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Theme : Motivation

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29 Sep 2010

The role played by salary and by non-financial incentives in promoting motivation in middle managers

Essay - 5 pages - Management

The job of a manager is to help employees perform in the workplace and he must make sure that things are done through employees. A good manager is able to motivate his team. The topic of motivation is not easy to understand and it is important to understand human nature itself. Human...

12 Jul 2010

Behavior modification as the most important motivation factor in a bureaucratic organization

Thesis - 5 pages - Management

According to a Japanese proverb, “No man will find the best way to do a thing unless he loves doing it.” According to Herzberg, workers are motivated by two factors: those that give satisfaction and those that don't. The factors that satisfy include achievements, recognition,...

15 Mar 2010

Motivations for characters in the Iliad

Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy

This is analysis of four characters in the Iliad and their relationships with the thing which motivates them, a will to power. Each of these four characters, Zeus, Agamemnon, Hektor and Achilles strives for domination, but in their own way, but despite these differences, we see how each of them...

13 Jan 2009

Work Motivation: Review of the literature

Tutorials/exercises - 19 pages - Management

Work motivation has been an important component of industrial and organizational psychology since the 1930s (Donovan, 2001:55) and continues to play an important role in organizational research (Büssing, 2001:372). The amount of research on motivation has varied through time. During...

09 Jan 2009

The distinction between internalism and externalism about moral motivation. Does Smith's argument against externalism work?

Thesis - 4 pages - Psychology

Moral motivation and the way it functions have raised many theories, still debated today. There are two main theories under discussion; internalism and externalism about ethical motivation, both of them being central in the explanation of the mechanism that lies between moral...

15 Jan 2009

When the Japanese moved into Southeast Asia in 1941, local reactions to the occupying forces differed greatly. Evaluate the motivations that fueled these varying responses, taking into consideration particular local situations and periods of the war

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

Raising the question of the reactions to the Japanese takeover in Southeast Asia is very delicate and original for many reasons. Firstly, Southeast Asia is a broad region and it is most likely that the reactions of locals will differ greatly from one place to another. Secondly, there is not one...

15 Jan 2009

Motivation in work management

Essay - 4 pages - Management

In 1966, Leavitt said: “Motivation is so much in the spotlight these days that some of us have come to believe motivation is management.” This quotation proves that motivation has been a very important notion and has been taken into account by firms for a long time....

20 Jan 2009

Employee motivation

Essay - 29 pages - Human resources

Currently, companies are rediscovering that human potential is an asset. They have in fact understood that the structures and men can give a competitive advantage to their organizations. This has resulted in a significant development of focus on internal resources that must now be mobilized and...

20 Jan 2009

New techniques of motivation

Essay - 10 pages - Human resources

The motivation of men has been much theorized, particularly in the past half-century. It's actually about these great thinkers to theorize on what might motivate us, for example in a professional situation. Following a survey of employees, Ronen, unlike others, tried to make an almost...

25 Jun 2009

A study on motivational levels of employees in Dr. Reddy's Laboratories

Thesis - 40 pages - Human resources

Motivation is a basically a psychological process. Many people equate the causes of behavior with motivation. The causes of behavior are much broader and more complex than can be explained by the motivation alone. Along with perception, personality, attitudes and learning. It...

14 Oct 2009

Motivation theories, cycle and motives

Thesis - 12 pages - Human resources

Motivation is derived from Latin word ‘movere' that means ‘to move'. Motive means ‘that which move the will'. Motivating means to take more initiative & interest in the work assigned. It is an art of getting things done willingly from others. Motivation means that an...

20 Jan 2009

The motivation of sales personnel

Essay - 10 pages - Human resources

Companies do not exist without the people who work there. The main objective of the surroundings is to obtain the best productivity from it's staff as well as maximum quality. These expectations require adequate abilities, an irreproachable organization, but more importantly the motivation...

05 May 2009

Motivation in the classroom

Thesis - 8 pages - Educational studies

Teachers should always try to inspire their students to learn. Sadly, not all students are willing to put in the effort it takes to do so and so teachers have a job to motivate their students. Students need to want to learn, because this will facilitate their learning and make it easier for them...

28 Jul 2009

Achievement motivation as it applies to competitive sport

Thesis - 3 pages - Psychology

An important psychological need is the need to achieve: the motive to achieve success by exceeding previous levels of success set by one's self and/or others. Achievement motivation can be characterized as both the need to achieve and as the need to avoid failure. The purpose of this paper...

09 Jun 2009

Examining the security motivation model of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Thesis - 10 pages - Psychology

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is condition marked by persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and the repetition of relatively stereotyped behaviors despite the recognition that they are irrational (compulsions) (Szechtman & Woody, 2004). Individuals with OCD experience a high need...

20 Jan 2009

Firms motivations to create alliances

Essay - 5 pages - Business strategy

More and more companies are recognising that to gain a competitive advantage they may have to enter into alliances with other firms. Referring to examples, identify possible motivations for entering into a strategic alliance and then critically evaluate the possible problems that may be...

