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Theme : Jane eyre

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06 Apr 2023

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë (1847) ; The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood (1985) ; Kissing the War Goodbye - Victor Jorgensen (1945) - How have British and American artists dealt with feminism in relationships through time?

Text commentary - 3 pages - Art history

We will study this through three documents. The first document is the novel "Jane Eyre", written by Charlotte Brontë and published in 1847 in London. It is a coming-of-age novel: indeed, we follow the story of Jane, a young orphan girl who lives with her aunt, Mrs. Reed, and...

16 Aug 2022

Jane Eyre and the struggle to reconcile societal expectations

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

In the Victorian era, the essential aspect of a woman's life revolved around her family's domestic sphere and the home she came from. Women from the Middle class were raised to be innocent and pure, sexually undemanding and tender and obedient and submissive. They were presented in this manner to...

10 Aug 2022

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë (1847) - How important is time in the work of Charlotte Brontë?

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

The novel was published in 1847 under the male pseudonym of Currer Bell. The historical context is the Victorian era, during which the British Empire was at its height with possessions all over the world. The literary context of the work coincides with the beginning of the Romantic movement, so...

23 Nov 2021

Jane Eyre - Franco Zeffirelli (1996) - The issue of adaptation

Artwork commentary - 18 pages - Film studies

Zeffirelli had to combine several, sometimes contradictory constraints: he had to update the text, to maintain a specific filmic transcription of the novel, and to negotiate a delicate balance between recognising the influence of the source text and the need for a specific creativity in the...

20 Jul 2011

Gynocriticism and 'Jane Eyre': The conflict of the female identity in language

Essay - 4 pages - Literature

When reading a novel like Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre', with both a female author and narrator, a series of implications arise by the structuring of a feminine language within the constructs of a patriarchal society, and thus, a masculine discourse; such an oppression...

24 Mar 2010

The relationship between Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason

Thesis - 3 pages - Literature

Through the course of the novel, Jane strives to define the concept of propriety for herself that is at odds with her natural “virulent passion.” Her impassioned outbursts are both a central struggle through her youth and an engaging facet of her more mature personality....

12 Apr 2010

Domination and submission in Jane Eyre: An essay on power play

Essay - 3 pages - Literature

In a manner of speaking, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre reinvents the concept of romance. One hardly expects a sordid tale of domination and submission from a sickly country girl, yet Bronte dabbled experimentally with the idea of feminism and power play in her hugely successful...

10 Jul 2009

Framing Jane Eyre: The mystery of St. John's letter

Thesis - 4 pages - Literature

In the final pages of Jane Eyre, one encounters a mystery more impenetrable than the madness of Jane Poole. As many have noted, Charlotte Bronte has given us a novel of character, rejecting plot as the driving force in her story. One reads Jane Eyre to watch the...

10 May 2007

Jane Eyre's Preservation of Self

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is a novel that focuses heavily on the protagonist's sense of self-respect and her insistence on remaining true to her principles and standards despite all odds. One of the most fundamental aspects of Jane's character is her refusal to sacrifice...

24 Oct 2024

Literary Representations of Gender Issues

Course material - 7 pages - Sociology & social sciences

Gender stereotypes and social expectations have persisted throughout history, and they may be seen in literature as both a reflection and a consequence of prevailing societal norms. This paper explores literary representations of gender problems, starting with naturalism and continuing through...

25 Jun 2021

Meeting the Other

Presentation - 2 pages - Philosophy

My presentation will deal with the theme meeting the other. In the major parts of literature's pieces, the characters are researched in a psychological way so that the readers recognize themselves into them and learn valuable lessons about life in general. The example of the novels...

18 Jan 2024

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin (1813) - 19th century English Society

Text commentary - 2 pages - Modern history

Society, a theme that has been the focus of many novels over the last few centuries. No novelist, however, has mastered to approach it in such a unique manner as Jane Austin. During the Regency Period in 1813, one of the most transformative eras in European History, Jane Austin...

21 Jan 2024

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (1813) - Love

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Love, a theme that has been the focus of many novels over the last few centuries. No novelist, however, has mastered to approach it in such a unique manner as Jane Austen. During the Regency Period in 1813, Jane Austen wrote and published her illustrious novel Pride and Prejudice,...

21 Jan 2024

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (1813) - Money

Text commentary - 2 pages - Literature

Money, a theme that had been the focus of many novels over the last few centuries. No novelist, however, has mastered to approach it in such a unique manner as Jane Austen. During the Regency period, when wealth and status defined relationships, Jane Austen wrote and published her...

22 Apr 2022

Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen (1817)

Book review - 2 pages - Literature

Northanger Abbey is one Jane Austen's books, which was first published in 1817, three years after Pride and Prejudice, her best-known novel, and also the year she died. Jane Austen might be one of the most popular writers of her time and is still world-renowned to this day....

