the impact of global recession on international trade and investment with respect to France
Essay - 6 pages - Economy general
In the last few years, the International Business has been hit by a global recession. Economists were talking about the current situation of some countries, companies or economic issues more or less close to a situation of recession. These comments were relayed by lots of public media and it...
Creation of SMEs in Morocco
Thesis - 51 pages - Economy general
Unemployment has reached alarming levels and proportions in Morocco. Every year, more and more working people are being affected by this problem. The Moroccan labor force totals to about 10,347,000. Women constitute about 27.6% of the total work force. Of the 10,347,000, only about 8,977,000 are...
Sensory marketing - using the 5 track senses
Essay - 15 pages - Services marketing
Almost our entire understanding of the world is experienced through our senses. Our senses are our link to memory and can tap right into emotion. A bright fresh spring day has a particular smell to it. Manufacturers try to bottle this feeling of life's renewal. Then the marketers use the...
A look at the company Delphi
Tutorials/exercises - 21 pages - Business strategy
Peter Drucker called the Automobile Industry as "the industry of industries". During the last few years, the production and management systems have been revolutionized in the automobile industry. One of the major changes in the industry has been the opening up and growth of several emerging...
Are company stress management programs effective?
Case study - 16 pages - Psychology
France has very specific characteristics on stress at work,problems such as suicide are much more frequent than elsewhere. Ironically, France is a country where firms are trying to reduce stress problems. The French case is a good example to study in the current context.The question is:what firms...
Prevention of psycho-social risks at work
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Management
France is a dangerous country! This sentence might seem shocking, yet the surveys and studies conducted by various international and European institutions show that the highest numbers of deaths occur in the country. The indicators on stress and suicide rates are in red. If the figures presented...
Automotive industry: China
Thesis - 25 pages - Business strategy
In China, the government does not offer premiums to the purchasers of new cars contrary to the US government or to other European governments. Massive infrastructure investments have been realized by the Chinese government to accompany this development. With more than 2 million km of roads, and...
Customer loyalty: An axis of development of direct marketing
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
Customer loyalty- new development opportunity for direct marketing: At the outset, it would be good to define or analyze at least two keywords of this concept. On one hand we have direct marketing, which is a technique of communication and sales with the aim of broadcasting a personalized...
Daimler-Chrysler case study
Case study - 14 pages - Management
In the 1990s, competition in the car business industry increased dramatically. Companies tried to merge or acquire their competitors in order to remain competitive and strong enough not to be absorbed by other companies. This process is still prevalent today, and takes place in most of the...