Has European integration contributed to save or to undermine the nation state?
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
In 1882 Ernest Renan declared: a Nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. Two things, which, in truth, are really one, constitute this soul, this spiritual principle. One is in the past, the other in the present. One is the possession in common of a rich legacy of memories, the other is the...
Do we have the right balance between responsibility for budget implementation and political accountability for the Union budget's use?
Essay - 5 pages - Government finance
The evolution of the budgetary procedure, with the new financial regulation of 2002, has increased the responsibility of the different actors and clarified the different management methods, increasing the transparency of the whole procedure. Those changes allow us to wonder if there is, today, a...
The Future of the Euro Currency
Essay - 7 pages - Economy general
The currency union is frequently lumped up with the European Union itself, which aims to achieve a more political set of objectives. Regardless, the recent upheavals the Euro zone has experienced since the great financial crisis and the ensuing recession in 2008/2009, have brought into question...
What are the main obstacles to the EU being considered a major global actor?
Essay - 8 pages - International relations
"If I had to sum up the objective of this presidency in one sentence, I would say that we must move from a Europe of cooperation within our borders to a powerful Europe in the world, fully sovereign, free of its choices and master of its destiny." In a press conference on December 9, 2021, the...
The Institutional Structure: The European Balance of Powers
Course material - 7 pages - European law
The European community created particular institutions, which were quite different from the usual skims of the separation of powers. In the traditional system of separation of powers, more or less separation is between executive, legislative and judicial power.
Does culture need to be protected from the effects of globalization? An essay with the French example
Thesis - 25 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Today the word « Globalization » is on everybody's lips. From the company who goes abroad because of cheaper costs to the junky food that we like to eat, Globalization seems to be the perfect scapegoat for every international phenomenon. Globalization seems to be THE trendy word that...
International Finance and Investment-The Greece Debt Crisis
Case study - 21 pages - Educational studies
Human fallibility ripped off Greece the dignity accorded to its rich history as the economy has been marred with endless conflicts, whose effects spreads beyond its national frontiers. The events revealing themselves in the Greece economy have caught the entire Eurozone in denials and bargains of...
Why has the historical development of the EU been so uneven? published in 2007
Essay - 4 pages - Modern history
On the 28th of March 2001, Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister made an interesting declaration: 'Europe is more than a market. It stands for a model of society that has grown historically.' . This statement refers to the development of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in...
In spite of its record of failure the EU continues to try to develop a common foreign policy. Why?
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
The European Union is often described as an economical giant but political pigmy . The Union is indeed the first commercial power in the world, but its political representation on the global stage is weak. From many points of view, the former attempts to develop a common foreign...
To what extent can the Spanish model of citizenship be used for the European Union? Examine the rights and duties of the citizen under the Spanish Constitution as well as the conciliation of various regional aspirations and feelings. In what way is this
Essay - 5 pages - Constitutional law
According to many commentators and journalists, the European Union would be challenged by some crisis, each of them having different natures: for instance, European regions, whereas they could be a good complement for European governance, are increasingly perceived as a threat for the European...
European union and regulation of the peace process in the Middle East since 1991
Essay - 10 pages - International relations
Launched with the Madrid Conference in 1991, the israeli-Palestinian peace process led to the historical handshake between Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres at the White House in Washington. American president Clinton, thus sealed the signature of a statement of principles, and reaffirmed the...
The new European Union members and the euro : advantages and disadvantadges of joining the euro, an assessment
Essay - 13 pages - European union
Over the last few years, twelve countries, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Cyprus, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia in 2004, and Bulgaria and Romania in 2007, joined the European Union. This came as the result of a long political process, followed by the fall of the...
The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins
Essay - 22 pages - European union
2007, the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of the European Union toward a better...
"Britain for and against Europe", by David Baker & David Seawright
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
This study, by a group of important political thinkers, provides an analysis of the often problematic relationship between Britain and the European Union. The book opens with a general review of the history of this relationship since 1950. This is followed by ten chapters by other researchers,...
The European Union
Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - European union
The European Union, which formed under this name in 1992, currently consists of 25 nations and covers much of Western Europe. The European Union is an enormous organization that was initially created to maintain peace and security between European states through various political and economic...
"Dancing with Dogma. Britain under Thatcherism" by Ian Gilmour
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
The document under study here is extracted from Dancing with Dogma. Britain under Thatcherism, a book by Ian Gilmour, a Scottish leading figure on the liberal, or "wet", left-wing of the Conservative party, essentially under the governments of Heath and Thatcher. The piece of writing concentrates...
