Analysis of welfare program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) using Martin Luther King's perspective
Case study - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Examining the federal policy of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families requires considering how TANF works for children who are in poverty because, in order to critically analyze the social policy, it is necessary to examine how it functions and why it is implemented. I think that this,...
Wilson's fourteen points: Success or failure?
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
The carnage of World War I exposed the failures of the European system of diplomacy. It was in this context and even before the war ended, that American President, Woodrow Wilson, proposed his Fourteen Points, designed to establish and ensure a lasting peace following an Allied victory....
Can conflict be avoided in human societies ?
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
In each society, people have to face struggles and fights as soon as the day begins. They have to scramble just in order to reach and to creep into a subway. Others must cover a long walk just to bring back some water. Everyone has a daily struggle against the time, or against the crowd, or...
Operation "Althea" in Bosnia and Herzegovine: the European security and Defence policy (ESDP) coming of age?
Essay - 14 pages - International relations
The European Union (EU) is a newcomer in the business of peace support operations. Of course, its members have long been involved in almost any sort of non-Article 5 (NATO/WEU) mission in the past, and they still are today. But they have usually done so under other flags than the EU one....
Unholy Acts: The exile of Pope Shenouda in the context of Egyptian Religious Politics
Essay - 13 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Soon after the end of Ramadan in August 1981, more than one hundred thousand Egyptian Muslims gathered in front of Abdin Palace in Cairo, ostensibly to celebrate the end of the fast. Western newspapers, however, reported that what appeared to be a prayer gathering had a political, as well as...
What are the various means allowing the pacific regulation of the disputes?
Essay - 5 pages - International law
The Hague Peace Conference of 1899, marked a new phase in the history of international arbitration. It ended by adopting a Convention on the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, which dealt not only with arbitration but also with other methods of pacific settlement. Then the...
Is the United Nations running the same risk as its predecessor the League of Nations of being made marginal or even irrelevant? Why or why not?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
'The League is dead, long live the United Nations!' This is with these words that Lord Robert Cecil, one of the architects of the League of Nations, commented on the dissolution of the organization, in the spring 1946, expressing the apparent readiness to write the League off as a failure...
The failure of the Arusha Process in the Rwandese Crisis
Essay - 11 pages - Modern history
The 1994 Rwandese genocide happened in the following of a civil war which had begun more than three years earlier. In October 1990, the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), which gathered the Rwandese who were refugees in south Uganda (mostly since the decolonization period at the end of the 1960s),...
Legitimacy & efficiency inside the security council
Thesis - 17 pages - International law
When the idea of a potential world organization first emerged in 1943, arbitration was soon to be made between maintaining effective power within the scope of a few powers, and the necessity to gain the support from small and medium States. The only possible answer to this dilemma was to initiate...
Is the United Nations an effective organization?
Essay - 3 pages - Services marketing
The United Nations is not the first international organization to be established to help in settling conflicts peacefully and preventing future conflicts. In 1899, the Hague Convention for the Settlement of International Disputes was established. The conference was convened at the...
International relations from 1944 to 1946
Thesis - 3 pages - Modern history
In 1944, the world entered its sixth year of conflict. Thus, the desire for peace and reconstruction could be felt increasingly in international relations. And so, the leaders of major powers in this period of history, such as the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics...
Was the Khrushchev period (1953-64) a period of thaw in the Cold War?
Thesis - 6 pages - Modern history
Since the start of the Cold War in 1945, it seemed as if both the USSR and the USA, the two most powerful and influential superpowers, were set to be opponents in the game for world domination. Indeed, as no actual fighting and direct collision between the two nations took place, it was public...
In what respects does the EU of today resemble the original creation, and in what ways has it changed?
Essay - 4 pages - European union
In the aftermath of the World War II, the European continent was laying in ruins with an uncertain future. From these ashes, an ambitious project of peace and unity was born, ultimately giving rise to what we know today as the European Union (EU). This entity, initially conceived to...
A Golden Age - Tahmima Anam (2007) - Prose Fiction Essay
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
A golden age refers to an era of achievement and an age of sacrificing honour before peace and happiness are awarded. By naming her book 'A Golden Age' (2007), Tahmima Anam signalled to readers the subject matter of her novel. The novel deals with the liberation of Bangladesh while...
"When you look back at the role that Washington has played between the Arabs and the Israelis, it is clear that the United States could end the Arab-Israeli conflict tomorrow, if it so desired"
Thesis - 3 pages - International relations
The picture taken at the Washington summit right after the Madrid conference just says it all: Rabin and Arafat, the representatives of the two most antagonistic peoples in the modern world, shake hands under Clinton's blessing. Thus it may seem that the American presence and participation is the...