03 Jun 2013

Lexicology: Base-enriching word building processes

Case study - 25 pages - Literature

This chapter describes the processes through which words ‘enrich' or expand their stem or base so as to produce new words to unfold new meanings and uses (seen from the grammatical perspective). These new patterns resulting from the various types of associations are the most numerous at the...

28 May 2009

Victorian Gothic literature

Thesis - 5 pages - Literature

All was dark and silent, the black shadows thrown by the moonlight seeming full of a silent mystery of their own. Not a thing seemed to be stirring, but all to be grim and fixed as death or fate; so that a thin streak of white mist, that crept with almost imperceptible slowness across the grass...

13 Jan 2009

Eros in fantasy

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Our study of Eros in fantasy will be based on seven short stories (A. Bierce's The Death of Halpin Frayser, Ch. Dickens's The Signalman, Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil, P. Highsmith's The Snail-Watcher, H. P. Lovecraft's The Festival, R. Matheson's Born of Man...

28 Jul 2020

Pride and Prejudice, Volume II, Chapter 3 - Jane Austen (1813)

Essay - 2 pages - Literature

This fragment is located in the third chapter of the second volume of the book. This chapter is showing that Elizabeth Bennet has been rejected by Mr Collins, cousin of the Bennet sisters and the heir to their properties. Its principal function is to show us that this rejection has touched her...

02 Jan 2013

Christians in the entertainment industry

Case study - 4 pages - Film studies

As an aspiring filmmaker, it would seem that I'm on my way to entering an industry that isn't exactly brimming with Christian values. The film industry, along with the rest of the entertainment industry (music, theater, advertising, etc.), tends to be more interested in what makes money than...

15 Jan 2009

How is the traditional notion of subject challenged in "Boating for Beginners?" (Jeanette Winterson)?

Essay - 6 pages - Literature

Boating for Beginners is the second novel published by Jeanette Winterson in 1985. It deals with the growing up of Gloria Munde, who seeks her way in the world. The resemblance between Gloria Munde and Jeanette Winterson is striking and some elements of Gloria's life echo Jeanette's: both...

19 Jun 2008

Critical Analysis of "Goblin Market"

Essay - 7 pages - Literature

Sylvia Plath once said, “The blood jet is poetry, and there is no stopping it.” This was true for many poets, and especially true for Christina Rossetti. Rossetti had poetry in her blood, art in her veins. When she first wrote “Goblin Market” in 1859, some critics...

19 Jan 2015

Sociology - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Jane Addams

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Sociology is terminology that was brought by a Philosopher from French by the name Augusta Comte (1798-1857). He is well recalled as father of sociology and he used the term first in his work “positive philosophy. Other proponent of sociology includes Karl Marx (1818-1883) who joined hands...

05 Aug 2009

Living the dream: Social climbers during Georgian England

Case study - 6 pages - Medieval history

Throughout all of history there has been a desire for status. Both men and women have set out to achieve it. However, because of the constraints placed on women through most of history, their aspiration and realization of status has been tainted. The Georgian era (1714- 1830) during British...

29 Nov 2021

To what extent has women's empowerment evolved throughout the years?

Essay - 2 pages - Sociology & social sciences

The word empowerment refers to the process of giving authority or power to someone. Empowerment allows repressed people or minorities to become stronger and independent and permits the claim of their rights. For one to be empowered, they must come from a position of disempowerment. What has...

04 Aug 2021

In what way storytelling helped shape feminism in our current society?

Essay - 3 pages - Philosophy

I choose the notion of the Idea of Progress. To illustrate this notion, I decided to talk about the idea of progress in feminism. Before I start, I'd like to give a quick definition of the notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. As a...

23 Oct 2024

Motion for Summary Judgment

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Civil law

The plaintiff, Jane Doe, stands before this honorable court with unwavering resolve, embodying the essence of perseverance and steadfastness. Beyond a mere request for clarification, Jane Doe ardently seeks the steadfast execution and uncompromising implementation of Rule...

27 Nov 2013

Jane Austen on historical issues

Case study - 2 pages - Literature

Jane Austen has been accused in the literary world of neglecting to write on any important events or issues. However, there have lately been quite a few studies that argue otherwise. In fact, many would argue that Austen's genius stems from her style of addressing these issues in a subtle...

07 Jul 2008

Life and history of Jane Adams

Essay - 6 pages - Modern history

Introduction Throughout the course of history, there have been numerous female leaders that have demonstrated their strength and courage to the world. While many of these leaders have been written about in the annals of history, some have left a timeless impression on society, such that their...

12 Jun 2008

An examination of the Philosophy of Pragmatism as applied by Jane Addams

Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy

Researchers examining the life of Jane Addams argue that she was “the leader and prophet of the settlement movement in America.” While Addams is best known for her creation of Hull House in Chicago's urban center, her work, ideologies and philosophy continue to transcend social...