Feminism in France and in the United States of America: A comparison
Thesis - 14 pages - Philosophy
This comparative study arouses already some stakes to this first word. How do we define feminism in a strict way that is stripped of any subjectivity? To define this controversial word appears not only useful but also a necessary starting point to this essay. According to Le Petit Robert,...
Real-World relevance of fantastic creation: An examination of "High Fantasy" and the goals of literal and historical writing.
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Literature
For the most part, fantastic or otherwise impossible methods of storytelling are ignored in the world of modern and classical literature. In order to accurately appreciate the quandary of the modern Fantasy author, one must be aware of the commonplace practice of division and...
Profession in Dentistry
Thesis - 5 pages - Medical studies
What do you want to be when you grow up? I've been asked this question many times since I was young. My reply was always rapid and quick from a teacher to a nurse to a tattoo artist. My answer changed as frequently as I changed my socks. This question, however, has slowly formulated to...
Building strong civil societies in Eastern Europe after the fall of communism: Poland, Romania, and the importance of pre-existing social roots
Case study - 6 pages - International relations
Throughout Eastern Europe, embryonic civil societies have demonstrated in various ways but with the same result their crucial role in the advent of democracy in the early 1990s : within a few years, Eastern European communist governments were forced to cede power and undertake democratic reforms...
The Urban Organic: Ecocities in Global Perspective
Essay - 11 pages - International relations
At every turn, the global city is faced with a set of challenges. How to compete cooperatively, how to expand stably, how to modernize peacefullythese and other contradictions check the unbridled enthusiasm of neoliberal planners, who have transformed Saskia Sassen's global city model from...
In every mind, women have more chances to suffer from mental illness. Hence, discuss the notion of normativity within the issue of mental health care
Essay - 6 pages - Psychology
In all societies, women have always been perceived as, physically but also mentally weaker than men. For a very long period, and even today in some parts of the world, women have not been considered as rational as men, but were rather seen as a permanently subversive force within the...
An evaluation of the role played by the early Tudors in the growth of England as a super power
Thesis - 12 pages - Ancient history
The Tudor period in English history refers to the period between 1485 C.E. and 1603 C.E. that coincides with the rule of the Tudor dynasty. The five monarchs who ruled England during this period were Henry VII (1485 C.E. to 1509 C.E.), Henry VIII (1509 C.E. to 1547 C.E.), Edward VI (1547 C.E. to...
Unger's Views on Skepticism and Certainty
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
Peter Unger applies a unique approach to skepticism. In his essay, An Argument for Skepticism, he endorses the concept by insisting that if one is not a skeptic, he/she must be (more or less) dogmatic. The way in which he supports this is by attempting to prove that nobody ever...
The dependencia Theory And Its Impact on Latin America
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
Latin America is one of the most troubled and interesting areas of the world. It has constantly been plagued by political, economic, and social hardships. For years outsiders have looked at Latin America and pondered why this region has not developed normally; in other words, like the...
Eros in fantasy
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Our study of Eros in fantasy will be based on seven short stories (A. Bierce's The Death of Halpin Frayser, Ch. Dickens's The Signalman, Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil, P. Highsmith's The Snail-Watcher, H. P. Lovecraft's The Festival, R. Matheson's Born of Man...
Lebanon's fragility: The case of the Civil War 1975-1990
Essay - 7 pages - Modern history
The states of the Arab East have always experienced challenging political and social issues mainly inherited from their creation by Great Powers after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Indeed, the Western organizational model of the time, i.e. nation-state, poorly fitted the regional realities....
The Annex: A history of how it came to be
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Toronto is a vibrant city, one that is comprised of very diverse neighborhoods and localized histories. Each specific neighborhood in the city is a product of a unique history and unique circumstances that helped shape the form it takes today. One such neighborhood is the Annex. The Annex is a...
American Beauty: Film analysis
Thesis - 3 pages - Film studies
I believe that we enjoy watching movies because for a brief moment in time we can escape from reality and be transported to different places and live vicariously through the characters depicted in the film. American Beauty is the story of the last year of Lester Burnham's life and the choices he...
The hand that files the cradle (on Form 1040) A proposal to emulate paid parental leave through the tax code
Case study - 20 pages - Educational studies
Sarah O. had no paid maternity leave from her college teaching jobs after her first two children were born. She had only about three weeks off, once from a semester break and once by arranging for a substitute. She could not afford to take the unpaid leave to which she was entitled with her...
Ways couples can seek to reduce taxation liabilities on investments and savings
Case study - 5 pages - Finance
The need for financial security and independence are a predominant concern for most citizens globally. In its very definition the ability to earn and willfully spend one's income is at the core of maturity as defined by social norms. This is also the case for governments and institutions. So the...
