What Defines the American Race for Presidency?
Essay - 2 pages - Political life and election
The American democracy is one of the oldest ones that hasn't changed its core in the modern world. For example, countries like France went through five different republics. It was created on the fourth of July in the year 1776 after the American War of Independence against the British Empire....
A People's History of the United States, Chapter 24, Zinn Howard - The Clinton Presidency
Book review - 3 pages - Political science
It is no secret that most politicians make vows to the American people in order to get elected and oftentimes they will say certain things to please the public as well. It is one of the reasons politicians have a reputation as manipulators. It is this topic that Zinn starts the chapter off with...
Cooperation and Conflict: Barack Obama's Relationship with Congress
Dissertation - 15 pages - Political science
In our quest to uncover the complex relationship between Barack Obama and Congress, we will find ourselves on a fantastic journey through one of the most dramatic periods in United States political history. Obama's presidency, from 2008 to 2016, is an example of how a leader can overcome...
James Madison and the US Takeover of West Florida
Biography - 2 pages - Modern history
James Madison was the 4th American president. He was born on 16 March 1751 in Virginia. His father was James Madison, and his mother was Nellie. Madison was the firstborn in a family of 12, and he was brought up on family land in Virginia, Orange County. Although several events took place...
The presidency: Where foreign policy and domestic politics collide
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Political scientists have long sought to discover where the foreign and the domestic spheres of the presidency connect. Presidents, it is assumed, must balance military needs with political needs, whether those political needs entail gaining domestic support for the president's...
Tallberg, J. (2003) 'The agenda-shaping powers of the EU Council Presidency'
Essay - 4 pages - European union
The Presidency of the European Union Council is an attribution that is not often analysed in the literature on EU decision-making. To put it briefly, the member state holding the Presidency of the Council for six months is in fact chairing the meetings of the European Council, meeting at least...
Populism as a Political Style
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
The American political scene has seen the emergence of populism as a major phenomenon, especially in the way that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have conducted their election campaigns. Moffitt's explanation of "populist political style" gives us a key...
The United States and the World: Bush's Second Term and Current Trends in the US Foreign Policy Establishment
Course material - 9 pages - Political life and election
After Bush's re-election in November 2004, there were some doubts about the kind of policy he would now follow, after the occupation of Iraq had revealed itself as a much more difficult undertaking than what the Administration had contemplated. Many felt at the time the President would...
War and the American Presidency : Arthur Schlesinger
Book review - 4 pages - Political science
War And The American Presidency was written by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who used to be an adviser for Adlai Stevenson's campaign and a special assistant to President Kennedy . He participated in the founding of Americans for Democratic Action, America's oldest independent liberal...
Podcast: Nelson Mandela
Creative writing - 2 pages - Medias
Good morning, London and welcome to BBC radio 4! It is 7AM, and today we will talk about the famous man nicknamed Madiba, who fought against the apartheid in South Africa during his entire life. He was president and he was honored by the Nobel Peace Prize: Nelson Mandela!
John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Murder and Conspiracies
Course material - 2 pages - Political science
On the 22nd of November 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed in Dallas city center while riding in a presidential car to promote his reelection. Shot with several bullets, the youngest president of the United States died a few minutes later. It was an incredible shock for America and...
United States Intelligence Community
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
President Truman in collaboration with the Congress did find out that the United States could not meet their security needs without a defined structure for decision making. They had to find a way to deal with intelligence issues in the country. On this note, the president, in 1947 ,...
A review of George Washington's presidency
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
George Washington, born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, inherited his famous Mt. Vernon estate at the age of 20, and until the outbreak of the American Revolution managed this estate and associated himself with the Virginia House of Burgesses. He was married to a widow, Martha Dandridge...
The Wilsonian tradition and its limits (1914-1945)
Course material - 6 pages - Modern history
President Wilson (1913-1920) renounced isolationism, which was the American tradition since Monroe: in agreement with his progressive agenda, he believed the US had to act abroad. He promoted a new internationalist doctrine. But he failed to convince either the foreign partners of the US,...
Given the rule of the precedent in the federal judiciary system, how can it promote stability in the law?
