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Theme : Pregnancy

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12 Nov 2013

Applying cultural relativism to the universal declaration of human rights

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The world at present is composed of countless cultures, each distinctively represented by various languages, religions, and practices. Any individual attempting to study the concept of culture must do so with an open mind, and must also attempt to discard any ethnocentric ideologies. This...

19 Mar 2014

Child Sexual Abuse

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Child Sexual abuse and child exploitation is one of the violent behaviors children face and affects the Childs health as well as their webbings'. Over the last twenty five years, much has been written about the cycle of child sexual abuse. According to National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System...

28 Jan 2015

Hearing impairment - Comprehensive Otology

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Congenital causes are also a factor to hearing loss. Here, the child suffers from the problem from birth. It can be hereditary or be caused by a condition during child birth. Genetic factors are said to contribute to more than 50% of hearing problems caused by congenital factors. A parent...

23 Mar 2011

Marketing Case Study: United Colors of Benetton

Essay - 6 pages - Services marketing

Advertising is not necessarily ethical. This does not mean that it is an area without scruples, but it's just that the practice is always characterized by exaggeration. Awareness of the product helps increase consumption, and sometimes even creating needs. In a world where principles do not...

26 Sep 2007

Prenatal Care

Presentation - 45 pages - Medical studies

Prenatal care as we know it today is a relatively new development in medicine. It originated in Boston in the first decade of this century. Before that time, the patient who thought she was pregnant may have visited a physician for confirmation but did not visit again until delivery was imminent....

30 Jul 2008

Is abortion immoral?

Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies

Abortion is an issue that has probably become one of the most controversial issues that are debated in the United States and in other countries today. Different schools of thoughts have different ideas and opinions regarding abortion, some ideas are pro-abortion and some argue for the abolishment...

06 Aug 2010


Dissertation - 38 pages - Psychology

It is believed that the subject of offering advice, guidance and in general, counselling on being a parent in modern times has not really been addressed. With this in mind, this book is written in a simple language. Although in plain enough English, the content will still be of importance to the...

08 Aug 2007

Fetal Abuse

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A human being can be defined as a living thing that has, or can develop, the ability to act or function independently. In the simplest terms possible, it is the state of existing. How do we judge the value of human life? What makes one life more precious than another? There is great...

09 Jan 2009

Cost literature review: Assisted reproductive techniques and In-vitro fertilization

Thesis - 11 pages - Medical studies

According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, fertility problems affect 7.3 million of women and their partners in the United States. That compromises about twelve percent of the population of reproductive age (American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2008). The majority of...

06 Nov 2014

Ethical and legal issues

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Data publications should take into considerations the rights and responsibilities about ethical and legal issues. Fields that handle critical information as medics and the media have a duty to limit the data that is accessible to the public. Data shared should be reasonable and should not have...

02 Oct 2007

The Bedroom Wars

Essay - 3 pages - Educational studies

To abstain or not to abstain? Seems like everyone has their own answer to this question. The educational system is doing most of the answering for us. There are two types of proposed programs that are floating around; abstinence-only programs that teach kids that abstinence is the only good...

08 Oct 2015

Childbirth booth camp : natural childbirth and care

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

A childbirth boot camp offers information and knowledge on natural childbirth as well as other topics related with childbirth and care. These camps are mainly designed for educational purposes. This paper provides an examination of current trends in Childbirth Education. In this regard, the...

13 Jan 2009

How did patterns of courtship and getting married differ for young women in the 1950's compared to the 1930's?

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The twentieth century has witnessed several changes in social structures and notably with the birth of youth culture, which allowed people between the state of childhood and the one of adulthood to be recognized as a full-fledged category of the society. This change in status has led to several...

10 Jun 2009

Juno: What's good for you?

Thesis - 7 pages - Film studies

Sex, sex, sex, and more sex. We're so egotistic in this country. I remember my adolescent issues teacher in high school raising a question to the class that still resonates with me: “Does the media dictate the people in society, or do people in society dictate the media?” Sitting in her...

15 Jan 2009

Abortion linked to international trade law

Essay - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

There are different kinds and different methods of abortion nowadays. The spontaneous abortion, caused by natural causes, the elective abortion, the therapeutic abortion, which deals with the safety of the physical or mental health of women and the induced abortion, practices deliberately for...