Gold and silver in Dante's Inferno
Thesis - 2 pages - Arts and art history
When one examines the yellow and green partial chasuble on display at the Baltimore Museum of Art, with its silk, velvet, and gold-encased threads, one understands more vividly the critiques of Church opulence that Dante articulates in the Inferno. Dante was certainly not the first to point to...
Strategies of internationalization
Course material - 31 pages - Business strategy
Internationalization is generally defined as the intrusion of business into foreign markets and different economic geographies. This international presence can take many forms and be realized by several possible strategies. Indeed, if the internationalization of enterprises is unavoidable in most...
Re-presenting Galileo: Creative responses to Sidereus Nuncius in the seventeenth century
Case study - 8 pages - Literature
The last gasps of the sixteenth century and the first breaths of the seventeenth brought an explosion in the scientific observation and subsequent discoveries of the heavens. In 1609, the Englishman Thomas Harriot became the first man to map the Moon based on observations from a telescope;...
Pride and prejudice - Joe Wright (2005) - To what extent do the male characters' actions serve to characterise their personalities?
Essay - 1 pages - Linguistics & languages
This document analyzes the difference in the male characters' personalities in the movie Pride and Prejudice. It aims at providing a presentation of the characters that is out of the box.
Poverty Justification
Essay - 3 pages - Sociology & social sciences
Poverty is a persistent and intricate problem that has affected billions of people worldwide. The key to any effective strategy for fighting poverty is to look behind the surface of poverty and find out whether the reasons for its prevalence are mainly due to circumstances or cultural attitudes....
The conflict in Northern Ireland
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
Nowadays, the country or province of Northern Ireland is a peaceful part of Europe, and nobody coming to visit Belfast could even imagine that one of the most recent conflicts in Europe - apparently - ended there only two decades ago - even if, of course, the memories of the elder remain. After...
How did patterns of courtship and getting married differ for young women in the 1950's compared to the 1930's?
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The twentieth century has witnessed several changes in social structures and notably with the birth of youth culture, which allowed people between the state of childhood and the one of adulthood to be recognized as a full-fledged category of the society. This change in status has led to several...
"What's Love Got to Do with It"
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
The Beatles echo popular sentiment with their hit tune from the 60's, Can't buy me love. The lyrics profess that love holds more value than money or materialistic cravings. Certainly, a romantic relationship can yield substantial benefits to both participants, including companionship,...
"Gender Bending Androgynous Sexuality in Baz Luhrmann's William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet"
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
Gender and sexuality are very difficult concepts to define in our post-modern age. To begin with, the term is outdated to fit the social norms of today: attraction lies anywhere and is not confined to heterosexual love' between a man and a woman. Gay, lesbian and bi-sexual are terms used to...
Barclays versus RBS, Santander and Fortis
Essay - 9 pages - Business strategy
ABN Amro bank comes from the merger between two Dutch banks Algermene Bank Netherlands N.V. and Amsterdam Rotterdam Bank N.V. in 1991. ABN Amro's strategic focus is on consumer and commercial clients in local markets and on corporations and financial institutions in the global market. Currently...
Violence in South Africa
Essay - 13 pages - Journalism
While South Africa is one of the richest countries of Africa, why is there so much violence? 25 of the biggest African firms are South African, and its economy is the largest and the most developed on the continent. It grows by 5% every year. Yet, South Africa has a high rate of unemployment and...
Leadership and educational practice
Thesis - 4 pages - Educational studies
) In his article What is Leadership author James Ryan (2005) makes four key points. He is concerned with problems of leadership form as they relate to education. Firstly he notes there is no definite answer to the question - what is leadership. (Ryan: 22) As he writes it is a...
Political representation in American thought
Thesis - 8 pages - Political science
Modern democracies are definitely linked to the concept of representation. We do not have any democracy which operates without resorting to representative governance. This principle is solely the fact of our modern times, it seems to have been necessary every time human being tried to implement a...
What factors account for the long-lasting neglect of Women in Public Welfare Systems?
Case study - 8 pages - Educational studies
Today, in Britain's full-time workforce, there is an average 16.4 gap between women and men in their hourly rates of pay . Although it varies across work sectors, the most striking is the 55 gap in the finance sector. In total 64% of the lowest paid workers are women . A' 40 years on...
Micro shareholders: The alternative for young entrepreneurs
Thesis - 6 pages - Business strategy
More than ever, in today's highly competitive marketplace, combined with stringent bank lending requirements, it is next to impossible for a young, aspiring entrepreneur, to obtain funding for his or her business venture, especially as related to building projects. The report will detail how...