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Theme : Power

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28 Jul 2009

Merits of attention in social situations: An interdisciplinary study in dominance and power

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

As an essential part of everyday life, conversations may often seem simple and one dimensional: one person speaks, all others listen. Upon further dissection, conversations involve many processes: information exchange, information processing, language and more. While attentiveness is just one...

15 Jan 2009

The balance of power

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

It was not until the beginning of the 17th century, when the science of international law took shape at the hands of Grotius and his successors, that the theory of the balance of power was formulated as a fundamental principle of diplomacy in the realist theory. According to Cobden, the...

16 Jan 2009

Discuss the methods by which Britain became a great power

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

The very notion of power and by extension the one of great power, have always been elaborate concepts to grasp. Should one study the strength of a nation from a historical perspective, then it appears that the notion of great power could only be defined comparatively. Indeed,...

05 Mar 2009

How the Bush administration has abused executive power

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

Since the United States Constitution was written, there has been a constant tug-of-war for power between the three branches of government: the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. In this time, the executive has been able to acquire many powers which...

17 May 2009

Robert Kagan, "Of Paradise and Power, America and Europe in the New World Order"

Book review - 5 pages - Political science

Robert Kagan's Of Paradise and Power was published in January 2003. The book is in fact an extension of the author's article “Power and Weakness” which appeared in the Policy Review in June 2002. In his book, Kagan presents a very interesting point of view. He shows that,...

08 Jun 2009

Improving the power factor of a circuit

Presentation - 51 pages - Physics

The power factor of a circuit implies that how efficiently power is being consumed or utilized in the circuit. The greater the power factor of a circuit, greater is the ability of the circuit to utilize apparent power. Thus if the power factor is 0.5, it means...

08 Jun 2009

Power quality issues and mitigation of voltage dips using power conditioning equipment

Thesis - 8 pages - Physics

Most of the industrial loads are mainly controlled by power semiconductor devices. These devices make such loads more sensitive against power system disturbances. Thus, the power quality problems have gained more interest recently. This paper presents a review of some of the...

09 Jun 2009

National conference on power electronics and power systems 2008: Simulation of transient for power transmission lines

Thesis - 6 pages - Physics

Switching operations, faults, lightning surges, and other intended or unintended disturbances cause temporary high voltages and currents in power transmission lines. The system must withstand this high voltage with a certain probability or its effects must be reduced and limited with...

09 Jun 2009

Wind energy integration in power systems

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

Grid connection of wind energy sources is essential if they are to be effectively exploited, but grid connection brings a number of problems. In the paper, Distributed Generation and Wind Power integration problems are discussed. Many early wind turbines utilized a squirrel-cage or...

24 Nov 2009

The power of nutrition in child and adolescent

Thesis - 9 pages - Biology

Childhood and adolescence are critical stages in the life of an individual, and feeding them is important. As for adults, nutrient intakes for children should cover the energy needs, but they must also ensure growth. The quantitative and qualitative aspect of their food is taken into account....

15 Jan 2009

The increase of power in China and India

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

Globalization is the increased mobility of goods, services, labour, technology and capital throughout the world. This process has speeded up over the years, especially with the growth of new information and communication technologies. Through these changes, we can see the growth of emerging...

13 Jan 2009

The economic power of the Chinese Diaspora

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

China's economic growth is a much debated issue and is said to change the face of the world and presently world economic patterns are being reshaped. A couple of figures can easily help to understand how deep these changes are. Over the past 10 years, the Chinese economy grew by 10% a year on...

15 Jan 2009

The Chinese century, the rising economy and its impact on the global economy, the balance of power, and your job, Oded SHENKAR, 2005

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

China is at the heart of the present-day economic debate. China is indisputably booming economically. Its enormous growth rate attests of this evolution; all economists agree on this assertion. What seems more debatable at the moment is the impact this rise could have on the global economy, and...

20 May 2009

Overview of a planned 5-10 MW CBM fired pilot power project

Presentation - 69 pages - Business strategy

This presentation is based on the company Optim Energy. The trend of the presentation will be a beginning with who Optim Energy is, followed by what the project is all about and why they chose the Princeton area. Next will be a description of what coal bed methane is and how prevalent is it...

10 Aug 2009

Class and power in America

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Most Americans don't like the idea that there might be social classes. Classes imply that people have relatively fixed stations in life. Even more, Americans tend to deny that classes might be rooted in wealth and occupational roles. They talk about social class, but with euphemisms like...

