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Theme : Pregnancy

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28 Feb 2010

The destructive effects of abortion

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Imagine someone stabbing your head with scissors and abruptly pulling your skull out. A suction device is inserted inside your head which evacuates your skull contents. Your body is then cut up into small pieces and thrown away like an empty pop can. Pretty picture right? Well unfortunately,...

23 Sep 2009

Parental discourses in sexual education

Thesis - 19 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Teen pregnancy is a pressing crisis throughout the world, the United States, and Knox County. A gap in expectations between which topics parents should address and which schools should address may be partially to blame; while most parents believe that they should be the loudest voice in...

12 Jul 2010

The issue of abortion

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

Abortion is a tricky issue that has been debated about for hundreds of years. Abortion itself is the act of terminating a pregnancy. There are two sides to this issue: pro-life or pro-choice. Pro-lifers take the stance that abortion should be illegal (mostly because of moral issues), while...

11 Jan 2013

Abortion argument

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Abortion is a difficult topic. I am not a supporter of abortion in all cases, but in the case of the 17 year old pregnant girl whose boyfriend was killed in a car accident, I will argue that her choice for abortion was the right one for her situation. I will justify my position using Judith...

20 Oct 2023

To what extent did the abortion debate after Roe v. Wade mark the entry of Christians into politics?

Essay - 7 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

Abortion, a widely practiced method of terminating a pregnancy, is likely the most polarizing issue in the United States. Before 1973, in a majority of states, abortion was a crime, except to save the life of the mother. Tight regulations had made it difficult for clinics to operate, and...

05 Aug 2010

How young is too young?

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

England has recently unveiled a new sexual education program focused on beginning such programs early in a child's development. The curriculum would introduce topics pertaining to a sexual nature starting as early as five or six years of age and would continue through middle adolescence in an...

26 Nov 2007

The Amnion

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Medical studies

The amnion at term is a tough and tenacious but pliable membrane. It is the innermost fetal membrane and is contiguous with the aminonic fluid. This particular avascular structure occupies a role of incredible importance in human pregnancy. In many obstetrical populations, preterm...

05 Sep 2014

Different Perspectives on Abortion-Hooks, Gilligan, Noonan

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Different perceptions regarding abortion have been around for a long time. Just as with other discussions, the issue of abortion, its justification and criticism continue to elicit mixed emotions. It is imperative to understand the various arguments brought forth by different writers regarding...

11 Jul 2008

Fetal alcohol syndrome: How a mother can kill her child?

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Medical studies

A pregnant woman is at risk of many health problems especially because she is actually having two lives to take care of, herself and the unborn child inside her. This is the reason that a woman should be extra careful in all the activities she engage in, in order to protect both herself and the...

29 Sep 2010

Abortion: Women's Rights

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Picture this situation in a grandmother's old tale. Her story reflects perfectly one of the main problems of illegal abortion. Way back in 1920, when she was 16, her friend was pregnant as a result of incest. Incest refers to having sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that...

30 May 2008

Nietzsche and the Mother: A Contrast to Kantian Enlightenment

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

To what extent does Nietzsche impose his ideals on the reader or create an open and flexible world-view? Upon closing his arguments in On the Genealogy of Morals Nietzsche imagines a reader asking him “'What are you really doing, erecting an ideal or knocking one down?'” (95). He...

28 Apr 2002

Life, death and politics : A run-down of the abortion debate

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Few issues have fostered such controversy as has the topic of abortion. The participants in the abortion debate not only have firmly-fixed beliefs, but each group has a self-designated appellation that clearly reflects what they believe to be the essential issues. On one side, the pro-choice...

21 May 2009

Using research in midwifery

Thesis - 10 pages - Medical studies

Discuss the importance of research within midwifery, both in terms of appreciating and evaluating available papers and how the evidence is applied to practice. Pressure has increased on health care professionals, via government directives such as the National Health Service Plan (DOH 2002) and...

22 Jul 2009

Cultural competency of adolescent ethnic minority females: Theory, research and practice

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

As the land of immigrants, the United States is arguably in the most need of a culturally competent society. Yet, internationally Americans are increasingly regarded as US-centric (Berzonsky et al., 2003; Fullerton, 2005; Pew Research Center, 2005). Given such issues as teen pregnancy,...

03 May 2007

Female infanticide and female feticide

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Female infanticide and female feticide represent serious social problems in India. However, these issues also create much debate over a woman's right to choose whether or not to have a child. While women in India do have the right to terminate a pregnancy, there are several legal...

