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Theme : Judicial system

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29 Sep 2010

The European Court of Justice and the rule of Precedent

Case study - 5 pages - European law

The rule of precedent is the legal principle under which judges have to follow the judgments established previously by upper courts. The Latin translation of "stare decisis" gives an unequivocal definition of the concept as it means "to stand by that which is decided". Precedent underpins the...

13 Jan 2014

Probation in the United States

Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies

Karp (2002) argued that probation in the United States can be said to have originated from English criminal law during the middle ages. During these times, both adults and children were punished in the same harsh manner for crimes that were sometimes not very serious. It was common during the...

10 Jan 2011

Economy of Morocco

Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general

Morocco is a country of 29 million people with low-middle income, and gross domestic product per capita, estimated in 2001 to be 1190 U.S. dollars. Agriculture occupies an important place in the economy, with a share of GDP which has increased by about 15% over the last twenty years, and employs...

09 Jan 2009

Transition of Croatia

Essay - 20 pages - Political science

According to Linz and Stephan, five interacting areas need to be in place before a consolidated democracy can exist in a state. First, there must be a free and lively civil society. A civil society is the arena of the polity where self-organizing groups, movements and individuals can express and...

17 Apr 2015

Where Prosecutions Go erroneous - Crime and Punishment

Case study - 3 pages - Criminal law

The main mandate of the justice system is to investigate, make arrests, gather evidence, bring charges forward, conduct trials, render a sentence and carry out a punishment. The judicial system is therefore trusted to make the right judgments and to give punishments only to...

06 Sep 2013

Court management executive summary

Case study - 2 pages - Administrative law

The purpose and responsibility of court systems are important to factors of court management and the function and duties do not instinctively convert into action. However, when strategic planning and visioning are implemented into the courts, the court administrators begin to commence a...

09 Aug 2010

Social issues in the courtroom

Thesis - 2 pages - Civil law

The clash of ideologies is inevitable: someday, someone is going to disagree with what you believe in. The question remains: where does the conflict get addressed, if it ever does? Do you decide that there is no point in understanding your differences? Do you enter a quarrel of epic...

06 Jun 2014

Same Sex laws in USA

Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy

Bowers v. Hardwick and Lawrence v. Texas are two landmark decisions of the Supreme Court of United State - made 17 years apart - that demonstrate the sea change in the attitude and outlook of the American judicial system and indeed the American life in general, towards...

28 Feb 2013

Is retributive justice form of human nature?

Case study - 5 pages - Philosophy

What is the concept of human nature? This is a hard concept to define, but if I had to define this concept, human nature would be something all humans have in common with whether it is emotions, or an act, and it is natural for humans to feel or act certain way. Emotions such as anger and fear...

03 Jun 2008

The Epileptic Loophole: Self-control and the Judiciary in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

Epilepsy and the punitive system—two seemingly unrelated items that Fyodor Dostoevsky juxtaposes in order to make a point about Russia and the futility of the judiciary. In his giant oeuvre The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky exemplifies the tension between rational and irrational...

29 Sep 2009

Courts, unelected tyrants and public forums

Thesis - 7 pages - Administrative law

In 2000, during the American presidential elections, the role of the Supreme Court was highly contested. Indeed, it consists of a majority of judges appointed by republican presidents and it decided to stop counting the voices manually in contested towns in Florida and George Bush won the...

21 Jan 2009

Bulgaria: Transition towards democracy

Essay - 22 pages - Political science

Bulgaria is due for accession to the European Union in 2007. According to most international reporting mechanisms the country has reached the final stages of democracy, and is ready to proceed with accession. While on many levels, such as economically and politically, Bulgaria may have achieved...

28 Jul 2009

US courts should apply universal principle to Alien Tort cases

Thesis - 10 pages - International law

The Alien Tort Statute, also known as the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), originally appeared in Section 9 of the first Judiciary Act of 1789, which created the U.S. judicial court system. It provides that the district courts shall have original jurisdiction of any civil action by an...

09 Aug 2010

Analysis of cases under the US constitution in relation to the laws laid by United Nations

Thesis - 8 pages - International law

Wanta B. Heard, the victim, filed a notification request form after indictment of the defendant for the crime of rape. The State and defendant worked out a plea agreement to plead guilty to second-degree assault with a one-year sentence. Heard requested to speak with the court regarding the plea....

31 Jan 2014

Crime organization in Mexico and its impact on democratic institutions

Case study - 7 pages - Political science

Mexico's long road towards consolidating a democratic regime is wavering in its security due to the rampant growth and development of the organized crime in the country. As democratic institutions in Mexico have gained strength and made progress, so has the presence of organized crime in...

