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27 Jan 2011

Philippe Hugon's analysis of the changes wrought by globalization on the African economies

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Despite the effect of globalization on some economies, particularly those of East Asia, Africa has remained untouched by this phenomenon. Among the 49 Least Developed Countries (LDCs), 34 are now on the Dark Continent. Although the continent accounts for 11% of world globalization, it only...

14 Oct 2008

Are sex offenders rehabilitative and should the government impose the death penalty on them?

Essay - 7 pages - Criminal law

Recent, emerging academic debate has polarised opinion as to whether rehabilitation programs geared towards the treatment of sex offenders are in fact successful in reducing “sexual recidivism” (Marques 1999). Resolving this debate is a difficult task due to the inherent limitations of...

05 May 2009

Border control for the US: "Legitimate threat"

Thesis - 10 pages - International relations

The attacks on September 11, 2001 forced a change in the national security policy of the United States. Eight years later, debate still surrounds the issue on how best to defend against terrorism. The question of how large of a national security threat do current border policies pose to the...

12 Jun 2008

An investigation in to the problems with corporate pension funds

Essay - 12 pages - Finance

Beginning with the New Deal, efforts to secure the social and economic prosperity of employees after retirement have been developed. This process has lead to the evolution of the current system of corporate pension funds. Although millions of American workers invest in these funds each year, few...

11 Nov 2008

The ideology of film: The portrayal of Women & Blacks in baseball films

Essay - 5 pages - Film studies

Ideology is a very broad topic. Described as “a body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class or culture” (Giannetti 428), ideology can be discussed anywhere when dealing with any kind of social opposites. In filmmaking, all types of beliefs...

29 Jul 2009

Liberating bondage: Slavery and emancipation in the Caribbean

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Slavery in the British Caribbean was closely connected to the agricultural cultivation of sugar-cane and cotton crops in which Africans were imported to work the land in order that the goods could be exported to Europe thereby providing the plantation-owners a net return on their investment. In...

19 Mar 2009

What did India mean to Great Britain in the Eighteenth century?

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

What began as an exercise of hubris, Great Britain's presence in India was strong and far-reaching. Via the East India Company, formally established in 1660, Indian trade patterns grew as the eighteenth century progressed. Through India, the British Empire expanded to become an all-permeating...

12 Mar 2009

The alleged 'crisis of the welfare state' and the failure of the traditional defenders of the welfare state to respond to the New Right's critique

Thesis - 9 pages - Political science

Nowhere do competing theoretical, ideological and political views rage more fiercely, than in the debates surrounding the existence and organization of the modern welfare state. For some, the welfare state stands as a testimony to human achievement and social progress, it represents a refusal to...

16 Dec 2013

Lab Safety audit of A University Mechatronics Laboratory

Case study - 20 pages - Biology

Workplace safety inspection is important in maintaining safe working environment for students and staff in a laboratory. All students and staff are exposed to lots of possible incidents in the laboratory when rules and regulations are not followed. A workplace safety inspection or audit of...

24 Jan 2025

What key policy and socioeconomic factors contribute to healthcare disparities in the United States and the United Kingdom? - Comparative study

Dissertation - 10 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The health care system in the United States appears as a complex and multi-layered system that includes a mix of public and private entities. Unlike many other developed countries that have adopted universal health care systems, the United States relies primarily on a privately owned system ,...

22 Apr 2009

Doomsday cults

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Of over ten thousand new religious movements across the globe, less than twenty are considered destructive cults. The contemporary definition of cult refers to a relatively small group of people whose religious beliefs and practices depart from the conventional standards of society. Most cults...

18 Jun 2010

Cultural theory in the liberal world: A review

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Critics of cultural theory espoused that it has become irrelevant in the modern age where terrorism (Eagleton, 2004 cited in Smith 2004), among others abounds. Further, they argued that it was not effective in dealing with the issues of “morality, metaphysics, love, religion, revolution,...

08 Jul 2008

The Virginian dynasty

Essay - 5 pages - Modern history

George Washington was born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family and was raised to be an eighteenth century Virginia gentlemen. Washington was a general and took part in the French and Indian War as well as the American Revolutionary War. Washington became of the most important figures in the...

29 Nov 2013

Personal review: Rare copy number variants contribute to congenital left-sided heart disease' by Hitz M et-al

Case study - 2 pages - Biology

This appraisal significantly evaluates and assesses the article ‘Rare Copy Number Variants Contribute to Congenital Left-Sided Heart Disease' by Hitz M et-al. This evaluation will primarily abridge the article. Subsequently, this evaluation will momentarily examine the efficiency of the...

20 Feb 2009

To what extent should social work practice be informed by social research?

Essay - 19 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Within this work I will be looking to examine the effectiveness of using research in social work practice. I have chosen to do this by reviewing both historic and current research on the outcomes of adoption. Part 1 will consist of a literature review, detailing research findings on this subject....

