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27 Nov 2006

Green marketing issues about Total

Case study - 16 pages - Services marketing

Total is a leading multinational energy company with 111, 401 employees and operations in more than 130 countries. Together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, Total is the fourth largest publicly-traded oil and gas integrated company in the world. Its businesses cover the entire...

09 Oct 2007


Essay - 3 pages - Modern history

Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was founded in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller and several of his business associates, including his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, chemist Samuel Andrews, and a silent partner Stephen V. Harkness. It started out as a small Ohio partnership with...

04 Nov 2008

Economic and political transition in Bahrain: Strong Rentier States and Strong Rentier Societies

Essay - 18 pages - Political science

Bahrain, often overlooked in both academic and media analyses of the Middle East, has a strategic importance hidden by its small size. As home of the American Fifth Fleet, Bahrain hosts a deterrent against Iran from blockading the Straits of Hormuz as it has recently threatened to do. As such...

21 Jan 2009

Airlines and energy prices

Essay - 11 pages - Business strategy

Business environment is fraught with risks; each company in order to succeed in this unpredictable environment must mitigate risks. Risks can arise from varied sources; the airline industry is like any other industry, also confronted by pressures from several business areas. In the late 90's and...

24 Apr 2009

Kuwait: The hidden moneymaker of the middle East

Thesis - 8 pages - Geography

Kuwait is a small sovereign emirate strategically located on the northwestern coast of the Persian Gulf, tucked between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The name comes from an Arabic word translating to “fortress built near water,” which it very much looks like on a map. It has a rich history...

14 Jan 2014

Royal Dutch Shell : Strategy management

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

The Royal Dutch Shell is one of the most renowned companies in the energy industry. It is engaged in oil and gas exploration and production, transportation and marketing of natural gas and electricity, and marketing and shipping of oil products and chemicals. Shell is also oriented...

20 May 2009

Maverick Energy Group: Company profile

Thesis - 18 pages - Business strategy

Maverick Energy Group, is a rapidly growing US independent currently positioned to benefit from the current rise in both oil and natural gas prices. Declining production and depletion of existing reserves within the United States is causing increased pressure on state and federal agencies...

18 Jan 2011

Royal Dutch Shell plc: A company that needs to face the future today

Thesis - 16 pages - Services marketing

Petroleum is one of the fundamental substances necessary to make our economies function smoothly. It has shaped today's world as we know it - concerning both negative and positive elements. However, petroleum will not last forever. It is has been estimated that the global oil re-sources...

05 Apr 2010

Biodiesel-novel energy source with minimum CO2 emission

Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Rapid growth in population coupled with industrial and technological developments is leading towards the depletion of limited fossil fuel resources of the world. Imperative concerns related to energy and climate change due to CO2 emission requires the large scale substitution of petroleum based...

31 Mar 2011

Strategic Management: Royal Dutch Shell

Case study - 10 pages - Business strategy

Shell is one of most globally renowned companies in the energy industry. The current environment requires the company to get involved in the creation of future solutions to meet the increasingly growing energy demands. So, Shell guides its strategy towards innovation and technology to meet this...

17 Jul 2008

U.S. policy towards Israel and OPEC

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The Arab oil embargo of 1973 had no significant effect in changing the United States pro-Israeli policies, as the threat of an economic sanction alone did not induce policy changes. The embargo did however influence U.S. policy changes toward OPEC member countries, especially in the...

05 May 2009

A study on evolution, working and the current scenario of the commodity market in India

Tutorials/exercises - 41 pages - Finance

What is “Commodity”? - Any product that can be used for commerce or an article of commerce which is traded on an authorized commodity exchange is known as commodity. The article should be movable of value, something which is bought or sold and which is produced or used as the subject or...

24 Aug 2009

Economic development in Nigeria: The role of agriculture, FDI and trade relations with China, India and the USA

Case study - 15 pages - Economy general

Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa which have a large economy. It is also one of the most populated countries in Africa with the highest number of labor. The country is well endowed with mineral resources compared to other countries in Africa. It is the largest oil producer in...

13 Nov 2009

China National Petroleum Corporation and the Iraqi government: A Marxist view

Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism

The China National Petroleum Corporation signed a deal with the Iraqi government, allowing the large oil company to drill for oil in a poor, rural area of Iraq. While the relationship between the oil company and the Iraqi government has gone well, the deal has sparked a great...

25 May 2010

Arab-Israeli conflict: From Copenhagen to Beijing and Washington to Jerusalem: American-Israeli relations cooling off

Thesis - 12 pages - International relations

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution there have been two consistent interlocking themes behind Middle Eastern-Great Power interactions. First, Great Powers have a tendency to view the Middle East as a strategic commodity, because of its geographic location and vital natural resources....