07 May 2010

The commodification of babies: An attempt to control through technological advancements in human reproduction

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

We live in a capitalist society. From our moment of birth, we are being socialized to believe that life is a competition and we must continuously fight to win. Jobs have long ago become specialized and almost everything is a commodity. This shapes every aspect of our lives from the most private...

05 Jun 2008

Epidemiological Profile: Cervical Cancer in Haiti

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Cervical cancer takes a pervasive yet insidious toll on the lives of women. Haitian women in particular are dramatically affected by death and disability induced by cervical cancer. Yet the characteristics and natural history of cervical cancer are not unknown, making the only mysterious aspect...

19 Feb 2008

Analysis of an Association between Nicotine Dependence and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Essay - 5 pages - Biology

The goal of this paper is to evaluate the significance of the co-morbidity of nicotine abuse in adolescents afflicted with ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Due to the nature of the disorder and its possible underlying pathophysiology of dopaminergic dysfunction, the use of...

15 Jan 2009

Contraception as a development tool in Latin America

Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Family planning is “a program to regulate the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception or other methods of birth control.” This paper looks at the relationship between the three components of the Human Development Index, respectively education,...

13 Apr 2009

A critical appraisal of key perspectives related to medical sociology and the sexual behavior of teenagers

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

The purpose of this essay is to critically discuss the sociological factors that influence sexual behavior during adolescence. A period of physiological changes from puberty to adulthood where society's perception and treatment of both boys and girls begins to change, also a period where...

16 Apr 2014

Girl child education and economic development in Africa

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The objectives of this essay are to: Discuss reasons why girl child education is essential for economic development in Africa. Discuss reasons why the girl child in Africa is underprivileged in terms of education Discuss the impact of the low level of girl child education on economic development...

05 Aug 2010

The ethics of child sexuality

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The ethical status of children and sexuality has come to the forefront of our society's attention. There has been a strong attempt over the years to reduce sexual behavior in children. In the United States, the legal age of consent in most states is age sixteen, but some states have it set as...

30 Dec 2024

Dating Violence among Adolescents

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Unlike violence in adult intimate partners, violence among adolescent partners who are dating is a phenomenon that is understudied. Although most teenagers do not experience violence when dating, one out of every ten teenagers have abuse as an integral part of their dating partnerships. The Youth...

27 Jul 2008

Reconciling truth and fact: Abortifacient herbs in a medicalized world

Essay - 7 pages - Medical studies

Today, we know everything. We not only know that the stars are pretty and move through the sky with the seasons, we know what they are made of and why they appear to move. We not only notice the soothing effects of the opium poppy, but have identified the neural circuitry involved in its...

29 Sep 2010

Abortion in the United States

Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In the modern world, one can observe the growing success of anti-abortion actions in the United States whereas the law is supposed to ensure safe and medical abortion. Besides, abortion has become a part of everyday politics (like the death penalty). For instance, in the presidential campaign...

29 Jan 2014

Sex Education at the School

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Nowadays, people would notice that some powerful countries like the United State, England, and Japan have their own uncommon subject for the students in the school. The subject is called sex education which is taught at the school as a common subject that is same as the other subjects such us...

28 May 2009

The Link between poverty and health: Implications for nursing

Thesis - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The World Bank estimates that there are around 1.5 billion extremely poor people in the world. Poverty has many dimensions. It is defined by the International Council of Nurses as" a condition that extends beyond lack of income and goes hand in hand with lack of power, humiliation and a sense of...

09 Oct 2007

Abortion Debate

Essay - 2 pages - Other law subjects

Throughout history there has been an ongoing struggle over abortion. The process of terminating a baby did not sit well with some and thus a debate arose. Advocates of free choice clashed with those who stood by more traditional ideals. Throughout the debates lifetime very little progress has...

13 Aug 2009

Health services in the Gaza

Case study - 6 pages - Journalism

Previous research studies reveal that utilization of health services vary systematically among individuals and communities. There are a number of factors that influence the utilization of services, including the availability of services, quality and cost of services, and other social factors....

01 Dec 2009

Official position of the American Association of diet and dietitian of Canada on the vegetarian nutrition

Thesis - 22 pages - Medical studies

The view of the ADF on the health benefits of vegetarianism for human health is also not new. The Association states that: "This position was adopted by the" House of Delegates (“House of Delegates" is the deliberative body of the ADF, composed of representatives of various fields of...