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Theme : Maastricht treaty

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22 Jul 2022

Representation and governance in international organizations - Rapkin, Strand and Trevathan (2016) - Can international organizations be representative and democratic?

Text commentary - 7 pages - Political science

Due to all the problems associated with globalization, economic or financial crisis, and climates, the importance of international organizations such as the United Nations, or the IMF, has never been greater. As its name suggests, an international organization is made up of a collection of States...

29 Sep 2010

The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss

Essay - 4 pages - European law

The European Union's political role has been a big issue among the main theoriticians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is obvious. The Commission, as the institution which has the power for an initiative, can...

29 Nov 2006

The European identity issue: what most determines the European "we feeling"?

Essay - 11 pages - European union

“You don't fall in love with a common market” (EU Commission President Jacques Delors in The European, 3 November 1994). Here emerges one of today's most challenging issues for the European Union: the prevalence of market integration has created a political vacuum and so-called...

10 May 2012

Turkish membership to the European Union: what stakes?

Case study - 4 pages - International relations

In the aftermath of the enlargement of the EU and the adoption of the Lisbon treaty, Turkey's adhesion to the European Union is a question which has often arisen since the formal accession negotiations began in 2005. Turkey first applied for associate membership of the European Economic...

10 Jan 2011

The functioning of the Central European Bank and the American Federal fund

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

The European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve: These are two institutions that operate the two most important monetary policies in the world: the euro and the dollar. An essential function of a Central Bank is to regulate the evolution of money supply and interest rates, but one must not...

24 Mar 2006

The European Union and national sovereignty

Essay - 3 pages - European union

The birth of the modern sovereign state is usually associated with the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, after which modern nation-states began to constitute in Europe. Today, some scholars argue that state sovereignty has been challenged by trends such as globalization and European integration...

31 Mar 2006

'The European Union Court of Justice is more relevant for the advance of the EU political unity than the Commission and the Parliament' - Discuss - publihed: 31/03/2006

Essay - 4 pages - European law

Its political role has being a big issue between the main theoricians of the European Union. The place of the European Parliament and the Commission in the process toward political unity is more obvious. The Commission, as the institution who has the power of initiative, can play a large role in...

29 Sep 2010

What is the international role of the CAP and how does it affect its future?

Essay - 7 pages - European union

Since the creation of the European Community and the single European market by the Treaties of Rome, the modalities of a common market of foodstuffs had been a central concern in European affairs. As Robert Ackrill points out, "the CAP is one of the most pervasive of all EU policies, one of the...

15 Jan 2009

Implementation of European Law in a federal state: The Belgian case between coherence and autonomy

Case study - 9 pages - European law

‘Ultimately the impact of EU rules depends on the willingness and capacity of Member States authorities to ensure that they are transposed and enforced effectively and fully and on time' (Graver) . This statement from the European Commission in its White Paper on Governance deals with the...

21 Jan 2009

"Post-parliamentary strategies need, therefore, to be recast as complements, rather than substitute, for parliamentarism at Union level" (Lord and Beetham). Discuss

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by the French and Dutch citizens in the referendum of spring 2005 has caused a revival of the EU's legitimacy issue. It was also evidence for the fact that both the continuous strengthening of the European Parliament's powers one the one hand and...

17 May 2009

The Commission white paper on a European communication policy, an analysis of the conceptual and political issues at stake

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

While it symbolized the failure of national politicians, the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by the French and Dutch citizens in the referendum of Spring 2005 left the European establishment under the shock: it was evident that both the continuous strengthening of the European...

25 Jul 2006

Critically examine the factors that ultimately led to the enlargement of the EU in 2004. What are the stages and debates?

Essay - 5 pages - European union

According to the article 43 of the European Community treaty, 'any European State may apply to become a member of the Union[...]the conditions of admission and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the Union is founded which such admission entails shall be the subject of an...

16 Jan 2009

Integration of new countries in the European Union

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The story of Europe is still being written. The entrance of new countries, ten in 2004, two others in 2007, and the current question of opening Europe to Turkey, shows that the European Union is continuously evolving. From 1947 to 1989, the liberalist doctrine has been adopted by the Western part...

10 Jan 2011

Comparison of the monetary policies of the American Federal fund (EDF) and the European Central bank (BCE)

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

Interest rates of the Fed are currently at an all-time low. The rates of the European Central Bank are at their lowest levels in history and on April 2, 2009, there was a further decline with a reduction to 1%.Indeed, monetary policy is an important instrument of control, and along with fiscal...

06 Dec 2010

The process of regionalization in West Africa: CEDEAO

Thesis - 7 pages - Political science

'I was convinced that the political freedom would inevitably precede our economic advancement. In the same manner, I am convinced that the African Unit will be done and this common base will enable us to build our complete development”. This statement was written in 1957 by Kwame Krumah,...

