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15 Sep 2010

Pharmacological effects and safe administration of Coumadin (warfarin)

Thesis - 7 pages - Medical studies

“Coumadin is a registered trademark of Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Company,” (Bristol- Meyers Squibb Company, 2008) and is a trade name for the generic medication warfarin sodium,commonly known as warfarin. This paper explores the use of Coumadin (warfarin) in clinical practice,...

27 Feb 2015

The Team: pathological phenomena on health professionals

Case study - 7 pages - Biology

During this work, thought to question the focus of treatment that has been given to the patient. That is, sometimes the patient was taken care of by a team whose only concern was his physical body, and at other times, there was the search for a more comprehensive performance, also...

28 Jul 2015

Legal aspects of the law and legislations

Case study - 5 pages - Civil law

The purpose of this essay is to analyse a case scenario at the Sunnyland Day Respite Center with focus being on the legal aspects of the law and legislations. The paper will analyse the various aspects of the law in relation to the case that resulted in the unnecessary death of the...

09 Feb 2008

Novel pressure-relief wheelchair: research paper

Tutorials/exercises - 30 pages - Biology

Pressure sores are painful and debilitating tissue wounds which commonly affect wheelchair users. Current treatment of pressure sores requires bed-rest for up to sixteen weeks, which is unacceptable for patients with active life-styles. The purpose of our project is to design a wheelchair...

29 May 2008

Key Facts about Chronic Illness: Stigma and Coping

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Studies show that there are various illnesses which have been discovered of late and majority of these can be healed through the use of drugs and other hospital treatments. However, there are also those which remain in the body for an uncertain period of time and can only be treated to prevent...

11 Nov 2008

Conquering chronic illness: Treating the person as well as the disease

Essay - 6 pages - Medical studies

A chronic illness is an affliction in which many areas of life are affected. “In the United States, nearly one third of the population experiences severe chronic pain at some point in life. It is currently the most common cause of long-term disability, partially or totally disabling upwards...

13 Jan 2009

Clinical tests in developing countries and pharmaceutical ethics issues

Thesis - 10 pages - Medical studies

The clinical trials performed on humans by the pharmaceutical companies are essentials for the advancement of the knowledge of human health. After the terrible Nazis experimentation during the Second World War, some actions have been taken to protect the participants of the clinical trials. Many...

24 Oct 2024

Integration of a Nurse Informaticist to Enhance Healthcare Outcomes

Case study - 4 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Nursing informatics is the combined use of nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice (Williams, 2019). A nurse informaticist is a nursing professional who specializes in analyzing, designing,...

20 Feb 2009

Social work: Board presentation

Presentation - 28 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The illness impacts ability to seek/obtain care, nutrition, transportation, maintain housing, etc. Individual medical crisis impacts multiple systems: family, friends, neighbors, employer/ co-workers, schools, taxpayers, social services, national economy, etc. Care givers often need Social Work...

27 Oct 2024

Diversity and Learning Theories - Nursing Education

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Choosing an appropriate educational theory is crucial in the ever-changing field of nursing education to promote successful learning results. An essential aspect of any course is not just its content but also the theoretical framework that informs its design. This comprehensive pedagogical...

13 Apr 2009

Who deserves health care?

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In order to do this each patient requiring expensive treatment is assessed according to a quality adjusted life years (QALY) score¹. This is an equation that measures all of the aforementioned criteria and is used to assess the cost versus benefit of a particular treatment. If a...

15 Apr 2009

An assessment of a nurse's work with an elderly person within the mental health environment

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

This account will reflect on the skills of a nurse, observed at an older person functional mental health unit. It will focus on the organization of care, and skills used when dealing with a Multi Disciplinary Team. (MDT) It gives an understanding of the skills used to clearly establish and...

15 Jun 2009

Psychological aspects and related psychopathology to HIV infection

Thesis - 5 pages - Psychology

The recent introduction of therapy with protease inhibitors among persons infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) has greatly improved the prognosis of the disease patterns consequent to infection. In particular, it improved the course of the disease and several other clinical aspects,...

20 Jun 2009

Reducing multi-medication in the elderly

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

The multi medication is generally defined as taking more than four concomitant medications. However, it can also be defined as the prescribing or use more drugs than those actually needed to care for a patient. The latter definition adds a qualitative dimension, that of the adequacy of the...

19 Mar 2014

How research protocol would impact the medical providers' practice?

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Research puts it clear that healthcare research aids a patient and a client care through the provision of a unique scientifically based body of intensive knowledge used to make various decisions, practice and promote the professional role. The modern research protocols can be used by the...

25 Aug 2009

The mini mental state examination

Case study - 4 pages - Psychology

The Mini Mental State Examination has been a common tool amongst psychologist and doctors for over 25 years. Marshall F. Folstein, Susan E. Folstein, and Paul R. McHugh developed the test in 1975 (Albanese). Since then doctors and researchers alike have tested its accuracy and usefulness. It has...