24 Sep 2010

China-Middle East relations and how the natural resources affect their relations

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

It remains without a doubt that the economic boom that China has witnessed in the last few decades had many implications for other regions of the world, including the Middle East. To fuel its ever increasing production and consumption patterns, and its ultimate search for economic profit, China...

29 Sep 2010

Energy choices in Europe: the case of electricity

Essay - 14 pages - Economy general

Energy is a vital element for the economy as a whole as every sector demands its usage constantly. It is not an end-product by itself, but a pre-requisite for most of the economic activities. A sudden increase in energy prices or a disruption of supply can entail heavy economic repercussions. An...

20 Oct 2014

Tar sands: Case study

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

Tar sands occur in tailings and they are sometimes referred to as oil sands. There is no clear distinction between the two. The concept of oil sands or tar sands is well understood from Canada ( Cerclay 2) which has many industries that mine the resource. Processes have evolved...

29 Sep 2010

The rebranding of BP

Case study - 10 pages - Management

Founded in 1908 as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, BP has transformed itself from the humble beginning of a local oil company into a global energy group. Its operations are well established in six continents, with the sale of its products in over 100 countries (Christiansen)....

03 Feb 2011

Chinese Presence in Africa, and its Economic Impact

Essay - 16 pages - International relations

The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and is the second most populous continent. This continent has abundant natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil etc. and has been the bone of contention between the super powers of the world for a long time now. China...

16 Feb 2011

Joint venture between INPEX and NIOC

Case study - 4 pages - Management

During our second year of study at Inseec, we were taught a number of subjects including Business Ethics. To have a practical approach, we are conducting a study on the joint venture. In our case, we are interested in a joint venture between an Iranian company and a Japanese company. National...

10 Jan 2011

The Toy market in Russia

Market study - 17 pages - Economy general

Russia is no longer a part of the world's economic powers as it was in the days of the Soviet Union, but it remains one of the 10 largest economies at the international level (8th place in 2007)). It is now a member of G8. The Russian economy is characterized by four major features: - A...

16 Jan 2009

Total, a successful long-term strategy

Essay - 6 pages - Business strategy

Total is today the fourth largest oil and gas company in the world. This Paris-based firm is the largest European company (based on market capitalization in 2006), it has over 95 000 employees in more than 130 countries and a net income of € 12.5 billion in 2006. Its businesses cover...

29 Sep 2010

A Dutch-French comparative corporate cultures survey through the study of the financing structures of two key-sectors multinational companies: KPN v. France Telecom; Royal Dutch Shell v. Total

Dissertation - 36 pages - Finance

The main cultural assumption in this research paper is about, the French corporate culture once being Latin-like and the Dutch one having been German-like, both the corporate culture of France and the Netherlands firms are converging towards the Anglo-Saxon model. In order to confirm or not the...

03 Feb 2011

Can one fear a return of inflation in euro area?

Essay - 15 pages - European union

John Paul II cried "Do not be afraid!"Trichet added "Take back your minds!" In both cases, the aim is to build trust and faith in order to avoid fear. The fear of rising prices and declining purchasing power followed. Inflation can be defined as a process of cumulative gains that are...

29 Nov 2021

Strategic study of the Total Group

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

The energy market is one of the largest in the world. Indeed, energy in all its forms is essential for humans and their survival. Thanks to energy, men can eat, heat and bathe themselves, thus meeting so-called essential needs. On a daily basis, humans use many forms of energy, solar power, wind...

23 Mar 2011

Energy Marketing

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

Marketing is a discipline of management that seeks to determine the offers of goods, services or ideas based on attitudes and the motivation of consumers , the public or society in general. In this paper. We will be studying the marketing of energy . The first question we must ask ourselves is...

11 Jun 2008

America's Dangerous Dependence on Non-renewable Energy and the Possible Solutions

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

In the U.S. we rely more on the burning of fossil fuels more than any other country. Retrieving such forms of fuel can be extremely detrimental to the land and animals that surround the site. Drilling for oil is one particular way that fuel is obtained that has caused severe damage to...

08 Apr 2009

Bio-diesel: An Eco-friendly alternative

Thesis - 20 pages - Physics

Today, an attempt is made to find alternative, nonrenewable energy sources to replace conventional fossil fuels. Currently national energy demands are exponentially increasing as we are progressing into digital age and the population is increasing. One such method that is currently being refined...

07 Apr 2015

Saudi Arabia - Trade elasticity

Case study - 2 pages - Business strategy

As a result of the spike in prices of oil in the 70s together with an increase in the production of oil and high Gross Domestic Product (GDP) averaging to more than 11 percent in a year, the Saudi Arabian economy grew tremendously. However, in the 1980s, oil pieces began to...