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Theme : Migration

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20 May 2009

Efficiency of tele-marketing activities and its viability

Thesis - 24 pages - Services marketing

Banking regulation Act of India, 1949 defines banking as: ‘‘accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise and with drivable by cheque, draft, and order or otherwise.'' The Indian banking can be broadly...

13 Jul 2009

Immigrants and consumerism in the city

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

An examination of North American history will reveal that a consumer revolution occurred during the middle of the eighteenth century, and it played a significant role in the growth of society, especially in the United States. This raises the question of how consumerism affected specific social...

25 Aug 2009

A brief look at some of the products and job roles in Honeywell

Thesis - 15 pages - Business strategy

The Security Solutions Industry is growing at an accelerating pace in the global scenario. As compared to few years back, the industry has shown considerable growth. However the industry is still in a nascent stage. There are few players in this segment - Honeywell being the leader in majority of...

23 Sep 2009

Native American identities and adaptations: Identity vs. adaptation: Manoomin and the biotech industry

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the migration story of the Anishinaabeg, prophets told the tribe to follow a shell in the sky from near the Pacific Ocean to a land “where the food grows on the water [LaDuke 2007].” There, the Anishinaabeg, named Ojibwe or Chippewa by whites, found manoomin, which the whites...

29 Sep 2010

The failure of HP's ERP implementation

Worksheets - 7 pages - Management

In June 2004, Hewlett Packard started the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning Software in its North American Enterprise Servers and Storage (ESS) division. HP, known for its expertise in a lot of product fields and consulting capabilities, especially in the segment of SAP ERP...

29 Sep 2010

Zipcar, wheels when you want them

Case study - 18 pages - Services marketing

Introduction Our subject is a growing company which is developing in the face of global competition. This company uses new technologies and the internet to be more successful and to have a sustained growth in the future. We chose this company because we are very interested by environmental...

29 Sep 2010

Have eating habits changed in the last 20 years for the better or for the worse?

Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences

A meal is usually defined as the consumption of two or more foods in a structured setting at a set time. Snacks consist of a small amount of food or beverage eaten between meals. A common eating pattern is three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) per day, with snacks between meals. The...

10 Jan 2011

'When China changes the world": Erik Izraelewicz

Book review - 5 pages - Economy general

"The snake has initiated its transformation", said Erik IZRAELEWIZC playing this animal metaphor to evoke China, stripped of its skin spotted with communism and protectionism, which finally awakened. Modern cities developed there, and have tripled in volume in recent years. Cities like Shanghai,...

27 Jan 2011

Sustainable development and tourism - Example of Accor

Dissertation - 40 pages - Management

For a few years already, we have attended a real awakening of the individuals, companies and public authorities on the need for acting for a sustainable development of planet. Within the framework of our study we will be able to be interested in a sector touched particularly by this topic:...

27 Jan 2011

Philippe Hugon's analysis of the changes wrought by globalization on the African economies

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Despite the effect of globalization on some economies, particularly those of East Asia, Africa has remained untouched by this phenomenon. Among the 49 Least Developed Countries (LDCs), 34 are now on the Dark Continent. Although the continent accounts for 11% of world globalization, it only...

03 Mar 2011

Comparison between BLU-RAY and HD DVD

Case study - 3 pages - Services marketing

Slowly but surely the video quality available to us is migrating to high definition. HDTV channels are now appearing on the satellite and DTT. TVs are also firmly based in the HD flat screen technology, and the use the European label "HD ready”. Unfortunately, only less than 15 minutes of...

28 Jun 2012

Blacks, Jews, and Gendered Representations

Essay - 5 pages - Philosophy

The gendered representations of Blacks and Jews have caused them to struggle with their identities as people in American society. The stereotypes that have arisen from these representations have given two options to these marginalized groups of people:(1) either follow the predisposed vision the...

18 Jul 2013

Personal statement

Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies

To say that I have always been interested in European society would be a lie. However, my study of English Literature, European History, and the French language has aroused my enthusiasm for European culture. The French Revolution, for example, engages me as it is a milestone event that signifies...

29 Aug 2013

Case study: Targeting tattoos

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

A tattoo is the placement of pigment within the skin to create a picture or design. The process of tattooing is produced by deep puncture wounds in one's skin. “[T]he ink is injected into the dermis, which is the second, deeper layer of skin. Dermis cells are very stable, so the tattoo is...

31 Jul 2014

Social and moral policies of government

Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies

The 'Grapes of Wrath' is a film produced in 1940 based on Steinbeck's prize winning novel of the same name. The film kicks off with the release of the main character from the Oklahoma state prison. Tom faced charges of manslaughter, and after serving his four-year time, he finally faced...

