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12 Jan 2009

Transition Macedonia

Essay - 20 pages - Modern history

Throughout the centuries, the South-eastern corner of Europe has been the scene of many invasions and transcending civilizations. This left the trace of different cultures, religions and empires. One of the most evident cleavages in the region is religious cleavage between the Catholic Church,...

29 Sep 2010

Describe the major differences in interests and perspectives of the member states of the European Union on Iraq and the US policy

Essay - 15 pages - International relations

The Iraq conflict uncovers difficulties for the member states of the European Union to find a common position in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. This essay describes the major differences in the interest and perspectives of the member governments on Iraq, and the US policy....

15 Jan 2009

"Why has the common foreign and security policy been so much more difficult to organise than economic cooperation?"

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

One of the most important discussions in the modern-day European Union concerns the lack of effectiveness of common foreign and security policy. As the Union moves towards integration, creating such a policy has become one of its most pressing concerns. I shall consider this question in detail...

07 Mar 2011

Analyze the evolution of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

After the end of the Second World War, the victorious Allies split the post-war world between them. With each superpower focusing on their personal ideological interests, historians have found critical information that would foreshadow future tensions between the Big Three. The harmony which...

05 Jan 2010

The Dayton peace agreement and its consequences in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

In the early 1990s the unraveling of Yugoslavia was well under way, and by the time war reached Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Yugoslavia was almost nonexistent. Croatia, Slovenia, and Macedonia had already proclaimed independence with relatively little military conflict. When the time came for...

24 Feb 2010

Use of force

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Today's international political climate is volatile and dangerous. The United Nations can ease this tension through its sphere of influence on the world. The United Nations has the capability of pulling military forces from member states in order to prevent and deter conflicts that could...

14 Dec 2024

History, Culture and Society: Spain From the Ancient Age to 2023

Course material - 31 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

The document covers, in the form of revision sheets, key events in History from the Ancient Age to the year 2023. Excerpt: "Under the reign of Philip II (1556-1598), Spain was the first world power. When the king of Portugal died without descendants, Philip defeated the other candidates and was...

10 Jan 2011

The French army

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

'The army' is the term used to denote all the resources in manpower and equipment that a community implements either to deter, or to repel the attacks of another community, or to attack. It is a hierarchical group of men, recruited directly or indirectly by a State or an organization,...

15 Jan 2009

To what extent has Europe benefited from a "peace dividend" through the European Union and its budget?

Essay - 4 pages - European union

The notion of “peace dividend” was forged in the 1980s to convey an idea that had already been analysed before: the link between security/peace, and economic growth. Without going into further details, one may wonder if this economic theory can be applied to the European Union, which...

09 Jul 2008

The Cold War

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

Communism is a political structure based on economic principles that promote the establishment of a classless society in which everything is commonly owned. (“Communism” Par 1) On the contrary, Capitalism is based on the principle that land and means of production can be privately...

15 Jan 2009

UN peacekeeping operations

Essay - 4 pages - Journalism

Peacekeeping operations (PKOs) illustrate both the successes and the difficulties of the United Nations in the fulfillment of their primary goal: "the maintenance of international peace and security." They symbolize the ambitions of the organization but also its adaptation: it is thus interesting...

15 Jan 2009

The evolution of EU-American relationships: From obedience to independence?

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The EU-US relations were the basis upon which global institutions were built at the end of World War II, they permitted the creation of the United Nations, of the World Trade Organization, and of the North-Atlantic Treaty Organisation... they forged the framework still used to regulate...

16 Jan 2009

What are the most significant long-term external trends that will affect the role of the EU in 2020 to 2050?

Essay - 10 pages - European union

By 2025, Europe will represent only 6% of the world population, and its relative share of global wealth and trade will have shrunk. Contentious economic and welfare reforms as well as the integration of a growing migrant population will be among the key internal challenges for many EU Member...

02 Oct 2024


Course material - 47 pages - Culture, religion & civilization

No empire other than Great Britain brought to its colonies the technological tools (railroads, modern medicine) and the political ideals (capitalism, the rule of law) that made possible the development of stable and egalitarian societies. This explains why 54 nations, most of them former British...

14 Feb 2013

Analyze the principal characteristics of liberalism with reference to current developments in the 'Arab spring' critically examine the view that liberalism's objectives and values are a form of western imperialism

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The current international context is very complex. The 21st century is characterized by an entanglement of complex relations and inter-dependence between States. In the international studies, we often say that the 21st century began when the Soviet Union disappeared. Indeed, during the Cold War...