How convincing is the argument that the twin process of European integration and globalisation has contributed to a large extent to the rise of regionalist parties?
Essay - 12 pages - European union
In this document we will first understand the concept of regionalist parties. Then, we will critically examine the elements that contribute the correlation between the rise of those parties and the constitution of supranational entities in a globalized economy. We will observe the reasons why...
Pros and cons for the UK to join the Single currency
Essay - 4 pages - Economy general
For many people, in favour of the EMU and the sceptics of EMU alike, the single currency points is inescapably part of the political union. Looking at past history, monetary unions linking independent states of dissimilar size and power (like that of Belgium and Luxembourg today) have not been...
The European union's development policy toward Africa
Essay - 5 pages - European union
On December 8th and 9th 2007 the summit of African and European leaders has hold in Lisbon. It is the second ever Summit between heads of states and governments from EU and Africa after the Cairo Summit in 2000. The 52 countries of the African Union, the 27 European member states, and the...
Energy choices in Europe: the case of electricity
Essay - 14 pages - Economy general
Energy is a vital element for the economy as a whole as every sector demands its usage constantly. It is not an end-product by itself, but a pre-requisite for most of the economic activities. A sudden increase in energy prices or a disruption of supply can entail heavy economic repercussions. An...
Internationalization with a concrete example of the IKEA group
Case study - 70 pages - Finance
In specialty marketing and strategy management, in order to acquire the basic knowledge necessary for any manager, we studied the strategic concepts and phases of internationalization of a large group of Sweden: IKEA. Thus, by using personal research and theoretical concepts seen in class, we...
The European Union's Policy in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries: Towards an Effective Democratisation?
Essay - 7 pages - European union
Since 1992, the European Community has included in all its agreements with third countries a clause defining respect for human rights and democracy as essential elements' in the EU's relationship. This clause is unique in bilateral agreements. This approach has been further...
A history of the UE: Robert Schuman
Essay - 4 pages - European union
On May 9th, 1950, Robert Schuman, a French statesman and visionary European, gave a speech soon to be known as the Schuman Declaration. This event determined Europe's future and is considered as the birth of actual functional European integration; a Europe Day is even...
The Euro and the Recent Economic Crisis
Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general
In 1960, the European Economic Community (EEC) decided to establish a single currency for all the nations that are a part of it. The Barre Plan embodied the same idea in 1969 and the Werner Plan wanted to establish the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) of Europe in 1970. The idea of a single...
A closer examination of the phenomenon of globalization and its affect on India
Tutorials/exercises - 117 pages - Economy general
The term "globalization" has acquired considerable emotive force. Some view it as a process that is beneficiala key to future world economic developmentand also inevitable and irreversible. Others regard it with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and...
Greece - Economic, Social issues and Migration crisis
Essay - 5 pages - Foreign markets
Greece is a country located in the South East of Europe. It is a member of the European Union and its population is about 10.75 million inhabitants. It's a member of the EU since 1981 and joined the Eurozone in 2001. In the past few years, Greece experienced an economic crisis, social issues...
"Why has the common foreign and security policy been so much more difficult to organise than economic cooperation?"
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
One of the most important discussions in the modern-day European Union concerns the lack of effectiveness of common foreign and security policy. As the Union moves towards integration, creating such a policy has become one of its most pressing concerns. I shall consider this question in detail...
Was there a Thatcher revolution (1979-1990) ?
Course material - 3 pages - Modern history
Britain's situation in 1979 : had been ruled by consensual politics effectively since 1945, with cross-party agreement on the welfare state. It was relatively prosperous in 1950-1960s, yet the 1970s saw Britain face economic and social difficulties, the "Winter of discontent." Thatcher was...
The European Union and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Essay - 8 pages - European union
With the recent election of Mahmud Abbas as chairman of the Palestinian Authority and Ariel Sharon's plan to withdraw Israeli troops and settlers from the Gaza strip, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians appears to be at a crossroads, after years of severe strain on the so-called...
The Global War on terrorism and the effects in the Euro-american relations: Causes, consequences, solutions
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
Terrorism has become the most important threat regarding international stability in the 21st century. Though the Euro Atlantic community considers that it is of the utmost importance to eradicate it, it is not able to set up a common strategy. Since the war in Iraq, the Bush administration has...