Analysis of how business companies can increase brand awareness and customer interaction through the use of social media
Essay - 3 pages - Political science
The arrival of new technology has raised a number of new issues for managers and leaders. The use of the internet is an unavoidable feature of today's business environment, as it can be very productive to companies. Email can be used as a very potent business tool, enabling business transactions...
Examination of the main issues of media reporting on post-natal depression
Case study - 3 pages - Political science
The issue of post-natal depression has received renewed media attention in Australia in recent years. This paper will look at how two different news outlets providing reporting on the subject, examining and comparing the way in which both discuss the subject. These two outlets are the...
Television as a potential media tool
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
Current media analysis is highly focused on the perceived failings of television. The medium has been charged with being overly commercial, catering to the interests of political and governmental elite and facilitating the softening of the news by prioritizing stories with high dramatic or...
Motrin's Mommy Headache: A Lesson in Social Media Experimentation
Case study - 2 pages - Management
Brands are delicate things, but social tools exist not only to hear bad news but to engage even that part of the crowd which has made it clear you have tripped up maybe, especially that niche. This quote essentially summarizes how Johnson & Johnson should have reacted to the...
The Momentum of media towards enlightenment
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In his essay entitled Was ist Aufklarung?,' Immanuel Kant explores the concept of enlightenment as it exists as an attainable state for mankind in society. In response to his title, What is Enlightenment?,' Kant defines the framework of comprehension within which his insight expands;...
Interactive Media marketing (2005)
Essay - 5 pages - Services marketing
Introduction The interactive potential of direct marketing is directly related to the evolution of communication technologies and information processing. Direct marketing is related to interactive media and they are inseparable from each other. The term "interactive" implies that there...
Mass media: The effects on youth
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Each time a child turns on the TV, they will see or hear something that will effect their lives them in some way. It would be wise for parents to limit childrens' exposure to influential media such as the news, violent video games, and the like. Over 60% of television shows during prime...
Swarovski and the social media
Case study - 7 pages - Business strategy
Today, there are, on the one hand, the traditional media which use a transmitter that broadcasts a single message to targets audiences, and on the other hand, social media which include everyone, which is both the broadcaster, and the target. Social Media is the...
Media and terrorism: new challenges for freedom of expression?
Essay - 5 pages - Journalism
Benjamin Cardozo, an American jurist of the 20th century, used to say that "Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom?. As such, freedom of expression was recognised, as early as at the end of the 18th century, as a fundamental right...
The mass media and poverty
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
As long as societies exist, social problems will exist as well. Just as there is arguably no perfect' human being, there is just as much reason to think that there is no such thing as a perfect' society. It is a sobering fact that social problems are normal features of the society and...
The Global Portable Media Player Industry
Thesis - 5 pages - Services marketing
A portable media player (PMP) is an electronic device that allows the owner to store, organize and play audio files as well as to view images and videos. The data is usually stored on a hard drive or a flash memory, enabling the storage of all kinds of files as on a USB flash drive. The...
Business Research Method: Study on Organizations in Dubai Media City (DMC) and Dubai Internet City (DIC)
Thesis - 7 pages - Management
Teleworking has lately obtained a substantial allowance of vigilance both in the academia and expert world, as one of the amazing alterations in enterprise practices (Morgan, 2004). In the last couple of years, we have seen an expanding interest in the notion of teleworking, especially in Europe...
Crime and the media
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The American criminal justice system uses deterrence to curb criminal behavior. Our current criminal system enforces crime control by emphasizing the imprisonment of dangerous offenders in hopes that it will deter future criminals. This plan is dated and flawed, because in this millennium,...
The influence of advertising and medias on children
Essay - 10 pages - Management
It has become obvious that advertising is designed to influence children. Advertising has an impact on their needs, their desire and their requests. How has it evolved in this way and what are the reasons of this interest for such a young audience? How can we define advertising? Advertising is an...
Globalisation and the mass media
Essay - 5 pages - Computer science
The Internet is above all, a decentralised system of interactive communication. And Internet-enthusiasts have seen it as a way to introduce more communication between different communities around the world, as well as an outstanding mean to re-invent and develop democracy. For the first time in...
