Can social media fulfill the functions of the 4th estate, and thus be considered as a part of the renewal of the press?
Essay - 3 pages - Medias
The press was referred to as the "4th Estates" for the 1st time by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), a British politician who declared that : "There are three Estates in Parliament, but in the Reporter's Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all" Burke calls the...
How do different media portray gender?
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender bias has been a significant challenge in society for decades. It describes the unjust treatment or prejudice directed towards specific people or groups because of their gender (Llorens et al., 2021). Today's media greatly influences societal norms and perceptions concerning...
Identity And Representation of Islam and Muslims in France in the Media
Case study - 3 pages - Journalism
In Japan, following an assault on a woman by a French tourist in the Minato district of Tokyo, several social media users claimed that the perpetrator of the attack was of "Maghrebi" origin. Despite a lack of evidence, several false claims were widely spread before the actual information...
Political Mass Media and Ideologies of Persuasion
Essay - 5 pages - Arts and art history
Propaganda is a powerful tool that continues to affect public opinion and influence collective consciousness in today's hyper-connected society. Its effect extends beyond traditional media, impacting our daily lives through various sources. This essay will analyse the varied...
KPIs in the media industry
Market study - 1 pages - Medias&communication marketing
Overall, the media industry is really unstable due to its fragile KPIs : it is constantly changing, evolving, and each industry has to adapt to its customers. That means that both challenges and opportunities are numerous, and can either lead to the failure of a company, or to its success,...
Gender Dynamics in Everyday Spaces: An Analysis of Drexel Campus and Popular Media
Case study - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Gender dynamics are a critical factor defining how we accord importance and interact within different spheres, like the Drexel campus and magazine and music media representations. This article discusses the presence of gendered space on the Drexel campus and reveals the ways the...
How Did the Media Influence Spain's Journey to Democracy, Shape Public Perceptions, and Tackle the Challenges of Moving From Censorship to Independence?
Essay - 1 pages - Political science
The media's role in shaping public opinion during Spain's shift from dictatorship to democracy was powerful and profound. As the country moved away from Francisco Franco's authoritarian rule, media outletspreviously controlled by the statesuddenly became key...
How Do Social Media Business Models Affect the Public Sphere?
Essay - 2 pages - Medias&communication marketing
Social media platforms have emerged as the center of the universe for our digital persona, changing how people communicate with each other and profoundly impacting both the economic sector and the public arena. At the core of their influence lies an innovative business model that exploits...
Social Media Impact on Mental Health
Essay - 5 pages - Psychology
In the current digital world, social media is a significant part of society, which has totally changed how people create and share news and information. Yet, in addition to its unquestionable advantages, there is a growing divergence of views concerning how this revolution affects users...
The Role of the Media in Shaping Public Opinion of Spain during the Transition
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The topic we have chosen for our paper is "The Role of the Media in Shaping Public Opinion of Spain during the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy." We were particularly drawn to this subject because of the media's profound ability to shape societal attitudes and...
Reducing Daily Social Media Usage Through Self-Monitoring Techniques
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
Through this project, I will delve deeper into the concept of self-monitoring and its connection to behavioral transformation. My area of focus will be linked to social media consumption. Self-monitoring is an interventionmore specifically, a self-directing behavior change...
How do social media and digital tools affect HR practices? Why and how should HR departments adapt their practices to use these tools to their advantage? What are the benefits and risks of an HR social media strategy?
Essay - 3 pages - Human resources
In the last decades, the functions of Human Resources departments have changed a lot. They are, in general, more involve in the group strategy. The HR manager now has a key role at the Board of Directors.. [...] Even if the digitalization is affecting each department of a firm, Human Resources...
Who's in control: the politicians or the media?
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
This paper will focus on the case of the United States. In the US, the coverage of most national news is in the hands of the "Big Media" (ABC, CNN, PBS, NBC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Garnett (which publishes various papers, including USA Today), The Washington Post...
Social Media as a Strategy for Protest Movements in an Era of Government Control - Hong Kong And Sudan Case Studies
Dissertation - 11 pages - Sociology & social sciences
By facilitating instantaneous global communication among geographically dispersed audiences, digital media has fundamentally altered information production and dissemination processes. As a result, more people are able to access information and news, which may be a powerful instrument for...
The Media Welfare State
Case study - 7 pages - Journalism
The media system (referring to the entire media in a country, the ownership structure, interest groups, which give the media sector an identity) of the Nordic countries can be defined as the coexistence of a strong development of mass circulation newspapers, an historical...
