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Theme : Lisbon treaty

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15 Jan 2009

The European union's development policy toward Africa

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On December 8th and 9th 2007 the summit of African and European leaders has hold in Lisbon. It is the second ever Summit between heads of states and governments from EU and Africa after the Cairo Summit in 2000. The 52 countries of the African Union, the 27 European member states, and the...

31 Jul 2014

Judicial review of EU Law - EU liability

Case study - 6 pages - Educational studies

The synchronization in Bergaderm of the conditions applicable for the liability of the European Union with those suitable for Member State liability has arguably led to a situation in which the framework of Union liability has been out of step with the principles of liability prevalent in the...

22 Jan 2024

What are the main obstacles to the EU being considered a major global actor?

Essay - 8 pages - International relations

"If I had to sum up the objective of this presidency in one sentence, I would say that we must move from a Europe of cooperation within our borders to a powerful Europe in the world, fully sovereign, free of its choices and master of its destiny." In a press conference on December 9, 2021, the...

15 Jan 2009

Gender equality and employment in the European Union

Essay - 29 pages - European union

Gender equality is among the fundamental principles and the common values of the European Union. In the 2nd Article of the Treaty of the European Community, it is even mentioned as a “task” to perform for the Community, and again in Article 3(2) TEC. But two questions already...

12 Sep 2011

Which extension is possible for Europe and and with what consequences?

Thesis - 18 pages - Economy general

"A day will come when all the nations of the continent will merge strictly in a superior unity and will constitute the European brotherhood" it will have been necessary more than a century so that this premonitory speech of Victor Hugo pronounced in 1849, pass from utopia to the reality. The...

20 Feb 2013

North Atlantic Pact (NATO)

Case study - 7 pages - Political science

April 4, 1949 witnessed the signing of the Treaty of the North Atlantic (or Atlantic Pact) thus marking the birth of the NATO military alliance between the United States, Canada and 10 European countries: France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark,...

31 Dec 2024

Jean-Claude Junker's vision for the European Union: the first steps towards federal integration?

Essay - 8 pages - European union

In his 2017 White Paper, Jean-Claude Junker, president of the European Commission, proposes five possible scenarios concerning the European Union's future after Britain's definite departure in 2019. These scenarios range from "nothing but the single market" -- where the Union is...

16 Jan 2009

The Cecchini report - 20 years later

Essay - 4 pages - Modern history

With the Maastricht Treaty, in 1992, the European Community will now be a single market composed of twelve countries, with no more barriers between them. This change was of course studied and analyzed before coming into force. The European Commission, in 1986, mandated Mr Cecchini to make...

16 Feb 2015

The introduction of apartheid in South Africa

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Effective African colonization began with the Dutch at first were very friendly relations, becoming violent later. The Dutch also called Boers found several foci of resistance as the Hottentots, Bushmen and further north the Xhosa (were farmers, practiced animal husbandry, possessed large tracts...

31 Aug 2006

The party of European socialists and the identity of European social democracy

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

The question wether there is currently something that can be called the crisis of social-democracy is arguable: after all, social-democractic and socialist parties are still the counterpart of Conservatives and Christian-democrats, sharing alternaltively government responsibilities at national...

27 Jan 2011

Is the euro a success?

Essay - 13 pages - European union

Now accused of all evils (stifling exports, slowing growth, feeding speculation, etc.), the euro seems to have become everybody's favorite scapegoat. Yet it remains that this currency is a unique experience (a single currency managed jointly by several countries), and it is undeniable that the...

11 Sep 2023

Understanding Brexit

Course material - 9 pages - European union

Since 1998, there has been no physical border between Ireland and Northern Ireland = this has been a condition for peace between the two. When Brexit happens, this border will reappear, but people from both sides of the border are against it. The EU proposed a "backstop" = if the UK leaves...

21 Feb 2022

European urban policies - A summary note on the urban agenda for the EU

Summary - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. This figure is projected to increase to 80% by 2050 (United Nations, 2019). Even though Cities are home to many complex, interlinked challenges (related to climate control, energy efficiency, pollution, and many more) they...

29 Sep 2010

Should Turkey join tne european union ?

Thesis - 21 pages - International relations

In the 1960s, a community of nations like France, Germany, Italy, and the Benelux covered almost all economic sectors, introduced the future common market framework, and established common policies for agriculture, transports, international relations, and regional cohesion. The integrating...

29 Jun 2010

Environment protection initiatives by the European Union

Thesis - 7 pages - European law

Environment policy is one of the greatest social challenges faced by governments and Businesses today. This is due to the rise in awareness of the impact of the environment on public health and welfare. The need for environmental conservation gave rose to a series of Community initiatives...

17 May 2009

Should we stick to the stability and growth Pact?

