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Theme : Men

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30 Mar 2010

T.s. eliot's the hollow men: exploring self-realization - published: 30/03/2010

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

When reading “The Hollow Men”, by T.S. Eliot, one's immediate response might be to consider it against to context of which it was written. Such context may be purely historical or may revolve around the author's social life. All of these accounts may prove significant in...

25 Jan 2010

Women: Inferior to men, inferior to women, through The Rover and The Way of the World

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

Seventeenth century British women held no personal value. Throughout Apra Behn's, “The Rover” and William Congreve's, “The Way of the World,” women are commoditized, used as pawns by men and powerful elders. Their value is not a human value, because women are seen as...

23 Feb 2010

Of mice and men: A review

Book review - 3 pages - Literature

I read this book because my peers read it. Peer pressure, right? I needed an honors book, it was short, and it was the first book my mom offered me when I told her that a classic would fill the requirement. It is a classic book, not sure what genre it falls under, but Wikipedia places it under...

30 Mar 2010

Men and women: A comparison

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The lack of equality between spouses does not foster romantic love but rather deterioration of a relationship. Modern relationships are based on the formation of romantic love which dictates three requirements including equality between man and woman. Marriages where inequality is built into...

30 Jul 2010

Using arguments put forth by Paul Collier and Ted Robert Gurr to provide a brief comparison of works related to the causes of civil war

Thesis - 2 pages - Journalism

Napoleon Bonaparte once said that “a man will fight harder for his interest than for his rights.” In a time where individual ‘wants' and the protection of singular self-interests has become a primary focus for the average citizen, governments have been daunted with the task of...

19 Aug 2010

The investigation of human intention and mortal acquisition as related to virtue (Meno 77b3-78c)

Book review - 2 pages - Philosophy

A simple question posed by Meno to Socrates about virtue—“can virtue be taught”? (70a)—started an intense conversation about the definition of virtue and consequently, virtue's attributes. After concluding that the teachability of virtue would indeed be a characteristic, and...

30 Dec 2010

New development strategies for companies

Case study - 8 pages - Business strategy

The world of companies changed radically during the year 1990. Their role in the national and international governorship took more importance vis-a-vis the deregulation and with the reduction in the intervention of the State in the market. The direct overseas investments became key instruments...

29 Sep 2010

Analysing the advertisements of Adidas and Reebok

Case study - 13 pages - Services marketing

This document presents the advertisement campaigns of Reebok and Adidas. Perhaps the most important reason for choosing these brands is that both companies target the same segment of the sportswear market; they aim to sell their products to young, urban and modern followers of fashion and not...

29 Sep 2010

Finnish management vs. Greek management

Essay - 11 pages - Management

We wanted to create our report on the difference of management between Japan and the United States but we were one of the last groups to choose our theme and it was already taken. So we took the last theme that was left: Europe. A lot of the European countries we wanted to study had already been...

06 Apr 2010

What role did women play within Anglo Saxon culture?

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Throughout history, the position of women in society has fluxed dramatically. It seems quite clear from looking at historical evidence that most of this movement has been a decline, rather than an improvement in the social attitudes towards women. In Anglo- Saxons times, women were valued members...

29 Sep 2010

The gender gap in the ownership and control of property is the single most critical contributor to the gender gap in economic well-being, social status, and empowerment'

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

Before the 1970s, women were practically invisible: they were relegated to the family and the domestic world. However since the middle of this same decade, the gender issue has become an increasingly theme within the development concern. Globalization not only affects men but women as...

29 Sep 2010

Improving women's condition

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Introduction Each year, on march 8th , the media speak about women's condition insofar as it is « The International Women's day », a kindly initiative in a world where they represent the half of the population. Nowadays, women are still discriminated against : inequalities at work or...

29 Sep 2010

Compare and contrast Rousseau's and Tocqueville's accounts of the civil function of religion in a democracy. Consider closely the respective merits of their case before offering your own assessment

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Rousseau and Tocqueville fundamentally agree that the civil function of religion is to strengthen the bond that exists between the people and the law. However, the two men differ in their views on how this bond should be strengthened. Rousseau argues in favor of a new, civil religion being...

31 Dec 2010

Nivea For Men 'Summer Look'

Thesis - 4 pages - Business strategy

Today, metro sexuality is a trend gradually gaining momentum in our society. Men are not afraid to push open the door of a perfume shop to buy their shower gel or scented balm or moisturizing aftershave! The most audacious ones even dare to buy the anti-wrinkle masks or self-tanner and...

29 Sep 2010

Sephora Men

Case study - 12 pages - Services marketing

In the current scenario, worklife has become stressful. Indeed, the business is getting competitive and difficult to deal with, owing to globalization and multi cultural approahces along with the development of the entrepreneurial spirit and the fact that monopoles are now very rare, as costs and...

