Project management report - Language travel to London
Internship report - 3 pages - Management
The purpose of the London Language Immersion Experience is to provide participants with a comprehensive immersion in the English language and British culture through structured language courses, cultural activities, and real-life interactive projects. The aim of the program...
Language and Me
Presentation - 4 pages - Linguistics & languages
As Michel Serres said, « Our bodies listen, shout and remember. » Without the exchange of energy and information, no organism - bacteria, algae, fungi, plants or animals - would survive. Before becoming human, communication characterizes living organisms as open systems: cells communicate with...
Presidential Proclamation for National Native American Heritage Month - Barack Obama (2016) - Does preserving one's language and traditions help to build a unified nation?
Text commentary - 2 pages - World geography
Barack Obama recognizes the role of early Americans in shaping the nation's destiny, the president emphasizes the autonomy of young American Indians and Alaska Natives to determine their own future.
The Cognitive Processes Involved in Second Language Pragmatic Performance among Chinese ESL Learners in Singapore
Dissertation - 10 pages - Linguistics & languages
The present study tries to identify the cognitive processes accountable for the second language (L2) pragmatic performance by Chinese English as a Second Language (ESL) learners in Singapore. Consequently, this research intends to identify those particular cognitive processes...
Mother Tongue in Foreign Language Classes
Dissertation - 9 pages - Linguistics & languages
Scholarly interest in the use of the mother tongue in foreign classrooms has developed considerably over the years. This has been influenced by extensive research studies which have proved that using the mother tongue enhances the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Previously, the...
Bilingual English / French Portfolio for the Certificate of Language Proficiency in Higher Education
Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Psychology
It's difficult for students to feel comfortable when they discuss mental health. It is recommended to do prevention about mental health and to discuss it in primary school. The Prime Minister promised to educate secondary school staff on mental health, to examine the health services currently...
Language: Barriers and Learning Methods
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
This document covers two main subjects: one focuses on effective language learning methods, while the other addresses language barriers.
Understanding the World Through the Study of Foreign Languages
Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Nowadays, communicating can be done in various ways. The voice, hands, body language or even texts can be effective ways of spreading a message. However, the main barrier stopping us from easily communicating with every single population is the variety of languages. It is to say...
The history of the English language
Speech - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
Today, the purpose of my conference is to present you the history of the English language and its evolution, and I will conclude with the impacts of this language in the world nowadays. So first of all, English was born circa the fifth century, when The Romans (who spoke Latin) left...
Theory of Speech, language - Noam Chomsky
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
While Noam Chomsky is perhaps better known for his liberal political views and philosophies which support a variety of social causes, such as helping the poor, condemning wars, violence, and poverty, he is also a world renowned linguist. Chomsky has developed interesting theories in speech which...
Sign language and overcoming deafness
Essay - 4 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Anybody that has traveled to a foreign country can appreciate the feelings of helplessness when no one speaks your language. We all take for granted the fact that when we want or need something, we can make strange sounds with our mouth to make it happen. However, not even the hardiest of...
Language and Literacy - Malcolm X, GloriaAnzaldúa, and Barbara Mellix
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Malcolm X, GloriaAnzaldúa, and Barbara Mellix in their writings express their understanding of the significance and power of language. They explain how language facilitates and strengthens an individual's identity and helps one view himself or herself in a new way. In her essay,...
Decolonizing the Language Garden: Narratives of Exploration and Acquisition in Jamaica Kincaid's Garden Writing
Case study - 12 pages - Literature
While acknowledging their problematic nature, postcolonial writer Jamaica Kincaid maintains a predilection for explorer narratives. Between her two most exploratory and garden-related works, My Garden (Book): and Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalayas, she refers to at least ten such narratives,...
The effects of Norman culture and language on the Saxons
Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
Change is an inevitable part of existence. Throughout history man has evolved in terms of philosophy, theology, and ideology. Sir Walter Scott provides an identification of the additional elements involved in change through his novel, Ivanhoe. Societal and linguistic changes were the result of...
Language and Cultural Identity
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
Language is the use of symbols (words) to communicate. It is the most-important cultural aspect and every culture in the world communicates with their native language (Senft, 12). Language is also a tool used by archeologist to examine past activates and provide clues about...