16 Jan 2015

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychotherapeutic way of addressing maladaptive actions, cognitive contents and processes and dysfunctional emotions through several goal-oriented, precise methodical techniques. Study shows that CBT is an efficient treatment for other panic attacks, but there is...

01 Oct 2009

Anorexia Nervosa is really not about food at all: A confirmed condition of negativity that is not bound by culture - A cross cultural analysis

Thesis - 15 pages - Journalism

Anorexia nervosa/bulimia is really not about food at all. This condition is one that is a manifestation of something much deeper. And we are wrong to view anorexia nervosa/bulimia as a disease. While the thoughts of Mr. DiNicola are common today, the key words to his statement are “yet...

21 Aug 2014

Counseling Psychology: Case study

Case study - 5 pages - Psychology

Counseling psychology is a career whose specialty involves helping people gain control of their feelings. It is a class of applied psychology that uses research and applied work to give treatment to clients who experience variety of emotional, social and behavioral problems. Among other...

29 Sep 2015

Do lung epithelia in copd undergo transition to behave more like fibroblasts ?

Essay - 22 pages - Medical studies

Various respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and pulmonary fibrosis are known to cause the degeneration of respiratory tissues such as the epithelial tissue. In regard to this issue, this study tries to establish whether lung epithelia in COPD undergo...

29 Jun 2010

Impact of information technology in the world of health

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Medical studies

In the world of health, information technology is a real challenge. Internal communication is the key factor for success in a medical organization. For example: the physicians must be reachable at any time, and must constantly be able to ascertain the health of their patients and the...

30 Nov 2009

Nobel economics and information asymmetries health

Thesis - 9 pages - Medical studies

Americans Akerloff George A, A Michael Spence and Joseph E Stiglitz jointly received the Nobel Prize in economics October 11 last. The Royal Swedish Academy wanted to reward work "on markets with asymmetric information", which allow to consider how some agents have more information than others...

21 Sep 2010

Health concepts

Essay - 3 pages - Medical studies

When going to the doctor's office or hospital many things are going through an individual's head. The individual is most likely experiencing some very high anxiety at this point, not knowing what to expect. The anxiety can come from the pain and suffering, financial concerns, or numerous other...

12 Oct 2024

Navigating Cystic Fibrosis: The Integral Role of Pediatric Nurses in Managing Complex Needs

Litterature review - 4 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Cystic Fibrosis is a dangerous inherited condition that damages children's and young adults' lungs and digestion. The disease is characterized by thick, sticky mucus that complicates respiratory and gastrointestinal issues. As a result, family members suffer chronic clinical problems and...

05 Jan 2025

Leveraging AI for lung cancer prediction

Case study - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

The key problem is streamlining the lung cancer diagnosis journey to reduce the time between the first symptoms and first treatment. Lung cancer is the most diagnosed and deadliest cancer worldwide, with 2.2 million cases in 2020 resulting in 1.8 million deaths. In the patient journey, the...

30 Oct 2024

'Right-to-Try' experimental drugs: an overview - Vijay Mahant (2020) - Public Health Ethics Issue

Text commentary - 3 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

In his article, Right-to-Try' experimental drugs: an overview, Vijay Mahant delves into the right to try (RTT) law on experimental drugs. Mahant, the founder of MediLite Diagnostika Inc., located in San Diego, has offered great insight regarding RTT, including its advocacy and criticism. The...

31 Jul 2007

Applications and Limitations of Diagnostic Imaging

Presentation - 60 pages - Medical studies

The traditional evaluation of the patient includes the history and physical examination and a well-planned set of diagnostic tests, often including imaging. Dramatic advances in imaging not only supplement the physical examination, but also now may begin to substitute for part of it....

15 Jun 2008

An Investigation in to the Effects of Poor Handwriting of Physicians

Essay - 4 pages - Medical studies

Introduction Shapiro (2004) notes that approximately 195,000 patients die each year as a result of medical errors. While scholars and researchers are working to address the myriad of causes that contribute to patient mortality in the healthcare setting, there is ample evidence to...

15 Jan 2009

As a result of the practice of organ transplantation, do we ultimately require a re-thinking of the meaning of death?

Essay - 7 pages - Medical studies

Ever since its inception in the 1950s, organ transplantation has been accompanied by questions about the ethics of taking organs from the dead and living and giving them to others. Discussions abound among physicians, ethicists, policy makers, and the public. At first living and willing relatives...

26 Feb 2009

Nursing/Health care: A critical incident report

Case study - 6 pages - Psychology

The aim of this report is look at a critical incident that occurred in practice and relate this to the theory and knowledge regarding communication and interpersonal skills, that is to say, what skills were and were not used at the time of the incident. Carl Roger's necessary conditions for...