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16 Dec 2024

New Abortion Laws in Texas

Essay - 3 pages - Civil law

Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy mainly carried out during the first seven weeks of pregnancy. Most women exhibit minimal or no effects of abortion though some may experience minor risk complications like damage to the womb, excessive bleeding, and infection of the uterus....

07 Jul 2022

Creating a business in France : laws, processes and forms

Dissertation - 3 pages - Startup, entrepreneurship

Every year, many businesses are created in France. In 2020, despite the health crisis, more than 800,000 businesses were created. That is an increase of 4% compared to 2019. However, creating a company is not as simple as that. Indeed, there are many regulations to respect. We will see in this...

05 Aug 2021

Brexit - latest agreements, consequences, related laws

Essay - 3 pages - European union

At the end of World War II, six states met to form the European Economic Community (EEC). Over the years, the EEC has become the European Union (EU) which included some other areas than the EEC did not address. In fact, the EU expanded its intervention and its application in other fields such as...

23 Sep 2016

Isaac Newton's laws of motion

Essay - 2 pages - Physics

It is amazing how each new discovery in science and technology has allowed us as a society to improve our standards of living. What is even more phenomenal is that most of these discoveries were made so far before their time, and have so much influence on the fields of study that are used today....

07 Apr 2016

UK revenge porn laws: Literature review

Essay - 5 pages - Other law subjects

Revenge porn is a type of illegal activity where a party exposes explicit images or other materials such as videos, of a person whom they had a relationship with but broke up in retaliation to the break up with the aim of hitting back at their significant others. It may also occur when hackers...

17 Apr 2015

Use of Business Terms, Statutes, and Laws to Lorax, Fictitious Story

Case study - 3 pages - Management

The story of the Lorax is a famous children's literature written by Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel), who argued that his inspiration to write the book was as a result of the fret he had as a result of having read a lot of dull things on conversations that had a lot of preaching and statistics. The...

29 Oct 2014

Death Penalty Laws

Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies

Death Penalty Laws was established back in the 18th century B.C in the reign of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, where the law was codified in 25 different nations. It was also in the 14th century BC in the Hittite Code, and in the 17th century BC in the Draconian Codes in Athens. This...

06 Jun 2014

Same Sex laws in USA

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Bowers v. Hardwick and Lawrence v. Texas are two landmark decisions of the Supreme Court of United State - made 17 years apart - that demonstrate the sea change in the attitude and outlook of the American judicial system and indeed the American life in general, towards homosexuality. In the...

13 Jan 2014

Sexual Predator Laws of Texas

Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies

Texas law defines a predatory act as “…an act directed toward individuals, including family members for the primary purpose of victimization” (CSOT, 2007). Under the Texas Sexually Violent Predator Act, the State has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the...

02 Sep 2014

Global litigation and conflict of laws

Case study - 5 pages - Other law subjects

As clarified in the Tatry case, “It should be noted at the outset that the English version […] does not expressly distinguish between the concepts of ‘object' and ‘cause' of action. That language version must however be construed in the same manner as the majority of the other...

17 May 2013

Aquinas Distinction; Divine and Human Laws

Case study - 2 pages - Philosophy

Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic priest of the Dominic Order who lived during the medieval era. He was one of the most influential early Church Fathers and Doctors of the Catholic Church, and became very important figure as one of the greatest theologians and philosophers to live in that period....

22 Feb 2013

Information systems management: Employment laws

Case study - 4 pages - Management

Making slave trade illegal, in the R v Knowles, ex parte Somersett, in 1772 and the subsequent abolition of slave trade through the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, acted as impetus to the death of serfdom, which stressed on employee subordination (Summers, 1969). This lend to a new era of employee...

03 Feb 2011

The concept of privacy laws

Essay - 2 pages - Civil law

The concept of privacy rights emerged gradually. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948 stipulates, in Article 12, that "no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference of his privacy, whether it be related to family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks to his honor...

09 Aug 2010

Analysis of cases under the US constitution in relation to the laws laid by United Nations

Thesis - 8 pages - International law

Wanta B. Heard, the victim, filed a notification request form after indictment of the defendant for the crime of rape. The State and defendant worked out a plea agreement to plead guilty to second-degree assault with a one-year sentence. Heard requested to speak with the court regarding the plea....

17 Aug 2010

Sir Isaac Newton: Life, discoveries and the laws of motion

Thesis - 5 pages - Physics

Sir Isaac Newton laid the foundation of modern physics in the late seventeenth century. He described in mathematical terms, the fall and the movement of the body and defined the three fundamental laws of universal gravity. He also developed the calculus, pioneered important work in optics,...