Cross-Cultural Management - Culture Portrayed in Popular Media: Bend It Like Beckham
Essay - 5 pages - Management
The movie shows us two major cultures; on the one hand, the Indian culture and on the other hand the British culture. We also see a little of the Irish culture portray itself through the coach. Even though the coach is Irish and the soccer team goes to Germany, these two different cultures are...
Media strategy and media budgets
Presentation - 16 pages - Business strategy
A firm should continue to add to its budget as long as incremental expenditures are exceeded by the marginal revenue they generate. This theoretical underpinning assumes a functional relationship between advertising and sales. Frequency is more important to communicate product details or building...
Sports and the Media: Sport TV rights throughout Europe, a comparative approach
Essay - 13 pages - Arts and art history
The relation between sports and television started years back. We all have in mind the image of Jesse Owen winning four gold medals in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4X100m relay during the 1936 Nazis Berlin Olympic Games. Thus, we can assume that sport has provided the greatest images ever to...
Communication plan and media plan for APPLE
Case study - 2 pages - Services marketing
In the current world of media and communications, Apple is a significant point of reference now. Its advertising campaigns for the iPod Nano, the MacBook Ecolo or even the parodies of PCs have their moment of glory every time. The communication appears to be studied in detail, so that the...
Media in Germany after World War Two - published: 29/09/2010
Essay - 3 pages - Modern history
The development of media in the Western Germany during the period of the Allied Occupation (1945-1949) and in the first decade of the Federal Republic (1949-1959) The media is present all around the world. The media tries to express facts, entertainment, opinion, and other...
Sex and the media
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The average American child views about 4 hours of T.V. a day, and the average adolescent views about the same (Boyd & Bee, 284). It has been proven that the average American adolescent will view nearly 14,000 sexual references a year, and 66% of adolescents say they are influenced by television...
News and media in 1776
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Robert Darnton, in the introduction to his presidential address to the American Historical Association of 1999, speaks of the role of the media and communication systems in the « Old Regime » of France, circa 1750. He argues that the way in which people tend to view the modern era - as a...
Harry Potter with mass media
Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since June of 1997 the words Harry Potter have become part of household vocabulary all over the world, and the bases for a seven book series. The story is of a wizard, Harry Potter, as he tries to pass and survive his seven years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Potter,...
To what extent does media coverage of grass-root citizen activity promote citizen activism?
Essay - 2 pages - Political science
The American citizen has evolved as a well-behaved political spectator, keen towards national affairs. The combination of an authoritative presentation style on behalf of the network news organizations and a lack of thorough coverage on citizen activist groups has cultivated a pacified audience...
News media : is the "fourth estate a power?
Essay - 7 pages - Political science
Today, the permanent and instantaneous flow of information pass through a wide range of channels, called 'the media'. There are two types of channels: print media (e.g. newspapers) and broadcast media (e.g. television, radio). It is precisely the capacity to create...
Ambiguity of the term "objectivity" in the media
Essay - 3 pages - Journalism
The importance of the concept of objectivity in the media is well attested. Since the beginning of the newspaper press in the early nineteenth Century in the United States and in Europe, rising democracy in the Society has produced various economic, political and technological factors...
Asking questions about the popular sphere, media and democracy.
Thesis - 7 pages - Journalism
An important question, right now, according to a recent Globe and Mail article, as well as chatter heard recently while riding the grid-lock streets listening to a taxi driver's radio, is if daily newspapers collapse, is this a sign that democracy is in trouble? Perusing the numerous blogs of...
Problems facing the radio, TV, and print media
Thesis - 4 pages - Journalism
[Some News Shows are] much like the story of the vendor outside the bullfight selling Hot Meat Pies. A customer bought one and bit into it - and found nothing but cold dough.There must be some mistake, the customer complained, pointing to the sign. No, senor,...
Actimel Advertising and Media's
Market study - 8 pages - Business strategy
Nowadays, working on a discipline like advertising is not an easy task to achieve. Advertisers have to be more and more attentive to the competition which is very large, even in the business to business market. They have to do the difference, in a world where advertising bludgeoning is on every...
Media censorship
Thesis - 6 pages - Journalism
Children and teenagers like to be entertained. They like to run and play outside, play video games, read books, write in diaries, listen to music, and especially watch television. There are all sorts of different content on the TV that young people are exposed to; whether it is sports, cartoons,...