Non-conventional energy sources
Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment
This presentation talks about non conventional energy sources. First of all the presentation gives a clear definition about energy and different forms of energy. It then moves on to the explanation of different forms of non-conventional energy forms explained one by...
EU and the 21st century challenges: Energy and environment
Thesis - 6 pages - European union
Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for Environment opined that though in recent times, Europe has made considerable progress in cleaning the air that we breathe; air pollution remains a serious problem and continues to damage our health and the environment. The results of a poll published in March,...
U.S.-India Relations: An Evolving Foreign Policy Landscape
Case study - 5 pages - International relations
The United States and India have developed a complex and dynamic relationship that has significantly evolved over the past century, establishing itself as a central element of U.S. foreign policy in Asia. India's importance to the United States is greatly reflected in the National Security...
The Normative Role of the Cold War in Recent American History
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The Cold War was a period of tension that resulted from the conflict between the United States (capitalist) and the Soviet Union (communist) and their respective allies. This period has resulted in a lasting effect on the involved countries; it has influenced U.S. economic stability,...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - France and Germany
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
Since the origins of the European project, Europe has depended on close Franco-German cooperation. As we have seen, all the big moves forward were possible because of the basic Franco-German agreement; the last major instance was Maastricht in 1992. The other countries had to follow. Of course,...
Nuclear weapons: Engagement versus antagonism
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
Nuclear weapons are as controversial and notorious today as they were in August 1945 when the first atomic weapon was dropped on Hiroshima. These weapons of mass destruction inspire awe and fear, and some believe will eventually result in Armageddon. This paper will endeavor to...
Nuclear taboo
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Sixty four years after the American atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the legacy of nuclear weapons remains one of non-use. Despite perennial involvement in large-scale violent conflict, the institutionalization of nuclear weapons in military planning, and the growing ease...
The French energy market
Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general
On July 2007 started the last step of the opening up of the energy market in France, i.e., of the electricity and gas markets. This process started in 1996 when the European Union decided to open up its market and liberalize it, in order to create one single market without monopoly. It was...
How can hydropower meet tomorrow's electricity needs?
Presentation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment
The gravity dam, in concrete or stone, is the simplest and heaviest dam. It is vertical in relation to the reservoir and inclined in relation to the valley. It relies only on the ground. Thus, it opposes all its mass to the pressure of water.
Can the proliferation of nuclear weapons of mass destruction be halted?
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Proliferation is a traditional issue of International Security and has always been at the heart of strategic analysis. In the last few weeks, the International Community has been worried about the situation in Pakistan. General Musharaff proclaimed a state of emergency and convened general...
To what extent has Iran been a destabilising force in the Middle East since 1989?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
Iran is a non-Arab Shiite Muslim country of nearly 80 million people, heir to a thousand years of Persian history, and a major regional and international player. Involved for several decades in supporting various armed groups, some of them terrorists, operating in the Middle East and other...
Digital society
Course material - 33 pages - Sociology & social sciences
ICT is a major technological change whose effects have only begun to be measured for about ten years. Beyond the appearance of new activities related to ICT, such as start-ups, online shops for example, digital technologies have considerably facilitated the production and exchange of information....
Wind-energy and TransAlta Wind
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
Canada was one of the first countries to sign the Kyoto Protocol, on April 29, 1998. Formal ratification came more than four years later, on Dec. 17, 2002. But Canada's continued participation in Kyoto seemed certain to end with the election of a minority Conservative government in January of...
Energy Marketing
Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing
Marketing is a discipline of management that seeks to determine the offers of goods, services or ideas based on attitudes and the motivation of consumers , the public or society in general. In this paper. We will be studying the marketing of energy . The first question we must ask...
Energy policy
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
While Malthus was already painting a negative picture of the worldwide situation in 1798, he was also drawing up his famous prediction that population would outrun food supply, leading to a decrease in food per person. Indeed, there is a mathematic distortion between human reproduction rate and...
