The United States and the World: demography and energy in the world as predictable long-term factors
Course material - 11 pages - World geography
The current policy, and even more the future policy of any country is difficult to assess, because it depends on a lot of factors, many of them (public moods, politics, personalities) being of a transient nature. But the current and future policy of any country also depends largely on...
What key policy and socioeconomic factors contribute to healthcare disparities in the United States and the United Kingdom? - Comparative study
Dissertation - 10 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The health care system in the United States appears as a complex and multi-layered system that includes a mix of public and private entities. Unlike many other developed countries that have adopted universal health care systems, the United States relies primarily on a privately owned system ,...
Country Risk : Social and Political Dynamics
Worksheets - 3 pages - Political science
Despite their effects on growth and macroeconomic equilibria, social and political crises have been introduced only recently into country risk analysis. Recent crises (Syria, Arab springs, Sahel civil war) put forward those issues and highlighted the gaps in current methods. The analysis...
Populism as a Political Style
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
The American political scene has seen the emergence of populism as a major phenomenon, especially in the way that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have conducted their election campaigns. Moffitt's explanation of "populist political style" gives us a key...
Politics and crisis management
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Crisis management has certainly become a critical feature of contemporary management and governance. During periods of crisis, members of organizations and communities expect leaders to work out strategies that minimize the impacts of crises at hand, while bureaucratic competitors and critics try...
Politeness as Human Value
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The essence of social institutions, politeness, is a key factor in communication. Historically, it has been seen as a symbol of hierarchy and strength. For example, those with a high social status are apt to be more polite than those with a lower status. Nevertheless, the so-called power...
Political Regime in the USA and China
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
It is important to examine the legal-political environment of any country and determine how it affects the business life. In view of that, it is important to reflect on the interplay of political factors to determine which provides the preferable business environment....
Investigation of the factors and forces that promote internationalization of firms - A case study of Wal-Mart stores Inc.
Case study - 67 pages - International marketing
The world is more independent in recent time more than ever and changes occur constantly. Due to such changes, most of the organizations with the potential to grow tend to take their operations to foreign countries away from their home country through internalization. The level at which a firm...
Global Politics and Institutions
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Globalization refers to the process of increasing connectivity between geographically distant places as well as the interdependence of both trade and the financial markets. The drive behind calls for globalization is that it encourages healthy competition as between producers and drives progress...
Theories of British Politics in the 20th century
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Twentieth-century British politics have been linked to one of the most discussed primal concepts within the existing global affairs, particularly throughout the past seven years. With fundamental referendums which exceptionally resulted in the dramatic withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the...
Political Parties and Election in the Middle East and North Africa
Summary - 2 pages - Political science
This text is based on "Elections under authoritarianism: Preliminary lessons from Jordan" by Ellen Lust, "Bullets over Ballots: Islamist groups, the state and electoral violence in Egypt and Morocco" by Hendrik Kraetzschmara and Francesco Cavatortab and "Elections and Distributive Politics in...
Clinton Impeached - Peter Baker, Juliet Eilperin (1998) - How does the lie become the main factor of accusation?
Text commentary - 2 pages - International relations
Despite his relative frequency in the last couple of years, an impeachment procedure remains a rare event in American political history, as it requires the members of Congress to be ready to vote for the deposition of an elected president - meaning first that the president has been guilty...
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Litterature review - 3 pages - Political science
Political parties and interest groups are two leading players in the American political system in which different roles are allotted, but to some extent, there are common issues. Political parties and non-government organizations (NGOs) are similar in that they are each...
The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Racial Bias in the U.S. Courts System
Dissertation - 13 pages - Law's history and philosophy
This research aims to discover the relationship between social and economic conditions involved in making racial bias more evident within the American court system. This theory relies heavily on the existing theory of social stratification"winners' school" that emphasizes the role of...
A political satire in the 21st Century has a higher impact on the public opinion than a revealing newspaper article - Thesis Paper Research
Case study - 6 pages - Literature
In the below literature review we are going to examine the effect of satire on politicians. Our thesis is that A political satire in the 21st Century has a higher impact on the public opinion than a revealing newspaper article, through creating humor and simplicity. The thesis...
