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Theme : Lisbon treaty

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26 Jul 2010

The tourist potential of Portugal

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Portugal is a very charming and welcoming country. It stretches along the Atlantic coast and has beautiful beaches and historic towns especially in the region of the Algarve. The country has maintained its hinterland, with its wild life and beautiful landscapes. Portuguese culture and its ancient...

24 Oct 2011

European integration process and its influence for business: Case of Danone

Thesis - 18 pages - Business strategy

Within the last decades, globalization has changed the face of the world with a shift from ‘nationalism and protectionism' to the idea of a ‘global village'. A new world economic order emerged and the regional and multinational trade agreements and free trade areas played a key role in...

08 Dec 2023

What Consequences did the Treaty of Trianon have on Hungary?

Essay - 4 pages - International law

After 4 years of war between 1914 and 1918, the Allies marked their victory by signing different treaties, like the Treaty of Trianon. Indeed, this treaty was signed on the fourth of June 1920 in Versailles by, on the one hand, most of the Allies (the UK, France, the USA, Italy, the...

16 Jan 2009

The two equality directives of 2000: False-twins

Essay - 22 pages - European union

2007, the “European Year of Equal Opportunities for All” in the European Union ended a few months ago, stressing on the question of the current anti-discrimination law in the Union. This initiative of the Commission took place in a general movement of the European Union toward a better...

06 Dec 2010

The status of Caspian 15 years after the fall of the USSR

Thesis - 27 pages - International relations

Until 1991, when the Soviet Union ended, the Caspian was controlled by two States, the USSR and, to a more limited extent, Iran. The dissolution of the USSR and the emergence of three new coastal states have changed this balance. The Caspian Sea is now acquiring an international dimension....

30 Jul 2022

The European Union and its International Role - Towards a European Federation? (From the European Conference in The Hague to the Rome Treaties, 1948-1957)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

Already during the war, many Resistance groups asked themselves how to stop the cycle of recurring European wars. After 1945, many groups and associations suggested going back to the European ideas of the 20s, which included the concept of a European Union (Briand Plan of 1930). They stressed...

08 Feb 2011

The financial crisis: The need for a new system

Dissertation - 54 pages - Economy general

This thesis is about our (the world's) monetary and financial system. It starts by focusing on monetary creation, which is the basis of our financial system. After defining the monetary creation process, it is about its control, which has been transferred from the States to the Central Banks and...

01 Apr 2008

The story of how Greek Nationalism followed the Greek Immigrants to the United States

Tutorials/exercises - 14 pages - Arts and art history

By the eve of the Greco-Turkish War of 1922, every Greek in the world understood and felt what the ‘Megali Idea' meant. Under the leadership of Eleftherios Venizelos, Greece was on the verge of fulfilling Megali Idea in recreating a modern Byzantine Empire. But what exactly does Megali Idea...

17 Oct 2014

Can we consider corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mean of recognition for multinational company?

Case study - 70 pages - Business strategy

Ethics has been a very important subject for thinkers since ancient times. The definition of ethics, a reflection on the reasons for desiring justice and harmony and how to achieve these, will be a valuable aid in the development of this thesis. It establishes the criteria for acting freely in a...

15 Jan 2009

Europeanization of politics and society: Domestic change and the question of a European Social Model

Essay - 5 pages - European union

Europeanization is an elusive concept because of the variety of meanings it refers to. Scholars such as Featherstone (2003, 6-12) often distinguish several usages according to various outcomes of European change, for instance the emergence of new forms of governance or the process of national...

23 Nov 2010

The Reorganization of the European Aviation Market in the past twenty years

Thesis - 52 pages - Business strategy

Discussions about the aviation market are recurrent in the press and the media. It is true that this sector is experiencing many changes. So we took the opportunity to study this subject in more detail when we proposed to analyze it. Today, globalization and competition have become critical...

16 Jan 2009

United Kingdom: In and out of Europe

Essay - 10 pages - Journalism

The United Kingdom has always been in and out of Europe. Such posturing is in keeping with a series of mantras [religious beliefs] upon which Britain's policy towards Europe is predicated. The latter have never been really challenged in the last century. Britain's Europe is a paradoxical...

19 Nov 2010

EU and the 21st century challenges: Energy and environment

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

Stavros Dimas, Commissioner for Environment opined that though in recent times, Europe has made considerable progress in cleaning the air that we breathe; air pollution remains a serious problem and continues to damage our health and the environment. The results of a poll published in March,...

29 Jun 2010

The history of the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria (1260-1517)

Thesis - 7 pages - Medieval history

For nearly 300 years the Mamluks were one of the greatest powers of the Middle Eastern Muslim World. They achieved the status of the strongest dynasty after having served as slaves for the Sultans before them. They emerged from their subservience to rule over Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Hejaz...

