The feminist movement in the Middle East in comparison to the feminist movement in the U.S
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The feminist movement in the United States began more than a century ago. Although it was not labeled as such until the late 1950s, a review of women's history in the United States reveals that women have long fought for social, economic and political parity. While the roots of the feminist...
The situation of homosexuals in the Middle-East
Essay - 9 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Prejudice in the Muslim world has been present since the earliest of times, but homophobia in current terms has magnified in Islam since the 1800s. Throughout its history, Islam has been generally tolerant of homosexuals, despite verses in the Koran condemning homosexual activity. Like most...
The crusaders as the architects of the East-West relationship in the middle ages
Thesis - 5 pages - Medieval history
In this summary of the eight crusades that extended from 1095 to 1270 AD French historian Jacques Goffau opined that arguably, the only fruit of the Crusades kept by the Christians was the apricot. Irrespective of their outcome, the crusades remain as the most important event of...
Monumental Artworks of the near East exhibit narrative significance
Essay - 3 pages - Arts and art history
Mythological narratives of the Ancient Near East have survived to modern day through inscriptions in clay, which was the work of artists of the ancient times. A review of the related literature, however, reveals that mythology was not a widespread language. Recording of mythological...
U.S. Political Institutions and their Roles in the U.S. Foreign Policy
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
In 2017, Trump stated in the National Security Strategy of the United States of America that the US "seeks a Middle East that is not a haven or breeding ground for jihadist terrorists, not dominated by any power hostile to the United States, and that contributes to a stable global...
Development of Complex Sales: Which Strategy Should Airport Systems Integrators Follow to Develop Their Sales in Saudi Arabia?
Thesis - 79 pages - Business strategy
This subject comes from Automatique & Industrie Company, which is airport sytems integrator for ground, terminal and control tours. The airport market involves exportation of activities for systems integrators companies. The MENA region is full of potential markets. Overall, Saudi Arabia Kingdom,...
US Foreign Policy since 2001: President Bush's first term
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
The period since 2001 has been a highly active one for the US: they waged a war in Afghanistan, another in Iraq and they may be preparing another one against Iran. The official rational in Washington, at least initially, for that activity, under the motto of "the war against terror", was the...
The Possible Geopolitical Consequences of Further Enlargements of the EU
Course material - 6 pages - Political science
The big enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the last one in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania have been greeted with skepticism or even hostile reactions in large sectors of European public opinion. This situation, which probably contributed to the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in France and the...
How was the perception of Arab Spring and pan-Arabism by local and western approaches?
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
If the Arab Spring has been largely diffused as an unprecedented wave of revolutionary moves into the Arabic world, its connections to a wider global history have often been limited to the tricky issue of pan-Arabism and its underlying questions about nationalism. It all started on December 17,...
A critical examination of the roles of Clive, the East India Company and Hastings in the expansion of the empire in India
Thesis - 11 pages - Modern history
The East India Company was originally incorporated as an English Joint Stock company with the overriding objective of initiating British trade objectives in the East Indies. The company's evolution from trading corporation into a central vehicle for expanding the British Empire in...
East London love story
Thesis - 112 pages - Literature
They were both children of poverty, born into the dark slums of East London. Yet their worlds could hardly have been more different. Eric De Milo blessed with a loving Italian family and an artistic gift that gave him a chance for a better life. On the other hand, Helena Whitman who knew...
Peace or war : Sharon's legacy of controversy
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
The post-Sharon era began abruptly on January 5, when the 77-year-old Prime Minister of Israel suffered a massive stroke while visiting his ranch in the northern part of Israel (Negev). Everybody seemed to agree that his passing from the political scene would change everything, opening up a...
The United States and the World: Globalization in Historical Perspective
Course material - 8 pages - Modern history
The concept of globalization is not new: in his Communist Manifesto, in 1848, Karl Marx underlined that the bourgeoisie needed constantly expanding markets. Some distinctions are important. Globalization happens, or at least is discussed, in the context of several different fields, in which it...
The complex relationship between Muslims and Christians during the Middle-Ages
Essay - 7 pages - Medieval history
Christians and Muslims have always kept ambiguous relationship going. Thanks to the Mediterranean, there have always been lots of contacts between Christians and Muslims. However, these contacts were strengthened with the Crusades during the Middle Ages. After the Crusades halted, various...
Germany in the middle of international relations of 1945 to 1990
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
On February 11, 1945, at the Yalta conference, even before its capitulation was signed, Germany was aware of its defeat against its counterparts. The Allies, the United States, Great Britain, the USSR and France, united for the occasion against the common enemy, Nazism, decided that if they won,...
