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Theme : Mythology

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12 Mar 2015

An illustration of the divine comedy revealing the romantic vision and clean eccentricity Blake - The Divine Comedy of Dante - William Blake (1824-1827

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

The Divine Comedy is a poem of Dante Alighieri written in triplets chained to hendecasyllables in vernacular Florentine . It is divided into three parts : Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, each with 33 chants. Dante began his writing in 1307 in Florence. Dante has the impression of having lost in...

25 Aug 2009

An examination of the company De Chazal and Du Mee

Thesis - 44 pages - Management

DCDM & Co. Ltd is a value-based organization. The management claims that it is the organization's commitment to strong values that has enabled it to sustain the test of time. Its strong values are embedded in the firm and constitute the very ‘genetic code' of the organization. Its founders...

25 Mar 2010

Magic and enchantment as a tool of love in Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

“The course of true love never did run smooth. ” This, one of the most famous lines from Shakespeare's romantic comedy, A Mid Summer Night's Dream, no truer words have been spoken as Shakespeare leads the audience through a story of fantasies and misunderstandings. The story follows...

08 May 2009

Reinventing Myth, Recasting gender: Myth in Morrison

Thesis - 12 pages - Literature

As an African American woman writer, Toni Morrison's relationship with myth is complex and multilayered. In an interview with Charles Ruas, Morrison calls myths the “nourishing stories”(115) that we are raised on. Myth educates future generations about values and strategies for...

28 Nov 2008

William Blake's "Wall of words" on circular reasoning

Essay - 10 pages - Literature

“And the salt ocean rolled englob'd.” (Blake Pl. 28.23) The previous line comes from one of Blake's prophetic works, “The First Book of Urizen,” and is very typical of a Blake ending. More than a century before Stanley Kunitz was born, Blake had mastered the technique...

30 Jun 2008

Take that Baudrillard: The absurdity of narrative and the possibility of meaning in Candide

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Voltaire has been said to have been mocking Leibniz's popular theory that “whatever is, is right,” (Pope, l.294) in Candide. While that is true, it only scratches the surface. The more significant fact is that the language and logic with which Candide satirizes Leibniz mock the very...

25 Sep 2009

The work of Carl Gustav Jung

Thesis - 12 pages - Philosophy

In this essay we will explore whether the work of Carl Gustav Jung has been built upon. Alternatively the psychology that Jung built may have been close to entirely his own with little contribution from others. Or perhaps a great deal of additional work will have been contributed from others....

25 Sep 2008

Reflections and remediation of the past: A survey of literary and philosophical Greece, and its similarities to the electronic age

Essay - 12 pages - Psychology

The topic that I plan to explore in this essay involves looking at the past and present in order to have a better understanding of the future. There are essentially three parts to my research. First, I want to explore what happens to the brain biologically when it must learn something new. In...

13 Jan 2009

"No artist tolerates reality" - Nietzsche. To what extend is this true in the work of Yeats and Eliot?

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

"No artist tolerates reality", as far as this quotation of Nietzsche is concerned, it is true that artists - and therefore writers - cannot tolerate reality, and that is the reason why they often aim at changing this reality through their art, and in the case of writers, through their written...

01 May 2009

The role of Eros, madness and desire, and physical sexuality in Plato's philosophy

Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy

The philosophy of Plato had a strong impact on the development of Western thought and the evolution of Western culture. His ideas were influential with Christian thinkers in the third and fourth centuries and with European philosophers in the Renaissance and after.This paper will examine Plato's...

13 May 2009

The goddess and Mary the mother of Jesus

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Syncretism means the merging of different forms of belief or practice. The word comes from the description of the fusion of Cretan cities, and is often used in the religious context to describe how new religious and spiritual ideas moving into a culture merge with the ideas that already exist in...

14 Jul 2008

Myth, the age of irrationalism, and the cult of celebrity.

Essay - 10 pages - Philosophy

Ancient and primitive cultures demonstrate the use of myth as an epistemological basis, but historically they have been replaced by Rationalism. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, however, the insufficiency of reason for the task we give it has become more and more evident, until at last...

20 Jul 2008

The Parthenon

Essay - 4 pages - Medieval history

After the Athenians defeated the Persians in defense of their glorius city. Pericles had proposed a resurrection and rebuilding of the Athenian temples that were destroyed by the Persian invaders. The best materials, artists, and laborers were called upon from the entire region to take part in...

13 Jan 2009

The Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood

Essay - 11 pages - Arts and art history

A considerable number of women were active in every phase of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. Some, as was the case for Elizabeth Siddal and Lucy Madox Brown, incorporated the ideas of their husbands and fathers into their own art. Others were deeply influenced by the freshness of the Pre-Raphaelite...

07 Jul 2009

The empowered woman in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale

Book review - 7 pages - Literature

Speaking of his king's command to “stay [his wife's] tongue,” (The Winter's Tale, 2.3.110) Antigonus very succinctly states the theme of female empowerment in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale. Throughout the play, Shakespeare employs various strategies to communicate this idea. One...