30 Jul 2022

Towards a European Confederation? From de Gaulle's Return to Power to the Milan European Summit (1958-1985)

Course material - 6 pages - Modern history

After the failure of the federal concept and the more prudent approach of the Rome Treaties, for about 30 years, the European Economic Community (EEC) seemed to develop more along the concept of a European Confederation, not a Federation, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, Robert Schuman or...

10 Dec 2023

5 questions on effective communication

Case study - 5 pages - Communication

This document aswers the following questions : 1. You are asked to provide a communication plan to discourage online shopping. What would be the key elements and structure of your plan. 2. You are asked to provide a communication plan to generate interest and support for the European Union in...

04 Aug 2022

EU relations in the wake of the 21st century

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

Eastern and Western Europe were separated in the aftermath of the Second World War by their rapprochement with one of the two great victorious powers, the USSR and the United States. Rebuild = European countries reduced their military budgets and thus find themselves at a disadvantage in the face...

31 Jul 2022

The Possible Geopolitical Consequences of Further Enlargements of the EU

Course material - 6 pages - Political science

The big enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the last one in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania have been greeted with skepticism or even hostile reactions in large sectors of European public opinion. This situation, which probably contributed to the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in France...

16 Jun 2022

The European employment strategy

Dissertation - 7 pages - European union

Over the last ten years, employment has remained the top concern of Europeans, including new EU members. In fact, due to the lack of change in each national level, EU citizens have grown to trust the European Union more than their own governments to improve their country's employment...

12 Dec 2023

The Impact of the Barcelona Traction Case on Shareholder Protection under International Law or The Diplomatic Protection of Companies and Shareholders

Thesis - 27 pages - International law

This research paper has been written by Mr Éric J. CHICATE-LAURENT, a student at University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. The Barcelona Traction judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 5th 1970, considerably shaped the protection of foreign investors. Indeed, this...

29 Sep 2010

The Lisbon Strategy and the economic integration

Essay - 4 pages - European union

On the 23rd and the 24th of March 2000, the European Council settled major goals for the next decade hoping that the European Union will ‘become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater...

15 Jan 2009

Is the Lisbon strategy an unattainable project?

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the European Union Heads of States and Governments met at the European council of Lisbon. This statement was the basis to what is called the “Lisbon strategy” or “Lisbon process/agenda”, a politic but mostly economic development plan for the...

10 Jan 2011

The Treaty of Utrecht (1713)

Thesis - 5 pages - Modern history

This text is an excerpt from the Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed in Utrecht on 11 April 1713 between France and Great Britain. This treaty precedes that of July 13, 1713 of the agreement between Great Britain and Spain. After fourteen months of arduous negotiations...

01 Aug 2022

Towards a Federation of Nation-States? - From the Milan summit to the Nice one (1985-2000)

Course material - 7 pages - Modern history

To try to describe the aim of the European Construction at the beginning of the 90ies, Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995, invented the concept of a Federation of Nation-States. An oxymoron? What does national sovereignty become in such a system? But still it...

09 Feb 2024

How and why is International Law Binding on States?

Essay - 3 pages - International law

While the legal nature of the subject itself has been often discussed and debated, it is generally considered that international law has legal value, notably because of its binding effect. Indeed, international law is binding on states, with obligations based on both moral and formal reasons....

29 Sep 2010

The results of the "lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. what steps should be taken by the european union, and by national governments - published: 29/09/2010

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU "a new strategic...

29 Mar 2022

How could international law support a transition to renewable sources of energy?

Essay - 4 pages - International law

Climate change is an international issue. Indeed, no matter how much greenhouse gases emissions decrease in Europe, if the world does not act collectively climate change and its consequences will continue. But climate change is not only an international topic, it intersects with many...

09 Dec 2023

The Political Principle - Integration Before Federalism

Course material - 3 pages - International relations

The Chain of event method comes from a French expression created by Cohen Tanuggi, meaning "Méthode de l'engrenage." So, as Europe grows so does the pro-European feelings. The idea was that one-day people would think about a federal Europe as something quite obvious and naturally developed....

24 Mar 2010

The foreign policy implications that the treaty on the constitution of Europe signified for the EU in terms of giving it a legal personality

Thesis - 6 pages - European law

Whereas the consequences of the French and Dutch “no” to the referendums proposing the adoption of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe do not stop to rattle the European political class, the innovations it proposed are still dangling. Nonetheless, some major points...

20 Apr 2007

The results of the "Lisbon agenda" - the attempt to make Europe the world's most successful knowledge-based economy - are generally thought to have been disappointing. What steps should be taken by the European Union, and by national governments

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In March 2000, the Lisbon Strategy was launched to overcome a series of weaknesses in the European economy: long-term structural unemployment, a poor employment rate, and under-development of the service sector. In an often-quoted sentence, it has therefore assigned the EU “a new...