06 Jun 2014

Key Landmark Decisions of the United States of America Supreme Court

Case study - 4 pages - Civil law

Two landmark decisions of the United States of America Supreme Court, Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896) and Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966) have a played a key role in anchoring constitutionalism and have provided a varied interpretation of the constitution in everyday...

30 Jul 2009

Mandatory mediation - The issue

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When matters of litigation are directed by the court to be done outside of the traditional court environment the parties involved are typically already in a conflict-intense claiming process. In such an atmosphere it is not surprising that each party places great weight on the outcome of the...

01 May 2008

A Race to the Finish : A struggle for equal rights

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The United States, despite its libertarian ideals and emphasis on equality, has more than once turned its back on its own citizens. Slavery, the most bruising, shameful mark in the history of this democracy, divided the American culture even after the Civil War ended and the slaves were freed....

15 Jan 2009

Vienna Convention on consular relations

Essay - 12 pages - International relations

THE HAGUE, 10 March 2005. Today the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, delivered its Judgment in the case concerning Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v. United States of America). On 3 April 1998, the Republic of Paraguay...

20 Mar 2009

Mandatory mediation and incentives to settle

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Mediation has long been thought of as a more ideal mode of conflict resolution than when the parties involved instigate proceedings against one another. In the adversarial model, conflict-resolution is possible; however it is based largely on a concrete and relevant appraisal of the...

24 Dec 2013

Computer Forensics Laboratory and Computer Investigations Training

Case study - 10 pages - Educational studies

Computer forensics refers to the use of a computer expert program to collect, interpret, preserve, analyze and produce data from either volatile or non-volatile media storage devices. It is a branch of digital forensic science that is related to examining digital media in a forensic manner with...

29 Sep 2010

China as an innovator, not just an imitator

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

A large number of patents are granted to China in various fields (green energy, space program, 3G mobiles?) underlining the fact that the country that invented paper, gunpowder and the compass many years ago is making a come-back among the international technology inventors. China has many...

21 Mar 2009

Youth justice and sentencing in Canada

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The issue of youth justice is an important one, and especially in Canada. This is because youth in Canada commit a proportionately high percentage of the crime in our society. Youth in Canada (aged 12-18) account for 10 percent of the population, but are responsible for 20 percent of violent...

15 Jan 2009

Jürgen Habermas overemphasises the role of the public sphere in his theory of law and democracy

Essay - 7 pages - Other law subjects

Jürgen Habermas (born June 18, 1929 in Düsseldorf) is a German philosopher, political scientist and sociologist in the tradition of critical theory. His work focuses on the analysis of advanced capitalist industrial society and of democracy and the rule of law in a critical social-evolutionary...

28 Nov 2008

Political violence in flux: Changes in today's world

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Terrorism has fundamentally changed the nature of international relations as a whole. With the emergence of small, non government organizations (or NGOs) that have the capability to inflict massive amounts of damage to life and property, states as a whole now face a strong challenge to their...

06 Nov 2014

Political Regime in the USA and China

Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies

It is important to examine the legal-political environment of any country and determine how it affects the business life. In view of that, it is important to reflect on the interplay of political factors to determine which provides the preferable business environment. However, the political...

03 Mar 2011

Comparison between the capitalism of France and Germany

Dissertation - 39 pages - Economy general

France is a country located on the European continent. Its area is about 550,000 square kilometers. Its capital and largest city is Paris. It is a nation that is active on the international stage. A co-founder of the European Union, it is also a permanent member of the Security Council of UN-OECD...

20 Apr 2008

The Canadian democratic deficit

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

The last five federal elections in Canada have seen an average of voter turnout in the 60% range: a clear drop from the usual 70% seen throughout electoral history . The issue, largely ignored by Prime Minister Jean Chretien until the rise of Paul Martin, has raised the question of the existence...

12 Jan 2009

Is Islam an obstacle to democracy?

Thesis - 17 pages - Journalism

‘On my arrival in the United States the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention', Tocqueville reports in Democracy in America. Even though religion cannot be considered formally as a part of the American political system, Tocqueville depicts it as...

15 Jan 2009

From Washington to Post-Washington Consensus: A Global Analysis

Essay - 9 pages - Economy general

During the 90s the Washington Consensus was the most popular economic framework used not only by Latin America but by countries all around the world. As Naim (2000) expresses, the term Washington Consensus soon acquired a life of its own, becoming a brand name known worldwide and used...