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Theme : Patient

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29 Oct 2024

Persona Development and User Journey Mapping: Catalysts for Patient-Centric Healthcare Solutions

Case study - 3 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Personas, fictional versions of ideal patients or consumers, help comprehend target audience perspectives. Creating entire persona profiles helps healthcare providers empathize with patients, anticipate their needs, and customize treatments (Ivanova, Katsaounis & Votis, 2024)....

22 Aug 2024

We should end the suffering of patients who know they are dying and want to do so peacefully - Peter Singer (2017) ; Legalising assisted dying would be a failure of collective human memory and imagination - Margaret Somerville (2017)

Book review - 1 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

This document summarizes two press articles on end-of-life issues, offering a reflection on the right to die.

17 Oct 2024

Inadequate Patient Education in Healthcare in Patient Improvement Plan

Presentation - 6 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

I am thrilled to spearhead this discussion on a critical component of healthcare: improving community safety in medical settings by emphasizing patient education. Our research has shown how crucial it is for patients to comprehend their medical illnesses, the treatments they may...

24 Oct 2024

Optimizing Patient Care Through Medication Administration Systems

Dissertation - 5 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Medication administration systems play an essential role in shaping the practices of healthcare facilities. The system ensures effective medication prescription, administration, and patient follow-up. Medication administration systems, along with other advancements, are a transformational...

24 Oct 2024

Unfolding Narratives - The complexities of caring for patients with dementia

Case study - 2 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

This case study is about Dan, a patient with dementia presented to an emergency department (ED) by Jaden, a local McDonald's manager, after he noticed how disoriented Dan was while sitting in his restaurant. (...) When caring for patients like Dan, nurses have several...

03 Nov 2024

Patient Safety, Quality, and Costs Associated with Heart Disease

Essay - 3 pages - Medical care & personal assistance

Heart disease is the leading killer disease in the world today, and some of its identified causes or health conditions that cause its exacerbation, such as obesity and smoking, are evident in most parts of the world at devastating rates. (...) Heart disease has devastating effects on the quality...

02 Sep 2022

Can the use of EHR in healthcare settings increase patient safety and efficiency of work?

Essay - 7 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Electronic health records come at a time when the hospital environment is undergoing a revolution with the idea of fully utilizing the benefits of communication technology. This is driven by the need for quality and efficiency of work in the hospital environment through improved record-keeping...

02 Sep 2022

The English Patient - Michael Ondaatje (1992) - The complexity of identity

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Michael Ondaatje's thriller novel, The English Patient, tells the stories of various characters after the war that disrupted their lives changed their culture and challenged their identity. Most of the characters have endured traumatic experiences that Ondaatje makes apparent by...

29 Mar 2016

Cancer patients receiving hospice care

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Generally, cancer is a group of diseases that involve abnormal cell growth and the abnormal cell growth has the potential to spread to other body parts. The cancer condition is also referred to as a malignant tumor, but this does not mean all tumors are cancerous. On the other hand, hospice...

29 Feb 2016

Cancer patients receiving hospital care

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Cancer which is well known as the malignancy, is the unusual growth of cells in the body. Different patients who are having cancer suffer from different types of cancer, which is approximately one hundred. The patient treatment of cancer also varies depending on the type of cancer...

29 Sep 2016

Why does nursing care differ for patients who suffer from dementia?

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Dementia is one of the most difficult symptoms for patients to cope with. There are three main forms of dementia. The most common cause, Alzheimer's disease, is responsible for dementia. It afflicts 4 million Americans (Dolhi and Rogers, 2001). It is a degenerative disease that affects the...

27 Feb 2015

Patient or UTI - Psychological aspects

Case study - 8 pages - Biology

This paper aims to analyze the psychological aspect of the patient hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as well as the importance of the psychologist in the care of this patient. Hospital psychology is the playing field more develops in psychology. Among the many...

27 Feb 2015

The ICU patient - psychological aspects

Case study - 10 pages - Biology

The ICU sets, for their intrinsic characteristics in an environment that requires great mental and emotional adjustments of the patient. It is an unknown and threatening environment, and coincide with the disease and its likely physical discomfort, and fear the possibility of death that...

16 Feb 2015

Efficacy of treatment approaches in out-patient therapy

Case study - 7 pages - Medical studies

Anti-depressant medications have been considered as the best outpatient treatment for most depressive disorders, despite the fact that reviews and evidence suggesting otherwise that evidence-based psychotherapies are just as effective as pharmacotherapy when it comes to treating major depressive...

08 Oct 2015

Active care rehabilitation for patients suffering from back pain

Essay - 2 pages - Medical studies

Active care rehabilitation is the use of different methods of treatments, mostly involving exercises, to facilitate the recovery from injury or a procedure to ensure that the patient regains the original or normal working of the different functional abilities as they did before the injury...