Thesis - 4 pages - European union

The Stability and Growth Pact is an essential element of the European Monetary Union and has been often criticized. One of the sharpest and most violent attacks came from the President of the European Commission, which is supposed to be the watchdog of the Treaties and laws, Romano Prodi who...

02 Jan 2011

The evolution of the European Parliament and its functions

Thesis - 6 pages - Constitutional law

The European Parliament is often seen as the principal venue of democratic debate in the expression of European political awareness. Hence, it acquired its present name on March 30, 1962, after having been successively called Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (extended to...

29 Sep 2010

Primacy / Supremacy of European Community Law against Sovereignty of the Member States

Essay - 25 pages - European law

Today the European Union (EU) consists of 27 Member States; it reaches from the Atlantic coast of Western Europe all the way to the Black Sea of Eastern Europe. In the European Union, the most important and closest collaboration between the Member States happens via the European Community (EC)....

18 Jun 2010

The development of emerging markets over the past 20 years

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

In 2007, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in emerging countries was over 50% of global GDP. Today, the world is divided into four categories of countries: rich countries, those with average income and rapid growth, those with average income and slow growth, and poor countries. Emerging markets...

03 Feb 2011

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Worksheets - 3 pages - European law

It is only with the European Council acting by qualified majority and the concurrence of the President of the European Commission that the High Representative is appointed. Art 18 TEU states that the High Representative shall implement the common foreign and security policy of the Union....

09 Jul 2012

Freedom of expression and the media

Case study - 20 pages - Journalism

There is a general consent that free speech is a good thing. Countries without it are undemocratic, not protecting individual rights. Media has encouraged the exchange of ideas; social networks have helped free speech. Judges who have to decide on free speech cases will try to balance this right...

04 Jul 2012

Assessing the impact of parental marital status in relation to Irish child law: should Constitution be amended?

Case study - 10 pages - Constitutional law

“It cannot be contested that a person born outside marriage, is a human person, equal to one born within marriage” . In this statement, Justice Walsh points out the differential treatment between marital and non-marital children which is derived from the Irish Constitution. By letting...

24 Nov 2022

The application of an EIB to address environmental challenges in urban Belgium

Thesis - 96 pages - Finance

Cities face increasing environmental challenges including, but not limited to; air pollution, CO2 emissions, energy, transport and waste management. The success of Social Impact Bonds (SIB) by solving social issues in a public-private partnership has been the driver for the development of the...

21 Jan 2009

How to do Business with the Czech Republic? The case of beer markets

Thesis - 25 pages - Business strategy

Within the framework of the course “International Trade and Business Challenges”, our professor Miss Chau asked us to analyze and to develop a strategy to enter a specific sector of one of the BRIC countries and the 8+2 new EU members. In this context, we decided to tackle the beer...

29 Sep 2010

"Cracking the weasel code of politicians"- Newspeak as a form of political language manipulation

Essay - 59 pages - Management

In this thesis the phenomenon under examination is newspeak -a highly manipulative form of political language. The proposed research, conducted from the perspective of political language, attempts to account for mechanisms that govern the use of newspeak in Anglo-Saxon countries, including...

18 Nov 2010

The Schengen Information System (SIS), functions, issues and problems

Thesis - 7 pages - Computer science

The purpose of this essay is to present an overview of the main functions of the Schengen Information system (SIS), as well of the main issues and problems surrounding its use. In the first part of this essay, a description of the functions, the functioning and the architecture of the SIS will...

27 Jan 2011

The co-operation between Euro-Morrocan relations of bilateralism and regionalism

Dissertation - 39 pages - International relations

The Euro-Mediterranean cooperation has been developed through various Community policies since the 1960s. These policies have resulted in various cooperative programs. There is both a regional scope for all Mediterranean partners who comprised: Algeria, Palestinian Authority, Cyprus, Egypt,...

13 Jan 2009

Has Blair government's constructive European engagement been undermined by the Iraq war?

Thesis - 6 pages - Journalism

Britain's relationship with the European Union (EU) has been one of the most divisive issues of British politics over the last 50 years. Yet, the election of the Blair government in May 1997 intended to change this situation and marked a significant shift in the UK's European policies. Unlike his...

22 Feb 2024

Role of Education in Gender Equality: Stereotyping - published: 04/11/2023

Presentation - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

This document is a guide summarizing the main concepts to be covered in a 15-minute presentation on the role of education in gender equality.

13 Jan 2009

Has British public policy been Europeanised in the period since 1973?

Essay - 6 pages - Journalism

As Johan Olsen affirms ““Europeanization” is a fashionable but contested concept.” This term indeed occupies a lot of space in all studies about the European Union and more specifically about the domestic changes incurred by the member states through the dynamics of European...