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04 Dec 2008

Perceptions, object and observer of forest landscape and planning

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

For many centuries people have been concerned with perceptions of the natural world. Philosophers have written about it, psychologists have studied it, and, more recently, foresters have become concerned with it. However, when we speak of ‘perceptions of forest landscapes' in relationship to...

13 Jul 2009

Computers as cultural objects

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The computer is without a doubt a central to the creation of culture in the twentieth-century (and beyond). Why is it that the computer has become so central to our culture when it is just a tool, or specifically a means for processing and spreading information? It many ways it is just like a...

24 May 2023

Critically evaluating the ASPIRE model of social work - published: 17/11/2022

Course material - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social work traditionally utilizes a series of strategic steps or procedures to aid in problem resolution. In many cases, the steps include the collection of critical information concerning subjects of interest (assessment), analysis to draw information from collected information (diagnosis),...

20 Apr 2010

A review of evolutionary algorithms for multi objective multi product multi modal distribution problem with a possible new approach

Thesis - 12 pages - Logistics

Transportation industry is a fairly large industry in today's globalized world, and has significant effect too. Each and every big or small industry is bound to use the transportation facilities or logistics. The main problems in this logistics operation are optimizing the cost, time; distance...

25 May 2021

SWOT Analysis - Garmin

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

The Garmin group is part of the new technologies and other connected objects sector. Its fields of activity are very varied since the company is present in the world of marine, aviation, but also automotive, fitness and all outdoor activities. The group's turnover at the start of 2020 amounted to...

02 Jun 2021

SWOT Analysis - Fitbit

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

The Fitbit company has had its obvious glory days over the years but quickly challenged by the arrival of competition, including Apple which, although much criticised, has a real notoriety with consumers. Nevertheless, we have highlighted a number of strengths, which have enabled the group to...

28 Sep 2016

The importance of planning in business management

Business plan - 3 pages - Management

Within any large or small organization, planning is usually an essential step towards ensuring that organization's long-term success. There is a famous saying that suggests the importance of planning: "When you fail to plan, you plan to fail". In other words, planning, especially formal planning,...

07 Jul 2021

SWOT Analysis - Polar

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

The Polar group is part of the sector of sports watches and other connected objects, which have been very successful for several years now. The sector recorded a turnover of 18.7 billion euros at the start of 2020, with results which have increased considerably every year for almost five years....

23 Sep 2009

The hybrid electric vehicle as a cultural object

Thesis - 9 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

The American public imagination is steeped in images of cars. Long ago, the car took over for the horse as the best romantic vehicle to ride off into the sunset. Pop culture throughout the existence of the car is riddled with references to it. Just as Ford's assembly line was developed, Charlie...

12 Apr 2021

Marketing Mix - Zara

Case study - 4 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

Zara is a Spanish brand of clothing for women, men and children. A few years ago, the brand created a line called Zara HOME, which includes decorative objects and articles intended for the home, sold in different stores. The Zara brand is owned by the Spanish group Inditex. Zara is originally...

12 Feb 2024

Life cycle assessment of Solar panel - Mini project using Open LCA to conduct the life cycle assessment of a solar panel

Dissertation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment

This study presents a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a photovoltaic solar panel, aiming to evaluate its environmental impact across various stages of its life cycle. The assessment considers raw material extraction, manufacturing, transportation, installation, operation, and end-of...

18 Jun 2021

Digital Marketing - Apple

Case study - 5 pages - Digital & e-marketing

Consumption habits have changed a lot in recent years. Brands can no longer use the same marketing means as fifteen years ago, the latter having become obsolete. Even if some brands still use them despite everything, they no longer have the same impact on consumers and even less on Internet...

23 Jan 2015

Case study: Hegel

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The original story: When the historian becomes a situation of the news in a work intended for performance (he recalls in this respect that the objective history of a people begins when it becomes a written history, a civilization do not succeed would be unable to cultural evolution). Its...

08 Jun 2021

Porter's Five Forces - Polar

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

Polar is a group that was founded in Finland in 1976. It markets watches and other connected or sports-related objects. Connected watches have enjoyed growing success over the past ten years, particularly due to the fact that consumers are paying more and more attention to their physical health...

04 Dec 2022

Hard and soft human resource management - Theory and examples

Case study - 9 pages - Human resources

The concept of Human Resource Management has many times been described as an idea with two distinct forms: hard and soft. The two forms have been opposed along several dimensions, and frequently get used by different commentators as strategic devices for categorization approaches in the...

03 Mar 2021

Internship summary sheet - Amazon

Internship report - 3 pages - Management

The internship is in EU Indirect Procurement at Amazon. I was based in the EU Headquarter in Luxembourg. The two categories which I was working on were Temp Labor and Manned Guarding in all Amazon warehouses across Europe. Nowadays Amazon is growing a 30% this year. Many new sites are to be...

