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21 Aug 2014

Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins

Case study - 2 pages - Psychology

Regardless of the racial and gender discrimination, African-American women have built up rich intellectual tradition they are well known off. The author investigates the words and ideas of Black feminist intellectuals as well as other African-American women outside the feminist class. Patricia...

30 Jun 2011

The Attraction of Race, Class, and Poverty for Pro-Business' Choice in Undesirable Land Usage

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The primary focus of the term paper is to explore why communities of color and other related politico-social neighborhoods are seemingly fair game for pro-business usage of these lands as toxic dump sites or for other environmentally harmful industries. While it seems logical that political,...

07 Nov 2014

Customer Relationship Management in Riyadh Bank

Case study - 15 pages - Management

Customer Relationship Management is a tool for attracting and retaining customers that a business has identified as potentially profitable in the long term. CRM can help businesses to build sustainable competitive advantage and protect their market share from possible erosion by new entrants. It...

30 Jun 2011

Cost realism analysis

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

Cost realism analysis is the process of evaluating the methodology by the offeror to estimate the proposed cost and is done by using information other than cost or pricing data (Cole, 2001). This technique is useful in selecting the offeror that best fits the awards of the contract. It is...

21 Nov 2014

Psychology and Gender

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

In this study, the researcher, a self-declared feminist therapist, looks at the confluence of psychology and the study of gender. She starts by explaining how study in that field is not very popular, everyone knows about psychology but psychology and gender? Everyone feels that that is too narrow...

03 Oct 2007

The Form and Function of Sufi Mystical Visions

Thesis - 5 pages - Philosophy

Experience of direct union with God is most often reported to be of an ineffable nature that transcends any means of description. Mystical visions, however, afford the subject of such experiences the ability to interpret, through the hermeneutics of religious symbolism, what might otherwise be...

18 Feb 2008

The Many Faces of Michel Foucault: An Analysis of the Evolution of his Conception of Identity Formation in the Modern World Through his Life and Works

Essay - 20 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Throughout the course of his career as a historian, author, philosopher, and artist, Michel Foucault often shifted directions in his work, reinventing himself in the process and offering little explanation for his decisions to do so. Shortly after the publication of Madness and Civilization in...

03 Jun 2008

Denial or Acceptance? Medieval Attitudes Towards Death

Essay - 6 pages - Medieval history

In recent times, the study of death -both in modern times and throughout history—has begun to interest historians, who have gone about their research in a variety of ways. One work in this area of study is The Hour of Our Death by Philippe Aries, which has become a foundation work in the...

29 Oct 2024

The Argument from Indubitability for Substance Dualism

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

Descartes' Argument of Indubitability originates from his methodological doubt, which entails thorough questioning and doubt of that which can be doubted, such as the existence of an outside world, his body, and all information that his senses provide. On the other hand, when Descartes...

30 Jun 2008

How six sigma impacts the development of operations in organizations

Essay - 7 pages - Business strategy

A precursory overview of the modern organization demonstrates that there are a host of inefficiencies in various departments and areas. Although most organizations accept some degree of inefficiency as part of the operational process, the reality is that there are notable steps that can be taken...

04 Dec 2008

Perceptions, object and observer of forest landscape and planning

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

For many centuries people have been concerned with perceptions of the natural world. Philosophers have written about it, psychologists have studied it, and, more recently, foresters have become concerned with it. However, when we speak of ‘perceptions of forest landscapes' in relationship to...

24 Nov 2022

The application of an EIB to address environmental challenges in urban Belgium

Thesis - 96 pages - Finance

Cities face increasing environmental challenges including, but not limited to; air pollution, CO2 emissions, energy, transport and waste management. The success of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) by solving social issues in a public-private partnership has been the driver for the development of the...

04 Dec 2008

Landscape ecology, use and application in forestry

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Many ecological processes result in or are affected by spatial patterns. However, the relative importance of different processes is very sensitive to the scale of analysis. For example, at a very local scale, species diversity is often strongly affected by competition and trophic interactions...

16 Jan 2009

The construction of the modern State

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

'Man is by nature a political animal', arguing on that Aristolte induced the existence of political communities. Men lived in communities for decades. However, man's living condition has changed with the passage of time. One landmark change was in his environment. Each evolution was a...

20 Mar 2009

Michel Foucault and his discourse on discursive history

Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy

Michel Foucault may be one of the most influential French philosophers of our time. He spent much of his professional life as a professor, and he is best known because of his critical analysis of various social institutions; medicine and the human sciences being specific ones. He published many...

31 Mar 2009

A look at the financial performance of a property developer group

Thesis - 58 pages - Finance

Due to ongoing advancements in technology, new legislation, and other innovation, the field of finance is rapidly changing. Introduction to finance develops the three components of finance in an interactive framework that is consistent with the responsibilities of all- financial professionals,...