30 Oct 2009

Motivation and courage in the fight to conquer cancer, the legacy of Terry Fox

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Voted the second greatest Canadian of all time, Terry Fox and his legacy remains a highly emotional inspiration for cancer research. Terry Fox's ‘Marathon of Hope' began in April of 1980 as Terry Fox set out to run across Canada, passing through the country's most populous cities. Fox began...

19 Nov 2008

Consumer motivations regarding non-ownership decisions in the automotive industry

Essay - 6 pages - Other law subjects

In the analysis of non-ownership decisions in the automotive industry “non-ownership” must first be defined. Non- ownership is simply referring to a leasing type of contract, this type of a contract allows for consumption without ownership. Traditional purchase, cash or financing, the...

12 Sep 2014

Reasons that Motivate People to Work Out

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

For most people in the contemporary society, body image is everything. Traditionally what mattered most were intrinsic and intuitive characteristics for both men and women. There was not much emphasis on physical appearances. Feminine characteristics like caring, kindness, respect, generosity,...

25 Jan 2010

How to motivate students' activeness in taking part in classroom activities

Thesis - 12 pages - Educational studies

Gone are the days the lecturers taught while students just listened comprehension and took notes. Nowadays, educational career has been innovated about the teaching and learning method. More and more students are self - motivated in their own studies, they advance their opinions even oppose...

21 May 2023

How to Manage Great Resignation - The Economist (2021) - How Firms can Rethink their Recruitment Strategy for Keeping their Workforce in Place and Motivated?

Text commentary - 4 pages - International economy

This article from The Economist was edited approximately one year ago (late November 2021), two years after the pandemic crisis. Economies are impacted in many ways. First of all, human resource managers have to reinvent their job. For two years, the job market has been struggling due to the...

11 Oct 2023

How Great Managers Motivate Their Employees (2019) - Human Resources tasks

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Human resources

Dealing with Human Resources is an estimated tricky mission. Nevertheless, this article gives some interesting clue about how to help motivate employees in the workplace. To me, the first valuable piece of advice is to be made "actively" available to them in one way or another. I think that...

18 Jul 2023

Which Factors Motivate Generation Z to Pay for and Recommend Premium Streaming Music?

Thesis - 40 pages - Digital & e-marketing

This thesis focuses on the music industry, and more specifically on the new economic model that is allowing this sector to grow again: on-demand music. Also known as music streaming, on-demand music has profoundly changed the way music is distributed and consumed and seems to meet a need given...

29 Sep 2010

Engstrom auto mirror plant: motivating in good times and bad

Case study - 5 pages - Management

We all know that human resources management implies a lot of fundamentals for an organization. Human resources must understand the implications of globalization, technology changes, workforce diversity, changing skills requirements, the contingent workforce, decentralized worksites and also...

11 Aug 2010

The ambiguity of motive in Chaucer's Canterbury tales

Thesis - 2 pages - Literature

The reality presented in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is one that is skewed by both Chaucer, the writer, and his fictional persona of humble narrator, who is the only source of information in the poem. The resulting overlay of these different perspectives and the reader's dependence on...

15 Jan 2009

Reward strategy in a HRM context: Its role in motivating and retaining staff

Essay - 11 pages - Human resources

“Human Resource Management (HRM) is both an academic theory and a business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce.” (Cameron & Quinn, 1999). HRM is part of an organization which recruits and trains workforce in order to achieve the...

22 Nov 2021

HR marketing: what strategy to attract and retain employees?

Dissertation - 8 pages - Human resources

The current context has changed the business world a lot. For several years now, these companies have undergone profound changes and must review their entire strategy, both with regard to customers and group employees. Indeed, all business sectors are impacted by increasingly fierce competition,...

22 Mar 2013

Chapter 6, Case for Analysis: Jack Welch of General Electric: A Neutron Bomb or a Motivator?

Case study - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The 13th edition of Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes is based on the proposition that managing people, structure, and processes in organizations is a challenging, compelling, and crucial set of tasks. There is nothing boring about managing organizational behavior. Traditional...

30 Jul 2022

The European Union and its International Role - Towards a European Federation? (From the European Conference in The Hague to the Rome Treaties, 1948-1957)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

Already during the war, many Resistance groups asked themselves how to stop the cycle of recurring European wars. After 1945, many groups and associations suggested going back to the European ideas of the 20s, which included the concept of a European Union (Briand Plan of 1930). They stressed...

17 May 2009

Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnelly, and Konopaske. Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Process, 13th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2009, Chapter 5 Case for Analysis: What Motivates Entrepreneurs?

Book review - 3 pages - Management

The 13th edition of Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes is based on the proposition that managing people, structure, and processes in organizations is a challenging, compelling, and crucial set of tasks. There is nothing boring about managing organizational behavior. Traditional...