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Theme : Negotiations

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28 Jul 2020

The Northern Ireland Conflict and paths to Peace - How was a peace settlement to end the Troubles achieved in April 1998?

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

The peace settlement that was achieved in April 1998 results from a long period of negotiations, doubts and violent attacks from all communities. The inter-communal conflict of The Troubles had lasted for more than thirty years leaving a city and a country deeply broken. Historians agreed...

29 Sep 2010

Sales assistant at Sabotage wines, Melbourne, Australia

Dissertation - 16 pages - Management

Sabotage Wines was founded in 2001 by the French winemaker David Baldet with the French style wines sourced from low yielding cool climate grapes from Victoria, in Australia. The principal customers are restaurants, wine bars and liquor stores. In this company, my mission was to sell the Sabotage...

29 Sep 2010

Humanitarian corridors

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

A humanitarian corridor aims at facilitating the transportation of charitable supplies like food, clothes, medicines, and hospital services such as ambulances that are directed to the local population in times of crisis in conflict zones. It is set on a specific route for a given time....

29 Sep 2010

Great Britain, the United States and the Commonwealth

Essay - 14 pages - Modern history

The aim of the lecture is to determine whether there is really a special relationship between Britain and the US. It was only in the aftermath of the Second World War that the term of special relationship came to be used to describe the partnership between Britain and America. Indeed, despite the...

03 Jan 2011

Is the mechanism of settlement of the disputes of the World Trade Organization (WTO) effective?

Thesis - 5 pages - International law

The dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a mechanism whereby a member state that was injured when a benefit was offset by another Member State, can initiate proceedings before the Settlement of Disputes in order to restore the balance upset by the cancellation. This...

22 Jul 2008

What would Marx say? Labor agreement with the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW)

Essay - 4 pages - Human resources

This past 12th of September, 2005, Ford's labor agreement with the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) reached its three-year expiration date, and was remade and renewed after negotiations between the two parties. Talks focused on questions of wages, benefits, retirement plans, and other...

25 Sep 2008

Sample resume for advertising and sales

Sample resume - 2 pages - Business strategy

Person 4312 Any Court Winston, North Carolina 27613 (000) 888-8365 home (000) 652-4392 cell PROFESSIONAL PROFILE A creative, articulate achiever with excellent organizational,...

03 Feb 2011

The right to strike in Europe

Essay - 9 pages - European law

'A strike is the name given to a collective movement conducted at the initiative of all or part of the staff of a company, usually intended to compel employers to negotiate working conditions and pay (Law Dictionary). The right to strike presupposes that there is a contract of employment....

19 Jan 2009

Lenôtre in China Beijing: The biggest market for the biggest gastronomical group

Presentation - 135 pages - Services marketing

Strengths: Global fame built on fine upscale products and services, genuine production processes, know-how and licenses (patents), staff (teams, chefs, wine steward...)very well trained, large implantation across the world, profitable company, diversified services (cocktails, buffets, marriages,...

14 Apr 2009

Competitor analysis of financial securities industries: Religare

Case study - 36 pages - Finance

The securities markets in India witnessed several policy initiatives since the year 2000, which further refined the markets micro-structure, modernized operations and broadened investment choices for investors. The irregularities in the securities transactions in the last quarter of the previous...

14 Oct 2020

SWOT Analysis - British Airways (2010)

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

British Airways (BA) has recently announced a merger with Iberia the results for both firms are due in May 2011. This case study will look at industrial relations within BA and how they will affect the recent merger and what is necessary to align both firms' resources whilst causing the least...

24 Nov 2021

The company's strategic diagnostic tools - Toyota SWOT analysis

Course material - 3 pages - Marketing theories

In 1979, Michael Porter developed the five forces strategy based on a competitive analysis. These 5 forces all influence the performance of the company. There are initially five groups of players: competitors, customers, suppliers, potential entrants and substitute products. It will therefore be...

04 Sep 2008

Empirical feasibility in Kant's Perpetual Peace

Book review - 8 pages - Philosophy

In his essay Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, Immanuel Kant prescribes the means of attaining a worldwide peace among nations. In theory, Kant's idea of achieving Perpetual Peace relies not on reactionary peaceful measures of ending wars once they have begun, but instead on creating a...

09 Jan 2009

Was the NATO bombardment of Serbia legitimate?

Thesis - 3 pages - Services marketing

After the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Kosovar Albanians became targets of the Serb policy of "ethnic cleansing". UN requested both parties to the conflict to stop hostilities and to return to negotiations. However, peace negotiations between the...

15 Jan 2009

The completion of the wto free trade agenda will produce both winners and losers in the eu: to what extend do you agree? - published: 15/01/2009

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international body, the purpose of which is to promote free trade by persuading countries to abolish import tariffs and other barriers. It has little by little become closely associated with globalisation. The WTO is the only international institution...

