Presentation of The American Dream
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
The American dream is the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved if they just work hard enough. It appeared after the Declaration of Independence in 1776 which proclaims that 'all men are created...
White-collar crime in South Africa
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
White-collar crime is nonviolent crime that is committed by a person in order of financial gain. This specific type of crime is seen as nonviolent as people are not generally hurt in the process. Everything is more secretive and doesn't involve many people. The risks are seen as minimal and...
Central Bankers and Interest Rates
Course material - 9 pages - Finance
Inflation was a major problem in the 1970s. The 1971 collapse of the Bretton-Woods agreement gave governments latitude to alter their currency exchange rates. The previously locked exchange rates had the effect of taming inflation. There were also "oil shocks" in 1973 and 1979, which caused oil...
Introduction to Financial Markets and Institutions
Course material - 2 pages - Finance
This document contains an introduction course to Financial Markets and Institutions.
Financial system
Course material - 3 pages - Finance
Financial markets are important because they provide finance to companies, governments and people with mortgages, are drivers of prosperity (if they work well), are regulated and supervised to ensure fairness. There is a strong link between financial markets and the well-being of a country. They...
How are women entrepreneurs changing the world?
Course material - 2 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship
This lesson plan explains how women entrepreneurs can change the world, and includes vocabulary and exercises to practice writing in English.
An analysis of "As Nature Made Him" by John Colapinto
Book review - 2 pages - Literature
There are many different ways to be uncomfortable in one's own skin. Each individual is never satisfied with their appearance, or some other aspect of their everyday lives, like their jobs. However, there are many cases where people are so unsatisfied in their own skin that they ask for a...
Estonia's Banking System Overview
Case study - 14 pages - Finance
This document is a PowerPoint presentation in which is given an overview of the Estonian banking system. The sector, news and events will be analyzed before providing a conclusion.
EU relations in the wake of the 21st century
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
Eastern and Western Europe were separated in the aftermath of the Second World War by their rapprochement with one of the two great victorious powers, the USSR and the United States. Rebuild = European countries reduced their military budgets and thus find themselves at a disadvantage in the face...
The Blockchain
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Computer science
First of all, the blockchain's system is the main thing to understand, everything that is going to be in this document is related and depends on the blockchain's system. So, a blockchain is a decentralized database which allows everybody to see the transaction history. Those transactions have the...
Central banks & monetary policy
Case study - 7 pages - Educational studies
Most of central banks presume that financial stability has policy responsibility. In a few situations where the central bank is faced with legal objective that is explicit for stability in finance, objective is of a wide range and the responsibility of central banks far reaching. However, in...
The financial crisis: The need for a new system
Dissertation - 54 pages - Economy general
This thesis is about our (the world's) monetary and financial system. It starts by focusing on monetary creation, which is the basis of our financial system. After defining the monetary creation process, it is about its control, which has been transferred from the States to the Central Banks and...
The role of National Bank Ltd in export and import in Bangladesh - NBL Dhaka
Tutorials/exercises - 41 pages - Finance
A bank is an institution, which deals in money. It means that a bank receives money in the form of deposits from the public and lends money for the development of trade and commerce. It is very difficult to define the term Bank or Banker precisely....
The instability of the international financial system and the proposals for reform proposals
Dissertation - 193 pages - Economy general
In 1997, an earthquake hit Asian stock exchanges, the shock wave reached Russia a year later, and then Latin America, including Brazil in 1999. To the world, these crises have been a succession of real and financial shocks of exceptional magnitude. Far from having exogenous origins, this global...
The development of the welfare state and the National health service in Britain
Thesis - 12 pages - Labor law
The Poor Law of 1601 was introduced as a response by the Government to rising levels of concern over how 'the poor' should be supported. As a result of several poor harvests, and soldiers returning from war there was increased vagrancy, which concerned the Government who were...
Mutual funds
Dissertation - 47 pages - Finance
A Mutual Fund is the ideal investment vehicle for today's complex and modern financial scenario. Markets for equity shares, bonds, and other fixed instruments. Price changes in these are driven by global events occurring in faraway places. A typical individual is unlikely to have the knowledge,...