10 May 2009

The depiction of Biblical women in the letters of Abelard and Heloise

Thesis - 10 pages - Ancient history

Abelard and Heloise sustained a reputation as great lovers for many centuries. Yet their romantic relationship was essentially over when they composed their famous correspondence; the very nature of their love affair remains unclear. Both Abelard and Heloise construct their past with common...

19 Aug 2014

Steps Involved in Risk Assessment

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Risk assessment refers to the process of identifying the hazards that might occur, as well as, analyzing its consequences in case it happens. In as much as the five steps and their tasks are helpful in risk assessment when a terror attack on a building occurs it might not be applicable to...

19 Jan 2015

Oil and Gas Contracts & Regulation research paper

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Production of gas is a highly costly venture that requires vast resources in both finances and expertise. Producers of gas even in situations where they own gas fields, have to rely on other investors for transportation and sale of their gas. Thus, this essay discusses the terms of Gas...

15 Apr 2010

POLCA based lead time reduction in a job shop environment using simulated experiments

Thesis - 3 pages - Computer science

Quick Response Manufacturing is an emerging shop floor management technique best suited for high product mix and variable demand environments. Paired Cell Overlapping Loop of Cards with Authorization or POLCA is the material control system of Quick Response Manufacturing. Pull system have...

11 Jul 2013

Coherence therapy

Case study - 6 pages - Psychology

Coherence Therapy, previously referred to as Depth-Oriented Brief Therapy, was developed by Bruce Ecker and Laurel Hulley during the 1980's and 1990's. As a type of psychotherapy borne out of the constructivist tradition, Coherence Therapy's major tenet revolves around the individual as an...

08 Jun 2009

Brain finger-printing

Thesis - 5 pages - Electronics, mechanics, engineering & technology

Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc. has developed and patented EEG/P300 based testing systems that determines, with extremely high accuracy, whether or not specific information is stored in a person's memory. The test measures individual brain-wave responses to relevant words, pictures or...

03 Feb 2011

Clifford Geertz, the souk of Sefrou

Book review - 3 pages - Political science

Clifford Geertz was born in 1926. He was an anthropologist who taught at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. He worked on the study of symbols. He made his first studies in Java and Bali between 1960 and 1970. He was also interested in studying Morocco. He published 'The Souk of...

09 Jul 2015

Distributed Software Development Change Management - Literature Review

Case study - 12 pages - Management

As a result of globalization efforts, software development projects have been distributed geographically all over the globe, which characterizes Distributed Software Development (DSD). Global software development, a kind of DSN, is described by software development stakeholders who are globally...

21 Jun 2010

Research proposal - proposed title: The role of quality factors in electronic commerce

Essay - 4 pages - Business strategy

The unprecedented proliferation of the Internet and the World Wide Web over the last decade has increased the importance of electronic commerce. The research will present an exploratory study of the role of quality factors in electronic commerce in order the significance of the latter to be...

11 Apr 2007

What are the differences between Locke's and Hobbes' notions of the "state of nature"?

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are probably the most famous political thinkers of the 17th century. The generally accepted view asserts that these authors stood poles apart, the first one advocating an absolutist regime and the latter recommending a stable civil society where powers are separated....

11 Mar 2008

What does the discovery and study of Otzi reveal about the nature of Archaeology?

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Medieval history

Archaeology is - “The discovery, recovery, and study of material evidence or artifacts (i.e. structures, tools, clothing, implements and burial sites in various states of preservation) of past human life and culture” The methodology used in Archaeology can be effectively...

28 Nov 2008

Sociology of the family: global advances and challenges

Essay - 8 pages - Biology

Sociology of the family as a field of research, education and action faces many challenges and critics, both within academic institutions and in the larger society. This paper focuses on recent developments in international family sociology in the context of the discipline of sociology, and its...

15 Jan 2009

International marketing case study: The mineral water MOUZAïA

Case study - 19 pages - Services marketing

Within the framework of our course, Marketing Internationally, we were invited to realize a group work on “which marketing strategy could Mouzaïa adopt in order to establish its products in French speaking Western Europe countries?” From the beginning, we felt involved in the topic as...

16 Jan 2009

Emotional literacy interventions in the prevention of bullying within the pastoral system of schools

Essay - 6 pages - Educational studies

This p?per provides ?n overview of emotion?l prevention techniques to de?l with bullying in the school of pastoral type. Highlights of this speci?l issue on bullying ?re presented in this paper. A compendium of rese?rch reviewed ?nd d?t? presented set the st?ge for future rese?rch to ?ttend to...