18 Aug 2014

Fall of the Classical Roman Empire

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

The classical Roman Empire was one of the most influential empires to modern civilization. It was started by rapid expansion in to the surrounding part of Africa and Europe (Warner, 2005). At the pinnacle of the Roman Empire, it included sections of Asia Minor. Many accounts place the demise of...

13 Jan 2022

What is globalization?

Course material - 2 pages - International economy

Globalization is the process by which available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world. It is the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries. It is the...

19 Aug 2014

Nigerian War: The Ultimate Sacrifice for narrators shifting to the theme of war

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

During the 21st century, fictions have come out of Nigeria marking the attempts of dealing with displacement and identity by the childhood ideas. The attempts are not successful because it is a fact that Nigeria has transformed itself during the nineteen sixties to the nineties from the military...

06 Nov 2014

Theme of loss and longing in poems-Postcard from Kashmir, by Agha Shahid Ali and "Elena" by Pat Mora

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Loss and longing are two universal emotions that are predominantly active in our human souls especially when we find ourselves away from the places we naturally call home. While migration has significantly contributed to the richness and diversity of cultures, ethnicities and races, it has...

21 Feb 2022

Sustainable Development: A holistic approach to natural resources management, Yacov Y. Haines (1992)

Book review - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

This paper written by Yacov woke the scientific community about environmental degradation. Every damage affects economic development. This situation opened debates to design new policies for the next generations. Recently, a report focused on some reflections about possible environmental...

21 Nov 2014

Language and Cultural Identity

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Language is the use of symbols (words) to communicate. It is the most-important cultural aspect and every culture in the world communicates with their native language (Senft, 12). Language is also a tool used by archeologist to examine past activates and provide clues about cultural and social...

06 Oct 2023

Development GAP and its Multiple Dimensions

Course material - 9 pages - Economy general

Most of those people hate to leave their country, but they are moving because they realized that these dimensions are essentials for their lives. In a way they are searching for a better condition in different dimensions: education, health, security, economically, etc. These are different...

24 Nov 2014

A political satire in the 21st Century has a higher impact on the public opinion than a revealing newspaper article - Thesis Paper Research

Case study - 6 pages - Literature

In the below literature review we are going to examine the effect of satire on politicians. Our thesis is that “A political satire in the 21st Century has a higher impact on the public opinion than a revealing newspaper article, through creating humor and simplicity.” The thesis is...

19 Oct 2023

Because of Stereotypes About Native American Women, Can It Be Said That They Were Totally Enslaved by Their Husbands and Male Relatives or Whether, They Had Any Kind of Autonomy, Importance and Influence Within Their Tribe?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The study of women in the chronicles of India has focused mainly on the odyssey of Spanish women who migrated to the New World, relegating the experience of Amerindian women to a second level. In the event that the latter appear, we encounter a fundamental problem: although the range of women...

20 Oct 2024

Refugee Mental Health and Social Justice - Research Study

Dissertation - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The plight of refugees is often characterized by harrowing tales of displacement, fleeing conflict, persecution, and other traumatic experiences that leave lasting scars on their mental well-being. With the huge pandemonium of mass migration, refugees deal with many tasks both physically...

10 Dec 2023

Intergenerational Digital Forum

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The intergenerational digital forum is conceived as a round table meeting between pupils and newly arrived young people through migration. The main idea of this forum is to address the problem that elderly people are facing when it comes to navigating and do simple tasks on digital tools.

24 Nov 2014

Effect of Satire on Politicians - Literature Review and Analysis

Case study - 6 pages - Literature

According to Bigi et al, (2011) when Satire gets serious, it can have different effects on people, politicians, public speakers and even societies. The authors cover the main aspects of influencing the public through political satire. Alessandro Bigi, the main author of the study is a researcher...

30 Jan 2015

Professionalism in journalism

Case study - 5 pages - Journalism

The emergence of new communication technologies offers the recontextualization of a large set of spheres of collective experience, their knowledge and practices. Journalism is one of these spheres, constituted as a specialized competence within the field of social narratives, which, from the...

29 Sep 2016

The Tenement Saga: the Lower East Side and early Jewish American writers - Sanford Sternlicht

Book review - 1 pages - Literature

The book "The Tenement Saga: The Lower East Side and Early Jewish American Writers" by Sanford Sternlicht explores the life of Jewish immigrants living in tenements on the Lower East Side of Manhattan during the early 20th century. The Jewish immigrants who migrated from Europe to find a better...

25 Mar 2015

Capital Chemist Diagnostic and Sales System - Information Systems and the performance of firms

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Most studies have tried to explain the relationships between firm performance, competitive advantage and investments made in information systems. Literature on information systems offers useful insights on the relationship competitive strategy and information systems; however, it is still not...