The Impact of Social Media on Startups Development
Thesis - 33 pages - Marketing theories
Startups are known for their ambitious goals and desire to succeed. There are several milestones that startups aim to achieve, including raising funds, achieving market fit, scaling the business, and establishing a strong brand. However, to accomplish these objectives, startups need to have a...
Exploring Gen Z's perception of social media: the line between intrusiveness and engagement
Thesis - 24 pages - Sociology & social sciences
We live in an era that is marked by the omnipresence of social media and it is irrefutable that over the past few decades, social media advertising has undergone a profound transformative evolution. Generation Z (Gen Z), often considered to be the first generation that has been...
Social Media Platforms and British Politics
Essay - 2 pages - Political science
Social media platforms have become a ubiquitous part of modern life, revolutionizing the way individuals and communities interact with one another. They have played an increasingly significant role in shaping the political landscape, enabling political candidates to reach out to voters...
Immersive Media Course for Deep Meaningful Learning for a Physics Course
Course material - 4 pages - Educational studies
The constructivist learning technique acknowledges that learners are more capable of understanding course content when they can relate new information with the existing knowledge (Thomas et al., 2014). It is worthwhile to observe that evidence in the field of education has established that...
Social media
Worksheets - 2 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Nowadays, using social media to express an opinion has become a widespread phenomenon. At first sight, it would seem that using it is quite superficial, but we must point out that the role of social media goes far beyond personal concerns, thus becoming a powerful communication tool.
Medias in the United States
Essay - 2 pages - Medias
The Washington Post : in the early 1970s, it provided a perfect example of investigative journalism when two of its reporters uncovered the Watergate scandal, leading to Nixon's forced resignation. Moreover, in 2014, the Washington Post and the Guardian won the Pulitzer Prize for having broke...
Blog Posts About Social Media and Women in Science
Creative writing - 2 pages - Everyday's life
This document contains two blog posts: one about social media and the other about women in Science. Excerpt: Hello everyone! I am writing this post to tell you I have made the decision to quit all social media as of today and for at least a month; for a start. To be honest, I...
Poor Man's Guardian, no. 72, 27 (October 1832) - what are the political stakes linked to the Reform Act and how can we understand the place of the media in the organization of power in the United Kingdom during this period?
Text commentary - 2 pages - Philosophy
The Representation of the People Act 1832 brought about important changes in the exchange between British institutions during the 19th century and allowed for the disappearance of small districts or access to the right to vote for a certain number of individuals such as small landowners. The Act...
The advantages and drawbacks of social media on society and the individual
Essay - 1 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In Cote d'Ivoire, the rise of social media is transforming people's behaviour (Kalonji Mfunyi, 2018). Cote d'Ivoire is the thirteenth country that uses Facebook in Africa and we see many bad and good impacts of this type of platform (Kouakou, 2014). So, the rest of the work...
Does social media have a good or bad impact on society?
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
In the 21st century, social media is one of the most used technologies in the world. As per Waseem Akram and Kumar, 'A social media is an online platform which people use to build social relation with other people who share career, interest, activities, background or real-life...
Advertising & media planning for NOKIA C3 in India
Case study - 27 pages - International marketing
STRENGHTS - Leader in the Indian market - The largest distribution network - Wide portfolio: from « made for India » to innovative product - First mobile with full QWERpeople - Brand ambassadors: Cricket and Bollywood - TY keyboard - Many features - Meaningful communication: connect
Critical thinking questions - The media and its influence
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The agenda setting theory says that mass media influences society through the stories that are labelled newsworthy and the time and space given to them. I totally agree with this theory. I think we pay more attention to social problems that receive attention in the media and...
Merger and acquisition - Buffett's bid for Media General's newspapers
Case study - 21 pages - Management
The U.S. Newspaper industry has faced, since the late 1980s, significant challenges due to competition of other source of news and information, and saw a progressive and constant decline of daily circulation. Media General Inc., a company that entered the newspaper business in 1850, is no...
Synergy in media promotion: a useful strategy or an optimistic decoy?
Essay - 3 pages - Medias&communication marketing
The tendency towards synergy in media promotion, started in earnest in the 1980s, has only grown since then. With the wide variety of possible media in existence, news and entertainment alike are struggling to use all of these different tools to their advantage. Film, television,...
Surveillance, accumulation of capital and exploitation on social media
Essay - 10 pages - Computer science
New technologies have changed the way people communicate and see each other: we all became the objects of surveillance voluntarily and non-voluntarily. Social networks, closed-circuit television (CCTV) in supermarkets and in railway stations, marketing agencies - all these are slowly turning our...