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21 Nov 2024

Office Politics and Sexual Harassment

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

The workplace provides a platform in which different personalities come together and work towards a common goal. However, the performance of these individuals and the entire corporation may be derailed by sexual harassment. Within the corporate world, sexual harassment is recognized as a major...

11 Jan 2024

The UK's unwritten constitution is put to the test by Johnson's unprincipled acts, The observer - Catherine Haddon (10 july 2022) - Analysis of British politics and its impact

Text commentary - 3 pages - Political science

The English constitution is not a single, codified document, but a collection of texts and unwritten principles. The government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in office between 2019 and 2022, would have undermined some of these rules, particularly regarding transitional governments, and thought...

14 Dec 2024

Power and sovereignty in politics

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Power and sovereignty in politics play a crucial role in shaping the world's affairs and international relations. Power can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others, while sovereignty refers to a state's ability to govern itself without interference from...

30 May 2024

Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam - Martin Luther King (April 1967) - How did Martin Luther King's position on the Vietnam War alter American politics?

Text commentary - 2 pages - Modern history

This essay offers an interpretation of one aspect of King's career: his opposition to America's involvement in Vietnam. Although it focuses squarely on King himself, it tries to avoid some of the pitfalls of the biographical approach by examining the nature of his "Declaration of...

03 Jul 2023

Private life of American Politics - a commentary of article images

Text commentary - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages


20 Oct 2023

To what extent did the abortion debate after Roe v. Wade mark the entry of Christians into politics?

Essay - 7 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

Abortion, a widely practiced method of terminating a pregnancy, is likely the most polarizing issue in the United States. Before 1973, in a majority of states, abortion was a crime, except to save the life of the mother. Tight regulations had made it difficult for clinics to operate, and women...

03 Jul 2023

To what extent tradition, history, art, religion and politics can shape the economy of a region, a country or a continent? - The example of China

Essay - 5 pages - World geography

Economic growth and development in a country are not only the results of trade and economic policies. The economy, in a country, can also be boosted when the country offers a safe economic background such as secure private property or open trade guaranties. Institutions are fundamental in order...

21 Apr 2023

Political Parties and Elections - Politics of the Middle East and North Africa

Summary - 2 pages - Political science

This text is based on "After the Arab Spring: Do Muslims vote Islamic now?" by Charles Kurzman and Didem Türkoglu, "Elections in the Arab world: Why do citizens turn out?" by Carolina de Miguel, Amaney A. Jamel and Mark Tessler, "The Middle East" by Ellen Lust and "Bricks and Mortar Clientelism:...

31 May 2023

Social Media Platforms and British Politics

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Social media platforms have become a ubiquitous part of modern life, revolutionizing the way individuals and communities interact with one another. They have played an increasingly significant role in shaping the political landscape, enabling political candidates to reach out to voters more...

06 Oct 2023

English basics - Culture, politics, sociology

Worksheets - 7 pages - World geography

European Economic Community founded in 1957, by« Inner Six» so France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg. Initially UK, unwilling to join the EU mainly because of its« special relationship» with the US, its Commonwealth and Geographic Localisation. 1960's years she realized...

22 Nov 2023

How did Brexit impact British politics?

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

The issue of Brexit has been at the centre of European politics for years now. Since we cannot tackle it as a whole, we are going to look at the social aspects that led to such a decision and the implications that Brexit has had not on the European Union, but on the United Kingdom itself....

21 Jul 2022

Welfare Politics - The criticism that Marxism presents against Beveridge's welfare

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The objective of this paper is two-fold. First, it aims to discuss the main features of Beveridge's vision of welfare. The other aim is to discuss the Marxism approach to welfare and in doing so analyze the critiques that Marxism presents against Beveridge's welfare.

23 Nov 2022

Geopolitics of the Iranian Country

Course material - 16 pages - Political science

Islam became more militant after the fall of the caliphate. From the beginning of the 1920s, the Syrian Rashid Rida (1865-1935) was the first to refer to the notion of the Islamic State (al-dawla islamiyya), but without proposing a systematic political program. The return to Islamic Law...

18 Feb 2022

Brexit and the implications of the border in the politics of Northern Ireland and the Republic: pushing a unification too quickly or too hard a separation?

Dissertation - 10 pages - International relations

In Northern Ireland, separation has been part of the history of the nation since its conquest of the Normans in 1169, as it paved the way for the later British involvement in Ireland. Today, the thorny issue that threatens the country is Brexit and its implications on the dividing border and...

