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24 Sep 2009

Using oil reserves

Thesis - 3 pages - Journalism

There's a lot of talk these days about the state of our energy supply. One side wants alternatives to oil; the other wants more oil now, tapping reserves to solve energy problems for the coming decades. Although neither side can offer definitive long-term solutions to our...

13 May 2009

Project finance and project evaluation: The Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Dissertation - 43 pages - Accounting

The use of non-recourse project financing has grown steadily in emerging markets, especially in basic infrastructure, natural resources and the energy sector. Because of its cost and complexity, project finance is aimed at large-scale investments. The key is in the precise estimation of cash...

16 Apr 2009

Market study of Duron engine oil to be launched by Cetex Petrochemicals Ltd

Case study - 25 pages - Business strategy

Balmer Lawrie introduced modern day lubricants-greases and oils- in India, initially, bringing them from England and USA and distributing them to tea gardens and other industries. In 1937 the company pioneered the manufacture of lubricating greases in India setting up a small plant in...

16 Jan 2009

Petrolivia and the olive oil producers market

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

For many years, the olive oil producer market has been dominated by three European countries: Spain, Italy and Greece, which account 97 per cent of the European production and 77 per cent of the world production. These three European countries are followed by African countries such as...

04 Aug 2008

Long term effects of an oil spill on the environment and the economy

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Despite these effects, however, the response of most people to oil spills is one of passing curiosity. The media may provide extensive coverage of the disaster, but few people would react to an oil spill the same way they would react to news of a hurricane. Certainly, the fact...

10 Dec 2023

Economic Growth in Nigeria and Its Impact on Human Development

Dissertation - 51 pages - Economy general

Despite its significant economic growth and status as a major economic power in Africa, Nigeria faces numerous challenges. Over-reliance on the oil and gas sector, corruption, and poor resource management have prevented the country from fully realizing its economic potential. In terms of...

02 Mar 2023

Central Bankers and Interest Rates

Course material - 9 pages - Finance

Inflation was a major problem in the 1970s. The 1971 collapse of the Bretton-Woods agreement gave governments latitude to alter their currency exchange rates. The previously locked exchange rates had the effect of taming inflation. There were also "oil shocks" in 1973 and 1979, which...

03 May 2023

SWOT Analysis and recommendations - General Motors

Case study - 3 pages - Automotive marketing

General Motors suffered from a collapse in 2009 (after the crisis), which was mainly driven by five factors: (i) retired employees had plenty of benefits (from when the sector was more profitable) (ii) GM overfocused on "overpricing and discounting," which drove the clients' attention away...

31 Oct 2023

Accounting audit and its Impact on the Financial Balance of the Company - Approaches to assessing financial balance

Financial analysis - 44 pages - Audit

The current financial context, marked by the decline in revenue from hydrocarbons, the main source of funding for the State budget, is reviving the debate on the need to increase the share of ordinary taxation compared to oil taxation. To achieve this, the State has a panoply of tools,...

29 Feb 2016

Contemporary Business Management issues such as reducing the carbon footprint

Case study - 6 pages - Management

BP, which is popularly known as British Petroleum, is the world's third largest energy corporation. In 2010, BP, which has $272 billion worth of assets, registered $308 billion worth of profits. BP has more than 79,000 workers employed in different capacities in branches across the globe. The...

08 Aug 2022

The United States and the World: demography and energy in the world as predictable long-term factors

Course material - 11 pages - World geography

The current policy, and even more the future policy of any country is difficult to assess, because it depends on a lot of factors, many of them (public moods, politics, personalities) being of a transient nature. But the current and future policy of any country also depends largely on long-term...

22 Jan 2021

SWOT Analysis - Total

Case study - 5 pages - International marketing

The Total group was founded in 1924, and it is one of the six largest companies in the petroleum sector in the world. Its main competitors are British Petroleum (BP), Chevron, Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips and Shell. The energy market has changed significantly in recent years. Indeed, Europe has...

01 Aug 2022

The United States and the World - Transnational problems today as seen from Washington

Course material - 12 pages - Political science

In the document issued in September 2002, "The National Security Strategy of the USA", two essential goals of US national policy were stressed: the defeat of "Global terrorism" and "to prevent our enemies from threatening us, our allies, and our friends with weapons of mass destruction". Those...

24 Nov 2014

Exxon Mobile Merger - The Impact of Globalization

Case study - 4 pages - Management

There was a tendency in the economical world between 1994 and 2000. This movement was the result of business and technological changes and the globalization of markets. (Weston, 2002. pp.1.) With the development of technology worldwide, it is evident that technical development and operations...

05 Aug 2022

Apprenticeship in Customer Service Support (CSS)

Diploma Thesis - 10 pages - Foreign markets

CSS service accompanies the sales representatives in order to support them for the cotations of the existing customers. While they are prospecting new customers or anything else, already known customers can send us a cotation request to ship their goods around the world. The missions of the CSS...