08 Feb 2011

The financial crisis: The need for a new system

Dissertation - 54 pages - Economy general

This thesis is about our (the world's) monetary and financial system. It starts by focusing on monetary creation, which is the basis of our financial system. After defining the monetary creation process, it is about its control, which has been transferred from the States to the Central Banks and...

15 Jan 2006

The integration of the European Union

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

On the 16th April, 2003, ten new members were signing the adhesion treaty to the European Union, in front of the Parthenon in Athens. The adhesion of these ten new countries, among which eight were ex-communist countries, represented a historic moment : the European unification eastwards,...

02 Jan 2011

The evolution of the European Parliament and its functions

Thesis - 6 pages - Constitutional law

The European Parliament is often seen as the principal venue of democratic debate in the expression of European political awareness. Hence, it acquired its present name on March 30, 1962, after having been successively called Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (extended to...

27 Jan 2011

The co-operation between Euro-Morrocan relations of bilateralism and regionalism

Dissertation - 39 pages - International relations

The Euro-Mediterranean cooperation has been developed through various Community policies since the 1960s. These policies have resulted in various cooperative programs. There is both a regional scope for all Mediterranean partners who comprised: Algeria, Palestinian Authority, Cyprus, Egypt,...

07 May 2009

The democratic deficit of the EU and the European political integration from a French perspective

Thesis - 14 pages - European union

The European construction has always evolved through crisis and this is probably due to its ambitious project and nature. However, it worked successfully until today because it has been occurring through a “step by step process”, to quote the Schuman Declaration. This neo-functionalist...

13 Jan 2009

Has British public policy been Europeanised in the period since 1973?

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

As Johan Olsen affirms ““Europeanization” is a fashionable but contested concept.” This term indeed occupies a lot of space in all studies about the European Union and more specifically about the domestic changes incurred by the member states through the dynamics of European...

17 May 2009

A critical examination of the European Union's commitment and approach to promoting democracy and Human Rights in accession candidate countries and elsewhere in the world

Thesis - 10 pages - European union

The current image of European Union's democracy promotion is marred by the discrepancies of member states' attitude vis-à-vis the Chinese violation of the Human Rights. In contrast to most European countries, Great Britain and Germany have already claimed that they will not assist to the opening...

12 Jan 2009

Why has the European Court of Justice been so central to the process of integration?

Thesis - 10 pages - European union

“Law is often still treated as if it were a separate field, clearly distinct from the economic or political spheres” . As the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has never been given a lot of media coverage, most of the time, its role in the integration process is either disregarded or...

16 Jan 2009

United Kingdom: In and out of Europe

Essay - 10 pages - Journalism

The United Kingdom has always been in and out of Europe. Such posturing is in keeping with a series of mantras [religious beliefs] upon which Britain's policy towards Europe is predicated. The latter have never been really challenged in the last century. Britain's Europe is a paradoxical...

19 Jan 2009

Higher education in Europe as an institution

Essay - 7 pages - Educational studies

Aristote was asking what the purpose of education was. He gave the following answer: education has to produce learned men, education has to be done in virtue and finally, education has to satisfy the material needs of society. Centuries after this Aristote's definition, there is no doubt that...

03 Mar 2011

The instability of the international financial system and the proposals for reform proposals

Dissertation - 193 pages - Economy general

In 1997, an earthquake hit Asian stock exchanges, the shock wave reached Russia a year later, and then Latin America, including Brazil in 1999. To the world, these crises have been a succession of real and financial shocks of exceptional magnitude. Far from having exogenous origins, this global...

20 Jan 2009

A Nordic identity in the European security structure?

Essay - 10 pages - European union

The 3rd and 4th December 1998, the President of French Republic Jacques Chirac and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair met in Saint Malo. Both maintained the necessity to give Europe the ability of autonomous action concerning security and defence. This statement comes within the framework of...

29 Sep 2010

Primacy / Supremacy of European Community Law against Sovereignty of the Member States

Essay - 25 pages - European law

Today the European Union (EU) consists of 27 Member States; it reaches from the Atlantic coast of Western Europe all the way to the Black Sea of Eastern Europe. In the European Union, the most important and closest collaboration between the Member States happens via the European Community (EC)....

01 Feb 2014

Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in...

12 Jan 2009

The EU Foreign Policy - Myth or Reality?

Essay - 21 pages - International relations

European Union (EU) critics are a very heterogenic group. Amongst them, there are people who think that this organization has too many responsibilities. Sometimes this disapproval is summarized in only one word: ‘Brussels', the city where several institutions of the EU and especially the...