Ectopic pregnancy
Presentation - 20 pages - Medical studies
Pregnancy that is implanted outside the uterine cavity at a site that by nature is not designed anatomically or physiologically to accept or permit growth of the conceptus. Doubling timing in normal intrauterine pregnancy is 48 hrs. Minimum 66 % [ range 65 - 100 %] increase over...
Practical guide for vegans during pregnancy and children
Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies
A pregnant woman should receive a more elaborate supply to the fetus grows and changes in her body. A series of studies at "The Farm", a vegan community in the USA, shows that vegans can get pregnant very normal and that infants, toddlers and children can follow a vegan diet safely. It is...
Before teen pregnancy: Contrasting the social capital and empowerment theories
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will analyze two human behavior theories. Within this analysis, the discussion will review the history of these theories, their supporters, the stages of acceptance of the theories, and the strengths verses the weaknesses of each theory. Next, the paper will review the social problem...
Teen Pregnancy: The need for a Comprehensive Sexual Education Program in Massachusetts
Case study - 9 pages - Educational studies
Why does the United States have almost four times the rate of teen pregnancies as France? Almost nine times the teen pregnancy rates of the Netherlands? Other nations have sexual education implemented in an effective manner within their school systems. France has implemented a mandatory...
Normal Pregnancy
Presentation - 27 pages - Medical studies
Pregnancy (gestation) is the maternal condition of having a developing fetus in the body. The human conceptus from fertilization through the eighth week of pregnancy is termed an embryo; from the eighth week until delivery, it is a fetus. For obstetric purposes, the duration of...
Physiology of Pregnancy
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Medical studies
Endometrium/decidua is the anatomical site of blastocyst apposition, implantation, and placental development. The endometrium is the mucosal lining of the uterine cavity and the decidua is the highly modified and specialized endometrium of pregnancy. From an evolutionary perspective, the...
Drugs, Cigarette Smoking & Alcohol During Pregnancy
Presentation - 26 pages - Medical studies
Teratogenicity has been established for only a few drugs, but many more are still not proved to be safe for use during pregnancy. The physician should have a good reason for prescribing any drug early in pregnancy, or indeed during the last half of the menstrual cycle, when any...
Assesment of Normal Pregnancy
Presentation - 48 pages - Medical studies
The diagnosis of pregnancy is usually made on the basis of a history of amenorrhea, an enlarging uterus, and a positive pregnancy test. Nausea and breast tenderness are also often present. It may be crucial to diagnose pregnancy before the first missed menstrual period to...
Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy
Presentation - 28 pages - Medical studies
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy has many causes and ranges in severity from mild (with normal pregnancy outcome) to life threatening for both infant and mother. Bleeding can vary from scant to excessive, from brown to bright red, and can be painless or painful. Causes can be...
Human Pregnancy
Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies
Healthier mothers and babies ranks as one of the 10 great public health achievements in the United States between 1900 and 1999. At the beginning of the century, almost 1 in every 100 women giving birth in this country died of pregnancy-related complications, and nearly 1 of 10 infants...
New Abortion Laws in Texas
Essay - 3 pages - Civil law
Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy mainly carried out during the first seven weeks of pregnancy. Most women exhibit minimal or no effects of abortion though some may experience minor risk complications like damage to the womb, excessive bleeding, and infection of...
Federal and States restrictions on abortion, with a focus on Oklahoma
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The year 2023 will mark half a century of legal abortion in the United States. However, Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion decision, may not survive as the Supreme Court might soon overturn it and enable states to criminalize abortion. The term "abortion" in this essay will refer to the...
Comprehensive Wellness Assessment - Case of a Caucasian Woman
Case study - 5 pages - Medical care & personal assistance
The comprehensive wellness assessment enables the caregiver and the patient to deliberate on existing and new health issues. A well-woman assessment is a proactive method for screening likely issues associated with women's health (Tong et al., 2021). This evaluation is vital for the health of...
Long-Term Implications for Women's Health and Privacy Now That Roe V. Wade Has Been Overturned
Essay - 2 pages - Constitutional law
The Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v Wade on the twenty-fourth of June 2022, revoking the basic rights to privacy and legal and safe abortion care. The majority of the medical and mental practitioners were disappointed by the court's decision as the judge's ruling was...
Foods that pregnant women should avoid
Summary - 2 pages - Nutrition, alimentation and dietetic
Pregnancy is a time of rapid development, so mothers to be should be very careful when choosing what to eat, because some foods may harm them or their unborn baby. This research paper is written after reading several articles on the subject.