Language Processing
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Language can be defined as a body of words whose system of use is common to people who are either from the same nation, community, geographical region or with similar cultural tradition. Learning a new language is certainly challenging especially since it is not one's native...
Practical ways teachers can promote student communication and teaching of the world language- Burke (2010)
Case study - 3 pages - Educational studies
In order to be effective in the teaching of the world language, language teachers need to find the most effective ways that will develop not only the learners interest in the language but also competence in the usage of the L2. This is because the ultimate goal of teaching a...
Farsi Language
Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies
The purpose of writing this essay will be to examine the various varieties of English that exist in Farsi language classrooms and also to determine the type of English language pronunciation that Iranian learners are aiming for and the interference of Farsi language in...
The official language movement
Case study - 1 pages - Educational studies
Most Americans have trouble relating to Presidential candidates that are bilingual. The majority of Americans do not know another language besides English; they feel like it is the only one that is important. So when Barrack Obama was running for President it was a little surprising that...
Essay on the Vietnamese language, Quoc ngu
Case study - 5 pages - Educational studies
Right was the Vietnamese mandarin-scholar Pham Quynh on so many levels when he declared, A nation exists by means of language; when language exists, the nation cannot disappear. When, in the seventeenth century, the Vietnamese language, or quoc ngu, was first...
Language and violence: An analysis of President Bush's recent rhetoric
Case study - 7 pages - Political science
His words have influenced the way we see our roles as Americans and the way we see and respond to the violence that was perpetrated against us. To what extent are the President's speeches the persuasive rhetoric of a good leader, and to what extent are they distortions of reality? Political...
The effects of feminism in the english language
Case study - 4 pages - Linguistics & languages
During recent decades, feminist commentators have adopted a critical view of various aspects of the English language, arguing that in the English language and many sentence structures and models evolve around the male figure ( Sexist language had...
The use of figurative language in "Turtle" and "My son my executioner"
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
Although not unique to the medium, figurative language and poetry are nearly inseparable. In even the most simplistic poems, authors make heavy use of metaphors, symbols, personification, assonance, alliteration and much more to underscore the themes of their works. Two poems, written by...
Gynocriticism and 'Jane Eyre': The conflict of the female identity in language
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
When reading a novel like Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre', with both a female author and narrator, a series of implications arise by the structuring of a feminine language within the constructs of a patriarchal society, and thus, a masculine discourse; such an oppression innate to...
Cognitive psychology: Language
Essay - 4 pages - Psychology
Language is a complex cognitive function that has fascinated scientists and cognitive psychologists for years. Language is a cognitive function that all humans acquire, use, and alter over the course of a lifetime. Language acquisition begins almost immediately following...
The Presence of Language and Metaphysical Conceit in John Donne's 'The Flea' and 'The Good Morrow'
Essay - 5 pages - Literature
In her essay Poetry as Language Presentation: John Donne, Poet, Preacher, Craftsman, Anca Rosu writes, In representing, revealing or reflecting, language becomes absent, imperceptible. It can be kept present only if it is not made to reveal or reflect (Rosu,...
French language as a tool for trade facilitation in West Africa
Essay - 7 pages - Economy general
The French language is important for trade relations. In the case of ECOWAS, no study has been undertaken to establish this to facilitate trade. ECOWAS is one of the economic blocs in West Africa which was founded on May 28, 1975, in order to promote cooperation and integration among West...
The evolution of sign language through the ages
Essay - 5 pages - Sociology & social sciences
The history of language houses many fascinating subtopics that can paint a wildly intriguing picture of how communication has evolved and been promoted. In the field of linguistics, sign language is arguably one of the most complex and interesting forms of communication. Its history...
The changing English language
Thesis - 3 pages - Literature
Over the past 700 years or so, English sentences have shrunk from around 70 words per sentence in circa 1380 to around 20 words in a typical general-internet book today. An analysis of a work each from the respective periods indicates that such change in the linguistic features of the...
Dynamics and characteristics of language evolution
Thesis - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
The development of language was both supported by and supplementary to the evolution of fully modern human intelligence. Lingual evolution can be divided into its anatomical and social developments, so that there is a distinction between language as an anatomical...