The relationship between Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason
Thesis - 3 pages - Literature
Through the course of the novel, Jane strives to define the concept of propriety for herself that is at odds with her natural virulent passion. Her impassioned outbursts are both a central struggle through her youth and an engaging facet of her more mature personality....
Motion for Summary Judgment
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Civil law
The plaintiff, Jane Doe, stands before this honorable court with unwavering resolve, embodying the essence of perseverance and steadfastness. Beyond a mere request for clarification, Jane Doe ardently seeks the steadfast execution and uncompromising implementation of Rule...
Domination and submission in Jane Eyre: An essay on power play
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
In a manner of speaking, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre reinvents the concept of romance. One hardly expects a sordid tale of domination and submission from a sickly country girl, yet Bronte dabbled experimentally with the idea of feminism and power play in her hugely successful first...
Jane Eyre's Preservation of Self
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is a novel that focuses heavily on the protagonist's sense of self-respect and her insistence on remaining true to her principles and standards despite all odds. One of the most fundamental aspects of Jane's character is her refusal to sacrifice her...
Life and history of Jane Adams
Essay - 6 pages - Modern history
Introduction Throughout the course of history, there have been numerous female leaders that have demonstrated their strength and courage to the world. While many of these leaders have been written about in the annals of history, some have left a timeless impression on society, such that their...
Gynocriticism and 'Jane Eyre': The conflict of the female identity in language
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
When reading a novel like Charlotte Bronte's 'Jane Eyre', with both a female author and narrator, a series of implications arise by the structuring of a feminine language within the constructs of a patriarchal society, and thus, a masculine discourse; such an oppression innate to...
Framing Jane Eyre: The mystery of St. John's letter
Thesis - 4 pages - Literature
In the final pages of Jane Eyre, one encounters a mystery more impenetrable than the madness of Jane Poole. As many have noted, Charlotte Bronte has given us a novel of character, rejecting plot as the driving force in her story. One reads Jane Eyre to watch the slow...
'The third dimension of management', Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton (1987) - foreword, chapters I and II: The grid of managerial development
Case study - 4 pages - Management
Theoreticians Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton were the first to theorize on the dynamics of organizations. The most recognized part of their work relates to the grid of managerial development, which they developed. It conceptualizes management according to the various styles of...
Are You Randy? Double Entendres as Fictional Names
Case study - 2 pages - Literature
From the Bond girls called Pussy Galore and Xenia Onatopp, to Master Bates of Dickens' Oliver Twist, there is no lack of double entendres in modern or classic fiction, and analysis shows that they fall into two distinct categories: overtly erotic and didactic. How and why each author, playwright,...
An examination of the Philosophy of Pragmatism as applied by Jane Addams
Essay - 6 pages - Philosophy
Researchers examining the life of Jane Addams argue that she was the leader and prophet of the settlement movement in America. While Addams is best known for her creation of Hull House in Chicago's urban center, her work, ideologies and philosophy continue to transcend social...
Writing Ethically: Essays of John Edgar Wideman and Jane Tompkins
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
The essays Our Time by John Edgar Wideman and Indians': Textualism, Morality and the Problem of History by Jane Tompkins are both written by people who are telling stories about experiences that are not their own. Wideman is writing about his brother Robby and all...
KLM tax system
Case study - 7 pages - Finance
A tax is a mandatory financial charge or levy that is imposed on a taxpayer by a governing authority for the purpose of acquiring resources for funding of various public expenditures. This money raised through tax collection is used to run and manage the specific jurisdiction by the provision of...
Even this simple paper is beautiful: American beauty as a philosophical primer
Thesis - 7 pages - Philosophy
An American Beauty, in the most literal of senses, refers to a breed of roses. The breed of roses first seen in the movie of the same name are most likely that breed. The appropriateness of that name is without question. The American Beauty is an aesthetically pleasing rose. It is, as the name...
Student nurse placement within a health center
Thesis - 5 pages - Educational studies
The objective of this essay is to analyze the mentor role of a pre-registration student's placement in the field of district nursing. During the essay the student's true identity will not be revealed for reasons of confidentiality and so will be called Jane. Jane was due to start a...
Corporate finance: Opening a retail music store
Thesis - 9 pages - Finance
Friends Jane and Elizabeth have decided to open up a retail music store. They will open up a store in a large shopping mall, purchase CDs from the large music distributors, and resell them to the public. Their first decision is to determine if they can profit from this venture, therefore...