19 Aug 2009

The Destructive Power of Material Wealth in Rome: Luxury and Avarice as Negative Values in Sallust and Livy

Thesis - 7 pages - Ancient history

The Roman conquest of foreign nations in the East resulted in a dramatic increase of material wealth in Rome, brought back as the spoils of war from the conquered nations. This increase in wealth had a corruptive influence on Roman society, as it signified the advent of luxury, or extravagance,...

03 Sep 2009

China's rise to power

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Most outside analysts believe that China is experiencing the most secure and “threat-free” period in its post-1949 history. But, China's military leaders appear to perceive the international environment as dangerous and threatening. Since the end of World War II, China has had an...

13 Apr 2009

The role played by power in professional relationships

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

All humans are created equal and have the ability of agency according to Locke. The experimentalist perspective also advocates an extensive degree of personal agency and responsibility to sustain equality throughout life (Steven's, 1996a, p.195-201). However, the social constructionists...

17 May 2009

Power and weakness in "American Power in the 21st Century" by Robert Kagan

Book review - 5 pages - Political science

Robert Kagan is a neo-conservative American scholar and political commentator. He was born on September 26th 1958 in Athens. After graduating from Yale University in 1980, he earned a Masters from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a PhD from American University in...

15 Jan 2009

Essay on the separation of powers in Europe - A comparative study

Case study - 16 pages - Constitutional law

“Each country must find a solution which is sensitive to its domestic culture” …this is the position of Lord Irvine of Lairg on the separation of powers. This can be regarded as a politically correct position on a very discussed topic in that it does not take part in the...

15 Jan 2009

How far have the French succeeded in imposing a necessary reduction on the role and power of the state?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The French state has always occupied a central and essential role and has over the years taken measures to reduce state power. This necessity has to be related to the unprecedented shift in the balance of power, when the Socialists won the elections in 1981. For the first time...

05 Mar 2009

A study of the power press

Thesis - 17 pages - Physics

Press is a tool used to work on sheet metal to convert its shape to the required item. Power presses are used for producing large quantities of components quickly, accurately and economically from the cold working of mild steel and other ductile materials. The components produced range...

15 Jan 2009

Tallberg, J. (2003) 'The agenda-shaping powers of the EU Council Presidency'

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The Presidency of the European Union Council is an attribution that is not often analysed in the literature on EU decision-making. To put it briefly, the member state holding the Presidency of the Council for six months is in fact chairing the meetings of the European Council, meeting at least...

14 Jul 2009

Rapprochement and cooperation between China and the United States: The revolutionary breakthrough which changed the balance of power forever

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

The establishment of relations between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (China) was in every sense a watershed in the history of foreign policy, and permanently altered the international system. U. S. President Richard M. Nixon's trip to China in February 1972 was...

02 Jun 2009

The power over and of the media

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today we live in an “Age of Information”. The emergence of the internet and the development of media technologies has not only increased the availability of information, but also the speed at which it is distributed. The combination of high-speed and widespread access to information has...

28 May 2009

Heat pipe based air preheater for thermal power plants

Dissertation - 54 pages - Computer science

Modern day thermal power plants try to utilize more & more heat available from burning of coal. In the process reducing the heat loss to the surroundings and increasing the efficiency. Devices like economizer and air preheater are manifestations for the same purpose. Most of the...

12 May 2009

An evaluation of the role played by the early Tudors in the growth of England as a super power

Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history

The Tudor period in English history refers to the period between 1485 C.E. and 1603 C.E. that coincides with the rule of the Tudor dynasty. The five monarchs who ruled England during this period were Henry VII (1485 C.E. to 1509 C.E.), Henry VIII (1509 C.E. to 1547 C.E.), Edward VI (1547 C.E. to...

07 May 2009

The power of eminent domain in the United States of America

Thesis - 4 pages - Constitutional law

Since its self-declared independence in 1776, the United States of America has always shown its will to become a grand nation. To fulfill this dream and set itself up as one of the greatest powers in a various domains on the international scale, it has gone through centuries of expansion....

18 Mar 2009

Fundamental attribution error in explaining people's behavior: Overestimating the power of personality traits and underestimating the power of social influence

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Stanley Milgram (1963) demonstrated that the majority of the subjects in his studies on obedience (65 per cent) ‘average, decent American citizens' (Milgram, 1963. p.5 ) who had volunteered for a Yale University experiment on learning would administer painful electric shocks up to 450 volts...

16 Jan 2009

Evaluating supermarket power: Carrefour promodes

Essay - 8 pages - Business strategy

In recent years, large buyers that had previously been in fragmented industries have increased their purchasing power through mergers and acquisitions. This change has placed more importance on the topic of limiting bargaining power and preserving free competition in the market. As...