Non conventional energy
Thesis - 5 pages - Physics
The sun, wind, water & bio-mass are either Perennial or renewable sources of energy. Any or more of these sources are available in almost each part of the country. These available sources can be utilized effectively for useful purpose through technological means. Bio-mass is renewable...
Course material - 47 pages - Culture, religion & civilization
No empire other than Great Britain brought to its colonies the technological tools (railroads, modern medicine) and the political ideals (capitalism, the rule of law) that made possible the development of stable and egalitarian societies. This explains why 54 nations, most of them former British...
The United States and the World - Transnational problems today as seen from Washington
Course material - 12 pages - Political science
In the document issued in September 2002, "The National Security Strategy of the USA", two essential goals of US national policy were stressed: the defeat of "Global terrorism" and "to prevent our enemies from threatening us, our allies, and our friends with weapons of mass destruction". Those...
The development and application of hydrogen energy in the United States
Essay - 3 pages - Physics
In his State of the Union Address, President Bush made the observation that the United States had become addicted to foreign oil. The recent surge in gas prices is clearly reflective of this addiction. Americans have become so reticent in their oil usage that they are now willing to pay in excess...
The challenges in Africa and the strategies to put in place
Presentation - 11 pages - Ecology & environment
The African continent offers a great diversity: country, climate, culture... wise. As a result, it is a challenge to identify issues and strategies to answer them for all the African countries. However, we can try to find important themes that can be found in most of these countries. It is also...
Wind energy integration in power systems
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
Grid connection of wind energy sources is essential if they are to be effectively exploited, but grid connection brings a number of problems. In the paper, Distributed Generation and Wind Power integration problems are discussed. Many early wind turbines utilized a squirrel-cage or...
Environmental Law - Sustainable Development in South Africa
Essay - 4 pages - Environment law
The expression "sustainable development" has been used for years now. It is all about the promotion of people's well-being, the improvement of their life quality, especially in the long run. This means that what the current generation is doing has consequences on future generations. Therefore,...
America's Dangerous Dependence on Non-renewable Energy and the Possible Solutions
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
In the U.S. we rely more on the burning of fossil fuels more than any other country. Retrieving such forms of fuel can be extremely detrimental to the land and animals that surround the site. Drilling for oil is one particular way that fuel is obtained that has caused severe damage to all types...
The European Union and its neighbors to the East and South-East of the Continent and to the Middle East
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
The European Union has still very limited means in terms of foreign and security and defense policy, and its members still follow quite different foreign policy agendas. But the EU confronts several and often growing problems and crisis in her immediate vicinity.
Long Term Effects of Chernobyl
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
The Chernobyl is a calamitous disaster that happened in April 1986 at the Ukrainian Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It is recorded as one of the most horrible nuclear power plant accidents in the human history. It is classified as a level 7 which is the maximum classification. A...
Reliable distributed generation: Key issues, challenges and roles in the Indian energy sector
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
In this paper the traditional approach in electric power generation is to have centralized plants distributing electricity through an extensive transmission & distribution network. Distributed generation (DG) provides electric power at a site closer to the customer, eliminating the unnecessary...
Negative externalities
Case study - 3 pages - Management
With that we are essentially engaged in a race between technology and the exponentially increasing demands of raw materials. The technology can: enable us to recycle waste, more usable resources of a quantity of raw materials, create new methods of production, and provide new sources of...
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Privatization involves the transfer of ownership and the management of state owned enterprises to private firms. Governments should be less corrupted so as to increase the efficiency of state owned corporations and the public sector, promoting national security. Recently, pressure from the IMF...
Five forces of the model to support AREVA (2010)
Thesis - 6 pages - Management
In order to deal with the consequences of globalization and the internationalization of trade, countries have come up with growing energy needs. Emerging countries are investing heavily in infrastructure and need electricity to power them.The United States alone account for 25% of global...
The Effectiveness of Greenpeace's Actions
Case study - 2 pages - Political science
To consider the effectiveness of Greenpeace's actions, you need to understand that they involve major media campaigns and direct action to make the environmental cause known to everyone. Spectacular actions such as taking over a nuclear power station to denounce nuclear safety....