09 May 2009

Business of war and terrorism

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

Towards Post Cold War conflicts, the English army became the heir of a strong strategic culture. Indeed, the geo-politic and military story of England has been made mainly by maritime army power, in order to avoid any insurrections from other countries. However, in today's absence of any...

29 Sep 2010

The evolution of EU-American relationships: From obedience to independence? - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The EU-US relations were the basis upon which global institutions were built at the end of World War II, they permitted the creation of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization. They were responsible for forging the framework still used to...

18 Apr 2006

Under what circumstances do you think states should intervene in humanitarian crises?

Essay - 6 pages - International law

Humanitarian intervention deals with two academic fields: political philosophy and international law. The question of intervention depends on the morality and on the legality of the intervention. Is humanitarian intervention a moral duty for states? Is humanitarian intervention a right for...

01 Aug 2022

Towards a Federation of Nation-States? - From the Milan summit to the Nice one (1985-2000)

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

To try to describe the aim of the European Construction at the beginning of the 90ies, Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995, invented the concept of a Federation of Nation-States. An oxymoron? What does national sovereignty become in such a system? But still it...

29 Sep 2010

The Global War on terrorism and the effects in the Euro-american relations: Causes, consequences, solutions

Essay - 11 pages - International relations

Terrorism has become the most important threat regarding international stability in the 21st century. Though the Euro Atlantic community considers that it is of the utmost importance to eradicate it, it is not able to set up a common strategy. Since the war in Iraq, the Bush administration has...

19 Dec 2007

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - International relations

This year, December 10, 2007 is a day of many important deadlines. Not only is it the day the independence of Kosovo is said to be decided, but it is also the date by which the handover of Ratko Mladic to the ICTY is supposed to occur. Both of these could prove to be fateful days in the history...

15 Jan 2009

Humanitarian intervention: The responsibility to protect (R2P)

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The protection of human rights is now considered as an important element of International Law. However, if there are frequent calls for “humanitarian interventions” (that is “coercive action against a state to protect people within its border from suffering grave harm” ) like...

29 Nov 2006

The European identity issue: what most determines the European "we feeling"?

Essay - 11 pages - European union

“You don't fall in love with a common market” (EU Commission President Jacques Delors in The European, 3 November 1994). Here emerges one of today's most challenging issues for the European Union: the prevalence of market integration has created a political vacuum and so-called...

25 Nov 2008

The struggle for democracy: An analysis of false flag terrorism in post-war Italy and its contemporary relevance

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

To analyze politics is to attempt to understand the evolution and application of ideas in circumstances that are seldom clearly defined. These ideas are formulated into ideological structures that become the governing principles of specific political philosophies. Words such as morals, culture,...

12 Mar 2009

The effectiveness of the UN as a multilateral institution

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

The concept of globalization continues to be a hot issue in the arena of political discourse. Globalism, or interdependence, has been, and continues to be a critical force in world politics that affects nearly every aspect of global economic, political, diplomatic and military behaviour. It...

28 Jul 2009

How an EU military could affect world peace through international law

Thesis - 12 pages - International law

There is no greater motivation for European unification than the desire for peace. Just like the UN, the EU wants to avoid the “scourge of war” for its future generations. In times of peace, the world forgets that the EU is not an economic coalition, but is instead a peaceful, foreign...

13 Jul 2010

Crisis in Korea

Thesis - 4 pages - International law

North and South Korea are located in East Asia and were formerly one state. However they are now divided into two separate states that are frequently pitted against each other politically. Korea shares a border with China in the North West and is separated from Japan the by Korea Strait. In 1948...

29 Sep 2010

The Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) in the post cold-war Europe

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

The CSCE (Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe) was born with the Helsinki final act in 1975, as the territorial statu quo seemed definitely taken for granted by both the communist block and western countries. On the 1st of August 1975, 35 heads of states from Europe, the US and...

02 Jun 2008

Human Trafficking

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

Approximately 800,000 men, women, and children are smuggled across international borders daily. These numbers do not even include labor and sexual exploitation, and internally displaced persons within each state. Those smuggled have different experiences and motivations such as political...

14 Jul 2008

Does collapse of the state, genocide or ethnic cleansing justify intervention?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Although the dilemma of intervention is not new, it emerged as a main topic of debate after the Cold War. The dilemma is whether to intervene in countries where gross human rights violations occur or to respect the sovereignty of the states. Even though a state has a right to sovereignty, thus is...