The biographical consequences of activism - Doug McAdam (1989) - To what extent did Freedom Summer affect the personal and political lives of its participants?
Book review - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In this text, Doug McAdam studies the short- and long-term consequences of high-risk activism on participants' political, family and professional life, through the example of the 1964 Freedom Summer Movement in Mississippi. Doug McAdam is a professor of sociology at Stanford...
The British Political System
Worksheets - 3 pages - Constitutional law
The document is a study guide on the subject of British government and its political system.
Is Georgia, Despite Its Complex Political Situation, Its History with Russia and Its Geographical Remoteness, Likely to Join the EU?
Essay - 2 pages - European union
Georgia, a nation situated between Eastern Europe and Western Asia, is a relatively small country at the heart of strong tensions between different powers. Turkey to the South, Russia to the North, Azerbaijan to the East and the Black Sea to the West, the Georgian identity is shaped by different...
The Plough and the Stars - Sean O'Casey (1926) - How does the author show his political commitment?
Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature
As Pagans' character John from Thomas MacDonagh's play quotes 'A man who is a mere author is nothing' in 1915, most of the Irish writers, especially playwriters of the period are not only talented dramatists but also national-convinced activists, politically committed and often...
How do artists use their work as political statements?
Essay - 2 pages - Politic philosophy
Art has, for a very long time, been a way for artists to express their opinions or political beliefs. Offering artists a means to voice their opinions and often criticise social norms, Art is therefore an advocate for change. Through various forms such as literature, film, music, and...
Does Being « Politically » Represented Necessarily Means Being Represented by Actors Who Directly Have a Position in the Institutional Realm?
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
In a society in which our interests may be represented by a variety of actors (NGO, patries, citizens, social media influencers, politicians...), the necessity of elections depends on the power of these actors to effectively defend our interests. In other words, if we define representation...
Populism as a Political Style
Case study - 5 pages - Political science
The American political scene has seen the emergence of populism as a major phenomenon, especially in the way that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have conducted their election campaigns. Moffitt's explanation of "populist political style" gives us a key...
Political Mass Media and Ideologies of Persuasion
Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history
Propaganda is a powerful tool that continues to affect public opinion and influence collective consciousness in today's hyper-connected society. Its effect extends beyond traditional media, impacting our daily lives through various sources. This essay will analyse the varied environment of...
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Litterature review - 3 pages - Political science
Political parties and interest groups are two leading players in the American political system in which different roles are allotted, but to some extent, there are common issues. Political parties and non-government organizations (NGOs) are similar in that they are each...
How did the Political and Social Context of the 1960s Lead to the Stonewall Riots and How did these Events Impact the Society Back?
Presentation - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Today, I'm going to talk about the Stonewall riots, a series of violent protests and street demonstrations that took place on June 28th, 1969, in a gay bar in Greenwich Village, NY. These riots occurred for various reasons including timing, social history, cultural changes, local geography...
Political Parties and Election in the Middle East and North Africa
Summary - 2 pages - Political science
This text is based on "Elections under authoritarianism: Preliminary lessons from Jordan" by Ellen Lust, "Bullets over Ballots: Islamist groups, the state and electoral violence in Egypt and Morocco" by Hendrik Kraetzschmara and Francesco Cavatortab and "Elections and Distributive Politics in...
The Political Principle - Integration Before Federalism
Course material - 3 pages - International relations
The Chain of event method comes from a French expression created by Cohen Tanuggi, meaning "Méthode de l'engrenage." So, as Europe grows so does the pro-European feelings. The idea was that one-day people would think about a federal Europe as something quite obvious and naturally developed....
Political Parties and Elections - Politics of the Middle East and North Africa
Summary - 2 pages - Political science
This text is based on "After the Arab Spring: Do Muslims vote Islamic now?" by Charles Kurzman and Didem Türkoglu, "Elections in the Arab world: Why do citizens turn out?" by Carolina de Miguel, Amaney A. Jamel and Mark Tessler, "The Middle East" by Ellen Lust and "Bricks and Mortar Clientelism:...
U.S. Political Institutions and their Roles in the U.S. Foreign Policy
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
In 2017, Trump stated in the National Security Strategy of the United States of America that the US "seeks a Middle East that is not a haven or breeding ground for jihadist terrorists, not dominated by any power hostile to the United States, and that contributes to a stable global energy market."...
Political Inaction
Essay - 1 pages - Political science
Democracy allows people to make choices. We can see it for instance nowadays with the choice of being vaccinated against coronavirus. In France, there is the possibility for a group of citizens supported by senators to make a referendum. Hugo Clement, a journalist, decided to use this possibility...