"Physiognomy in The Jungle, The Rise of Silas Lapham, The Marrow of Tradition and The Portrait of a Lady"
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
A red colored complexion signifies a fiery temperament. A yellow or green hue of the skin may hint at sickness. A square jaw means the epitome of masculinity. Authors such as Upton Sinclair, Henry James, Charles W. Chesnutt and William Dean Howells used physiognomy to relay important qualities...
Verna Kirkness
Case study - 4 pages - Educational studies
Kirkness has received varied and numerous awards for her contribution and impact to Aboriginal education for the past four decades (Castellano & Lahache, 2000). Verna Jane Kirkness was born in 1935 in Manitoba's Fisher Reserved attended the Manitoba Normal School. She graduated in 1957...
Spiders or Virgins: Portrayals of Women in the Noir Films Laura, Out of the Past, and Double Indemnity
Essay - 7 pages - Film studies
In her article Women in Film Noir Janey Place states that women characters in noir films are divided into two archetypes: the spider woman, the evil seductress who tempts man and brings about his destruction and the virgin, the mother, the innocent, the...
"Discussion about the limitations of liberal feminism with particular reference to the construction of gender and across class, race, ethnicity and religious belief
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Feminist ideas and feminist politics have emerged because of the fact that in nearly all societies which divide the sexes into differing cultural, economic or political spheres, women are less valued than men (Robert Shoemaker and Mary Vincent 1998, 36-8). The current study will focus not on the...
The life and ideals of Thomas Jefferson
Case study - 2 pages - Educational studies
Life of leaders can be marred by a lot of controversies especially when they lead a different life from what they claim to stand for. Generally, leaders are judged by their accomplishments which are mostly visible achievements. Thomas Jefferson, the third President of America, led a life of...
Operational marketing: Converse All Star and the return of a myth
Case study - 8 pages - Services marketing
Today, Converse All Star is one of the most worn shoes in the world. It is the most visible brand of shoes when one looks down slightly towards the feet of people to realize that many of them wear these shoes. This shoe is indeed very fashionable, yet it is almost a hundred years old. First, we...
Universal Science Fiction
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
According to Jane Donawerth in Frankenstein's Daughters, the only way for women to write science fiction, is for them to change the rules. This is certainly the case with Octavia Butler's Bloodchild. In Butler's Nebula award winning short story, Butler tells the tale of Gan,...
Sample resume for the pre-law/ philosophy/ languages/ literature undergraduate student
Sample resume - 1 pages - Other law subjects
JANE DOE Complete Residential Address - (555) 555-555 - EDUCATION: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York, NY (May 2008) Bachelor of Arts Philosophy minors Italian, Modern Greek and Psychology Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa UNIVERSITÀ CA' FOSCARI, Venice, Italy...
Prize Winning Design
Essay - 2 pages - Psychology
The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, directed by Jane Anderson and released in 2005, tells the true story of a mother from Defiance, Ohio who helped raise her rather large family by winning contests to earn money and necessities in absence of a steady income from her husband. Julianne Moore...
Victorian Gothic literature
Thesis - 5 pages - Literature
All was dark and silent, the black shadows thrown by the moonlight seeming full of a silent mystery of their own. Not a thing seemed to be stirring, but all to be grim and fixed as death or fate; so that a thin streak of white mist, that crept with almost imperceptible slowness across the grass...
The English renaissance - historical and cultural background
Case study - 7 pages - Literature
In 1485, Henry Tudor won the battle of Bosworth against Richard III, becoming Henry VII, the founder of one of the greatest dynasties of English history. His victory marked the end of the civil war between the noble houses of York and Lancaster known as the War of the Roses (1455-1485). To...
The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison
Essay - 8 pages - Literature
The Bluest Eye contains a number of autobiographical elements. It is set in the town where Morrison grew up (Lorain), and it is told from the point of view of a nine-year-old girl, the age Morrison would have been the year the novel takes place (1941). Like the MacTeer family, Morrison's family...
Sexuality in modern melodrama
Essay - 7 pages - Film studies
The depiction of sex and sexuality in American cinema was slow in maturing, but in the last two decades there have been a growing number of popular melodramas that depict sex as a meaningful part of a relationship. This practice distinguishes modern melodramas from the classical Hollywood type....
What is the importance of the public/private distinction in feminist theories?
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Liberalism has only one overriding aim: to secure the political conditions that are necessary for the exercise of personal freedom . This is why liberal theory has been constructed around a dichotomy between the public and the private sphere: securing individual freedom. Freedom is...
Exploration of the life experiences and beliefs of a married couple in their sixties: Identities and factors in their identity formation
Case study - 7 pages - Psychology
This study used a semi structured interview on a married couple in their sixties in order to elicit information on the concept of identity. The data gathered was analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis. Themes relating to identity were highlighted and explored using Erikson's and...