US Foreign Policy: Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism
Essay - 3 pages - Political science
In the course of international relations, the United States, as usual, faces a challenge that consists of two choices in strategy dictating methods of dealing with international problems. A feature of multilateralism, not a unilateral one, is international cooperation and participation...
UN Security Council Resolution 1559 and US multilateralism
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The United Nations Security Council Resolution of 1559 was adopted by the Security Council on September 2, 2004 by a vote of 9 in favor (Angola, Benin, Chile, France, Germany, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, United States), to none against, with 6 abstentions (Algeria, Brazil, China, Pakistan,...
Is multilateralism still viable today?
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
After WWII, various multilateral organizations have been promoted by the US and implemented through many international organizations such as the UN, the GATT and the IMF. Overtime, multilateral co-operation dramatically developed in different forms (Summits, Conferences, etc...). However, critics...
What were the three main challenges in achieving your objectives in the multilateral negotiation exercise?
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International relations
Multilateral negotiation occurs usually between three or more parties which debate on several subjects in the aim to reach an agreement which would be acceptable by everybody. As said Saadia Touval in his article titillated "Multilateral Negotiation", multilateral negotiation is most of the time...
The development and failure of the European system (1815-1945)
Course material - 7 pages - Modern history
There was a European system before the current European Union. Its roots went back to the 17th century and the Westphalian peace of 1648. It reached its maturity during the 19th century, after the Vienna Congress, and under the impression of 25 years of revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. It was...
The United States and the World: A New World Order?
Course material - 7 pages - Political science
We remember George Bush's optimism in 1990: he had announced "A New World Order", resting on the promotion of liberal democracy and free enterprise everywhere, resting on the UN (at last again effective due to the end of the Cold War) and on American benevolent hegemony. One could have the...
The United States and the World: The US and the Cold War (1945-1980)
Course material - 5 pages - Modern history
The goal of this document is to stress the main thrust of American strategy in the Cold War in order to understand the legacy of the Cold War on American foreign policy today. The main structures of US foreign policy and foreign policy establishment and instruments, still in place today, were...
Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited
Presentation - 7 pages - International law
The Court examined the question: "Can a State provide diplomatic protection to its citizens who hold shares in a company incorporated in a different country when shareholders' interests are impacted by actions against the company?"
Make Trade Not War? - Philippe Martin, Thierry Mayer, and Mathias Thoenig (2008)
Text commentary - 6 pages - Economy general
In The Spirit of Laws, the French political philosopher Montesquieu wrote that "the natural effect of trade is to bring about peace. Two nations which trade together render themselves reciprocally dependent." This idea that trade leads to peace has been a guiding principle of globalization. The...
The United States and the World: The Sources and Tools of American Foreign Policy
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
There is undoubtedly an American exceptionalism: the US considers itself since the 18th century to be different from Europe. It has seen itself from the beginning as a universal model: the American way of life (linking most strongly liberal democracy and free enterprise, two notions...
Problems in multilateral diplomacy: Iran's nuclear program
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
Iran now lies at the center of the Middle East's major problems: civil wars in Iraq and Lebanon, development and security challenges in Afghanistan and in the Gulf, oil crisis, etc. But the main issue concerning the Islamic Republic of Iran for the international community is the...
The effectiveness of the UN as a multilateral institution
Thesis - 6 pages - International relations
The concept of globalization continues to be a hot issue in the arena of political discourse. Globalism, or interdependence, has been, and continues to be a critical force in world politics that affects nearly every aspect of global economic, political, diplomatic and military behaviour. It...
Sensitivity based approach for congestion management in deregulated environment
Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology
This paper proposes a sensitivity based approach for congestion management in deregulated environment. The congestion management problem is formulated to minimize the cost of re-dispatching the participating generators subject to operational and security constraints and considering the presence...
International economics: The World Trade Organization
Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general
Pascal Lamy, General Director of the WTO recently said that negotiations towards a conclusion to the Doha Trade Round are 70% complete. Indeed, the WTO trade talks have not been efficient over the last few years. Lowering agricultural and industrial tariffs, reducing subsidies in...
The World Trade Organization (WTO)
Essay - 8 pages - Economy general
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a multilateral trading system; in other words, it is shaped by multilateral agreements between member states based on four principles. The first principle is transparency on trade exchanges and WTO decisions. Members have a transparency obligation such as...