21 Mar 2022

Maggie, A Girl of the Streets - Stephen Crane - Maggie is impossible to weep over

Text commentary - 3 pages - Literature

Individuals are determined by heredity and their social category (which covers the place they live in and their standard of living). Maggie, the protagonist of Stephen Crane's novel Maggie, A Girl of the Streets published in 1896, is modelled, shaped, and ultimately determined by her...

15 Aug 2022

UK Retail Fashion Industry Report - Missguided

Case study - 6 pages - Fashion and ready to wear marketing

While Missguided, which operates in the UK retail fashion industry, has managed to achieve competitiveness in the global fashion retail industry, its long-term survival and success is dependent on its effectiveness in responding to market changes. Gavinelli (2016) notes that adopting effective...

23 Sep 2016

Project and operations management assignment

Thesis - 12 pages - Management

The main aim of the report is to demonstrate the objectives of operations management, identify different strategies and also demonstrate how the strategies impact process design. The report is divided into three sections or parts namely - Analysis, Conclusion and References. Analysis -...

22 Aug 2024

Evaluating revenue optimization for a real estate enterprise using Airbnb in Paris - published: 22/07/2024

Dissertation - 13 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

BK Realty is an enterprise specialized in high quality property management, whose main field of interest is the operation, sale, renting, control and oversight of real estate. We act as brokers on behalf of our clients, attempting to find the easiest and most efficient solution for their needs....

27 Nov 2023

Amazon's corporate culture

Case study - 2 pages - Management

As we can read in The Leader's Guide for Corporate Culture, published in the Harvard Business Review, « as someone said, culture eats strategy for breakfast », that is, the spirit of an enterprise, embodied by its members, is thought out and developed to ensure the development and growth of...

06 Oct 2022

Management in the public sector

Course material - 10 pages - Management

In the public sector, business organizations do not exist to make profit but to provide services for the whole nation. The public sector is made up of organizations which are controlled by the government, the state or the local authorities. They can be divided into 3 categories: - Public...

20 Aug 2024

Research Project - Effects of Procurement Ethical Practices on Performance of Procurement Department At Adc In Kitale Town

Diploma Thesis - 12 pages - Management

Ethical practices mean being in accordance with rules or standards for right conduct or practices. Procurement codes of ethics in public institutions in Kenya are associated with fairness, understanding of unbiased treatment to suppliers, integrity, due diligence, confidentiality of information,...

23 Oct 2024

Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Decision-Making Processes

Dissertation - 5 pages - Business strategy

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) keeps advancing across a wide spectrum of activities. AI is steadily elevating the ways organizations function and make decisions. In the business world, AI technologies have become a part of it, as they ensure the automation of operations, data analysis,...

01 Oct 2024

Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Adoption on Financial Statement Transparency

Course material - 2 pages - Finance

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are designed to bring consistency, transparency, and comparability to financial statements across different jurisdictions. The adoption of IFRS is intended to enhance the quality of financial reporting, thereby improving the decision-making...

24 Oct 2024

U.S.-India Relations: An Evolving Foreign Policy Landscape

Case study - 5 pages - International relations

The United States and India have developed a complex and dynamic relationship that has significantly evolved over the past century, establishing itself as a central element of U.S. foreign policy in Asia. India's importance to the United States is greatly reflected in the National Security...

27 Oct 2024

Archaeology Project of Nitra: Mortuary Analysis at the Early Neolithic Site

Case study - 2 pages - Ancient history

Mortuary studies in archeology are crucial in providing insights into ancestral populations' lives, traditions, and society. The scholarship can resolve problems at the disposal of archaeological subgroups by digging out burial sites and plotting artifacts associated with them. This study is...

05 Nov 2020

PESTEL Analysis - Garmin

Case study - 5 pages - Sport marketing

Garmin Ltd. was co-founded in October 1989 by Gary Burrell and Dr Min Kao, who came up with the groundbreaking design and engineering of the GPS software technology used in their products today. Before his involvement with Garmin, Dr Kao also developed the first FAA-certified GPS navigation...

19 Apr 2024

Burger King's "Google Home of the Whopper" campaign

Case study - 1 pages - Marketing theories

A 15-second TV commercial concludes with the phrase, "Ok Google, what is the Whopper burger?". "Ok Google" near to a speaker connected to Google Home starts the voice assistant, who will try to answer the question, without the slightest intervention of the viewer. Once the spot airs, Google Home...

04 Jul 2022

The Blockchain

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Computer science

First of all, the blockchain's system is the main thing to understand, everything that is going to be in this document is related and depends on the blockchain's system. So, a blockchain is a decentralized database which allows everybody to see the transaction history. Those transactions have the...