Sub-Saharan Africa, of the middle of the years 1950 at the end of the Eighties
Case study - 8 pages - Geography
The process of colonization was marked by dominance and imperialism and dates back to the 16th century. From that time, the Portuguese and Spanish shared the known world and established colonies (territory under a foreign state, the mainland). A new doctrine called colonialism was born and called...
Sin and punishment from East To West
Thesis - 2 pages - Philosophy
Texts from Feudal Japan to Western Europe differ in the way they view sin and punishment. The Analects of Confucius and The Divine Comedy by Dante have opposing positions on how past beliefs and actions should be viewed by people of the present. Confucius' Analects are also irrelevant in the...
The role of Poland in EU policies toward Eastern Europe: is Poland a bridge between East and West?
Essay - 4 pages - European union
It is often hard to define a common foreign policy of the EU, as in most cases national interest and bilateral relations are the rule. Nevertheless, some agreements and partnerships have created and enhanced ties between the EU and other countries of Eastern Europe. The enlargement of the EU in...
"Adenauer's pursuit of Western integration consolidated democracy in the West at the cost of the East." Comment
Essay - 7 pages - Political science
According to the newspaper die Frankfurte Allgemeine Zeitung, the number of the unemployed people in Germany has decreased by 25.000 in November, reaching the stage of 4.531.000 jobless persons. The Federal Minister of the Economy, Michael Glos (CSU) spoke in the Bundestag vom ersten...
Authoritarianism is a form of government
Case study - 3 pages - Political science
Authoritarianism is a form of government in which concentrated and highly concentrated in a small group of politicians. A political condition of authoritarianism exists when those in power leave little or no freedom of choice to those over whom they govern, either because they believe that the...
Arab-Israeli conflict: From Copenhagen to Beijing and Washington to Jerusalem: American-Israeli relations cooling off
Thesis - 12 pages - International relations
Since the dawn of the industrial revolution there have been two consistent interlocking themes behind Middle Eastern-Great Power interactions. First, Great Powers have a tendency to view the Middle East as a strategic commodity, because of its geographic location and vital...
Milestones in the emergence of the Palestinian problem and the Arab-Israeli conflict
Thesis - 8 pages - International relations
In January 2006, the Islamic militant group Hamas won the Palestinian Parliamentary elections, with 42.2% of the votes. The election in Palestine of a group that remains committed to an armed struggle, the destruction of Israel and retaliatory attacks on Israeli civilians shows that nearly sixty...
What are the main milestones in the emergence of the Palestinian problem and the Arab-Israeli conflict?
Essay - 8 pages - International relations
In January 2006, the Islamic militant group Hamas won the Palestinian Parliamentary elections, with 42,2% of the votes. The election in Palestine of a group that remains committed to an armed struggle, the destruction of Israel and retaliatory attacks on Israeli civilians shows that nearly sixty...
Analysis of armed conflicts Mr Cook - The Six-Day War
Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies
Seen as an ineffaceable trauma for Arabs and a poisoned victory for Israel, the Six-Day War has been a strategic moment in the history of the Middle East. Before developing the topic, a brief reminder of the previous Israeli-Arab relations is necessary to better situate and...
U.S. policy towards Israel and OPEC
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The Arab oil embargo of 1973 had no significant effect in changing the United States pro-Israeli policies, as the threat of an economic sanction alone did not induce policy changes. The embargo did however influence U.S. policy changes toward OPEC member countries, especially in the...
The Iranian Issue: The emergence of a main potential threat for the international security
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
The Iranian regime appears to be one of the main present sources of threat for the international order and security. The nuclear programme that has been undertaken by its president Ahmadinezhad is raising strong tensions between this country and the main part of the rest of the world, even though...
The Iraq war: an International Relations Theory Analysis
Case study - 16 pages - Political science
On the nineteenth of March 2003 America and its allies started their invasion of Iraq. This intervention had the official goal of the struggle against a terrorism-friendly country, to avoid the expansion of mass destruction weapons and establish a democratic breakthrough in the Middle...
Analysis of a company: H&M
Thesis - 31 pages - Management
Large companies and major conglomerates tend to have a more enhanced transparency than small and medium sized businesses. They are present in our daily life via their marketing campaigns, communications and advertising. Their products incite our desires to gain ownership over these seemingly...
The impact of the Suez crisis on Britain, Egypt and Israel
Essay - 5 pages - Modern history
The Suez Crisis of 1956 has been commonly seen as a turning point in post war world history, the moment when Britain's pretension to world power status was stripped away, and when Egypt became the leader of the Arab world, an event which triggered a radical change in the relations between...
American Foreign Policy Regarding Israel and Palestine: From 1998-2002
Thesis - 5 pages - International relations
Since the founding of Israel, over 50 years ago, America has taken the fledgling country under its wing . The sympathy of the American people towards Israel has wavered little despite the ups-and-downs Israel has been through in its short history . Especially throughout the Clinton...