The Indian political situation - Clement Attlee (1942) - To what extent does India's independence impose itself on the British political powers?
Text commentary - 2 pages - International relations
Clement Richard Attlee, a member of the Labour Party, was a British statesman who served as British Prime Minister at the end of the Second World War and subsequently from 1945 to 1951. Attlee held a number of posts, including First Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - after joining...
Country Risk : Social and Political Dynamics
Worksheets - 3 pages - Political science
Despite their effects on growth and macroeconomic equilibria, social and political crises have been introduced only recently into country risk analysis. Recent crises (Syria, Arab springs, Sahel civil war) put forward those issues and highlighted the gaps in current methods. The analysis...
In what ways conflicts between political entities in the Middle East have been shaped by the history of state formation in the area?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The key terms to understand such situations are "political entities" and "state formation". Speaking of political entities rather than states shows the diversity of actors that make up the political life of the Middle East and can change the configuration of the borders,...
How has the Belt and Road Initiative played a part in China's cross-regional political and security relations?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
The announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 was meant to signal China's interest in building stronger global economic links, but it has been argued that the BRI also serves to improve Beijing's cross-regional diplomacy in other ways, including strengthening the country's security....
Poor Man's Guardian, no. 72, 27 (October 1832) - what are the political stakes linked to the Reform Act and how can we understand the place of the media in the organization of power in the United Kingdom during this period?
Text commentary - 2 pages - Philosophy
The Representation of the People Act 1832 brought about important changes in the exchange between British institutions during the 19th century and allowed for the disappearance of small districts or access to the right to vote for a certain number of individuals such as small landowners. The Act...
Essay: the coronavirus crisis, a result of political mistakes across the world?
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Mistakes often take place when critical policy-making institutions and politicians take wrong decisions - for instance through under-reaction or overreaction to critical issues, as a result of preoccupation with symbolic and ideological concerns - or as a result of the adoption of wrong policy...
The Idea of Progress - Is a Sweeping Political Change Way of Progress?
Essay - 2 pages - Politic philosophy
The notion I'm going to deal with is the idea of progress. To begin, the progress basically implies changes and evolution from an old order to the new order, in different fields of society in order to enable people to have a better life. In terms of politics, the idea that all citizens should...
'Violence brings only temporary victories' M.-L. King. Discuss in the light of past and current political affairs
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 - 1968) was an American minister and a social activist, who is mostly known for his leadership of the civil rights movement in the United States. Thanks to him, the segregation of Black Americans stopped. Given his implication in non-violent movements in order to...
The different political parties in the United Kingdom
Presentation - 2 pages - Political life and election
The politic life in United Kingdom is based on the cleavage between the Labour and the conservative since the twenties, because of the political system that favors the big parties like them. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 and is a right or center-right party. Since its...
Is art an efficient answer to the political and social injustice faced by poorer classes?
Artwork commentary - 3 pages - Arts and art history
"Some might say that the world is a mess right now. Others point out that it could be worse. In our war torn world, it depends on who you are and where you live". That's how the article from the Huffington Post, called "Artists as Activists : Pursuing Social Justice" and written by Amy...
African Conflicts in International Relations - China in Africa : Political or Economic interests ?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
China's involvement in Africa cannot be reduced to only one dimension. It would be an oversimplification to label the Chinese interests on the continent as either political or economic solely: these two aspects often constitute two faces of the same coin. China's increasing...
The Republic of Germany and the German political system after World War II
Course material - 5 pages - Political science
Our conception of the Federal Republic of Germany is very different from what it was only 15 years ago. Throughout much of its history, Germany was under the leadership of dictators and was never very comfortable with democracy. Germany's first experience with democracy occurred from...
Political influence of different racial politicians in the United States of America
Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy
Politics is a very intriguing part of the society. It is hard for one to satisfy all political needs while satisfying what the society wants. This has brought about the increase in racial people in the politics of the United States. The influence of these racial politicians cannot be...
The persecutions: The political and military commitment
Case study - 4 pages - Ancient history
In 1738, the region came under the control of the Afghan leader Nadir Shah of Iran .It return to hostilities, that Sikhs call ghalughara (Holocaust). In 1762 he destroyed Amritsar, seen as a symbol of the complete victory of Islam. This is the Wadde Ghalughara (second Holocaust). However it...
Political Theory review - Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, Marx, K
Case study - 3 pages - Medical studies
The advanced learner's dictionary defines alienation as a state of being isolated from a group or activities that a person should be a part of. For example, keeping a person from their families fits in to the definition of alienation. There are many other applications of alienation, but this...