20 Apr 2015

Agro-industrial in Santa Catarina

Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies

The agricultural industry is one of the main segments of the Brazilian economy, which are both important in the domestic supply as the export performance of Brazil. Agribusiness is synonymous with value addition, adequacy of raw materials, protection and food safety, development processes and...

19 Dec 2022

Workshop about Sustainable Alimentation

Internship report - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

I took this workshop because it is fully related to SDG15 and SDG2 and because in my studies I did not have the opportunity to be made aware of this issue. This conference was structured around: CO2 emissions, the ethical aspects of food, and health and nutrition. The main goal of this conference...

05 Aug 2022

In what ways conflicts between political entities in the Middle East have been shaped by the history of state formation in the area?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The key terms to understand such situations are "political entities" and "state formation". Speaking of political entities rather than states shows the diversity of actors that make up the political life of the Middle East and can change the configuration of the borders, ranging from paramilitary...

18 Dec 2023

Environmental law - The examples of Canada and the United Kingdom

Case study - 3 pages - Environment law

There is a high amount of litigation related to water, considering that Canada is one of the major fishing sites. Federal fisheries act was made in order to prevent water pollution by prohibiting discharge or deposition of substances which can be harmful to aquatic animals. The UK is historically...

25 Jun 2024

Boats in Collioure - André Derain (1905) - An Exploration of André Derain's Art

Artwork commentary - 4 pages - Arts and art history

A. Derain was born in Chatou in 1880 to a middle-class family. He began painting in 1895. From 1898 to 1899, he studied at the Camillo Academy in Paris. He met H. Matisse in 1901 at the Louvre, where he began copying works in a caricatured manner. In 1901, he rebelled against his family, who did...

16 May 2009

Kirlangiç business plan

Business plan - 25 pages - Business strategy

“Being a strong and professional company which has efficient, trustworthy and standard products and also being proactive to the customers needs.” Ana Food Company's mission statement is “To be a multi-national entrepreneurial group acting locally while thinking globally”....

21 May 2009

Sensitivity analysis of the fertilizer industry

Tutorials/exercises - 71 pages - Business strategy

Crude Oil is one of the most important sources of energy for a country. The prices of crude oil depend on many factors like Supply restrictions by Oil producing nations, demand for oil, uncertainties like war in the middle east and also the stability of US Dollar, in...

12 Mar 2009

Overview of GPSC Gas Co Ltd

Case study - 43 pages - Management

Assam Oil Company Ltd. (AOC) was one of the earliest enterprises in the world engaged in exploration and production of oil. Oil was discovered in Digboi in north-eastern part of Assam in 1889 by Assam Railway & Trading Company (Originally formed with the object of drilling...

29 Sep 2010

International Business Environment and Strategy

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

"You have been asked by a major oil company to analyze the likely developments in the oil market over the next five years. Carefully explain the theoretical underpinnings to any predictions you make. How might your predictions influence the future strategic direction of the...

30 May 2009

Preparation of biodiesel by Jatropha seeds

Thesis - 23 pages - Ecology & environment

Bio-diesel is an eco-friendly, alternative diesel fuel prepared from domestic renewable resources i.e. vegetable oils (edible or non- edible oil) and animal fats. These natural oils and fats are made up mainly of triglycerides. These triglycerides when rea w striking...

29 Sep 2010

Business Ethics - The Niger Delta

Essay - 7 pages - Management

This report is going to talk about the case of the Niger Delta and its intrinsic oil exploitation as well as gas flaring, which cause damages to the local population and impacts the environment. Moreover, the Nigerian government mismanages its revenues in wasting the gas flared that could...

07 Mar 2013

OPEC's effective resistance to strong western powers

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was one of the first organizations of the developing world to effectively resist Western superpowers. Before OPEC, Western countries colonized developing nations and exploited their natural resources with little resistance from these countries....

06 Dec 2010

The status of Caspian 15 years after the fall of the USSR

Thesis - 27 pages - International relations

Until 1991, when the Soviet Union ended, the Caspian was controlled by two States, the USSR and, to a more limited extent, Iran. The dissolution of the USSR and the emergence of three new coastal states have changed this balance. The Caspian Sea is now acquiring an international dimension....

19 May 2011

Unilever: Corporate Sustainability Report

Case study - 9 pages - Management

Sustainability has become the buzz word in many companies and industries in recent years. All major organizations operate some form of sustainability program, as there will be certification of the amount of documentation on their website. But most of them also publish their responsible attitude...

23 Sep 2020

Critical analysis of ExxonMobil and British Petroleum

Case study - 12 pages - Business strategy

ExxonMobil is an American multinational, with its corporate headquarters in the city of Irving in the state of Texas. It is considered a leader in the industry of energy and petrochemicals in all its fundamental characteristics, they operate facilities: managing all processes from manufacturing...