Population Health Project - The Case of African American Women in Urban Areas
Case study - 6 pages - Economic politics
There is an urgent need to set a target that enables all people, regardless of financial status, to access quality healthcare and prohibit any forms of impartiality. Different characters create different experiences, yet sometimes the effect of demographics on the people who are suffering from...
The controversy surrounding abortion
Thesis - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Abortion is an age old question that has caused a great rift in society. While it is legal in the United States, abortion is also a question of morality and the values a person has. To what extent can or should law regulate morality, and to what extent should the state encroach on the personal...
Children living with Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Worksheets - 4 pages - Medical studies
The maturation of the brain begins at the conception and is continuous after birth. All trouble of cerebral tissues before, during and after birth can affect certain part of brain and, depending on the degree of injury, can cause a permanent trouble characterized by the progressive injury.
Bias in Healthcare Industry
Essay - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance
The trouble of bias in healthcare and its effect on the high-quality of care are a tremendous concern that impacts the fundamental ideas of the healthcare system. The iron triangle of healthcare, which accommodates access, price, and best, is regularly challenged by using the presence of implicit...
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens (1849); Cat's Eye - Margaret Atwood (1988); Juno - Jason Reitman (2007) - Difficulties in friendship and love relationships
Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature
This passage is an extract from the novel David Coperfield by Charles Dickens, at the time David Coperfield was married to Dora Spenlow. David felt completely in love with Dora, and they decided to get married. However, their relationship is not reasonable because Dora has no sense of everyday...
Building an acceptable Mother-Daughter relationship
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Most generally than not, mothers tend to accept an already absolute band amid they and their children, during the stages of pregnancy. And from the aeon they are brought forth, a dematerialization of that accustomed band or accord occurs as time passes, and this is mostly apparent if it...
The sex talk for children: A look at modern sex education
Thesis - 6 pages - Educational studies
Every year, hundreds of thousands of American teenage girls become pregnant. According to the Guttmacher Institute (2006), a private research company in the field of teenage pregnancy studies, 821,810 teen girls, ages 15-19, became pregnant in the year 2000, and many more may occur, only...
Prevention of recurrence of pre-term birth by progesterone
Thesis - 8 pages - Medical studies
For years, the prescription of progesterone in the event of a threat of premature birth was normal, despite the absence of any demonstration of a fetal or neonatal benefit in this situation. The description of an increased risk of cholestasis of pregnancy during this treatment was...
When "just say no" does not work
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Growing up in a small suburb of Tulsa was an experience one might want to soon forget. I grew up in Glenpool, Oklahoma for the first eighteen years of my life. It was a small, poor suburb with only one school. Despite all the churches in Glenpool, which numbered eleven at my last count about...
A discussion of key models of health promotion
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Health is a broad concept, which can embody a huge range of meanings, from the narrowly technical to the all-embracing moral or philosophical. The word health derived from the Old English word for heal (hael) which means whole', signaling that health concerns the whole person and his or her...
Impact of feminism on the ability of women to make notable strides and improvements in certain areas of their lives
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
When the feminist movement formally began in the late 1960s, many women saw the movement as an opportunity to raise the American consciousness about critical issues that had long impacted the ability of women to acquire social, political and economic equality. Although it is evident that feminism...
The Decidua
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Medical studies
This tissue is the specialized, highly modified endometrium of pregnancy. The transformation of secretory endometrium to decidua is dependent upon the action of estrogen and progesterone and other stimuli provided by the implanting blastocyst (or maternal platelets) during trophoblast...
Calculation of Gestational Age and Estimated Date of Confinement
Presentation - 26 pages - Medical studies
After the diagnosis of pregnancy is made, it is imperative to determine the duration of pregnancy and the estimated date of confinement (EDC). Normally, human pregnancy lasts 280 days or 40 weeks (9 calendar months or 10 lunar months) from the last normal menstrual period...
Stress and postpartum depression
Essay - 6 pages - Medical studies
Many women experience some mood changes after childbirth. The mild form of mood alteration experienced by two-thirds of mothers following the birth of a child is commonly known as postpartum blues. This is a mild, transient change in mood which usually begins within one to five days following...
A research on women's health in relevance to their rights and freedom
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
In the span of our lives we have seen national crisis come and go: The Vietnam War in the 60's, the drug epidemic of the 70's, and the AIDS crisis in the 80's. Most of these conflicts were managed by government control with plans and policy making they slowly settled. Today, in light of recent...