European Union Influence in International Political Economy
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
International political economy is a field that tries to understand global and international problems through an electric interdisciplinary array of theoretical perspectives and analytical tool. It encompasses analysis of political economy in the global trade, international finance,...
In what ways conflicts between political entities in the Middle East have been shaped by the history of state formation in the area?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The key terms to understand such situations are "political entities" and "state formation". Speaking of political entities rather than states shows the diversity of actors that make up the political life of the Middle East and can change the configuration of the borders,...
Welfare Politics - The criticism that Marxism presents against Beveridge's welfare
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
The objective of this paper is two-fold. First, it aims to discuss the main features of Beveridge's vision of welfare. The other aim is to discuss the Marxism approach to welfare and in doing so analyze the critiques that Marxism presents against Beveridge's welfare.
U.S. Political Institutions and their Roles in the U.S. Foreign Policy
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
In 2017, Trump stated in the National Security Strategy of the United States of America that the US "seeks a Middle East that is not a haven or breeding ground for jihadist terrorists, not dominated by any power hostile to the United States, and that contributes to a stable global energy market."...
Economy - Types, factors and effects of inflation in Malaysia
Essay - 21 pages - Economy general
In the economy, inflation means an increase in the general price of goods and services in an economy from time to time. G. Ackley defined inflation as a persistent and appreciable rise in the general level or averĀage of prices'. With the increase in general price levels, each unit of...
Bertolt Brecht: Art, science, politics, purpose
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
The first feature validates to watch for Brecht and politics, and also it is the fact that our author does not come from a proletarian environment. Brecht's father worked in the purchasing sector and sale of a paper mill and arrived at some point, to be director of the company; was therefore...
Critical evaluation of the significance of PEST factors in organizational strategic planning
Thesis - 5 pages - Management
PEST factors refer to the political factors, economic factors, societal factors and technological aspects that determine the outcome of business prospects in organizations. It is always important for a business entity to carry out an assessment and evaluation of...
Can the military be a-political? Should it be?
Essay - 3 pages - Political science
The world has been stunned since 1989 by the speed with which the countries of Eastern Europe abandoned four decades of Marxist-Leninist rule and moved into Western-style democracy and capitalism. Although the process of transition was, of course, delicate, it seems that very often economic and...
Women for ballots: Exploring female under-representation in politics
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
In spite of the tremendous political advances made by women in the Western world, clear evidence demonstrates that their participation in politics does not equal that represented by men. While women make up a little over half of the total population of Canada (51.04%), they are in many...
Critically assess available explanations of the rise of the National Front, and assess and explain its impact on French politics
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
The National Front was founded in 1972 by Jean-Marie Le Pen and since the 1980s has managed to enter French political life. The European elections of 1984 saw the National Front gain 11% of votes, and in the parliamentary elections of 1986 and 1988, the National Front won 10%. The...
An empirical study on the relationship between outsourcing determinant factors and outsourcing performance in Korea
Essay - 10 pages - Business strategy
The Outsourcing Industry has grown at a swift pace and evolved over time, and the Global IT Outsourcing market has shown signs of a steady growth. The domestic IT Outsourcing market is also no exception. The domestic IT Outsourcing industry is characterized by a bigger share of a captive market...
The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes
Essay - 12 pages - International relations
Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...
"Cracking the weasel code of politicians"- Newspeak as a form of political language manipulation
Essay - 59 pages - Management
In this thesis the phenomenon under examination is newspeak -a highly manipulative form of political language. The proposed research, conducted from the perspective of political language, attempts to account for mechanisms that govern the use of newspeak in Anglo-Saxon countries,...
Regression analysis of effective factor on people participation in protecting, revitalizing, developing and using renewable natural resources in Ilam province from the view of users
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The purpose of this study is the regression analysis of effective factor on people participation in protecting, revitalizing, developing and using renewable natural resources in Ilam province. This study is a casual comparative and applies one sample was taken from natural resources users....
The role of HR managers in the context of changing external environmental factors
Thesis - 13 pages - Human resources
Over the last two decades, the work environment has improved in new techniques that no one expected, causing growth in innovation and globalization. The following era will witness superior changes, influencing all sides of the workstation, containing main variations for HR managers. To respond...