15 Jan 2009

Women and media

Essay - 3 pages - Journalism

As women worldwide fight for that equal chance in the newsroom or boardroom, others are building their own media to make their voices heard. Critical questions are being raised: Will women's equal participation change the nature of journalism? Is women's news fundamentally different from...

01 Apr 2009

"Sisters and Lovers: Women and Desire in Bali ": A review

Book review - 6 pages - Literature

Megan Jennaway's theoretical framework in the first half of Sisters and Lovers: Women and Desire in Bali, fuses feminist anthropology, Marxist power asymmetry discourse, and postmodernist concerns of representation and reflexivity. She posits that sexuality and desire have not been explored in...

15 Jan 2009

Women face greater challenges than men in their attempts to climb to the top of the corporate ladder

Essay - 6 pages - Human resources

Women m?ke up close to ? h?lf p?rt of the U.K. workforce, ?nd this proportion is likely to grow. Working women ?re ? diverse group (e.g., White women, minorities, women with children, immigrants, older workers) with widely v?rying needs, v?lues, experiences, ?nd expect?tions. However, working...

13 Jan 2009

How does globalization affect women?

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

While women are obviously a diverse group, compared to men they are overwhelmingly disadvantaged economically. This is shown starkly with redundancy in U.N. data. The question here, however, is whether globalization improves women's situation or makes them worse. The answer, of course,...

03 Sep 2009

Gender equality: Women and the law

Thesis - 5 pages - Civil law

The United States, among many other Western countries, has been a beacon for women's rights. Many women in the world cannot teach, work, show their ankles, vote, hold public office and sometimes are not allowed to think much less. Here in the United States, women have the opportunity to do all...

06 Jul 2009

Sexuality of older women with select chronic illnesses

Thesis - 3 pages - Medical studies

The literature of human sexual dysfunction tends to focus on the problems of men; specifically erectile dysfunction. There are relatively fewer investigations into sexual problems experienced by women, even though the studies that have been conducted indicate that women experience sexual...

13 Jan 2009

In every mind, women have more chances to suffer from mental illness. Hence, discuss the notion of normativity within the issue of mental health care

Essay - 6 pages - Psychology

In all societies, women have always been perceived as, physically but also mentally weaker than men. For a very long period, and even today in some parts of the world, women have not been considered as rational as men, but were rather seen as a “permanently subversive force...

13 Jan 2009

Liberal feminism, a white, racist bourgeois movement?

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Women have always been considered as the ‘weak sex', in opposition to the ‘strong sex' represented by men. Hence, they have always suffered from being oppressed and subordinated to men. Yet in order to be no longer discriminated against a condition which they did not...

17 May 2009

Plato as a proto-feminist: Tendencies towards the development of feminist thought

Thesis - 6 pages - Literature

The idea of Plato's Republic being one of the true first pro-feminist arguments seems to have some steam in modern times. However, there seems to be major flaws with these theories. The fact that modern feminism is not grounded in Platonic feminism is perhaps the most striking issue. For, if...

15 Jan 2009

Gender related differences in patterns of employment in Sweden, and the effects of the parental leave in a woman's employment

Essay - 15 pages - Human resources

Sweden is very often taken as a model when a conversation comes to any gender or equity related question. It is said to be, not without any reason, one of the most if not the most advanced country in the world as far as equality of chances or the cause of women are concerned. Tough, it had long...

15 Jan 2009

Gender equality and employment in the European Union

Essay - 29 pages - European union

Gender equality is among the fundamental principles and the common values of the European Union. In the 2nd Article of the Treaty of the European Community, it is even mentioned as a “task” to perform for the Community, and again in Article 3(2) TEC. But two questions already appear:...

15 Jan 2009

New opportunities for women in France: The case of Ségolène Royal

Essay - 8 pages - Human resources

Throughout the history of France, it seems that women have always appeared to be inferior to men, at least since the settling process in the Gallic period. The dominant religion, Catholicism, has intensified this state of mind as it considers God as superior to men, and men...

15 Jan 2009

How did the first world war affect the status of women?

Essay - 10 pages - Modern history

The First World War is one of the first conflicts, which called for the participation, and mobilization of all people, fighters as much as non-fighters. So, at the announcement of the war, men and women are going to answer present. The society and the economy of every country are going to...

16 Jan 2009

Marketing to women

Essay - 9 pages - Services marketing

A few weeks ago, the French brand Celio launched a very original concept aimed at women. Celio is a men apparel brand, but 50% of their customers are women who want to buy clothes as a present. In more and more Celio shops, women can find “The Shoppenboys”. The Shoppenboys are...

23 May 2009

Differences in communication between men and women

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” touts the cover of an American bestseller. The instant success of this book (over 14 million copies sold) hints at a polarized population eager to bridge the gender gap. Yet some readers feel that it is writing such as these that...