13 Jul 2009

Abolition and emancipation of Caribbean slaves

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Caribbean Islands were long associated with the British Empire as they served as significant and lucrative colonies for a long time. The colonization of the Caribbean Islands by the British Empire came in stages as they attempted to create a colony in Guiana in 1604, but it only lasted for a...

29 Sep 2010

Why did communism become established in Eastern Europe after the Second World War?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Shortly before the official end of the Second World War, on 25th April 1945, American and Soviet soldiers met at the Elbe. In order to reach the Elbe River, the Russian troops had to come all the way across Europe, thus crossing Eastern Europe. By the end of the same year, seven states occupied...

23 Jan 2013

Uncertainty management processes- (Collective cases from Hydro)

Case study - 115 pages - Management

Modern life is inherently uncertain - from the moment of our birth to the unknown moment of our death. Certainty has never been more elusive than in today's tumultuous times. In recent decades we have lived through shocks such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the...

29 Sep 2010

The Intercultural management in the tourism sector: a new opportunity for a sustainable performance

Dissertation - 60 pages - Management

The tourism sector is clearly characterized by the number of nationalities that form it. Culture is also part of it. Employees from a specific country can face a customer from another country, whose culture is totally different. In the same way, an employee can work in team with another employee...

21 Jun 2013

Water resources: Ottawa River Clean-Up

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

The Ottawa River has been an ongoing problem with pollution. Pollution and contaminates can, and most often do, include; heavy metals, detergents, organic pollution, and other pollutants which include chlorine, pesticides, raionuclides, acids and alkalis (Zmuida, 2012). People have been dumping...

03 Mar 2011

Performance of the British Airways

Essay - 8 pages - Services marketing

BA is one of the world's largest international airlines, providing travelers with a broad network to and from the U.K. and has a total service for premium travelers in co-operation with world alliance partners. The company expanded rapidly in the 1990s, which led to overcapacity, lower fares...

25 Feb 2010

The attempt by Franklin D. Roosevelt to court packing and the lasting affects it has on today's political structure

Thesis - 6 pages - Civil law

In 1937 President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) introduced the new deal reforms, which have been described as “the biggest political blunder of his career…. Yet it was… fortuitous, even pivotal, importance for the fate of Social Security” (Zelizer, 2000). Notwithstanding the...

12 Jul 2010

Dutch health care system

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Universal Health Care refers to access to affordable and high-quality health care to everyone who needs it. This system of health care is commonly known as a single payer system. The Dutch system provides “The dose of efficiency and equity that the current health care system in USA, so...

29 Sep 2010

At the heart of the Lyon Silk market: Stakes and challenges of international prospects

Case study - 29 pages - Economy general

Our initiative cleary describe the historic interweavings between our city of Lyon and the international market of the silk. The story of the silk begins dates back to the Chinese tradition in XVIIth century BC and continues with three millenniums of exclusivity in the course of which China...

18 Mar 2009

Is there a significant difference in child-raising practices between married couples and single mothers?

Thesis - 8 pages - Sociology & social sciences

In 1990, American academic Charles Murray came to England, at the invitation of The Sunday Times, to observe and discover whether the underclass phenomenon he had identified in the United States had spread to the UK. His findings were first published in The Sunday Times Magazine on 26 November...

16 Apr 2009

Fair labor

Thesis - 6 pages - Labor law

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”1 When considered in the context of globalization and modern capitalism, Churchill's words are oddly disturbing. As the global population continues to grow, unemployment and...

03 Jun 2009

World war I: Timeline

Time lines - 20 pages - Modern history

World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War, the War of the Nations and the War to End All Wars, was a world conflict lasting from 1914 C.E. to 1919 C.E. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, called the Central Powers fought Britain, France and later U.S.A., called the Allies. No...

30 Jul 2010

Gender roles with respect to the American society

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The gender roles, or the fundamental behaviors assigned to women and men in a society, have been changing more rapidly since the industrial revolution. Yet as much as these roles have transformed over the last several decades, conflicting expectations and pressures still exist within our society...

27 Apr 2015

Evolution of lodging networks during the economic crisis: What happened to Airbnb and to budget hotels in the context of the crisis in the USA?

Case study - 25 pages - Management

The financial crisis started In September 2008, in the USA, with the bankrupt of Lehman Brothers. This financial shock led to a deep and long economic crisis. The USA has started to experience economic recovery in 2010 but the economic growth has still been low. The hospitality industry, with...

30 May 2009

Airline safety after September 11th

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In order to examine the national and New York City-specific changes to air travel that have been put in place after the September 11th, 2001 attacks and then analyze whether or not additional security measures are warranted, it is important to discuss September 11th. From there, it becomes...