Essay - 2 pages - Law's history and philosophy
The actual implementation of the federal judiciary system began with the Judiciary Act of 1789, signed into law by President George Washington. It established the basic structure and jurisdiction of the federal judiciary system and created the Supreme Court as well as lower federal courts....
The worst economic crisis - Late 1970s to early 1980s
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The worst economic crisis that happened in the world history occurred between the late 1970s spreading over the years to early 1980s. The USA was one of the world economies that were greatly hit by the economic downturn. The debts escalated and savings went down in the American economy leading to...
U.S. history: America before and after 9/11
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
In 2001 after a controversial election, the U.S. had a new President, George W. Bush. Bush had lost the popular vote to Al Gore but had won the election due to the electoral college. But even in the case of the electoral college, he only won because of Florida, which he had only narrowly...
How Does the Constitutional Council Carry Out the Constitutional Review Under the Fifth Republic?
Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law
The Constitutional Council is defined by the articles of Title VII of the 1958 Constitution. Its arrival in seventh position in the order is indicative of the lack of importance that the constitution grants it. The introduction of a jurisdiction in charge of priority preliminary rulings was...
The right of veto in the US Constitution
Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law
In 1787 the US Constitution established a special political regime that has no equivalent elsewhere. This observation stems from the will of the Founding Fathers, who wanted to build a characteristic and unique system of balance of power. In addition to the implemented separation of powers, this...
The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the American way of life (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two notions...
November 20, 2014, televised speech - Barack Obama (2014) - How does the search for a middle ground end up being an ambiguous approach towards immigration ?
Text commentary - 5 pages - Political science
The issue of immigration has always been central to Barack Obama's presidential term. As early as 2010, the Obama administration tried to get Congress to adopt part of the "comprehensive immigration reform", it included several measures such as a program to provide a path to legal status for...
Federal and States restrictions on abortion, with a focus on Oklahoma
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The year 2023 will mark half a century of legal abortion in the United States. However, Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion decision, may not survive as the Supreme Court might soon overturn it and enable states to criminalize abortion. The term "abortion" in this essay will refer to the...
Proportional Representation, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Constitution
Speech - 2 pages - Political science
As a delegate from the great state of Virginia, a state with one of the largest populations in the Union, I find myself compelled to voice strong opposition to certain provisions of the newly proposed Constitution. Our gathering in Philadelphia, intended to create a more robust and effective...
The Possible Geopolitical Consequences of Further Enlargements of the EU
Course material - 6 pages - Political science
The big enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the last one in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania have been greeted with skepticism or even hostile reactions in large sectors of European public opinion. This situation, which probably contributed to the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in France and the...
Fictions and Realities - A Tweet About COVID-19
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
This tweet was published on October 26th 2020, at a time when the number of positive cases in the United States reached 500.000 cases, according to the CDC. Trump frequently attributed the rise in COVID-19 cases to increased testing rather than a rise in infections. He tries to understate the...
The American Legal system versus the English Legal System
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Other law subjects
When we talk about the American legal system, it should be understood as the legal system that applies in the United States of American (US), whereas the English legal system is the one that takes place in the United Kingdom (UK) : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island, except for...
Clinton Impeached - Peter Baker, Juliet Eilperin (1998) - How does the lie become the main factor of accusation?
Text commentary - 2 pages - International relations
Despite his relative frequency in the last couple of years, an impeachment procedure remains a rare event in American political history, as it requires the members of Congress to be ready to vote for the deposition of an elected president - meaning first that the president has been...
World War I
Essay - 2 pages - Modern history
In June of 1914, one man by the name of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, was assassinated. The death of this man would ultimately lead to the bloodiest conflict in all of human history up to that point. This assassination was the final trigger in the tension that was brewing between...
Electoral emendation: Changing the college that chooses our commander-in-chief
Essay - 11 pages - Political science
Stewart is an elector representing the state of Vermont in the Electoral College for the election of the president. The popular vote has been tallied and it is time to finally elect the president. The results for Vermont's popular vote tells Stew that he is supposed to vote for...
Assess the significance of the Watergate scandal
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
Born in 1913 in California, Richard Nixon became the 37th president of the United States in 1968, after being governor of California in 1950, then vice-president at the side of Eisenhower. This republican president earned a big success at the beginning. He indeed managed to...