27 Jan 2009

Generation gaps in work teams

Essay - 5 pages - Human resources

As workers begin to stay in positions longer, businesses are experiencing more generation gaps among their employees. Most of the “Matures” born in 1945 or earlier have retired, but the “Boomers” born from 1946 to 1964 are working alongside “Generation X” born from...

21 Apr 2009

Study of stock market, equity trading, demat and market analysis of Share khan Pvt .Ltd

Case study - 58 pages - Finance

Share Khan Pvt.Ltd deals in buying and selling equity shares and debentures on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the Over-The-Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI). Share Khan Pvt.Ltd is provided with a computer and required software from their registered stock...

29 Sep 2010

The World Trade Organization (WTO) law and the environment

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

In 1979 the Brandt Commission recommended that an international trade organization incorporating both GATT and UNCTAD was the objective towards which the international community should work. This dream came true in January 1995 when the World Trade Organization (WTO) became the successor to GATT,...

31 Dec 2010

Establishment of an H&M store in Morocco: Inter-cultural variables and organization

Thesis - 16 pages - Management

Intercultural management aims to make us work and reflect on the well defined cultural differences between people involved in the inner workings of the enterprise. Indeed, the cultural differences encountered when setting up a company in a foreign country should not cause problems. On the...

16 Feb 2011

Adaptation of a worker to the local problems: French in China

Case study - 10 pages - Human resources

Working abroad as part of an international assignment or other contract inevitably raises many challenges with regard to adaptability. One has to adapt to different cultures, ways of living and study the key points rigorously to live more comfortably in a host country. A host country receives a...

09 Mar 2002

"When you look back at the role that Washington has played between the Arabs and the Israelis, it is clear that the United States could end the Arab-Israeli conflict tomorrow, if it so desired"

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The picture taken at the Washington summit right after the Madrid conference just says it all: Rabin and Arafat, the representatives of the two most antagonistic peoples in the modern world, shake hands under Clinton's blessing. Thus it may seem that the American presence and participation is the...

16 Sep 2011

How does Peugeot build a competitive edge against Chinese and foreign car industry

Thesis - 10 pages - Business strategy

In this report, we focus on the PSA Peugeot Citroen group. Firstly, we will analyze the company and its features and key data. PSA Peugeot Citroen group is a French car manufacturer, and is the result of a merger between Citroen and Peugeot Limited companies. Thanks to the framework of a coherent...

16 Apr 2014

The versatility of Islam

Case study - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The technique of reproduction detaches the reproduced object from the domain of tradition. By making many reproductions it substitutes a plurality of copies for a unique existence. And in permitting the reproduction to meet the beholder or listener in his own particular situation, it reactivates...

20 Feb 2009

Critically evaluating the ASPIRE model of social work

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In this essay I will look at the ASPIRE model as a process within social work. I will demonstrate my understanding of the model and its stages and reflect on how values inform each stage of the process. I will look at each stage individually whilst evaluating its effectiveness as a process. I...

23 Jan 2007

To what extent is Richard Branson, the English Tycoon, a very influential person in the British political life?

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Richard Branson is Britain's best-known entrepreneur. This self-made man started his first company at the age of 17 and succeeded in building an empire. Worth £3 billion and believed to be the ninth-richest man in the UK, the 56-year-old founder of the Virgin empire inspired a generation of...

11 May 2009

The limits of the European neighborhood policy

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

After the last European enlargement on 1st May 2004, the European Union got new neighbors, mainly in the East but a few also in the Middle East. But the neighbors do not all have the same juridical status. For some of them inclusion is already on its way, like for Romania and Bulgaria who signed...

13 May 2009

The fair trade trend, an explanation

Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general

The current functioning of the world economy suffers from more and more blatant imbalance which affects particularly the producers of tropical farm produces, the victims of the agro-industrial politics based essentially on the returns and the profit. The prices and the conditions of purchase...

29 Sep 2010

Non-Governmental Organizations and the United Nations System History, Problems and Prospects

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

NGOs have been active in the United Nations (U.N.) system since its inception in 1945. Although the U.N. was created as an intergovernmental organization, there was a need since the early days of the Organization to allow representatives of the civil society to participate, through formal and...

29 Sep 2010

What approach Mission Rubber Technologies Corporation should use with CHP?

Case study - 6 pages - Services marketing

International trade is, by nature, logical and systematic. Although in many aspects it is similar to conventional, domestic trade, it does demand more from companies such as Mission Rubber, from initial market research, through the different methods of distribution, to securing payment from...

30 Dec 2010

Managerial analysis of companies based in the Netherlands

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Firstly, what is striking in the Netherlands is the common company spirit, this belief is generalized in the capacities of man to act and progress. This cultural aspect then induced a direction of pluralism, mediation and even negotiation. The Netherlands are the crossroads, crossed and...