29 Sep 2010

United Kingdom Immigration Laws, asylum laws and anti terrorism Laws

Essay - 5 pages - International law

In recent years, public attention has been focused on asylum seekers, but their numbers have fallen sharply. They are now less than 40,000 a year of whom only a quarter are given permission to stay in Britain, yet only one in five is actually removed. Meanwhile, other forms of immigration have...

12 Jan 2009

The "Memorial Laws"

Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the first part of this paper, I give an account of a recent controversy that arose in France and in which historians played a significant role. This controversy involves a number of actors: the French government, which passed the so-called “memorial laws”; the interest groups...

13 Jul 2009

Flaws in utilitarian theories of punishment

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

In law and ethics, there is a well known theory that the punishment should fit the crime. In other words, the severity of the punishment should be reasonable and proportional to the severity of the crime. This is the theory of punishment that much of the world adheres to, although the...

16 Jan 2009

Controversy around memorial laws

Essay - 12 pages - Other law subjects

A controversy recently arose in France in which historians played a significant role. This controversy involves a number of actors: The French government, which passed the so-called “memorial laws”; the interest groups that lobbied the Parliament to pass them; the historians who...

17 Aug 2009

The utilitarianism of government gaming laws in the United States

Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Other law subjects

The current U.S. ban on sports betting goes back to 1961 when the federal “wire act” made the act of transmitting bets across state lines via the telephone illegal. The only state to offer legal sports betting has been Nevada. (Delaware and Oregon also have made attempts to offer sports...

27 Dec 2009

Reviewing laws after September 11th

Thesis - 11 pages - International relations

After 9/11 attacks the law making bodies all over the world observed a tremendous alter in their playback, these changes mostly affected the legal documents for those who took down the laws imposed by the legislative bodies. In another way you can say that these changes made the...

28 Dec 2009

Laws of forgiveness

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

The factors that drive immigration control policy outcomes are plentiful as numerous scholars have attempted to explain why. Each of these offerings explain more sufficiently than others depending on the context of the outcome, whether it be countries, political systems, or types of immigration....

26 Mar 2009

Whereas the crucial importance of freedom of expression/freedom of the press cannot be in dispute, some feel that the development of the "Reynolds defence", has gone too far in relegating the role of libel laws to a position of secondary importance

Essay - 4 pages - Public liberties

In most areas where the tort law exists, the concentration is mainly with regard to the protection of personal safety against harm caused by physical interference. The tort of defamation is however concerned with protecting the claimant from harm caused by harsh words (harm caused...

16 Jan 2009

Explain and assess this statement: "It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity" Kofi Annan

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

Since 1995 and the establishment of the WTO, the quick spread of new technologies, and the increasing interdependence between countries, supporters and detractors of globalization have been arguing about whether globalization actually exists and if its effects are positives or negatives for the...

18 May 2009

National organization for the reform of Marijuana laws

Thesis - 6 pages - Civil law

Many people complain that the United States government is unresponsive to their issues. In order to assist all of the underrepresented people, and to educate legislators we have formulated many interest groups in our nation. NORML, the National Organization for the reform of marijuana...

28 Oct 2009

A study on branding with reference to laws of internet branding

Thesis - 8 pages - Business strategy

Time is money. And probably the quickest way to save time and create business, thereby generating income, is through e-commerce. But there is still a relevant question related to whether e-commerce business between consumer and the marketer would, in future, completely outplace the retail...

20 Jan 2009

The concept of non-resident on international laws

Essay - 9 pages - International law

The tax situation of each person is defined in relation to his domicile tax. According to Article 1 of the law of 29 December 1976 applicable for the first time to the income for the year 1977 and codified in section 4A of the GTC, "people who have their domicile tax in France are liable...

23 Apr 2024

The great common law and civilian law divide is a myth

Essay - 5 pages - Civil law

Common law and civil law are generally considered the two major legal traditions that developed in Western societies. Common law is based on judge-made law through precedents set in past court decisions. Civil law originated in Roman law and is codified...

21 May 2023

Legal Proceedings in Common Law Jurisdictions and Civil Law Jurisdictions

Dissertation - 4 pages - Civil law

Common law and civil law jurisdictions are often regarded as antagonist interpretation of the rule of law in modern societies. Indeed, both constitute the dominant views of law in general, as they are "often made the basis of comparative law studies". The...

13 Oct 2022

History of the Common Law System on the English Legal System

Essay - 11 pages - International law

As a direct result of the colonization by the British, many of its states naturally acquired this common law system, being the English law in globo, maintaining its primary principles, procedures, actors and modes of proof. As a consequence of this adoption and utilization of...