East Asia Studies
Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
There has been tremendous changes in situations in East Asia, the East Asia of today barely resembles that was only a decade ago. Recent proliferation of several mini9sterial conferences and numerous multilateral dialogues, along with various calls for the creation of the East Asian community has...
The conditions of admissibility of reservations in the Vienna Convention
Essay - 5 pages - International law
Paragraph 4 of Article 20 shows that the Vienna Convention contains a rigid principle of unanimous acceptance of reservations. It reads "The acceptance of a reservation by another contracting State of the reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if the treaty is...
The Iraq war: an International Relations Theory Analysis
Case study - 16 pages - Political science
On the nineteenth of March 2003 America and its allies started their invasion of Iraq. This intervention had the official goal of the struggle against a terrorism-friendly country, to avoid the expansion of mass destruction weapons and establish a democratic breakthrough in the Middle East. This...
The HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) initiative in Uganda
Essay - 4 pages - Economy general
In August 2005, the G8 decided to cancel the multilateral debt of 18 countries which are part of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, in Uganda. This Initiative was launched by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in 1996 in order to reduce the debt...
Objectives and Importance of the WTO to Open and Develop New Commercial Markets
Essay - 15 pages - Economy general
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization which governs the rules of international trade between countries. Today, new markets are appearing thanks to developing countries, who also want to take part in free trade. Therefore, it is important to know how the WTO will...
The intervention of the World Trade Organization in regulating international trade
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The 'classic' body of rules of GATT, which form the basis of the WTO, is based on a project of progressive liberalization. Successive rounds served the goal of gradually reducing trade barriers, more generally to facilitate access to domestic markets. Once the bulk of this objective is...
European Union Influence in International Political Economy
Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies
International political economy is a field that tries to understand global and international problems through an electric interdisciplinary array of theoretical perspectives and analytical tool. It encompasses analysis of political economy in the global trade, international finance, multinational...
NGOs: Representing civil society at the WTO?
Thesis - 7 pages - International relations
In 1994, the Marrakech Agreement established the World Trade Organization (WTO), one of many suprastate institutions that were created all along the 20th century. The purpose of this organization is to regulate all trade activities between its Member states, by providing the common...
Anti-dumping: A growing problem in international trade
Essay - 13 pages - Economy general
Since the signing of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947, free trade has been widely adopted and has enabled countries to enjoy prosperity. It was aimed to foster free trade by reducing tariffs and by settling an international mechanism to solve international trade disputes....
The future of Investment Regulation
Essay - 2 pages - Business law
An attempt was made to terminate the introduction of one general text relating to the regulation of the FDI. In other words, the cancellation of the draft text pertaining to the Multilateral Agreement on Investment ("MAI") which was elaborated through the patronage of the Organization of...
Managing Events for Hospitality and Tourism - Taste of London
Case study - 12 pages - Management
Taste of London is an annual culinary event with multilateral issues. Commercial, political, economic, and cultural, are all dimensions that characterize this event. A voluntarist spirit emerges from this event, sponsored by both major brands in the food industry, and subsidized by local...
International Law and Organization: Weighing the Democracy Deficit
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
The history of the relationship between the United States and international law and organization has always been a love-hate one. While historically the U.S. has unquestionably been one of the strongest proponents of the development of international organizations such as the United Nations...
Event Management - Taste of London
Case study - 26 pages - Management
Taste of London is an annual culinary event with multilateral issues. Commercial, political, economic, and cultural, are all dimensions that characterize this event. Like the Anglo-Saxon culture, Taste of London is a multicultural event in which the world's cuisine is found, and not only...
How is globalisation today and how a firm should adapt to that?
Essay - 8 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment
The 21st century saw unprecedented financial, economic, political and sanitary crisis. The environment of globalization was affected by these challenges. So, concerns about reversed globalization or de-globalization appeared. The following analysis demonstrates that Globalization is not...
Can Tesco expand and succeed in North America?
Case study - 30 pages - Business strategy
In the first part of this report we evaluated Tesco's international expansion to date, taking their main global competitors into consideration. Results showed that Tesco has one main strategy that they use to approach international markets. Although, the company uses a different entry method and...