Theory of consumer choice
Thesis - 14 pages - Services marketing
The concept of utility' was introduced to social thoughts by Bentham in 1789 and to economic thoughts by Jevons in 1871. The neo-classical economists devised the following system to measure the utility of a commodity. A neo-classical economist, Walras, coined a term util', meaning...
Estimating market risk premium using Markov switching : Tunisian Case
Dissertation - 97 pages - Finance
The general increase in volatility of the nancial markets can be partly explained by the growing uncertainly of the economic environment. It is, on the other hand, a reflection of the growing efficiency and integration of the financial markets allow the almostinstantaneous move of capital...
Mutual fund as an investment option at Angel Booking Ltd
Case study - 53 pages - Finance
Let me advocate that the Indian economy is an economic giant in all of Asia. This development has taken place due to the growth in the financial system. This financial system provides the background to various investors regarding varied options to invest. Thus, development of the economy depends...
Awareness about Prudential ICICI mutual funds among investors
Case study - 49 pages - Finance
A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the savings from a number of investors who share a common financial goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other securities. Since the stated investment objectives of a mutual fund...
Concepts in investment analysis and portfolio management
Thesis - 32 pages - Finance
Making money is easy however loosing it is easier. One look at the chart for the Indian Stock Market would reveal that the markets are cyclical going up and down from time to time. Markets are also very volatile, something you will realize if you look at the last 3 days of trading and you...
Investor behavior towards mutual funds with special reference to Reliance Capital Assets Management Ltd
Tutorials/exercises - 48 pages - Finance
The economy of a country is highly influenced by the Financial System of the country. The Indian Financial System has been broadly divided into two segments: the organized and the unorganized segments. An investor has a wide array of investment avenues available. Economic well being in the long...
Investment opportunities in relevance to ICICI
Case study - 74 pages - Finance
In the '90s there has been a decisive shift towards a new wave, the domain of financial services. In the era of the consumer, financial services, which seek to put the consumer in the forefront, have come to stay. Skillful marketing has opened up a wide spectrum of areas where financial...
A study on the futures trading at Kotak Securities Ltd
Case study - 47 pages - Finance
Kotak Securities Ltd. is India's leading stock broking house with a market share of around 8%. Kotak Securities Ltd. has been the largest in IPO distribution. The accolades that Kotak Securities has been graced with include Finance Asia Award (2004)- India's best Equity House Prime...
Cash reserve ratio
Case study - 34 pages - Finance
This is the amount of money that the banks have to necessarily park with the Reserve Bank of India. The base of this is the total of the deposits that a bank has. The Reserve Bank of India pays the bank interest on the amount parked with it. Among the tools available to the RBI to...
The United States in the Economy
Course material - 25 pages - International economy
Globalization is a contest content, it can have a negative view; responsible of outsourcing, massive unemployment (Europe), positive view; eliminate discrimination, global general culture, universalism. A complex reality, positive & negative sides. Is a process of interaction and integration...
The study and research of different fields of certified financial planning
Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - Finance
Every body has dreams, dreams for themselves, dreams for their families, To fulfill these one needs to back up earnings by investing wisely. Most people work hard and earn money but when it comes to financial planning and actually going ahead with it they don't care much. Every one is...
Exploring the relationship between happiness and well being
Thesis - 7 pages - Psychology
We live in a culture where we are told every day in the media, from TV shows to advertising in magazines, that in order to be really happy we must have a lot of things: cars, homes, appliances, stereo equipment, fancy computers, and money to go on tropical cruises and so on. The happiest...
A study on mutual funds and investors behavior
Tutorials/exercises - 33 pages - Finance
Mutual fund is a pool of money collected from investors and is invested according to certain investment options. A mutual fund is a trust that pools the saving of a no. of investors who share a common financial goal. A mutual fund is created when investors put their money together....
Analysis of stock markets using GANN studies
Tutorials/exercises - 50 pages - Finance
Tradegen systems is a one stop solution provider and guide to help Indian traders and investors maximize their returns from the markets and create wealth for themselves and their family. Our range of profitable products and robust trading systems together with our principles will help any Indian...