12 Aug 2009

Media censorship

Thesis - 6 pages - Journalism

Children and teenagers like to be entertained. They like to run and play outside, play video games, read books, write in diaries, listen to music, and especially watch television. There are all sorts of different content on the TV that young people are exposed to; whether it is sports, cartoons,...

27 Oct 2024

Inequalities Against Women in India

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The social framework of India is mainly responsible for the persistence of gender-based violence (GBV), as there are persistent gender disparities that stem from patriarchal practices. In India, dowry, child marriages, child murder, selective terminations of pregnancy, sex trafficking,...

18 Dec 2007

Correct and Incorrect research Design: How to Supply the Best Results

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In a case study of the mental and physical effects of second-hand smoke on pregnant women, it would be understandably ineffective to use a single test group comprised entirely of women in their second trimester. This is because, when you are performing a case study, you need to be sure that you...

18 Apr 2008

Stages of Adolescence: Developmental Study of Cassie Warren

Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The situation described is one which every school-based occupational therapist should be familiar with, since teenage pregnancy is a matter of national concern. Also, Cassie's situation is more or less typical of that of a fifteen-year-old girl: parents have high expectations, there is an...

30 Nov 2010

Project of econometrics: Causes of infant mortality in Africa (2006)

Thesis - 20 pages - Philosophy

My study focuses on child mortality in Africa. According to UNICEF figures, the mortality rate among children under 5 years varies considerably from one country to another, and is amplified in certain countries. For this international organization whose responsibility is the protection of...

26 Nov 2007

Clinical Aspects of Menstruation

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Medical studies

Menstruation is the periodic discharge of blood, mucus, and cellular debris from the uterine mucosa. Menses occur at more or less regular, cyclical, and predictable intervals from menarche to menopause except during pregnancy, lactation, anovulation, or pharmacological intervention. It is...

23 Apr 2008

Examining Urban Poverty In Canadian Society

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Poverty is a problem which is increasing steadily on a global scale. In North America, urban poverty is growing rapidly. Urban Poverty is a term used to describe people living in urban environments whom lack the means required to provide themselves with the basic necessities needed to live...

06 Jun 2008

Eugenic Expectations: The Reality of Getting What You Want

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The advancement of medical technology has encroached upon every aspect of our healthcare system and delivery, yet probably the most sensitive area it has impacted has been our methods of reproduction. Due to the illicit (or at least discrete) nature of conception means, along with the sanctity...

12 Jan 2009

Communication & youth

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The media view of youth is hardly encouraging. We read about hoodies, ‘happy slapping', teenage pregnancy, drugs, STDs. And these days too, we find part of the world's youth actively turning themselves into would-be suicide bombers. So, why do we get so obsessed about marketing to...

07 May 2009

Social cognitive processes mediating the relationship between exposure to television's sexual content and adolescents' sexual behavior by Steven C. Martino, Rebecca L. Collins, David E. Kanouse, Marc Elliot, and Sandra H. Berry

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

The article I chose to study is from the volume 89 of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, published in 2005 by the American Psychological Association. It deals with a research supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. I chose this one since, like the...

11 Jul 2013

Healthy eating

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

Health is the most important aspect of living. Various people have different notions about a healthy diet, according to the place where they live and the kind of food available for them to eat. In this paper, the aspect of healthy eating and to what extent is the community indulging in healthy...

14 Aug 2009

How can cardiac output be controlled physiologically and pharmacologically?

Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies

Cardiac output is the amount of blood ejected by a ventricle in a given unit of time, for example the amount of blood ejected by the left ventricle into the aortic arch per minute. The cardiac output can be changed by variations in its controlling factors. Changes in cardiac output are vital to...

20 Sep 2010

Remedies for cataracts

Thesis - 3 pages - Medical studies

At birth, a normal human eye is endowed with a wonderful lens, brilliantly clear and transparent. It allows the light to enter the eye and focuses what we are seeing on our retina. The lens burdened by age, becomes thicker. A cataract sets in. Lesser light enters the affected eye, and your...

13 Jan 2011

Prostitution in the Middle Ages

Thesis - 10 pages - Medieval history

Urban prostitution has become one of the most pressing social issues of today. Innocent girls, who are always on the look out for greener pastures, have become easy targets. Pimps lure these girls away to cities, and force them into prostitution. Many developing and developed countries have been...

23 Sep 2009

An overview of family planning

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Knox women will soon have access to more affordable reproductive care near campus, as a new contract is drafted between the college and Family Planning. The new deal is the product of months of administrative confusion and mis-communication. In the past, Knox had an agreement with Family...