Is the United Nations an effective organisation?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
The United Nations is not the first international organisation to be established to help settle conflict peacefully and to prevent future conflicts from arising. In 1899, the Hague Convention for the Settlement of International Disputes was established. The conference was convened at the...
The ethics of Merton: Non-violence and its connection with the sacred
Essay - 9 pages - Philosophy
Nonviolence is both a form of theory and the commitment to a lifestyle which adheres to this theory. Although there are different perceptions of the importance of direct action, nonviolence is mostly defined by its attitude of understanding and humility. The nonviolent tradition believes strongly...
Bob Marley: A Little Island, A Big Voice
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Bob Marley was a Jamaican singer, musician, and activist born February 6, 1945. He died on May 11, 1981 and during his short tenure of life he composed and focused his energy on his ability to communicate to the masses, through music, his ideology of non-violence and peaceful resistance to the...
The third Jerusalem temple and the end time
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The question of whether the Temple in Jerusalem must be physically rebuilt before the Messiah returns and the End Time comes is a subject hotly debated by some Jews and Christians. The dispute arises from predictions about the end of the world found in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and...
The Fourteen Points
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Fourteen Points, the proposals of President Woodrow Wilson, were designed to establish the basis for a just and lasting peace following the victory of the Allies in World War I. The proposals were contained in Wilson's address to a joint session of the U.S. Congress in January of...
Reagan and the end of the Cold War: help or hindrance
Case study - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The ending of the cold war is recorded in history as a period where moral, economic and ethical consideration overruled ideological and cultural inheritance and thus saved the world from another world war. In history and international studies, the end of the cold war is believed to be the year...
The Iranian nuclear issue
Essay - 8 pages - International relations
Iran, a country regarded as a major red herring by Western powers, has been at the center of all debates on the international stage following the acceleration of its uranium enrichment program. The Iranian issue is presented now as "The central political issue of our time" mixing all the new...
Identity and nationalism in West Africa since 1990: A case study of Ivory Coast
Case study - 20 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The democratization of West Africa started in 1990 and was led by Houphouet Boigny. The process revealed social cleavages in the case of groups that could not find a sufficiently powerful voice to express their opinions. Since then, there has been a process of nation building that is backed by...
To what extent did Brexit reignite tensions in Northern Ireland, and how is it bringing a new problem about the place of Northern Ireland within the Union and the Irish-British relations?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
Just after the draft EU-UK agreement, former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage was asked if he had ever considered Northern Ireland during the referendum campaign in 2016. He admitted he never gave it a moment's thought, and I quote: "No, no, no... what's the problem? There is no...
Church and Empire: Separate Roles for Separate Institutions
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Dante's Divine Comedy is a political work as much as it is a religious one. Amongst the imprecations against Florence, the Papacy, and the French monarchy, there is a dominant political philosophy that shapes how Dante characterizes the political bodies that threaten his vision of universal...
'Tis a Gift to Be Faithful, 'Tis a Gift to Have Doubt
Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy
So. It's the week after Easter. Jesus is risen; he is appearing to his disciples; they're getting reorganized after the chaos of the crucifixionthey're getting the band back together. This can mean only one thing is starting to take shape: the church. Yes, you should definitely be...
Influence of Jerusalem's religious symbolic in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
The author takes position against a Palestinian-controlled Old Jerusalem, where all the holy and historical sites of Judaism stand. He states that Jerusalem is « holier » to Jews than to Muslims (ignoring the Palestinian Christian minority) and that it should be put under exclusive Jewish...
The United Nations since 1945 until today
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
Shortly after the Second World War, it appears necessary to the Allies to equip the world with an international organization able to regulate the conflicts peacefully occurring between the various States. This ambition proceeds of a long reflexion, born in 1941 with the Charter of the Atlantic....
A broad overview of modern secessionist movements
Essay - 9 pages - Political science
Secessionism is a process that has been part of international discourse since the development of government. Regardless of the success or equity created under a particular rule, various groups have sought separation from the state in an effort to create more autonomy and achieve a higher level of...
The treaty of Versailles
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
World War I (1914-1918) left the European continent completely devastated (especially France and Belgium). Human and material losses were massive. Indeed, about 10 million lives had been lost during the war. In order to prevent this nightmare from happens again, the victorious powers (the...