30 Dec 2010

Joseph Beuys's 'I Like America and America Likes Me'

Thesis - 10 pages - Arts and art history

Joseph Beuys's “I Like America and America Likes Me" was performed in May 1974. The location of the action is commonly referred to as the Rene Block Gallery in New York. The gallery opened with this performance at 409 West Broadway. Beuys performed this action as a 53-year- old and with...

09 Dec 2008

A Post-Jungian perspective on the psychology of the pre-modern person in today's modern western culture

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

The psychology that shall be articulated in this essay can from the outset be described as relatively pre-modern and relatively psychoanalytical. It is pre-modern because we will be focusing on the pre-modern psyche without arguing that it should be vanquished in favor of a modern psychological...

07 Apr 2015

The Chinese dragon and its influence on Christianity in China

Case study - 2 pages - Management

Generally, dragons have held positive connotations in culture of the Chinese since the time of the Song dynasty, in AD 960-1279. The Chinese made prayers to the dragon for rain. In Chinese culture, the dragon has been used as a symbol of imperial power; in fact, the emperor wore a dragon robe,...

18 Dec 2008

Creative psychology

Essay - 8 pages - Psychology

In this essay we discuss some selective creative areas of psychology; of interest to Depth Psychology. Part 1 discusses the influence of romanticism on the famous 20th century psychologist, Carl Jung. Part 2 discusses Jung's psychological perspective on the UFO phenomenon. Finally in part 3 we...

24 Sep 2009

Neoclassicism, Benjamin West, and Cupid

Thesis - 3 pages - Arts and art history

The Neoclassical art movement began in Europe in the late 1700s and lasted into the early 1800s. The movement was inspired in part by the public interest in ancient artifacts found in the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum - a sensational discovery at the time, which galvanized the art world of...

18 Dec 2008

Belgian comics and constructing Belgian national identity

Thesis - 6 pages - Journalism

Belgium is a unique country that uses a federal solution to construct a civic nation from two competing ethnic and cultural identities. In the north is the Flemish region, in the south, Wallonia, and in the middle, the capitol and mainly French speaking, city of Brussels. There is also a small...

12 Nov 2009

To hell and back: A human's tale by Dante Alighieri

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

When asked to name the most influential authors in the history of literature, a person would most likely refer to authors whose acclaim is so great, one only has to say a single part of his or her name. Poets and playwrights, these authors composed works that transcend time and place and carry...

06 Aug 2010

Visual analysis of an Assyrian winged deity

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Walking slowly through the cool, dark room of Ancient Near Eastern art at the Museum of Fine Arts, visitors come across the superhuman-size, alabaster relief of an Assyrian winged deity. It is this striking deity that catches viewers' eyes easily with its intricacy and precision of pattern as...

12 Aug 2010

An essay on Charles Hartshorne's mnemonic metaphysics

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Our ancestors of the ‘pre-philosophical' era - much too often called Ionian thinkers - engaged themselves in an admirable quest to make sense of everything that struck their awe. As a consequence, the concept of deity, as well as the supernatural forces attributed to nearly all types of...

29 Sep 2010

Strategic marketing : the secrets of Harry Potter's success

Case study - 12 pages - Services marketing

Over ten years ago, the world witnessed the inception of one of the most impressive success stories ever - the Harry Potter books. Since the publication of the first book, Harry Potter has become a commercial, cultural and social phenomenon. With each passing year, the Potter mania has captured...

21 Mar 2007

The impact of the French Revolution (1789-1815) on social structure, legal system and political life and institutions during the nineteenth century in France

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Some events stamp on the history of mankind forever : the French Revolution is definitely one of these. Indeed, really few upheavals such as this one triggered so many thoughts, comments and passionate reactions all over the world. Although lot of scholars tried to understand and qualify this...

17 May 2007

Book Report: Romantics, Rebels & Reactionaries by Marilyn Butler

Book review - 7 pages - Literature

Offering a precise and coherent definition of artistic movements has always been a tempting prospect for whoever seeks to make sense out of our historical and cultural background. One has to confess, that it is equally tempting to approach the Romantic period in an attempt to set fixed...

02 Oct 2007

Personal and Societal Alchemy in Early Daoist Scriptures

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The principle of interconnectedness pervades the worldviews of the Daoist and Buddhist religions originating from India and China. It is fitting that the traditions themselves are historically and textually interconnected in a way that finds traditions intermingling by borrowing teachings and...

02 Oct 2007

Arguing Their Way to Salvation: Eschatology in Jewish-Christian Polemics of the Middle Ages

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

This essay will investigate how issues of Jewish messianism and eschatology were used as polemical devices in medieval disputations between Jews and their Christian interlocutors. Eschatology, the system of religious beliefs about the end of time, is a crucial theme in medieval Judeo-Christian...

19 Oct 2007

Journeying Abandonment

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Dante's Inferno, while a fictionalized version of the dichotomy of Heaven and Hell, is in many ways an accurate portrayal of the doctrines of Christianity. However, this Hell he creates is a Hell the Bible never expected. Influenced by the growing mistrust of the Pope throughout his native...