08 Aug 2022

Theories of British Politics in the 20th century

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Twentieth-century British politics have been linked to one of the most discussed primal concepts within the existing global affairs, particularly throughout the past seven years. With fundamental referendums which exceptionally resulted in the dramatic withdrawal of the United Kingdom from...

23 Aug 2022

Politics and crisis management

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Crisis management has certainly become a critical feature of contemporary management and governance. During periods of crisis, members of organizations and communities expect leaders to work out strategies that minimize the impacts of crises at hand, while bureaucratic competitors and critics try...

06 Sep 2021

Olympic Games and politics

Presentation - 14 pages - Sports

Are the Olympic games a politic weapon? The Olympic games have walked across the time, so we will see the most important incidents during the Olympic games.

29 Mar 2016

Refugee studies, humanitarian issues in International Politics

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The concept of humanitarian protection encompasses the various activities that are aimed at achieving full respect for the rights of individuals in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant law bodies. Moreover, the relevant bodies of humanitarian, human rights and refugee law...

01 Feb 2015

Bertolt Brecht: Art, science, politics, purpose

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

The first feature validates to watch for Brecht and politics, and also it is the fact that our author does not come from a proletarian environment. Brecht's father worked in the purchasing sector and sale of a paper mill and arrived at some point, to be director of the company; was...

08 Oct 2015

The Guns of August and International Politics - Barbara Tuchman

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

The book Gun of August has been written by Barbara Tuchman and is about First World War classic histories. In this book, Barbara reconstructs the World War I's first one month, which is the first thirty days within the 1914 summer, which determined the conflict's cause, the century, as well as...

28 Jan 2015

Global Politics and Institutions

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Globalization refers to the process of increasing connectivity between geographically distant places as well as the interdependence of both trade and the financial markets. The drive behind calls for globalization is that it encourages healthy competition as between producers and drives progress...

21 Nov 2014

The Iron Curtain, 1948- Film Propaganda and American Politics

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

The 1940s marked the purge of Anti-communists films within the American Film industry. The cold war affected the America in nearly all its facets whether cultural or political. Subsequent to President Winston Churchill announcing the fall of the iron curtain that divided the Soviet Union from its...

16 Apr 2014

Gender, sexuality and politics: masculinity - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The art critic and author John Berger, known in particular for his introductory essay on art criticism Ways of Seeing , discusses a “promise of power”, which lies at the centre of a network of conventional masculine characteristics: authority, competitiveness, aggression,...

24 Nov 2014

Income Inequality evidence and Policy Representation- American Politics

Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

There is incontrovertible evidence that the American income inequality has increased, while the social mobility has reduced. It is widely known that states with higher income inequality have lower social mobility, in cases of income-based definition of mobility. This implies that increasing...

08 Jul 2013

1984 contemporary politics

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Literature has a mysterious way of predicting certain events. The fact that history tends to repeat itself amplifies this phenomena. The novel, 1984, George Orwell seems to make certain predictions that are evident in our current political system. Censorship and government surveillance are two...

29 Jul 2013

Social politics of the plight of the woman

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Social politics is the process through which groups in various social structures make collective decisions. Social politics is influenced by various facets of the society such as religion, business, gender, academics and even sports. Social politics therefore encapsulate the...

20 Apr 2012

The persistence of the National Front in French politics: It's impact beyond the 2002 presidential elections

Case study - 12 pages - International relations

Spring 2002, after living through the empowerment of the far right party FPPO led by Jorg Haider in Austria, the European community sees the first important action of the extremist right wing in a big European country, France. It is on the 21st of April that Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the...

19 Oct 2012

Basic concepts in global environmental politics

Case study - 4 pages - Political science

Bringing a variety of perspectives to the table, there are three very influential actors involved in global environmental governance: Nation States, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Corporations. Scientists have been excluded from the category of “actor” because any of these three...

30 Jun 2011

Politics of Baltimore City: City council observations and related thoughts

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Although a Monday afternoon scheduling more or less precluded the possibility of my attending a meeting of the City Council over the previous weeks, I have been able to watch a recorded meeting on television - a medium that in and of itself presents a set of questions different from those that...

30 Jun 2011

A City in the Republic: Machine politics in New York City

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

A City in Republic offers a new study on the emergence of machine politics in New York City during the antebellum years. It adds a new perspective on the origins of a political system, which were common in the larger cities throughout the United States from the mid-nineteenth until the...