27 Feb 2015

Healthcare, Patients and Eating habits

Case study - 10 pages - Biology

Kornfeld (1979, p.154) reports that "for some patients, the transfer out of the ICU may therefore represent tangible evidence of improvement. However, others report their concern about the loss of attention and constant observation ", the author mentions that the latter patients...

29 Sep 2015

Data mining as a methodology for extracting hidden knowledge from breast cancer patient's

Essay - 5 pages - Medical studies

Modern monitoring devices among other data collection devices have helped health care organization reduce their cost of collecting and storing data. Specialized tools that come with such equipment have made the entire data collection and storage process more effective thereby easing management's...

04 Dec 2012

Sequential PET and local failure in patients being treated for Rhabdomyosarcoma

Case study - 2 pages - Medical studies

Local failure” has been defined as primary tumor growth any time following the last day of radiotherapy (RT) within or adjacent to the RT portal (but not in regional nodes) as assessed by physical examination and imaging (Wharam et al., 1997). The Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) Studies...

14 Sep 2010

A clinical portrait of a patient in crisis

Thesis - 2 pages - Medical studies

In the spring of 2009 this author had the privilege to participate in the care of a twenty-seven year old woman who was recovering from a motor vehicle accident in which she had suffered multiple fractures of both her upper and lower extremities, as well as internal soft tissue injuries. This...

08 Apr 2010

Patient's history of health and healing: The many causes and cures of the ailments of Samuel Pepys

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

Samuel Pepys epitomized the medical beliefs of the 17th century British patient. In his 1663 diary he chronicled his diseases and noted the perceived causes and treatments of those diseases. Pepys believed there could be multiple causes for disease, including religion, humoral imbalance,...

20 Jul 2010

Universal health care and the impact of the patient protection and affordable care Act of 2010

Thesis - 9 pages - Administrative law

Universal Health Care is a system, where the government of a nation interferes in the health care process, to ensure that every citizen or resident has access to required medical facilities and services. Germany has one of the oldest Universal Health Care systems. It was started some time in the...

13 Apr 2009

Do mentally ill patients have autonomy?

Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology

The aim of this assignment is to consider whether mental health patients have autonomy or do staff and the healthcare environment merely allow them a measurable quantity of autonomy based on legal, ethical and moral restrictions, if this is the case, is this autonomy at all? Placement...

29 Jul 2009

Home health nursing initiatives: Mental health outpatient care

Thesis - 4 pages - Medical studies

Extending the accessibility of home nursing care for patients with mental illness will greatly improve their health and well being. A psychiatric home care nurse (PHCN) can assist patients with a primary diagnosis of mental illness; in particular, those with a history of not...

21 Apr 2009

Patient's right to refuse life sustaining treatment

Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - Medical studies

Medicine and law overlap in regards to numerous issues, none more controversial than a patient's right to refuse life sustaining treatment. When a patient is suffering an incurable and irreversible medical condition they face the extremely difficult decision of whether or not to...

16 Apr 2009

Effects of mindfulness meditation and citalopram on worry and brain activation in patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD)

Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Medical studies

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a type of anxiety disorder that affects over four million Americans in any year (NIMH, 2000). There is much research that shows anxiety can lead to a magnitude of health ailments, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, suppressed immune system, and...

12 Jan 2009

The consecration of the patient's autonomy

Thesis - 11 pages - Medical studies

Pain, suffering and death are to some extent, inevitable in human life, though Health care must always seek to eliminate unnecessary suffering and untimely death. But it is easy to recognise that prolonging the process of dying us often undesirable. The difficulty encountered by medical teams is...

15 Jul 2009

Analysis of care with regards to patient admission into a high tech area within a medical high dependency unit

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

The aim of this essay is to discuss the nature of illness and dependence in relation to the issues that the nurse should take into account when providing evidence-based care. The issues that will be analyzed are the nursing process and nursing models, the implications of nursing technology on the...

15 Apr 2009

A health care practices and clinical skills paper concerning a patient suffering from anxiety and depression

Thesis - 6 pages - Psychology

The aim of this essay is to discuss health and maximizing the health and well being of a client with mental health problems. Factors, which can enhance the health and social well being of the client, such as anxiety management and relaxation therapy, will be identified; the role of the nurse in...

22 Apr 2009

Analyzing district nursing in relation to the diabetic patient

Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies

In today's National Health Service (NHS) developments in technology, changing patterns of disease and reduced length in hospital stays are putting district nurses at the heart of Government policy. Liberating the Talents, the governments framework for nursing in primary care (Department of Health...

28 May 2009

A study of human resources development climate in hospitals and its impact on patient satisfaction

Tutorials/exercises - 43 pages - Human resources

Combining medical technology and the human touch, the health care industry administers care around the clock, responding to the needs of millions of people—from newborns to the critically ill. Industry organization - About 580,000 establishments make up the health care industry; they vary...